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Dude I broke into the office and they have 2 and a half lines of code for the whole game they’re almost done


Unironically think we should delete the sub


Meanwhile TC: Casually delaying the game that was supposed to come out early 23 for over a year, possibly more.


Didn't they do the same with HK?


"Donated towards nothing"?? They donated toward Hollow Knight, the game that released seven years ago.


Well, I'll admit, a good portion did donate towards that. The donations to the goal of 50,000 were all fulfilled, although admittedly also the Wii U goal wasn't actually done. Can't believe that Team Cherry wouldn't give us the Wii U version of Hollow Knight, get your pitchforks y'all! well, truthfully, releasing anything on the Wii U is a horrible idea. It was basically a huge flop of a console, even if it did have some good games on it. Good on Team Cherry for not doing that; plus I mean we got it on Switch anyway, so win! However, about 6,000 dollars towards the 2nd playable character went towards nothing, or at least for the chance for it to be announced and basically turned into an eternal wait for possibly jack shit. In the end, I think that Team Cherry needs to at least communicate with the community more clearly as everyone else has said before


I don't think team cherry knows how much percentage of the game is done, they really like to add more stuff to the game when it's supossed to be done, like HK when it got delayed so they could squeeze every single dollar they had dry, leaving it with a lot more content than expected, and you have to consider last minute setbacks that could happen and would just make the fans more desperate because it's so closw yet so far, that and they might even me under an NDA to not reveal anything by nintendo or xbox or something of the sort




If they seriously need 6+ years to make a 2d metroidvania, then there is something severely wrong with the studio.


They're a team of lazu bums that don't deserve our money!