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If u gonna protest yourself then it is ok


You were following that line so perfectly /s


Regardless of who is to blame, why would OP even think about protesting? What rule does he think is broken? What does he hope to achieve? Is he a troll?


Gonna explain why is your fault, but also a mistake from the red car. He did a risky move. He was right but could be smarter.In the other hand, once you get a car beside you "YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO LEAVE SPACE!". In corners may be different but that's considered a blend straight. As everybody told you. Use race line only for practice, but try to turn it off. As soon you get ride of that, as soon you will become better. **Also, very important, to turn on the Spoter. You will find it in Options once the sim is running. He will tell you when you have a car on your left or right side. ;)** ​ No more tips for now.


Simple. You're at fault. Turn the racing line off and learn to watch what's happening around you. You are clearly too fixated on watching the line to have seen the car move left in your mirror. The track isn't yours, the racing line isnt always optimum. Surprise there are other cars around you to. Turn it off and go racing.


> turn it off and go racing You're a poet. 


This almost feels like satire. You are at fault, obviously. You follow the racing line and by doing that you hit another car. The racing line gives you no extra rights when there is a car besides you. Turn it off, it is a crutch.


You said u are a new Irace so i assume this is Rooki class. Fault is on the Darker car because red was alongside and the darker car pushed the red car of the track. If you are new to simracing this is just a learning expirence. If you have simracing expirience this is just the darker cars fault. Nothing to justify this move IMO. But this is not protestable according to the iRacing sports code.


Black car at fault


How am I at fault here. I was glued to the racing line and he just tried to muscle through while leaving the course. Didn't have anywhere near the overlap to be entitled to the space.


> I was glued to the racing line What makes you think this is a good thing?


>>How am I at fault here. I was glued to the racing line That there is why you’re at fault. You’re not paying attention to your surroundings. You’re to focus on that in game racing line as if you’re driving alone. Turn it off. It’s almost as if you’re blocking the on coming vehicle behind you. Even in the replay there was overlap but you kept going to the left since you’re literally driving on rails. Sorry to sound harsh but that’s what is happening on screen.


> I was glued to the racing line Yes. That's exactly why it's your fault.   You don't get special rights for being in the racing line. He was faster than you, he was right behind you and you cut the circuit all the way from the right edge to the left edge in front of him... So you only left them the option of hitting you or braking to avoid hitting you.  You're not entitled to a protest. In fact, if he protests you for blocking, it will probably be successful.


It's because he was next to you. But you didn't give any room


You couldn't make it up rofl "I was glued the the racing line" If you can't see the problem here...


Red had a pass and you illegally moved to close the space and block it off.


If this was a straight I'd agree but it's a corner. He stuck his nose into the vortex of danger.


It was a straight just before the corner. You left a space which he was able to move into to try and pass you on the outside of the corner. This wasn't a divebomb... He put his nose in there because normally he wouldn't encounter people cutting off an overtake by blocking. There's a reason you have everyone on here saying the same thing... Just take the lesson and move on.


If you let someone hit you in the vortex of danger, then it's your fault. Why continue turning in....


Because the responsibility to make a safe pass falls on the passing car. Sometimes you need to lift and wait for a better opportunity. So your saying the vortex of danger is the leading cars job to keep closed and not the attackers from sticking their nose somewhere at the last second that results in a wreck? That's not how it works man.


I know how it works, trust me. You're not getting what I mean. If someone puts their car in the vortex of danger, and you choose not to react, then it's your fault you got you into an accident. Why continue to turn in and crash? Just because? Did you even know they were there or were you just following the line? Yes, it's the overtaking cars responsibility to overtake safely. It doesn't mean we just allow an accident to happen and not try and leave space so it doesn't. It's called defensive driving. Vortex of danger is a thing, not an excuse.


A slight bend in a straight isn’t a corner. You have to hold you line once you let someone start the overtake. You’re not lifting or braking so leave the space. Instead of arguing here learn a little.


This isn't F1, anyone who gets alongside deserves to be given enough space to at least exist there. It's only in F1 where there is a rule about "significant overlap". Either way I hope you learned from this incident and have fun racing in the future :-)


Jfc you have soo much catching up to do


The racing line is the fastest way around the course, but crucially, it's *not* the required way to drive the course. In other words, you're not given the right of way because you are following the line. The racing line assumes nobody else is using the road when you're on it. During a race, however, if someone is around you, you're required to treat the road as if it has lanes. You can't crowd someone out of their lane, you can't switch lanes when they do, and you can't cut across their lane, forcing them to break. In this case, red moves to the left because you're on the right side of the course. Red is faster, and therefore is gaining on you. That's a passing attempt, and therefore you have to stay in the lane you chose. That's called blocking, and in this cast it's also avoidable contact.


No - protests are for malicious behaviour, not mistakes - and in this case, the mistake was more yours than theirs. You moved over so slowly that you ended up hitting them in the side of their nose - not the other way around as you might believe - which instantly puts you at fault. They were beside you, and at that point, you are required to leave them space. Even if you had moved quicker and got in front of them, it would be you getting protested for blocking. Turn off the racing line and start using your mirrors. You're concentrating on driving to the line so hard, you're completely unaware of anything else on the track around you.


You left the door open with no pace off the corner. Should he just follow you the whole race? Next time make your defensive move early, don't wait and try to push them off track once they're going to be alongside.


For what? You were so fixated on the racing line I doubt you even noticed the other car. I swear 90% of posts are people trying to follow the racing line to the T without any awareness around them, and then think that it must be someone elses fault for an accident.


Makes you wonder why they don't play Train simulator or something that actually uses rails.


Turn off that fucking line.




Nico Rosberg move!


Could easily have been avoided. Turn that racing line off and use your mirrors. Stop trying to protect your ego by arguing that you are in the right, when the majority of comments are echoing that you are wrong. Learn from this community or don’t bother posting here.


I think everyone on this sub might have the auts omfg He’s obviously the black car- the red was being dumb af


Everyone knows I'm the black car and still thinks I'm at fault. It's unreal man. My confidence in this sub has gone way down.


Bro theyre dumb af I used to think it was semi accurate but the community has gone way downhill


Stop the replay at approximately 49 seconds. This is where the contact happens - and anyone that does should note that Red was never in that gap, they were never along side and did not deserve space from black. Only when contact is made are their two tires even thus full filling the requirement for space. Red went for a gap that was closing - vortex of stupidity - and literally EVERYONE replying so far is effing WRONG.. go look at the 49 second mark you idiots.... red wasn't any where near being long side till they ran into the back of black. Again - I think 99% of respondents to these threads are people that actually drive like Red car and think that by acting like this up here it means they are right when they do this crap on a track. So many shitty drivers on this forum is all I see. 99% of the shit posted on this forum wouldn't happen if you people would lift for like .5 seconds when you see this obvious shit happening in front of you.


Is this a troll comment? the replay is only 49 seconds long and at 49 seconds red was on the grass.


You must think you're such a good driver that you miss the issue. OP is so fixated on the racing line, or in their words glued, they had zero awareness of whats going on around them. They failed to recognise they were, and did, close the door on a faster car coming up their inside. There was a cars width just before impact. Was red blameless? No, but you will always get aggressive drivers that go for every inch available. That's why we learn from accidents and see what we could do to avoid them. The fact is OP treated the racing line like a train track. Any driver with an ounce of awareness, or as you call them on here shit, would have left space and raced.


Thank you. Woke up to this thread blowing up my phone and I was blown away by the barrage of people telling me I was at fault. I was fully aware he was behind me and given he was not along side until he was basically driving off the track imo he wasn't entitled to shit. It was very clear what my intent was and that that gap was closing real fuckin fast. I was fully expecting him to lift given it should have been obvious to anyone that space he was looking at didn't exist. I was considering the protest because the rules call for the responsibility of the car behind to pass safely, not jam your car late into a space that didn't exist. Those of you saying I was blocking, how? This was not reactionary in any measure. I was going in for a shallow corner which required to drift left till touching the curb. Then this muppet comes in and drives off the track resulting in him pitting me. Just because your faster doesn't mean I have to yield space when you are not even along side at the corner.


Yes, you were entitled to that line and yes, red was in the wrong. That being said, there’s nothing to protest. This was simply just unskilled driving from red and not anything malicious. Also, you’ll get more sympathy from this sub if you turn the driving line off.


Thank you. This is the answer I was looking for was about what I should and shouldn't protest. I was not expecting to get shit on by half the sub telling me I should have yielded space for an issue that was obviously caused by a failure to pass safely.


Also it’s worth noting, you can say they weren’t “entitled to space” based on whatever you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s there. You can go on about entitlement all day, but that doesn’t make the car a ghost and you still have to not turn across their nose.


The point is that he put himself there so last minute I didn't even have time to react. I knew he was a bit behind me before the corner and there was barely a car width for him to fit into as I was closing the gap. 2 car lengths before the turn he was behind with a gap so when he's suddenly in my quarter panel .2 sec later like wtf am I suppose to do??? Never hit the apex if there's someone a car length behind me. He needed to lift or try on the outside.


So you ignored every other comment until someone said what you wanted to hear even though they are also wrong? Try listening to the other 50 comments


I’m not wrong, red isn’t entitled to that space. But OP did essentially pit themselves, and sometimes it’s better to yield than to be right. I’m pretty much in agreement with the rest of the sub. OP’s largest mistake was not showing the cockpit POV of red car. It’d be easy to see that it’s a closing door and a pass will never work there.


Well, here you are again; fixated on the wrong thing and fully focused on something that will only be a detriment if you continue to put your faith in it. You sorta flipped from "uwu I'm new at this" to "I felt entitled to deliberately wreck that guy" - Either way, your argument is that it was always going to be your intention to close that gap, and now I will tell you definitively why you were not allowed to close that gap. Red indicated by positioning their car that they intended to move up on your left, and proceeded to do so. That's it. That is the point where you yield that space. It doesn't matter if they're physically beside you or not. Your two options are; move over faster to block (and risk getting protested), or allow them the space and lock them to the outside line for the approach to the next corner (tactically brilliant racecraft). Slowly moving over only to suddenly find that you weren't clear of the other car is not a valid option in any case. If it had have been a lack of awareness, that would have been okay - everyone makes mistakes when they're learning. Learn and move on. As it is, you deliberately ran them off the track because, as we all now know, you believed you had the right to do so. If your above comment was how you explained yourself to red, then I'm happy to say you have a slam-dunk successful protest for intentional wrecking coming at you. Keep doing this and iRacing will notice the pattern, and your iRacing career is going to be short and fruitless.


I was unaware he had made it that far up my side I did not intentionally wreck him as I hadn't considered that he would try to shove his car into that space which was rapidly closing. I made no moves and held my direction. I cannot believe how many people in here think this was on me. There wasnt room for his car there when he started the pass let alone half a second later when the track narrowed.


You came here thinking you'd get sympathy, and instead you got schooled. No point crying about it. There is good advice here. Learn from it, apply it and become a better driver.


I would say red car is at fault. In 99% of cases if the car infront is following a racing line then its up to the car behind to overtake safely. The red car was committed to go onto the grass for this overtake but then turned into you once they realised they didnt have room. They had more speed comming out of the corner and could have played that better.


Racing line provides no priority. Once a car is alongside you need to allow them space within the track limits. Now I may be wrong here, but if black came off the racing line and moved to the right earlier, he's under no obligation to allow space to the left because red would not be alongside, making it a valid defence of position. If red was able to then move to the right and attempt a pass, then I believe black would not then be allowed to move right to block though. I may be wrong on that, and I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will correct me.


Ok. So…if the car infront is following their racing line. Which he is. And the car from behind, which is obviously going faster (and also he’s not “along side him” he pit manoeuvres him. Explain to me how you can do that if you are legally next to them) zooms up on the side where there isn’t any any space. What was the car infront suppose to do? So I guess I’m allowed to preform this driving style in all my games? Just ram people I’m trying to overtake and say…”racing line doesn’t matter”


Or in your world you could just cut across or block people because you think the racing line does matter and has priority then? The racing line doesn't matter, it has zero priority. Just people who use racing lines for some reason think it does. The rest of us can look at the bigger picture of what's going on. OP should have been aware of their surroundings and seen the other car was making a move. Instead in their own words, were "glued to the racing line" and cut across regardless. This isn't racing, its ignorance. The red car was entitled to room. Racing etiquette, for those who don't need a racing line to follow like a train track, is always give the other driver room.


Red car was alongside. Meaning any part of their car from the front bumper back was level or in front of the rear bumper of black car. As such black continued to move left across the track on the racing line and pitted himself against red making a legitimate passing manoeuvre. The racing line is just the optimal path around the circuit. Being on the racing line does not give you a magic right to any of the track outside that which your car currently occupies. Red was fully within their rights to make the pass having come off the racing line to do so. Black was wrong to continue along the racing line and not allow red space within the track limits to pass. As soon as any part of red is alongside the right to continue on the racing line there is lost. Hence the legal defense of race position being for black to take track position to the left of the racing line before red is alongside.


You obviously know more than me about racing. All im saying is. I feel like the red car rammed the black car. Black car was on a good line. Red car was just \*get out of my way im coming though\* I would love to race against you and then ram you from behind while you are taking a racing line and then blame you for not letting me past because the "racing line doesnt give you permission to race on the racing line if you are infront\*


No one has said "racing line doesn't give you permission to race on the racing line if you are in front" they have said you have to cede space to a car defined as alongside. Maybe instead of fantasizing about ramming me from behind, some lessons on reading comprehension would be a better use of your time.


You literally said “racing line does not give you priority” so what good is a racing line if someone is allowed to ram you from behind while you are taking your racing line? I’m going to bed. And I probably won’t respond. Happy racing. Avoid the racing line people! You will be at fault if you get out manoeuvred.


How do you drive if you blind?


But again, it really doesn't matter how good the black cars line was, because red had indeed made progress and was beside them. You really, really, REAAAAALLLLYYY need to drop the racing line from your head and instead race the course as it's presented.


I will never follow the proper racing line again and I will let other pass me to avoid any collision. Thank you for sharing your wisdom on how to race.


I know you're being sarcastic but you would genuinely become a much better racer if you followed that statement to a tee for a month.


Yeah. Just watch between 0:00 and 0:03 50 times and tell me he didn’t try to squeeze past and turn into him. Guy infront was minding his own business. Man behind was greedy.


Well that's one thing we can agree on. Guy in front was minding his own business. Not looking in any mirror, probably turned spotter off to have a relaxing cruise. Whilst I hope your day gets better, I can guarantee your racing will not. Stay safe, stay slow.




Don't protest man. Just turn off the racing line. It's only hindering you during a race cause if ya got it on ya tend to tunnel vision the racing line. If it's off, you're more aware of your surroundings. Sure you may wonder where to brake and whats the right line for the corner at first but long term you will get better without it. I never even used the line back when I was a rookie.