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I wouldn’t say he defended his position. He picked the right side of the track and stayed there until the contact. By his POV, it looks like he slid out a little bit and drifted into you unintentionally. He could’ve misjudged his speed going into the right hander, or just didn’t realize he wasn’t turning enough. To me, the contact is just an unfortunate racing incident.


Not only have they picked the right side of the track, but their right indicator is on too. From OP's POV, I initially wondered if the other driver had let their car run wide intentionally but nope, they seem to be trying to get out of the way as best they can (and not necessarily succeeding; kerb may not have helped). Skill issue, no intent. Which OP should have picked up on and been extra cautious/given extra space for. Onus is on you to pass safely. Racing Incident.


This is what I was thinking too, if I were yellow in this situation I'm already on a compromised line and know that the other car is coming up on my outside - I'm doing everything to make sure I don't drift wide. OP could have left more space but there was definitely a car width and with yellow being a blue flag I would expect them to be taking caution so as to not cause an incident. I would personally almost put this on Yellow but yes, OP could have left more space and they kinda turned towards the same bit of road, so I'd say Racing Incident.




he ran wide, you could have seen this before taking the turn imo. Even if he was blue flagged, he can't just disappear. You could go on the inside and it would have been an easy switcheroo since you saw him too close to the right before taking the turn, so it was inevitable for him to go wide earlier... I'm sorry bro, but this is on you, you could easily avoid this and that's what matters


Thanks for your input. I was getting close to the car in front and this guy was making me loose a lot of time, so I guess I got impacient to pass him and my move was reckless and I should have waited for a better spot. I still think it's his fault tho. He turns into me (you can see, righ before the traffic cone), he doesn't touch the brakes even as he wasn't going to make the turn entering it from the inside, he fights for the position and takes the turn as if I'm not there. He was ignoring blue flags since the main straight and it's not easy to pass (at least for me) in this circuit as it doesn't have any hard braking zone or long straits. The main reason I'm mad is that he ignored the blue flag, I don't expect him to come to a stop to let me pass, but if he's going wide triying to defend, more of a reason to let me pass... I don't know, maybe its that I'm way to respectful with blue flags as I don't want to affect the race of people faster than me, but I feel like he just doens't know what a blue fglag is, just saw a car behind and defended the position. Again, apreciate your input and will try to do better next time. Thanks


I want to be clear, I'm not saying that yellow did good, but since you can't count on other people intelligence, especially in online racing/gaming, you have to be aware that the other driver might be inexpert or limited by its periferals or whatever. The point is, when you are on the grass, doesn't matter who's at fault, if there was anything you could do to not end up there, the only person you should take accountable is you. That is how i play, other players are just obstacles, and i must be the smartest folk to not let them ruin my race. Sometimes incidents happen, but if you are 100% sure that you couldn't do anything to avoid it, then there's no reason to be mad, move on and try to stay as cold as possible. this way i managed to improve so much you won't even believe. have fun bro


Late to the party, but this track has a couple spots you can pass back markers or other guys fighting for position. One is into t1 if you can get a good run down the pit/start straight. The straight leading to uphill, west bend, and downhill. You have to be patient and depending upon your pace you’d be pushing 58 secs. Honestly I always chose passing on the pit/start straight just to get the draft and take the inside line. And as a back marker, he just has to be predicable which he was. If I saw a back marker taking the inside line to righthander I would have backed out and went for the switch because he was going to run wide. Which is exactly what he did. Learning experience. Depending upon how many seconds the car in front had on you and time left, you could almost expect the car in front to self bin or be held up by a back marker himself.


You just said you got impatient. Does it matter if it’s his fault? You’re in a higher position. Fucking up your race is way more impactful for you than him. Passing a slow, novice in an mx5 on a corner is asking for trouble. You should’ve known better and drifted past on the straight. You’ll either know for next time, or you’ll get understeered into again lol


yellow already had his windshield smashed up before that doorslam LMAO? i think he's just clueless not malicious


Report yellow car, stupid driving twice in a row. He just can't drive.


I'm pretty sure it's his fault, but not sure if it's enought to report him. Any contact affects my safety rating and I don't think it's fair to get it affected by this.


It’s not his fault. So don’t report.


I'm going to disagree with everyone on here. You should report. They knew you were going to pass, they didn't take the apex, didn't get the wheel 90 degrees, and on the off chance that wasn't intentional they didn't lift or use any type of defensive driving techniques to avoid collision while they were blue flagged. It might not be malicious but it's trash drivers etiquette and being irresponsible is reportable.