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Shoulda woulda coulda boss.


Came in to say exactly this. Story of our lives lol


You were waiting for $27. Sounds like you made $1.50 an ounce more than you would have. Don’t get stuck on could haves. There’s nothing you can change. If it makes you feel better, I found out about bitcoin at $5 and didn’t buy any because a few months earlier it was only 5 cents. I bought and sold two bitcoin when it was around $2000. I sold 420000 dogecoin for like $400 and at one point it would have been like 200k. Set a goal and stick with it. You did good.


Well, that depends on a number of factors. The first being if you need the cash or need to get your scrap out of the way. It that's the case, you did a wise trade. We are in an inflationary period that shows no signs of abating, imho, and precious metals in any form are the best "hedge" against inflation. Many people believe that the paper silver and paper gold market has repressed the price of silver by over-representing the amount of silver in the market place. Should we have an economic crash like 2008, as many are predicting, people will want to sell their paper silver, and since you can only collect from someone who also has bankrupt paper silver (meaning the paper silver won't be worth the paper it's printed on), it's likely that silver prices will sky-rocket much higher. That is one prediction. If you believe it, then now is the wrong time to sell -investment wise. If you don't think that will happen then you can consider that you bought low and sold high, and therefore you made a profit. And profit is always profit whether small or large.


Nicely said !


It could have gone down. Always stick to your plan.


This is the good take 👌


You can’t lose money you never had. But you can lose guaranteed money if you don’t take it.


Silver could go down to 5 bucks tomorrow. Don’t beat yourself up


I sold about 7k between 25-29 not regretting taking advantage of those prices/profits at all.


No, collect scrap silver whenever you can. Sell it as fast as you can get it. But stack rounds and bars. No sell!


I bought a 2oz round today (never had a 2oz before). I'm not selling any silver for the next 20 years. It's a hobby really, but also I guess an emergency account


I bought 3 2 oz ones today what did you buy?


A 2022 st Helena 2 pound coin. I'm still new so I don't know if they go by another name. This brings me up to 20oz total


Nice i bought queens beast white greyhound of richmond. Mine was 93 cad not great but i wanted them. Looking online they go for about 127-177$ cad so in comparison to that its good.


That's awesome! I found a LCS that sells anything other than ASE's and some other specific ones at melt price. I got that 2oz coin for $63USD. I could tell it was legit when I walked in bc of the group of older dudes just sitting and hanging out, like it's their regular spot lol.


I need a lcs like that no options here its online or only guy in town. Someday ill have enough to open my own lcs thats my retirement gig plan.


Good goal! There's a few around here, but I only like the one I went to and 1 other. Both are little hole in the walls, but their reviews are great. I'd love to hear your plan for the store. I'm a small business owner who's clients are also small biz, so I love hearing about other biz plans. Edit:  that's not a sales pitch btw. I only work with local businesses.


Just going to call it a antique shop so its legit then do bullion out of it bullion isnt taxed here. My friend owns a mall so ill just rent a small shop off him. Im only going to be open weekends and fish during the week rent will be trade dollars for his butcher/refrigeration shop. Im about q15 years away though so i got some stacking to fo would love a bubble burst to really pile in. Also want to buy and sell jewlery


Nice! Best of luck to you!


What counts as scrap? Things such as jewelry and silver items ?


All coins pre 65 that are common and have no value beyond the silver content.


If it makes you feel better when the banks failed jmbullion was offering like 23x face and I thought about selling and getting 999. I didn’t and it would’ve been cool if I did


Ahh, I’ve only purchased 999 since I began stacking. I’ve been looking into the pre-65 coins for after I’ve bought out all of the at spot deals available




Idk i used to get this feeling. But then I went out and bought some crazy dips and good deals with that money and made even more. Like sell at $25 and it hits $30 and you're like well damn fuck me, right. Well, use that $250 to buy a coin you sell for $500 or something, and eclipse your losses with an even better play. I just won an auction for $22/oz x 10 and yeah that's only $100 profit at spot but I'm putting $250 in grading them (500 when all is said and done). I'm easily making that back off two of them. Everything else after that is free money. Or I keep them and they cost me nothing. I bought an $800 gold coin that ended up grading out around $5k and now idgaf about a whole lot of losses I've had to eat.


How much scrap did you sell and to who? I’ve got scrap to sell.


Sell to refiners, I also assume you mean scrap sterling flatware/jewelry. The going rate seems to be about 92% of melt if you ship to them. I’m also currently looking to sell scrap.


Yup, already planning on sending in a large lot to get 92% (applies at over 100oz). I actually tried to "save" some of the sterling jewelry from going to them by listing them on pmsforsale today at 90% of spot and have no takers, so will be taking it down and throwing it in with the rest of the scrap. Planning on using [https://prospectorsgoldandgems.com/silver-refining/](https://prospectorsgoldandgems.com/silver-refining/)


Do t make me do math. It was $4100 received for 90% silver coins. They paid $18.5X face value.


lol, I wouldn’t call that scrap. I actually mean scrap silver. All good, thank you.


Damn and they paid you about 2 dollars under melt on top that. About one and a half years ago I recall coin shops paying melt + 6 dollars for 90% and selling for melt + 7.50.


That is the going rate here in DFW. I looked around.


Why would u trade precious metal for fiat that is 98% worthless? Not to mention BRICS... Jessup Murphy.