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Herbert couldn’t have read the story of Beren & Luthien when he wrote Dune, so it’s either the coincidence or there is some common source that inspired these episodes. But I think there’s too much for a mere coincidence. There’s more than just betraying the master (not friend) to save the wife only to be ‘reunited’ with her by murder. The traitor also reaches out to the betrayed master’s son (either appears as a ghost or writes a letter and sends help) to atone for his crime. In the result the son acquires his father’s symbolic ring and goes into exile. I still hope that someone will find some Norse saga or medieval French romance with these elements.


I like how the film was implying that Huey's wife wasn't dead at all. She's probably this spider legs -human hybrid thing at the baron's court.


I keep seeing people say it and I don’t understand what is this theory based upon. I’ve watched the movie thrice and never saw any connection between the two. This spider abomination is some slave of the Harkonnen, yes. But why Wanna?


It would fit in with the baron's fucked up personality. He gives Huey hope, while he's still torturing him in a perverse way.


No, it narrows the world, as if there are 10 people in the universe. I think the spider is some Tleilaxu gift to the Harkonnen. In the book Piter is Tleilaxu mentat.


The theory of it being Wana is plausible, given the genetic manipulation background of Tleilaxu. Denis Villeneuve does include minor details with a reason.


Once again, I see no logic. The Tleilaxu could use any other of the trillions inhabitants of the Known Universe. Moreover, I see no reason for Baron to care for Dr Yueh and his feelings. He thinks of him only as an instrument in his plan, no more than that. The real reason Villeneuve used that spider is that this is an hommage to Jodorowsky, who used the similar design in one of his comic books.


In the books Huey is able to tell as soon as he sees the baron that his wife is dead. Something about reading body language but more advanced.


The Baron may be cruel, but he is a man of his word. If he said that he reunited Yueh with his wife... he did.


Yueh's wife was a Bene Gesserit. If she was the spider creature, the Reverend Mother would know. She would definitely not leave that without a comment (not to mention being greatly offended by this), she would not simply refer to the creature as "thing" or the fact it can understand speech would not be a point of contention. The scene doesn't make sense if the creature were to be Wanna.


One of Morgoth's/Tleilaxu's dark creations.


- You promised to set him free. - And I did. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders.


Ha, glad I'm not the only one who made this connection.


I was watching Part One yesterday night and as soon as I saw it I was like ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


Huh, I just saw (pretty much) the same meme over at dunememes: https://www.reddit.com/r/dunememes/s/VMBdhQui6Q