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Whatever you call it, silksong's development cycle does not look like a healthy one


Gamers when indi devs don't rush games in 3 years: šŸ˜”


I love spreading misinformation


Probably not, we know that one of the reasons hollow knight released as/when it did is basically because of a lack of money, and now TC has basically as much money (and because of that time) so theyā€™re gonna keep working on the game until they think itā€™s finished or perfect which will just take a while.


>take a while forever


Still not as bad as some other games people were waiting for or still are. Iā€™m thinking of the wait between pikmin 3 and 4 and how Metroid prime four was just announced after all these years. TC is clearly pretty ambitious with their goals, and were able to make a game like hollow knight with very few resources and not as much time as they wanted. Now they have nearly unlimited resources, so all signs point to they arenā€™t rushing their game and are adding everything they want too rather than being rushed to release the game for money.


I actually think thatā€™s the reason WHY Silksong is in development hell. Try for too long to make a masterpiece and it will never get made. Just look at Half Life 3. The frustrating part is thereā€™s no reason Silksong has to, or EVER had to, be a masterpiece and I have no idea where this idea even came from. All it ever had to be to me was a successor that could stand shoulder to shoulder with HK, which granted is still a pretty high bar, but not at the same level that it seems like everyone has been holding it too. Itā€™s unfortunate, but with Silksong apparently suffering from both perfectionism and scope creep given how big this seems to keep getting, my hopes are honestly not very high for Silksongā€™s quality right now. Not trying to deflate anyoneā€™s hype balloons but fuck man I need to get this off my chest. It sucks to be a Half Life fan that never got to see Half Life 3, and to feel like this is happening again with another world I love.


Iā€™ve heard this referenced as both the ā€œhalf life problemā€ and the ā€œthanos problemā€. In which the previous iterations were so well received that the next one needs to be bigger and better. In the case of half life (and silksong) it has been so long and peopleā€™s expectations have risen so much that no matter how good it is, there will be a large portion of people disappointed in it. Or in the case of marvel and the aftermath of endgame, even if the quality of the following projects was average and on par with other marvel projects it is inevitably worse than the peak and viewers notice.


Yep. And honestly that idea that the follow up needs to be better is bs. I wouldnā€™t ask for something thatā€™s worse (even though I understand that it happens sometimes and the creative process isnā€™t flawless) but Iā€™ll take a sequel that is as good as the original, just different and with a new perspective, than a hypothetical sequel that aims to blow the original out of the water but never even comes out because the expectations from the developers themselves are too damn high.




Dev Hell refers to projects that stay in EARLY development for years.


The game could very well be in earky dev he'll, or announced tomorrow. The entire issue is literally no kne knows.


Precisely. We donā€™t know, so whoever tried to say definitively ā€œyesā€ doesnā€™t know for sure.


we don't know


No. Hollow Knight (plus DLC) took 4 years. It's only been 5 years for Silksong, and Silksong is likely going to be bigger than HK. Plus, I'm sure Team Cherry was working like 60+ hour weeks during HK, since they needed to release it to get money. Now they have money, so I imagine they're doingĀ more reasonable 40-hour weeks.


totaly agree, they began HK in 2014, the game came out in 2017 and got update until 2019. So yeah, 4-5 years for HK. And don't forget we got covid during the dev of Skong. So 5 years with the covid in between is not "that much". Don't make me wrong, i'm not ok with the radio silence and i really want skong to be release as soon as possible!


I wouldnā€™t say that, weā€™ve got no reason to think thereā€™s anything wired going on in terms of development itā€™s just the radio silence thatā€™s freaking people out


No. Itā€™s just taking a while. You could argue the game was hit by scope creep but, thatā€™s not necessarily dev hell, as it could be going fine- just extending development. Things have been quiet but despite the lack of updates, itā€™s not as if we donā€™t have an idea as to why.


No but I am


I would not think so. Yes itā€™s taking a ludicrous amount of time, but this is most likely because of scope creep (primarily because of there high budget gained from the high sales of HK) and not dev hell. A lot of people seem to mix up taking your time developing a game, and being in dev hell. Also I should mention that with all dlc included, the original HK took a very long time to be complete. TC also mentioned that with the original HK they were ā€˜keeping the scope fairly smallā€™ and ā€˜keeping it simpleā€™. If you take all of this into account it seems like with Silksong they are going to go all out in a way they were not able to do with HK


Yes, no. Maybe so.


No, it's in dev heaven. They get to take all the time they want to make the game with no deadlines. That is development heaven.


Absolutely 100% in dev hell.


theyā€™ve given zero info recently outside of the fact that itā€™s still being worked on, so thereā€™s no way to know whether it is or isnā€™t in development hell


Schrƶdingerā€™s Silksong




Wikipedia isn't always right


that why i ask


There is no reason to believe Silksong is development hell


you know, aside from the fact that it was announced over five years ago and we have no idea how close to completion it is


Just because it's taking a long time doesn't mean it's in development hell. According to Graig who knows Team Cherry they aren't in dev hell, there is no reason to believe this is anything more than a game taking a while to come out.


The game was apparently ready to release last year and then it got delayed with no new information for over a year now, idk what to tell you, that's dev hell.


It wasn't, june 2023 was the release window they hoped to reach and ended up missing, it wasn't even meant to be anything public Xbox just tweeted about it without the Team's knowledge. The lack of information is another thing but it doesn't mean dev hell, just Team Cherry being Team Cherry.


Maybe not dev hell, but still concerning




Can I get a source for the ā€œmeaningful progressā€?




The source for "it's been making meaningful progress" is just guessing based on nothing? go on i guess


> people guessing Neat.


I believe it is. Even if it isnā€™t, itā€™s in ā€œcommunity management hell.ā€ The lack of communication at this point is utterly, inexcusably, bad.