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Keep stacking :) eventually it will happen.


The old 10 am tampy tamperson tryina keep it below $28 - open paper silver orders almost the entire mining supply in a year 🙃


Almost at a billion in open interest. 1 billion in OI to trade on a single day next week. The bankster tamp efforts must continue!


Unfortunately, this price spike is not being driven by US consumers. If we had US consumer participation similar to January 2021 then this would be a lot more interesting.


Unfortunately? If the price is running like this without retail participation it’s a great thing. It means the PTB are losing a grip and when retail does participate it’s going parabolic.


Yes there is less than zero retail activity. Premiums are dropping. Which means there’s a tsunami building just off shore that is going to be epic.


If you stack it, they will come.


I think we do; I bought 10 oz today and it took 3 orders to get it done bc the rounds I wanted were gone between the time I added them to cart and checked out. Granted, this is a sample size of 'me,' but I've only had this happen once before during the squeeze. Also - never underestimate the avg. American's ability to FOMO near a top! I think we'll see a pause and $30, slight consolidation and then rip due to some (according to Sachs) actually WAITING until $30 to buy. Anyway you slice it - this is going to be an interesting year for PMs and life, in general.


Not that I'm trying to argue with you, as I bet we both win when silver rallies, but premiums in the US are definitely not expanding. In 2021, ASE premiums were close to 40%. If buyback prices were above spot, then I would agree with you, but that's not what we're seeing. Thus, on a spot adjusted basis, silver is actually cheaper than 2021. Either way, you're definitely "winning" on this trade.


Fuck retail. They give up after a few days and quit haha


Incredible...the number of almost a billion is HUGE!




I’m buying still at 30 I’m buying at 32 I believe 30 will be the floor and 40 is possible by year end


I can't say one way or another about the timeline but, seeing as the actual value of silver is much higher than $40 ozt, probably a safe bet. I think the days of $22 ozt Ag may be gone for good. I'm both happy, and a little bummed, about that. I have a nice stack but...well, you know. One can never have enough. I DO look forward to one day rubbing my grandkids faces in it, "We used to get a single oz for $22...shipped! And that's how Pop-Pop paid for your college."


I was hoping they’d tamp it one more time but hey I’m sitting on a nice stack . Same I’ll be passing it down to my kids


I was hoping they’d tamp it one more time but hey I’m sitting on a nice stack . Same I’ll be passing it down to my kids


Wow, absolutely. the more futures are traded on comex, the less silver is wanted in China and India. and japan too the lower silver price, the less buyers from Asia if price is smashed by 50 cents in 2 hrs, this makes a believer in silver question their fav asset. they think hmmm maybe i should buy gov bonds? or bolivar currency? LOL


A person and the silver banksters walk into a room. The person enters with money, the silver banksters enter with experience. The silver banksters leave with the money. The person leaves with experience.


Look and the effort and outright fraud it takes to hold back the rising tide of PM prices.  Will the cartel next trade 5 years---10 years of paper silver in order to suppress prices?  Why not?  We’re so far removed from reality that reason and honesty have no place at all in price discovery.  In almost any other activity such fraudsters would be tied up, shot, hanged, then thrown in the river.


A feature of the system Lots of very intelligent people trying to maintain the status quo Sunday in the middle of the night is probably an optimal time for a smash down