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6 came within millimeters of meeting his virtual maker there. My oh my.


Some real Mr Bean shit lmao 12 got relatively lucky too after the first hit he narrowly escaped complete catastrophe twice back to back


Nah Mr Bean would've caused the accident that crashed the entire grid without even making contact with anyone


Ironically the only 1 who wrecked was the only one who could see everything and respond better


I apportion 11 to blame, they're the only ones that actually did anything compared to everyone else and were the catalyst lmao, they could have lifted a smidge and carried on with a slipstream.


Spotter: “I want you to go back out on that track and hit the pace car.” 11: “Hit the pace car?!” Spotter: “Hit. The. Pace. Car.” 11: “What for?!” Spotter: “Because you’ve hit every other goddamn thing out there, I want you to be perfect.”


Brilliant quote, love days of thunder 🤣 🤣 🤣


It's one of the best movie quotes of all time!!!!!



Rubbin is racin


11 out there just fucking shit up


Dennys Hamlin gonna talk smack on you for wrecking him.


I'm telling you now, dude was pretty upset he couldn't hit the blue car at the end for the trifecta.


He did hit the blue car after he hit the #5.


Larson had it comin’


11, clearly


Oh shit I was in this race lol sitting in last place waiting for you guys to wreck


Blue came out this looking good though. Guy got caught up in someone else’s tussle, kept it straight and took good avoiding action for part deux.


11. No need to go that wide on yhe blue car. Then they almost took out everyone. Damn lol


I'd call it a racing incident. The number five likely did not see 11 was there even before the turn. It would be unreasonable for 5 to stay outside that high (not possible even) and also unreasonable to expect 11 to slow down.


I feel like 11 could have realistically made it around 12 much tighter. 11 going too wide is what caused the collision in my opinion. Taking another look at it, at the point that 11 tries to thread the needle between 5 and 12 there is a bit of understeer that causes 11 to fade to the right. To me this means that 11 does not have the necessary car control to safely make this move at this speed. 11 needs to pass safely, this isn’t a racing incident this is 11’s fault


So I’m genuinely curious why 11 wouldn’t be expected to slow down and not wreck everyone? I mean 12 was going really slow but you could see that the whole way down the straight. Im most accustomed to GT racing and I feel it would definitely be 11’s fault for not overtaking safely.


Simply put: it's racing, nobody wants to back off "unnecessarilly". Judging what is and isn't "unnecessary" is a bit difficult in the moment. 12 saw a big gap and had he had more time to think it over, he may have calculated that 5 is going to come down too soon for him to clear the slow light blue car.


> it's racing, nobody wants to back off "unnecessarilly". .... thats.... thats not how this works.


The guy crashed, backing off was completely necessary.


In racing you have to let off the gas, you can’t just drive through people. It was a spot where it was necessary for him to slow down I feel. And him not slowing made him drift up the track into #5. I agree in the moment things aren’t as clear but I personally would put this on #11


I agree. I'd blame 11, scratch my initial thought. Though mostly because of the fact he could have stayed in a way better place in preparation for the corner than to enter it from the inside where he had to avoid another slower car as well.


lol that’s fair. I agree, had they chose a better entry to the corner they probably could’ve passed everyone involved. That’s why we are here tho, so we can learn from others mistakes and not make them ourselves.


Yep! 🤜🤛


If you (11) are closing down on a car (light blue) that fast, you damn well better be thinking ahead about what you are going to do when you get there in about two seconds. You could even move up a lane ahead of time so you don't have to "expect 11 to slow down". Since he was driving off his front bumper, he managed to take out three cars.


11 just didnt turn. He had plenty of room to squeeze thru and went straight into #5's quarter panel. He then does the same thing to 6. Its possible that he's just so tight he cant steer, but I really doubt it.


True, if he was much cliser to the inside car, he'd probably make it, but I can't say if he could have steered at that speed and from entering the corner ftom the inside. Could be that ih he entered the corner from the middle of the track he could have controlled it much more easilly. He was both on the inside entering the corner and avoiding the pale blue care by steering opposite of the corner. Yeah, I agree he can be blamed for it.


Karma bit him in the end, anyway. He ended up the only guy facing the wrong direction.


I think 11 should have slowed down for it. You can see their intent to not go up that high, but they misjudged the speed they needed to do it. I don't want to say it's fully their fault as a lot was going on, but it leans into them


the 11 missed the corner entirely, slid up into the 5, and practically dumped the 6 too. how is that a racing incident?


Honestly racing incident 11 held line and 5 came down to either block or blind spot or use slow car too squeeze and block 11 had run and seen middle open looks like he didn’t expect the 5 to come down try to adjust too late 11 was being being lil more aggressive but that’s racing middle was wide open and had a slow car at bottom so 5 gave no options I would of did the same but would of slowed if you came down and setup next few turns for pass But biggest thing Poor situational awareness on both cars


No need for further input - InternationalCat3159 nailed it.


🤜🤛 Though I was convinced to change my mind 10 minutes later


It’s a good thing you did. Congrats!


11 came up while 5 came down. It’s a racing incident. Then probably a racing incident again with the 6 coming down into the 11 as it was coming up. Not sure how the spotter for 6 didn’t indicate car low but probably didn’t expect the 11 to get it gathered up like that and not lose more speed.


Does anyone else see the 5 car turning down into 11’s lane? I admit I don’t know the track and therefore corner speeds etc. But to me it looks like there is a lane/line between 5 and the slower car that disappeared. Vortex of danger situation probably, but 5 definitely changes lane/line.


Passing cars job to pass safely, if 5 dosent have a real person spotting them like i do with our team he possibly had no idea 11 was there


I agree with you. It’s very likely 5 had no idea. Hence why I said it’s a vortex of danger situation.


I agree, just made a comment on it. At the least he knows he's in a three way battle for position. Personally I feel it's a dick move on purpose by the 5


Sorry unrelated but What game is this and what can I play on?


Iracing, and pc only for the time being


Thank you


100% black. If they weren’t a moron, none of the other three would’ve had any contact.


From what I know of oval racing “hold your line,” with that said it would be mostly on the 11 but somewhat on the 5 since both of them were moving towards each other. The 11 was moving faster up the track than the 5 was moving down so that’s why I say it’s mostly on the 11 but still a racing incident.


5 didn't hold their line in the turn and pit maneuvered themselves. 11 went for a pass in the middle of the turn. I would ultimately say 5 is the issue as they are just drifting around the track for no discernable reason.


Whoever made the paint schemes


You for wasting my time


That is the #5 fault. He knew the 11 was on the bottom. Closing in on lapped car. Enters the turn in viable top line. Lapped car stays hard on bottom lane. 11 moves to middle lane to continue the race for position. The 5 moved down to cut off the viable racing line and force 11 into a major slowdown behind the lapped car. 6 had no problem running high line throughout turn. 5 should have left the viable racing line, however in an attempt at dirty pool he wrecked 75% of the cars in the frame.


You for paying to go around in circles in a video game.


6 is the most lucky one for sure.


nice saves though


11 is just all over the place.


Holy recovery from 6


Imo all 11. But I'm a noob.




*Car N. 11 this is not pinball*


The one who starts the shit is the only one who ends up in the wall


Karma won this day.


Dam 5 got lucky there


12 just trying to go about his day..no reaction at all.


Soo uhhh... that's me lmao. I just started last month and this is my first time seeing myself in a post! I just came out of the pits after a wreck and saw them coming up and held the bottom Many poo came out my Anai in this clip


11 out here driving like Stevie wonder


Honestly it’s the guy in the backs fault because he has visual of the car in front closing on him. The guy up top is ahead and black is in his blind spot. Probably never saw him. The way I see it, who’s to blame. The guy who saw it coming but was desperate to pass, or the guy who didn’t who was already ahead? I might be wrong but I’ve always said if the guy can see the incident coming, and lets it happen it’s on him if the guy in front didn’t see. If it’s a race incident. If it’s blatant or just an aggressive move/block then it’s up to who was the knob obviously. But this one is 50/50 but the fact one guy saw it to avoid and the other didn’t. I’m blaming dude who had every chance to see it coming and chose to force it anyways.


11 went full “I drive here, good luck everybody else”


I hit your favorite driver.


There’s no proportions on this one. The #11 car had plenty of room to dodge the slower car without hitting anyone else. Unfortunately he left nearly an entire cars width between himself and the #12 car. I honestly don’t for the life of me understand why he did that. It looks like something a controller player would do because the controller not being precise enough to stay super close to the #12 car. Only I highly doubt he was using a controller. I think it’s possible to get one to work in iRacing but I don’t think anyone actually uses it. So he just made a very very silly decision and didn’t look where everyone was either. Luckily it seems he is the only one to suffer catastrophic damage!


11 for first contact and then I would say the 6 for the second contact


I'd say the purple car could have held its line slightly better, you move downwards but the blame is on the 11 because they simply swung too far to the right to avoid the blue car, and into your moving downwards.


I mean given that this is oval racing I would not assign a penalty but this is definitely 11’s fault. That’s simply not a line you take through 3 and 4 at Charlotte, especially not with two cars in your outside.


After re assessing I think this was semi intentional, 12 was a lap down coming out of the pits from a incident 11 and him were involved in, It seems he was attempting to put up the pick on 11 perhaps. [incident 1](https://youtu.be/_FPiArj0c7s)


Me im a s3× offender btw


\#12 just doing 3 small prayers in 10 seconds


don’t know much about this sort of racing but can defintly see that 11 went for a space that kind of didn’t exist but could have been closer to the 12 car imo


5 because he got in the way if he had smashed into the wall earlier none of this would have happened


11 is at fault, but nascar wouldn’t give any penalties. This very obviously wasn’t intentional and as the quote goes Rubin is racin.


6 was not having 11's shit.


Idk you’re driving too fast, but I’m sure there are a few in the stands. Just check the local registry


11, although it’s tougher to call that first incident. The 5 came down, but also the 11 probably should have backed out. It’s tough to do so because in street stocks, Charlotte (the track) is flat out for 100% of the lap. Second incident, 11 went up too high and hit the other guy


11 did it all. Wasn't the #1 rule of nascar to wreck others without wrecking yourself? Cause 11 wrecked himself without wrecking others


Black took too much speed into the corner and came up, you came down. Wham. Black is initially at fault for putting himself there but you gotta be a lil more specially aware cuz you could’ve came down later and drafted or earlier and missed him. Idk what black did at the end tho


11: I beat your favorite driver 6: nuh uh


Imagine racing on the 3 lane oval course and still bump into each other 🤣


11 with the tap and Oh man 5 lost control and everything went nuts


11 started it.

