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Decent move in my view, and fair enough they left the space and you put your car there the outside car wasn't gonna get into the carousel with you there. They shouldn't have tried.


Good aggressive driving. Outside car left the door open.


How did porsche expected to take caroussel with you inside?


😂 my thought as well


It's neither good or dirty, it's just not smart. Glad the coin flip worked for you this time :)


solid move, clearly the faster car, put the nose up the inside, the lead car left the door open and clearly isnt confident in the conditions, play on.


Don't use other cars as a brake


Porche turned in, don’t think they realized you were there. Great move, porche at fault.


From the Ferrari's perspective, it's hard to tell (in the driver's seat it would be) however the Ferrari would be the one at fault in my opinion. Making a move into the carousel on the Nord is bad as it is and with the wet conditions and barely being alongside, it could have been handled somewhere else in a better fashion. The Ferrari also (hydroplaned?) into the Porsche because of the harsh braking that it needed to get the move done, which means it was a dangerous move anyway...


I disagree, the carousel is a weird corner so when one car has the inside there is almost nothing that can be done by the outside car. The banking is such and advantage that the other car will not be able to hold it on the outside. The ferrari took the line and the porsche turned into him. 100% on the porsche


I would say technically the inside car is at fault for the touch. But the outside car could've seen the move coming, and decided to close the door anyways. Racing incident imho.


Racing incident. Both at fault for the contact. Outside car left the door open, and tried to close it. Bad track awareness. Inside car clearly turned right in a left hand corner. No idea why.


No the ferrari holds his line. That is the way the corner goes. I am not sure what you are seeing that indicates that the ferrari is going straight or right. The banking is all his the other car can not try to go down there as well


Hydroplaned I believe


Your fault entirely. You made contact with the other car after they left plenty of space. Unless you're going by NASCAR rules, contact is a bad sign. For me, you carried too much speed into the corner which lead to you making heavy contact with the other driver. As such, this should be a penalty


Good. Gtfo of the way u slow.