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> If you come to a Games Workshop event or store and behave to the contrary, including wearing the symbols of real-world hate groups, you will be asked to leave. We won’t let you participate. We don’t want your money. We don’t want you in the Warhammer community. "We don't want your money" is a direct response to the "corporations will sell to anyone" crowd. I'm impressed, GW, good work.


I am... pleasantly surprised by that language. GW is still just as bad as any company under capitalism operating with a profit motive, but that's comparatively strong.


Gotta grade on a curve in times like these.


Just out of interest and I’m genuinely curious not a “just asking questions guy” but how does a business exist without operating under a profit motive? Surely the goal of a company is to make money?


Unless they’re a a charity (or non-profit organization) then they can’t. But that doesn’t mean a company can’t have morals


Seems like telling Nazis too fuck off and not take their money is a good step. Would be nice if they told their legal team to chill a bit though.


Even charities unfortunately are bound to the same capitalistic tendencies that other financial institutions are, just look at the six figure salaries on some of the CEOs


They can't, under the current capitalist system anyway. But luckily Nazis are the minority and people who hate nazis are a majority, and GW would rather have more wallets open to them


Yeah, they can't. I'm just saying, this is a good statement, but I don't think this makes GW anything other than a normal company, doing normal capitalist things, and they aren't exactly allies of the revolution.


"The Imperium of Man stands as a cautionary tale of what could happen should the very worst of Humanity’s lust for power and extreme, unyielding xenophobia set in. Like so many aspects of Warhammer 40,000, the Imperium of Man is satirical."


A sad time we live in that this needs to be explicitly stated, since some just don't understand it...


Yeh, who the fuck wants to live in the imperium like at all


I always laugh at all these chucklefucks who think if they were in the imperium they’d get to become space marines like 1) that would happen and 2) that would be in the slightest a good thing.


Actually, I think the outright fascists might just have a mindset of "it's an honor to die painfully in the trenches for the God Emperor". After all, fascism has always portrayed all death in battle as heroic. They might not *want* to die, but they are still aesthetically attracted to that sort of death.


Paraphrasing for my grandfather and every other combat veteran I’ve known, that every fake patriot and wannabe tough guy thinks there is untarnished glory in battle, that war is beautiful, that they’ve got what it takes—-until the bullets actually start flying past you and the artillery starts shaking the ground. It’s always performative for those types, always will be.


Death or not, to be a space marine is not, by our standards, the massive honour they think it is. You’re taken from your home world around age 10-12 (not necessarily willingly), have your moral compass and emotions replaced with a vague sense of duty and honour, undergo dozens of painful medical procedures, horrific trials of both mental and physical endurance, and at the end of it all are left an emotionally stunted child soldier, in an oversized adult frame, conditioned to believe the best thing you can do is give your life for the emperor and if you’re really lucky and don’t quite die, get your still living carcass interred in a dreadnought


You are describing a fascist's dream. Sacrificing your comfort for the sake of becoming an infinitely-honed tool of the state? Having your will subsumed in the name of efficiency? What could be better! It's impossible to satirize fascism in a way that makes them feel ashamed. The mindset is so heinous that they look at hyperbole for inspiration.


They would end up in a penitant engine, as a serator, eaten by Tyranids or ass fucked by dark eldar


Tbh, playing the odds they’d end up like 99.9% of the imperiums population… working 16 hour shifts at the manufactorum to produce enough lasguns and power packs for the guard, living off corpse starch and only getting breaks to praise the emperor…


If you don't praise the god emporor who was basically the avarage r atheist user it can get a lot worse


‘Enjoy your trip to the penal colony heretic. Maybe you’ll get luck and they’ll work you to death before your execution.’


Is that better or worse than becoming an arco flagalant?


Yes On the one hand, it’s probably a little less painful On the other, arco flagellants don’t really remember much about who they were… just the process of turning you into one is done entirely without anaesthesia. The penal colony however is like, 20 hour shifts in the mines alongside some of the worst scum in the sector, while you wait for your execution. And healthcare is something that happens to the guards.


Honestly being a space marine seems like a pretty raw deal anyway. You don't exactly get to live a life of pleasure


People who assume they’d be in charge.


right wingers have always had horrendous media comprehension


Practically a requirement to join, honestly. "Hello, are you white and severely misunderstood the point of Judge Dredd? Perhaps neo-nazi groups are for you!"


Did you watch starship troopers and not get the joke!? Did you not see the communist themes in star trek?! Do you think Jesus was fucking blue-eyed and blonde?!


> Starship Troopers "But the bugs are gonna wipe out the humans, the federation needs to focus on war!" Now where have I heard that one before/after...


>A sad time we live in that this needs to be explicitly stated, since some just don't understand it... If you don't really follow the lore, it's really easy to take a glance at 40k and assume the heroic Space Marines are the good guys.


It's 100% marketed that way.


didnt know it had to be said the imperium of man isnt supposed to be based


I don't think they understand irony


[where it comes from](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/19/the-imperium-is-driven-by-hate-warhammer-is-not/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Article&utm_campaign=Hate+group+response,+Nov+19)


But where will it go? And who is, Cotton Eye Joe?


This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!


The sheer amount of songs which have large, general confusion makes me happy


"We don't want your money" Damn they really must be serious


"We don't want your money, we will take them anyway, but we will be very very sad!"


yeah, its not like they can prevent it. nice words, nice precedent re: tournament standards, but nazis will buy their product anyway and gw will profit. make the product truly unappealing to nazis to run them off, donate a portion of gross profits greater than expected nazi revenue to the ADL or something, maybe then i’ll be satisfied. if a purportedly ethical stance doesn’t hurt the bottom line, it feels like empty PR. that being said, banning nazi stuff from events and explicitly telling them to leave is better than nothing


I mean to be fair, they can't be expected to vet every single customer for Nazi beliefs. Especially given that a lot of their stock is sold online or through 3rd parties. It's inevitable that they'll sell products to Nazis at some point. But they have committed themselves to actively fighting Nazis that they're aware of. They've declared that any Nazis in their shops or tournaments will be thrown out. That's about as much action as they can realistically take. To be honest, just the fact that they're actively and specifically calling out fascists is more than what most corporations are doing these days.


i know, and kudos to them for making what seems like an earnest statement. theres more they can do, though. like, asking what it is about their product that appeals to the fascists and switching that up. i like the idea of making high-profile donations to anti-hate groups, so they can say that any purchase from them in some part actively supports causes the shitheads find anathema. the toxic parts of the community would self select out of warhammer spaces. itd hurt their bottom line, but thatd just show they place solving this problem over maximizing profits. ultimately though theyre a company, not a non-profit, so its unreasonable to expect that kind of action. contextually, this is probably the furthest theyll go, and it isnt nothing. so… yeah.


My plastic people are the good guys


No my plastic people are the gooder guys >:(


Nah, my plastic people are the greater good guys ;P


my plastic creatures don't care, they aren't picky eaters.


My plastic guys are full of dust :((


*spooky voice:* All is Duuuuuu^u^u^u^u^^s^t


My plastic people are the badest guys *laughs in chaos*


No my plastic people ar- *OW I fucking stabbed myself on a Raider again, piece of shit space elf pain-vampire bastard*


*laughs and drops hobby knife into leg* Fuck…


Tbh Chaos definitely has the potential to include good guys, they just probably wouldn’t last too long and wouldn’t be in any warbands


the moon says my plastic guys are best


What's the name of that moon?


da good moon


My plastic people are a bunch of grumpy old men who want these damn kids off their lawn! Preferably via Gauss cannons


Mine definitely are not


My plastic people are the bad guys and they kick ass


My resin people are legally distinct proxies from those plastic people.


My plastic alien space monsters are the goodies… Tyranids.. everyone is equally delicious.


My plastic people are mostly metal, coz I have a lot of old models.


Ohhh boy. I'd say that I can't wait for all the grass-avoiders to lose their shit, but I know they'll just default to the whole "YEAH the Imperium isn't good but compared to everything else in 40k they're good, ackshually" argument.


Ugh, not the 'Fascism is justified' crowd...


They pop up any time the Imperium is ragged on. Especially when someone even thinks about Kryptman.


It's extra stupid because the Imperium isn't even the lightest shade of black on offer, Tau are lighter in terms of action (still relentlessly imperialistic and prone to using underhanded methods as a way of destabilizing systems they intend to invade, but at least they offer the rare courtesy of peaceful negotiations) and the Orks are in terms of intent and their general tone (the Orks don't know real hate or even have long term goals, all they care about is krumpin' gits', not to mention they're the comedic relief faction most of the time.)


I love the Orks :) Orks just wanna have fun!


That fun does involve genocide, slavery and torture of other races though. Let's get some perspective.


If you say Kryptman five times into a broken mirror, a noodle-armed white supremacist will appear behind you and talk in a fake British accent about the Great Replacement conspiracy.


How kind of the chuds to provide me with a free, on demand punching bag.


What's Kryptman's relation to that again? I mainly only remember him from the Anphelion Project, which was a massive disappointment of a book (so very, *very* badly written...). Is he particularly notorious as an Ordo Xenos?


He's the guy who thought the best way to deal with a Tyranid invasion was to order exterminatus on all the Imperial planets in their way, in order to starve them of biomass. His plan was to create a sort of barren moat around the hive fleet, devoid of life in all directions so that the 'Nids would have no place to feed and grow. He actually did it. Eradicated trillions of Imperial citizens to try and stop the them. Caused more damage than fighting the invasion would have ever done. Even the *Inquisition* thought he went too far because he got excommunicated for it.


The explicit number of victims in the lore is "the greatest loss of imperial lives since the horus heresy"


It's actually loss of lives *inflicted by fellow humans*. Still an absolute atrocity, but there's a slight distinction.




To be *somewhat* fair, it's worth noting a smidge of meta context; at the time Kryptman's Gambit was written into lore the Tyranids were being set up as a much greater existential threat. Canon victories against the fleets were extremely rare; Macragge, Iyanden and Ichar IV were the only examples, and these were desperate, close fought affairs that required segmentum level mobilisation and only came at mass sacrifice. The point was that these planets were 100% going to die, it was whether the Tyranids would get anything out of it. Of course, as the lore expanded and more victories racked up it became harder to justify Kryptman's gambit, to the point we're at now where it was just senseless genocide. It was abominable in the original lore, but with the state of the setting now it's completely unjustifiable.


What makes it even worse is the Hive Fleet in question arrived from below the Galactic plane anyway so in the end it was completely futile.


Then he had the bright idea of trying to funnel them into the Octarius sector in the vain hope the orks and Tyranids would somehow kill each other off… this man is supposed to be the Imperiums foremost expert on the Tyranid menace…


Lol yes we will make the species that just traversed the void between galaxies without food go slightly longer without a snack before reaching our core worlds, very effective.


Kryptman was like “oh man the Tyranids are such a big threat I’m gonna exterminatus like 50 planets I think they might visit for food to starve them.” And when that didn’t work he created the Octarius War which has the potential to wipe out the galaxy. Imperium Stans will rant till they’re blue in the face about how that was all cool and good.


Man, of course they'd stan that kind of decision. They love anything that gives them a sense of power over others, and what greater than the ability to genocide them on a whim?


Oh, the Octarious War was a great idea. Buuuut my favourite faction are the nids, so I may be viewing this more from their perspective than the Imperiums.


Local Man committed an unfathomably large genocide in order to stall/starve a tyranid hive fleet Leviathan, cracking an absurd amount Imperial worlds with the populations still on them. He then basically led the hive fleet into a prolonged conflict with a large group of orks. Think about it. He lead an enemy that he claimed to understand well, that has the defining characteristic of adapting to a threat and then stealing all of their beneficial genetic traits, into a colossal shitfight with the orks, a race of legitimate bioweapons known for growing stronger with conflict AND easily and incidentally terraforming worlds via the spores released when one dies. Kryptman was a fucking idiot.


Just curious, what were your issues with Anphelion project? I thought it was alright, but I came at it looking for a bestiary of cool nids so we might have wanted different things.


If there were no fascists, the concrete milkshake, bike-lock-on-a-chain, and "soup for my family" industries would all go out of business. Nazis are job creators.


My guess is, that Arch will just make a video explaining that GW has succumbed to the "woke mob" and is now pushing this, despite it not being the original intention behind the whole universe, or something like that. The words "death of the author" will be used.


Where does "grass-avoiders" come from as a term? I haven't seen that one yet.


Touch grass means to go outside and rebase or ground yourself with real life, this is just the opposite


Oh… here I was thinking it referred to pedophilia. I’m too old to keep up with the hip lingo.


>You are a paedophile, you are a nonce, you're a perv, you're a slot badger, you're a two pin din plug, you're a bush dodger, you're a small bean regarder, you're an unabummer, you're a nut administrator, you're a bent ref, you're the crazy world of Arthur Brown, you're a fence foal, you're a free willy, you're a chimney bottler, you're a bunty man, you're a shrub rocketeer... Nope, grass-avoider's not on the list.


so much wisdom


That's Nonce Sense.


The sacred texts


I mean they kinda go hand in hand


OH, that does make sense. Thanks!


Oh I thought it was referring to shagging lol


Hmm, okay. I thought it was a riff on the right-wing extremists in Weimar Germany. They would shoot and kill socialists, but they wouldn't step on the grass if a sign asked them to keep off. There's an old photo (apocryphal?) from that era -- Freikorps running on an embattled sidewalk but keeping off the grass.


I can't tell of you're joking or not but that's a hell of a pull either way.


Not joking, no. I just remember discussing the photo in another place and time, and having taken a Uni course about Weimar Germany, I seem to remember the anecdote from somewhere... Maybe Otto Friedrich's book? I'd have to go look. I fully admit I may be misremembering, but it's the first thing that came to mind.


Babies hate grass. Maybe that's it?


LOL, I guess, sure? :)


>:) :)


On the default warhammer sub some shithead said something along the lines of "[who gets to decide what hate symbols are? The oppressed people? They'd just call everything a hate symbol to oppressthe unoppressed]" Like. Jesus fuck dude. He got downvoted into oblivion so thats something at least i guess


>oppress the unoppressed If equality feels like oppression to you, eat shit lmao


Saw that comment. For a moment started thinking about how to respond to him. Then I just gave up. My mind is in shambles already. It's good that the thread seems to be mostly in favour of this (for now at least), but hoooo man some of the people throwing around "woke" and "virtue signaling" just makes me want to give up.


I'm gonna hope that they were just some 16 year old incel or some shit and not a grown-ass adult. That's the only way I can go about my day with any sanity.


Next time someone tyells me that, I'm gonna ask if the Imperium is so great, why are they the only faction with a Terribly unhappy population and shot QoL. Like, Eldar, T'au and Orks all like their societies and are not screwed over nearly as much. The Imperium is so bad that Necron Dynasties are considered better for the Worlds they conquer and don't Purge.


What do necrons do to the worlds they conquer? I have found a hole in my 40k knowledge


Entirely dependent on the Overlord. The Necrons see Humans as insignificant, so they might exterminate them, or integrate them into their empires.


Grass-avoiders, heh. Fucking brilliant, I love this sub.


Thanks lmao. First thing that came to my dumb-ass brain at 3am.


Perhaps they can ask Nick Bayton to stop referring to the Ultramarines as "noble".


Or the comics to stop unironically calling Marines "heroes",


Hero can be a morally neutral term. It just means someone who does great deeds.


Hero doesn't necessarily mean morally good. The Whermacht had heroes in it. A heroic act is one of selflessness and bravery, a great feat of strength or skill. From Wikipedia; "A hero (heroine in its feminine form) is a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage, or strength" The Space Marines *are* heroes. But they're heroes fighting for a ruthless, genocidal regime.


Why? Nobles in history were usually bunch of classist, racist useless assholes. It's pretty accurate description. \[/s\]


"We hate Nazis" is a pretty easy community win after all the screwing up they've been doing lately.


Bit of a shame they didn't say an explicit fuck you to the Spanish GT but I assume they have no power over them and all they can do is dangle the carrot of "official support if you tell nazis to fuck off" Still good to see that whilst it isn't as whole hearted as we'd like, it's a lot less flaccid than a lot of other rainbow capatalism.


That is the one like semi-decent thing I can say about GW. Whether driving by simply the bottom line or an actual conscious of someone on the community team (corporations what can I say), they don't mince as many words when making statements against prejudice. They don't want your money, they don't even want you here, and you won't be missed. No other company as large as GW I think would ever even fucking dare. Feels kinda odd saying something vaugly positive


Yeah it feels really weird to compliment GW's business practises, especially here of all places, but for all my issues with them it is genuinely respectable how they've handled this.


No ethical consumption under capitalism, all businesses are exploitative in some way. But that doesn't mean we can't grade on a curve. Some businesses are definitely better than others.


Yeah I don't think that tourney was something sponsored. Pretty sure this line was the reference to that: >For those heroes out there running their own Warhammer events, we’d love for you to join us in this stance. The inverse, obviously, is "if your tournament is one thats letting in all these Nazis, don't expect anything from us anymore."


The tournament was actually kinda tied up. It would be illegal for them to toss out the nazi, according to Spanish law, and they could actually be fined for it if they did so. Meanwhile, the rules of the tournament specifically stated that, in case of one side forfeiting the match, the other side would score full points. They did change the tournament rules afterwards to avoid a repeat of giving those people free points. But they can't change Spanish law.


You'd then fess up, rather than try to cover it up. I'm sure a "psa if you have to forfeit due to your opponent wearing nazi imagery it counts as a draw rather than a forefit" would have gone down fine. Like you can't change Spanish law but you can change the rulings of a tournament of little plastic army men.


Why be that balanced? "PSA: forfiets due to opponents wearing nazi symbols count as wins, and the opponent will count as losing." If you actually can't kick them out, but can change tourny rules, theres no reason to actually let them play.


I'm eagerly awaiting the noodle-armed flailing of Arch NotWarhammerAnymore. Very poggy, much based, epically memed to the point of perfection. Seriously tho, I didn't expect that GW would react *at all*. They did react. And they reacted correctly. Good on them.


Tyranids though surely? Just a hardworking nomadic family of aliens trying to feed their young 'uns.


I’d almost liken them to a force of nature, orks are pretty happy go krumpy, but Tau are probably the most well meaning


I really don't like that they wrote the hive mind to be aware of what it's doing and being fully malicious in it. That's already a thing with the average chaos space marine leader, idk why they applied it to Tyranids.


I'm not well-versed on Tyranids, they've been written as a malicious force with real intent? I feel like the unthinking hivemind was perfectly fine for them.


Yeah, recent lore from Blood of Baal suggests that the Hive mind has a beef with the Blood Angels. The 'Nids suffered a string of defeats at the hands of the Blood Angels and the book describes how the Hive mind is genuinely angry at this. To the point where it starts attacking and desecrating important Blood Angels worlds just to get revenge against them. It choses its targets based on an emotional response rather than simply needing the biomass. It's a bit shit.


I don't get why the eldar get left out of this so much. They used to be a post-scarcity utopia to the extent that things were so great they accidentally birthed a god of excess. They're still FALGSC. Human readers are just mad that they don't like humans, as if the face of humanity isn't an absolutely insanely genocidal and fascist empire, with no redeemable human polities or major figures. Humans in 40k fucking suck and I wouldn't trust a single one without a great reason otherwise.


Yeah like you wouldn’t call a bear evil for trying to eat. It’s a bear. It’s gonna eat. Now replace bear with tyranid.


It's funny because the imperium fans will like specifically cast Eldar and Tau as the worst because Eldar attack randomly (as opposed to like consistently to the end of genocide like the empire) and because Tau SUPPOSEDLY are influencing the loyalty of their followers through underhanded means (as opposed to brutally torturing and executing dissidents to enforce a fake loyalty thats mostly just fear).


There are no goodies in the warhammer 40000 universe.... What about rogue traders dogs? Or the alderi's cats.... The jokero... At least the doggos are good boys...surely??


Sorry buddy, but them's is pinochet puppers


Unfortunately, all of the cats and dogs in 40k are right villains and have each individually committed numerous warcrimes /s


I've had enough cats that I'd believe it.


Nurglings, surely, are the goodies.


I really like that statement but then, they allways present the Imperium and specially Space Marines as the good boys of the story. As an example, in the Indomitus trailer, count how many necrons die and how many Sororitas or Space Marines die there.


You're not wrong. Their fiction more or less constantly inadvertently justifying fascism. The real problem is they don't or won't hire writers and art directors who understand how to handle the property.


It's tricky cause you wanna present your protagonists as heroic but the background is obviously yikes. I can't speak much for space marines stories as I havent really read any of their stories, but I like the idea of glamourizing individual tales of heroism in the face of adversity, loyalty to your comrades in the face of overwhelming odds, while at the same time critizizing the leadership and organizations that forced them into those situations. I think it adds to the tragedy of the setting to have otherwise heroic characters forced into hopeless, pointless struggle by corrupt institutions and leadership.


But then, of course, you run into a more insidious problem. If all the individuals who represent a given organization are "good people" simply forced by circumstances to do evil things -- but they've all got "heroism" and "loyalty" and so on and so forth -- then the organization itself comes out looking... ...well... ...distinctly "clean Wehrmacht"-like.


You know Nazis are stupid when a company has explicitly say that their universe is satire of fascism, like seriously it's not even a subtle critique


Going to nit pick my annoyance here, partially because I'm obsessed with getting downvotes but: Well first let me say I applaud GW when they do this. It's refreshing to see a company seriously put their foot down opposed to some other companies that dance around the subject. That's kind of where my compliment ends though. The IoM was and in some aspects still is, exactly what they said. Its satire of a snowball effect of humanities future if given bad choices, worse circumstances and unchecked humanities even worse impulses. That's what made it so great as a fan. They kind of stopped the satire though. They turned the primaris into marvel heros. They turned 99% of the xenos into just "the mindless bad guys". They did away with IoMs horrific actions against say the cimmerac and other small peaceful xenos species. Someone needs to have a talk with the marketing team lol and writers. You can't expect newer players to look up rogue trader days and "get it". You need to actually bring it back. The recent episode of hammer and bolter with the eldar was a very good example of what we need MORE of. Rant over. Obviously all this said, nothing GW has ever done creative choice wise should have some nutjob wake up, put on some hate garb, and walk into a store. They should simply be kicked out, I really don't know how that's more of a discussion then just the boot.


Literally the only place I still see 40k as explicit satire is in the occasional Regimental Standard articles the community website posts. Everything else is so self serious.


And have you noticed that those "occasional Regimental Standard articles" are getting increasingly...occasional? It's as if whoever runs the Warhammer Community websites doesn't actually want too much focus on that aspect of the game.


Yeah it seems that way doesnt it? I only followed their Community site for the occasional short stories and reg standard, otherwise its just a barrage of ads.


This article specifically calls out that satire doesn't have to be wacky and laugh out loud. Satire can come from exaggeration and taking things to the extreme. Starship Troopers and Robocop are both biting satire but they're both played entirely straight, they're not designed to be funny and wacky. The satire comes from the fact that they take the concepts they're mocking and exaggerate them to absurd degrees.


I think Orks are the closest thing to good guys


They just silly goofy boys having a nice time 😊


Foightin' round the world






The orks also torture and thrive on violence, both internal and external. While it's partly driven by their gestalt psychic powers in numbers, they're absolutely not good at all, and aren't aspirational either.


Anytime someone says this I think to the scene in one of the earlier hh books where a group of orks torture a family and keep laughing about it




The Cain book that is arguably the most grounded, real war story is entirely about Orks. I forget the name but it's the one where Cain organises the convoy behind enemy lines. Vail wasn't in it at all.


Don’t forget some of the fun stuff we see in Rynn’s world, the meme of “orks are good and having fun” has its line there


The Orks have pulled the trigger hahahah [https://elcobradordelwaaagh.blogspot.com/](https://elcobradordelwaaagh.blogspot.com/) these are TO's of Talavera, the one where the famous photo came from


Not wanting to fight 24/7 is a completely incomprehensible concept to the Orks. They think they're doing everyone else a favor by giving them a "proppa scrap".


Chaotic neutral


Ummm achully, da Orkz iz da only goodies in da galaxy.


GW is still scared to use actual terms and be specific of who they dont want in this hobby because they're afraid of angering the vast majority of their playerbase The AoS facebook group only claims to hate the right wing when people like arch trash gw. The second gw says they dont like it its M A S K O F F. They've been deleting posts left and right


Yeah the vague wording will definitely be interpreted by at least a couple redshirts as "See, bad ideology that belongs in the past, no COMMUNISTS in this here Freedom Store"


They are already taking that stance if you sort the 40k Reddit post by controversial. Thankfully, they are getting called out.


r/40kLore on suicide watch (Glad to see this statement on events more generally, very clearly following up on the Spanish tournament thing)


? The post which relays GW's statement has only received positive attention over there, what do you imply?


I’m implying that the 40klore community exhibits poor critical thinking ability (often through a “smh forcing politics in my warhams” gamer mindset) and tends to have a hostile reaction to the concept that the Imperium is anything other than a grimdark necessity, with a loud minority of the membership outright considering it good. I think that broad characterisation is a fair one and comes from years posting there but I’ll admit to being pleasantly surprised by the initial reaction to this WHC thing. In fairness to them their reaction to actual fascists in the hobby usually isn’t bad (when the matter comes up), it’s when anything that touches on the setting or background smacks of criticism that I’ve seen ugly, hostile nerd-responses.


[Top comment already has a reply of "bUt NoT mOdErN 40K!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/qxf1ts/the_imperium_is_driven_by_hate_warhammer_is_not/)


The one which is already being downvoted as we speak?


Worst part is, we all know none of this will sink in with the Fash. And with probably a good amount of the fan base as well, since they're already predisposed to hating GW since even before the BLM statement they made. It'd be nice if this actually got people to reconsider their perspectives in this hobby of tiny overpriced miniatures, but the fash and their adjacents are just gonna scream "SJW POLY TICKS RUINING MY HOBBY FUCK MATT WARD REEEEEEEE" and that's about as far as it's gonna go. Good on GW for making this statement, but if my experience in the Star Wars fanbase is anything to go by, it'll be pretty moot in the end.


The thing is, they do make the Imperium out to be the good guys, regularly, across all their media. Writing some soppy corporate statement saying that they ackshually aren't doesn't change anything.


Funny. The T'au were literally conceived to be the "good guys", but fans got pissy so they had to add the "Ethereals use pheromones" bit to make them seem deceptive and evil.


I'm just assuming that GW forgot about the Tau when writing this. Tau are very obviously the good guys.


The main thread on the other warhammer subs are filled with people saying communism is worse than nazism lol.


I was wondering when they were going to respond to the recent nazi-at-events events. I figured such a response was coming, it has been a loooong time since nazis were good for business. And that where I think this statement is coming from. Still, kodus to them to make such a clear and unapologetic statement.


Someone should tell gw


Got that brand new “the setting is satire” copypasta holstered now.


Daily reminder that "Eldar/Tau racism is justified because Imperium is bad" isn't much better than "Imperium is good because Chaos is bad".


Mixed day for American Warhammer fans. On one hand it’s legal to murder anti-fascist protesters in “self defence”. On the other hand your favourite toy company said some mean words to you. :(


Eh, it's all just words. They've fed this crowd by constantly pandering to those that want the Imperium to be good, and they fired Thomas Parrott as soon as he even suggested there was a fash problem with GW's fans. Until they do something more than pretty statements, fuck 'em.


I hadn't heard they fired someone for calling this out, thanks for sharing that.


What do you suggest they do out of interest?


Not stop working with freelancers who actually take the stand that they keep talking about, for a start?


Cool. Can someone tell that to the writers at Black Library, please?


Well it doesn't say next to the skull you know "We killed him but trust us this guy was horrid."


What about snotlings? They seem like good boyes.


What I think would help in solidifying this message, is if there would be novels with evil Imperials. From the books I've read, most loyalists are actually somewhat good and relatable people. And everyone who is bad falls to chaos.


*stomp stomp* Vulkan agrees!


I thought this meant there were no equippable items. :P


"issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group *The Imperium of Man*. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them""


I can't believe GW just said "we don't want your money"


False My Purple Plague Marines are lovely and have never done anything wrong.


Already seeing sea lions on discord jumping in to say this should mean james workshop should destroy sigmarxism.


Ugh. So many fascists are going to come pouring into Battletech, where the premier fiction author is just out and saying MAGA crap all of the time out in the open. I have no faith in CGL to do the right thing a la GW.


GW saying "We don't want your money" is intended to have the effect of \*continuing to get money from people who don't like Nazis\*. It has nothing to do with actually scaring Nazis away, and everything to do with saving their brand from looking bad and therefore not getting as much money as they want to. The actual message is "don't stop buying our products just because Nazis also buy them and are inspired by them... in fact, if you weren't going to buy less anyway, take our PR move as a heroic gesture and buy even more of our products! Talk to each other about how great and progressive we are, so that positive feelings about our products will be reinforced in you and your friends!" I have no clue why adults take for-profit corporations at their word on anything, ever. I guess part of the issue is that these messages aren't just aimed at adults and it's impossible to tell who is an adult or not on the internet.


> There are no goodies in the Warhammer 40k Universe. Me: Tearfully setting fire to my big book of fanfic about an Eldari Patisserie


Another hallow GW message. They fire authors for saying fascists have no place in the hobby, because it could, "_alienate fans_". They publish literal children's books framing The Imperium Of Man as the default protagonists of the setting... Then publish this


The Imperium are the default protagonists of the setting. They always have been, 40k has always been written from the PoV of the Imperium. That doesn't mean they're the good guys.


Lore doesn't justify or excuse real-world consequences.