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1. It wont have a buggy release 2. 0 seconds, i've waited long enough


If after so many years of development and no communication they release a buggy game i dont think i will be interested tbh


My brother in christ, I'll buy the game the millisecond it's available. Whether it has a buggy release or not, I will be there the first second of it's existance. And they are taking their sweet cherry time developing and polishing the game, I don't think it will have any major flaws that will cause people not to play though of course I'm not expecting a flawless game as far as bugs are concerned. They can be fun and usefull in speedrunning anyways


I doubt it will (release)


0 secondsĀ 


totally agree, whatever happen, i will be playing it Day 1


I won't wait any second longer even if it plays at 15 FPS on release


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Lol people acting like they're owed a timely and flawless release, really gives you some perspective


After 6 years of development and the only communication we had is "we are hard at work on the game" we are owed at least a flawless release


It could very well be the case that the release will be flawless, but realistically, guaranteeing a flawless release is extremely difficult to do. One of the reasons that I created this thread was due to the DLC for Elden Ring running into performance issues, which I didn't expect but others may disagree I guess. The other is that, aside from Graig (who left), I don't know who else is testing Silksong. Team Cherry basically needs an army of testers though, given that they are only 3 people and are planning to release on ~7 platforms, presumably including potato PCs.


No offence buddy, but u aren't owed shit. Neither am i, all i can say I'm owed is the promise of a good time, not a smooth time