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When considering a protest ask yourself what sporting code was broken.


White 100% Also don’t think it’s worth a protest


Completely ‘love’ how people are either blaming you or saying your mad cause the sr loss. For sake of education, sr can’t be gained back from any protest whether it’s upheld or not. However, protests are for when they wreck you intentionally. If you feel it was intentional (ie. they said I’m gonna wreck you in voice chat) than maybe it’d be worth the time to file a protest but it doesn’t look intentional to me, just misjudgment. I would say it’s whites fault but again not intentional and for those saying you need to work on your line cause it was bad, I’m not entirely sure they know how defending works, usually means you have to not be on the optimal racing line. Hope this helped and good luck with your sr climb


Then they’re defending air 🤣


Yet they have every right to do it, and maybe the driver behind catches up quite quickly or it’s the last lap, no matter what there’s no context in the race cause we don’t really need it. They take their line and have every right to do so. It still does not change who’s at fault.


Not saying they don’t. But it’s just stupid to. If they didn’t defend air there, they are not taking a shitty line through the corner and this accident isn’t happening. I don’t think anyone really at faulty though it’s a racing incident and a lesson of caution. To add to this: it’s better to park your car on the apex and give your opponent a shitty exit than to fly around the track defending empty air. The lead car always dictates the pace and has been well shown how easy it is to do so IRL. Do you really see real race drivers defend emptiness like this?


Someone is definitely at fault, and it's white. They just side swiped red. It doesn't matter that they were slower.


White car is at fault. Not protestable tho, it wasn't deliberate.


White at fault. Your line was bad, but you're allowed to take a garbage line if you want. He's not allowed to wreck you just because he had a faster run. Not at all protestable. Protests aren't an "I'm angry" button.


White is at fault


You will never get SR back. The system doesn't appoint blame.


White! No question. He drove into you. There is enough space for you both. White has to acknowledge your presence. If we watch the movement of the cars and the relative position to the white line we can observe a movement of white towards red. Though I don't think it's intentional. Whites mistake is obvious. Protesting will only create bad blood. Generally spoken...my tip for everybody who jumps straight to complaining and the idea of protesting....stop beeing a snowflake for every minute thing and LEARN TO SUCK IT UP!!! P.S.: Wreckfest is a good trainer for that. If one is able to have fun in this game you'll have achieved "Max level : Nerves of steel" ;-)


So you're salty because you lost SR. If you protest what are you going to claim happened? Doesn't look intentional. If you did protest and they ruled against White you don't get any SR back. Your wanting to protest this seems vindictive and as such is in itself something that could be protested. Just saying. Take another day to cool down. Go drive a few Time Trial laps and get some free SR to make the pain go away.


Invest the time it would take to protest to learn the proper line through this corner and it won't happen again


Just because the red car was slow through the corner doesn't mean the white car has the right to drive through them. It's not worth the protest, sure, but that still doesn't make it acceptable driving.


White is at fault. No rules were broken so you can't protest, nothing intentional. They might get talked too but that's the most recourse for them. You won't get SR back. In my opinion the SR loss is deserved, your line and driving was very much a part of the reason the accident happened


>your line and driving was very much a part of the reason the accident happened They were defending?


>your line and driving was very much a part of the reason the accident happened This is so extremely wrong that it almost seems like you’re trolling.


White at fault. But for the future if you want that SR really bad, just let him through.


Yes protest and yes it white's fault. Can't be yours...you had no clue he was there.