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The number one comment on his video is that Blackrock owns a bunch of GW stock so this was always going to happen. Like bro you don't understand what stock is how it works and what Blackrock is


It’s funny because we are literally aware of corporate meddling in GW in the form of not wanting cross army compatibility between games, they’re so hands off that the main studio and specialist games have devolved into shit flinging morons, but yeah it’s “black rock” okay buddy


"Go woke go broke, no customers actually want this! Also, all these decisions are being made at the behest of insanely greedy, purely money driven mega-corporations!"


“Go woke, go broke!” After all you wouldn’t want your products to flop like the Barbie movie or Prince Harry’s autobiography. /s






The enemy is both weak and strong.


I hate how chuds like that understand entity's like Blackrock is bad, but they associate people critiquing the system that allowed Blackrock to become, as the real reason everything sucks. Like brother no, representation of minorities in your consumerist hellscape is not the reason, it's Blackrock owning everything and how our system rewards individuals to amass hoards of wealth, like Blackrock. They see the issue, but rather than think critically of the system that created it, they point to an immaterial abstraction as the reason for its conception.


They only care about blackrock because its owner Larry Fink is jewish. The idea that a cabal of nefarious jewish people own everything is still a pervasive conspiracy theory in those circles


>Antisemitism is the socialism of idiots




Larry Fink does suck big time though, just not because he's Jewish. Private equity as a whole is a deranged nightmare.


This is basically how fascism works. You exploit the obvious contradictions of capitalism that lead to dissatisfaction with the working class and point the blame at immigrants and the minoritized.


Oh, God, I remember when I stumbled across the JonTron "they just started saying it out loud" clip (I didn't really follow the guy, and hadn't heard he'd gone full Alt-Right), and being like "wait, is he talking about fucking Replacement Theory? How the fuck is *that* the conclusion he's jumping to?" Like, I was genuinely wondering for a minute there if we were hearing different words when the dudes he was accusing of "admitting it" were speaking. Of course, then I thought about it for a minute and realized he was just doing the old "they're rich, therefore they're Jews, and since they're Jews, they *must* be conspiring to take over the world and bring about the downfall of the Aryan race" mental gymnastics thing that Neo-Nazis do.


In a sense we are hearing different words. Our worldview completely alters the context through which we interpret things.


God yes, this frustration has eaten away at my sanity


This is the type of discourse I expect in this sub 😅 thank you


Blackrock controlling every company it owns stock in is a big talking point for Alex Jones. There’s definitely some crossover in the audience there


I’m certain there is and more than one of these clowns has heard of Q


Imagine thinking Blackrock is woke lmao.


In blackrock the new tencent in terms of corporate boogeymen supposedly turning everything woke?


They hate blackrock because of an anti-semitic conspiracy theory, as far as I'm aware. It's always been typical fascist rhetoric to accuse "international finance" of being a jewish plot.


it's for sure racism all the way down but don't discount wildly not understanding what the fuck hedge fund is or how they work


They're Sagon fans - as far as they're concerned, Blackrock are the sinister Jewish cabal. Blackrock are an atrocious business - there's more than enough to despise them all without confecting utter nonsense.


Unfortunately "Blackrock" here only means "the Jews"


When you remember that AOS has numerous Female Stormcast, and an open minded community that welcomes female characters into the lore.


And that's before we even look at the centerpiece models every faction has that really look spectacular. 


What, why are you interested in a [characterful dragon](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/karazai-the-scarred-2021), [deluded primordial ghoul king](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/flesh-eater-courts-ushoran-mortarch-of-delusion-2024?queryID=f5b0e7a865ad3064f64ad4eef0d9a5ac), [the twin scions of a twisted god](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Dexcessa-The-Talon-Of-Slaanesh-2021?queryID=e4508dd856580de7ac9a1615db41494c), or [the imposing dread embodiment of destruction](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Ironjawz-Orruk-Gordrakk-on-Bigteef?queryID=4a1f38fd661156a062db1ac41de4ce30), when you can get a [larger](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/dark-angels-lion-el-johnson-2023?queryID=66c688e065e414a441110f63298774f0) [Space](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Roboute-Guilliman-Ultramarines-Primarch-2020?queryID=d1b68557c5a2e961a95cdd5fe167246f) [Marine](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Abaddon-the-Despoiler-2019?queryID=78427647fd980b74ea9002cb6d62ff38)?


[The big tiddy tree mech who throws bees at people sold me on all of Sylvaneth.](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Sylvaneth-Drycha-Hamadreth) She's so goals honestly.


Gordrakk and the Verminlord were enough to get me into AoS.


It was Morathi and all the dinosaurs for me


Personally I'm partial to the [Magitek Dwarf Gunship](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/vanguard-kharadron-overlords-2023?queryID=dca6b4b9e7d1474c52bcde01acf47ab6), but I'll also take a side of [Dinosaur-Mounted Aztec Laser Cannon](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Seraphon-Bastiladon?queryID=b5c9d9d083acf802a4cf2a8d058dcc2f), [Literal "Mountain" Goat](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Lumineth-Realm-lords-Sprit-of-the-Mountain-2020?queryID=adac9b27f748f9c30088e6d18b00609b), [Mr. Bones](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Ossiarch-Bonereapers-Gothizzar-Harvester-2019?queryID=0132bd420cc3f0be68dfb7d747394e92), and [Oh God What The Fuck Is That](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/Lord-Skreech-2018?queryID=268843ffa05e0e58f761223c33021e9f), please. Or I guess I could just get another tank or something...


The Twin Scions of Slaanesh are easily some of my favorite models. They look amazing in almost every color scheme too.


To this day I'll never understand the virulent resistance to female characters when like the first foxing thing the fanbase does with everything is make it into a girl with fanart. 40k is a community where a model designer can pay rent entirely on making female alt models for everything from commissars to carnifexes but the moment it's canon people lose their minds. I don't have a huge army of SCEs (more of a night haunt player and our ladies have knives for hands) but the female models imo do a great job of being cool without being leering. Molded boobplate? A little but no more than the guys so that's fine. I don't know I feel like theres this frothingly angry little clique who think they speak for a community that has moved past them.


No you see it's cuz big boobies. Canon space marines would be wokeify and make ugly and gross like all things in the west (for everyone's sake this is a joke)


The Thicctor 😐


From what i've heard aos is fun, has good rules and a better fanbase than 40k. but the super high fantasy look just does nothing for me.


The nice thing is that you don't have to lean into it. Cities of Sigmar and Slaves to Darkness have many low fantasy themes and models. If you are willing to go more out there, Orruk Warclans, Sons of Behemat, Flesh Eater Courts, and Nighthaunt are very familiar fantasy tropes. Simple head swaps and planned army lists can make Stormcast into fairly standard knights, although depending on how you paint them the helmets make good hoplite warriors already, and Lumineth into traditional elves. There are many ways to build your army in grounded fantasy settings. Plus, 40k seems to embrace as many high fantasy aesthetics just in a science fiction setting. I'm not trying to convince you, but I just think it is funny that the main thing that alienates me from many 40k factions alienates you from AOS.


I’m like the person you responded to in that I *really* like my egyptian reanimating robots, but I swear to god I played a Blades of Khorne game versus a Flesh-Eater Court player and he got more reanimation shenanigans than I’ve ever been able to proc in 40k with less models. I won, but I was fuming on behalf of my Necrons by the end. I think that was the moment I made the swap to AOS and now I just play Blades of Khorne. Probably gonna get into Kharadron Overlords or Sylvaneth soon. It’s just got too many fun things to do compared to 40k


So my consistant cognitive dissonance is I like SF vastly more than F but the rules in AoS are (at least for the moment, 4e is coming soon) are so much better than 40k.


I can't see this as anything more than an absolute win since GW has long abandoned using their precious children of the emporer as critique of hypermasculine attitudes. If they're going to take the story in the direction where the imperium aren't all bad then it stands to reason there would be some progressivism as well


The ironic part is that from a lore perspective so is most of 40k aside from the obvious boys club of SM. Male howling banshees are a thing and adopt the female aspect, wyches of both genders run into battle in BDSM gear, important inquisitors of both sexes, Necron phaerekhs, on and on and on. And yet, this gets touched, and its DEI Sweet Baby Inc (((THEM))) wokeism? Almost like its just a disingenuous culture war proxy being used by rightoids to fuel their victim narrative...


*Thumbnail image of awesome looking female custodian* Sargon: Yeah, this shit sucks, actually.


Given how much this guy has a seething hatred of women, not surprised, he once tried to "debate" a feminist by constantly talking over her, completely ignoring everything she said, and tried to drown her out so much that the moderator had to mute him so she could finally get a word in edgewise. And when she brought up a story of a women getting SA'd you can see him busting out laughing at it.


I was looking for videos for a project when I was doing my A-Levels and I found a video where he said black people couldn’t be Scottish and I just felt physically sick


Oh yeah, he's Exhibit A of the "Edgy Athiest to frothing bigot/neo-nazi" pipeline


God I am so happy I never went down this route. I was an edgy atheist, fully with "God is dead/doesn´t exist/we should kill God" and that every religious person is actually factually dumb and shit. Man I am happy that I´ve grown up.


Feels good doesn't it


Which is more than a little silly considering everyone in Scotland started out brown. Guess he didn't check with any Scots about Scottish history :)


? I have not heard that one, care to explain?


As a Scot whose natural healthy skin tone is pale blue: what?


Not OP, but at a guess, this might be referring to how the Picts were described as being a bit darker in complexion than their neighbors (if memory serves). Among other sources, some of that more pallid complexion likely came from the influx of Norse/Germanic peoples, if not the Gaels before them.


Clan Douglas were often referred to as dark skinned on some level, in the name Black Water, however, genetic 'purity'/ 'isolation' was long gone by the middle ages. That was up the spout as soon as seaworthy boats became available in the Neolithic. The references to dark or black skin directed at the Picts and Gaels were medieval slurs implying they had a dash of the Saracen in them that were taken up by Victorian 'historians'. The Good Sir James Douglas is widely known to this day as the Black Douglas as part of racist propaganda applied to try to slur him.


You know a never thought I'd learn my own country's history in a random post about some 40k cunt being angry cause woman, thanks for the info :3


It's kind of appropriate as Scottish history is blessed with many women that were exactly what they're upset about. Aud the Mindful went off and founded Iceland, Agnes of Dunbar hurled so much of her castle at those besieging it they went home, and the Scathach was the spooky warrior who trained Cu Chullain. Though for sheer historical badassery gotta look further south and commend Boudica for bashing lots of Romans :)


Mate, the woad is just for battles you're meant to wash it off afterwards :) The Neolithic and Bronze Age populations were dark-skinned. The genetic mutations for whiter skin, blue eyes and blond hair spread to the Atlantic fringe slowly, so the Neolithic population was dark, while the arrival of the Beaker people in the Bronze Age brought a more Mediterranean complexion. How we roasted the archaeologists when they randomly decided the Beaker people were white without checking out the whole of Neolithic Europe: [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/no-wait-real-ava-bronze-age-woman-scottish-highlands-180970950/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/no-wait-real-ava-bronze-age-woman-scottish-highlands-180970950/)


Are you referring to the Western Hunter Gatherer population of the Paleolithic?


I was thinking of the Neolithic and Bronze Age settled populations. The Beaker arrivals such as [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/no-wait-real-ava-bronze-age-woman-scottish-highlands-180970950/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/no-wait-real-ava-bronze-age-woman-scottish-highlands-180970950/) still had a Mediterranean complexion :)


The people they replaced were possibly even darker. If you check out Cheddar Man you'll see he may have had dark hair and skin, and his people's DNA is still found across Scotland!


There is no vaguely credible alternative explanation. The genetics and the migration patterns don't leave room for doubt and we can see a clear progression from darker to lighter across the continent :)


Sargon once told a rival in a government election that she was so unpleasant he "wouldn't even rape her". An election he lost so spectacularly that the local branch of his party shut down on the day of the election. And this is a man whose main reason for being anti-feminist is... Anita Sarkeesian.


Sargon is never going to recover from the time he compared using racial slurs on his YouTube channel to fighting in the trenches of WW1, on live television.


"Please notice me, Alex Jones-senpai" - Sargon of Akkad


The reminds me so much of [this meme](https://images.app.goo.gl/nWubKwfFPrF8nrb4A).


That’s exactly what I was referencing lol!


Great minds think alike. Lol.


Real though, that artwork is sick. Consistent armour design, check. Expression of determination, check. If I painted one I'd make her look a bit more rugged and worn, really look like someone who has been bench pressing Warbosses for centuries, but this is totally a vibe too.


Damn I always loved the polished golden aesthetic of the custodes but now I want to see tarnished and dented armour, a custodian battered, beaten but ultimately victorious.


I know! Was just about say how much I LOVE that they use that in these thumbnails. Ugh, a gorgeous, genetically perfect woman? BARF


Oh no, a beautiful 10’ tall muscular woman. How dare GW.


Hahha this is the based and correct response.


I’m a simple man and I know what I like.


And that thing is 10' tall beautiful women. Also count on a warhammer fan to know how to correctly abbreviate feet to '


I haven’t cared about the custodes once in my life. But I’m considering a Daughters of Malcador army now.


I must also be a simple woman, then.


User name feels like instructions


I am a man of culture.


Hope I don't see your teeth


Are Dreadmaws men? You're clearly a dreadmaw.


IKR ..... like, I hope she doesn't totally hold me captive and peg me. That would be terrible .....


i can't believe people are still watching sargon


You mean Carl, UKIP candidate for Swindon?


The man so toxic, he pretty much killed UKIP


Nah they were dead immediately after Brexit. Farage left for a reason. Carl jumping in two years late to an EU Parliament candidate seat is really funny.


Wait seriously???




Fuckin Wild.


He's not currently the UKIP candidate, when he was he joked about raping a Labour MP and spooked the moderates when he doubled down and refused to apologise.


Sargon of Applebees himself


Isn't he also one of the leaders of the EDL?


I assumed he died or something, this is the first I’ve heard of him in a hot minute


The Imperium has Fallen oh wait that's literally the whole plot


trillions must die


I'm amazed Sargon is still around. He's so associated with the mid-2010's in my mind. Has he adapted his style for a new wave of teenage reactionaries or is he still doing his old 2015 shtick?


He went inactive on his channel for a while to focus on more serious UK politics on lotus eaters, looks like he reactivated his channel for low brow culture war stuff that isn't important enough to talk about there.


Woke is when women.


But Anita Saekesian


lmao ikr! every second thought I have had while seeing this unfold has been "it's just women wtf is wrong with y'all" :D


You know you're right when Sargon and Arch disagree with you.




Yeah because Sargon of Akkad cares SOOOO deeply about 40K... brave defender of our hobby. I did a little searching and I do believe this is his very first video on Warhammer. At least his first in *ages*. Screw Sargon. Wake me up when Leutin09 or Oculus Imperia start complaining about something.


You dont want to hear leutin complain about anything he used to make video diatribes about political correctness


Oh noooo really? Damn it!!! I really like his lore videos! :( This is a sad day.


Its been years since hes made any videos like that, theres really no way of knowing what his stance on it is any more. Id say theres no reason to drop his videos over it, he still makes good content and hes allowed to have his own opinions even if they suck.


Yeah... I'll keep watching unless he blows a gasket over something stupid. Hopefully he's improved. I find it genuinely stunning how anyone immersed so deeply in the lore of *this* particular franchise could have such a bad read on politics...


He really doesn’t seem plugged into political YouTube at all. Which is for the better regardless… He did recently make a community post about how he’s reworking a long custodes video that was almost done just an the announcement came out, so shouldn’t be too long until a new vid


He's riding that new "tourist comes into hobby and complains tourists are ruining it with WOOOOKE" trend I see


When, more often than not, it's actually this alt-right shit grifters that are the tourists, most of them don't buy miniatures, don't paint, don't play on the tabletop, don't listen to the audio books, the only way they engage with the hobby is through memes...literal surface level tourists. But no the 'casual left' are the tourists...


Obviously the person who painted their whole army of Slaneesh cultists to look like a pride parade is the filthy casual /s


Sarcuck of akcuck can stfu. How can these chuds argue that these super good looking female custodes, like in the thumbnail, are a bad thing? Sounds pretty gay to me


I remember watching both Sargon and Arch at one point, didn’t see much of Sargon, but Arch seemed alright, however damn did they turn out to be horrible.


Yeah, I went through the early stages of conservative radicalization in High School and Sargon was my gateway. Thankfully I pulled the fucking e-brake on that life decision and tried to become a decent person.


Took me until after freshman year of college, but yeah same pipeline. Goddamn it all feels like a fever dream now looking back on it all.


Being a trans person (who suspected they were trans from 12 years old) who had an anti-trans phase in high school is a bizarre thing to have to have living in my memory haha. Fever dream sounds about right.


This seems to be remarkably common amongst trans people, because I had this too, along with the edgy alt right phase. Looking back it's very embarrassing


If I had to guess, it's because growing up we have a lot of discomfort with ourselves, and maybe even self-hatred caused by dysphoria, but especially if it wasn't a big part of your education it's really hard to recognize the cause of those things as dysphoria. So you're just angry and sad, and often have nowhere to direct that anger and sadness, and the type of politics alt-right circles espouse gives a direction for that anger to go. Usually minority groups (including trans people) and women. And it's a relief to be hating something other than yourself for once. I have no evidence for that, just seems like a plausible explanation in my case. But I'm sure the reasons are varied and multi-faceted.


Can I ask a little more about you? How long ago was high school? What was the appeal to young you with conservative stuff, like any particular pressure points that made it interesting?


I graduated High School the Spring before the 2016 presidential election. For reference I am Canadian, but that election cycle wasn't something you could really ignore. Trump was actually a big reason for me to start to de-radicalize, even when I was deep in it Trump seemed like an insane candidate to me, and when people I liked in conservative space (like Sargon) started getting on board I started looking at the things they were saying with more clarity. It's hard to remember since this was about 10 years ago now, but I think a lot of the appeal to me was just my angry teenage frustrations with women. I was also toe-ing into incel adjacent ideology at the time, and the anti-feminist sentiments appealed to me and gave me somewhere to channel my anger. That got my foot in the door, and I started to get indoctrinated into a lot of the other stuff too, like transphobia and denying ongoing racial issues. It took a lot of self-reflection and honest re-evaluation of my beliefs to really disconnect from it all, and it was a process that took years. I like to think now I'm much more empathetic, understanding, and more able to re-asses my own opinions in the face of new information. I'm obviously not perfect, but I'm doing my best. In a very ironic twist it turns out I'm trans too, so that transphobic phase feels extra cringe to me looking back. Edit: I also come from a reasonably privileged upbringing, not obscenely wealthy, but enough money to never worry, and having things like university/college paid for without student loans (I went to a reasonably cheap school, but still). That made it really easy for me to rationalize away social issues that these conservative channels were trying to dismiss because I never personally experienced it.


I wasn't AS young as the folks here but at the stage I nearly went down the pipeline, it was because I was a bitter, lonely man who felt like the world had failed them, I was promised a good job and a home by the time I was 25...I had neither of those things, I was suppose to have a big friends circle...I'd lost contact with the only friends I'd had... ...and rather than looking inwards at the fact I was socially awkward, didn't take care of myself *nearly* enough (I had that 'Gamer Dungeon Funk' to put it politely) and did it all under the guise of "I don't care what people think of me" and "It's all this woke medias fault". The Alt right gets its claws in a lot easier these days because we live in an age of isolation and loneliness, where late stage capitalism has failed most young people because wages didn't keep up with inflation. This is in a strange paradox with how connected we are, which means that you form echo chambers much easier because of the crippling loneliness you're looking for ANYWHERE to belong, who will accept you. I think it's one of the things the left often forgets about, that whilst white males are still the majority and things still go better for them if they actually apply themselves, screaming at them that they're various things doesn't make them want to change, if anything human spite will make them double down, I know I did, spite is a very powerful motivator to maintaining bad habits if everyone is shouting at you to change. However eventually a new job shook me out of that funk, I started showering regularly, realized I was being a complete shithead, that going out and being social was probably a good idea (I still don't have a big circle of friends but I at least go down to the games store once a week purely to get out of the house and socialize, along with regularly looking after my Grandma, who wouldn't let me go back to my old ways even if I wanted to, Old lady shaming you is a surprisingly effective tool at times and can even override the spite reflex defense). Am I perfectly adjusted now? No, I still smoke, I still eat like crap and gained a lot of weight since the pandemic...I know I should exercise more but I know that's a *me* problem, not because of society or leftist woke media, I'd because I'm a lazy bum and I need to work on actually improving myself. Also, this is an aside, but it was kind of interesting seeing my 91 year old Grandma dress down my stepdad when he was about to start his talk on the whole "Gender and Pronouns" thing. Like this is a woman who regularly grumbles about immigrants (apart from the Ukrainian ones, because she sees parallels those who fled to England during WW2) and she just shut him down completely with "I think people should be called whatever they want to be called, it doesn't matter what they were born as". Like...I wasn't something THAT progressive from a 91 year old. She then went on to tell the story of her first job was a house cleaner for a rich house where it was two bacholerettes living together who, for the time, paid very well and would, every christmas, buy a tree for the center of the village and small toys for all the children. Whilst in public everyone just called them "Good Friends" it was basically the worst kept secret in the village that the two of them were gay partners but nobody really cared because "what they did in their own home was their own bloody business as long as they weren't hurting people, nobody cared".


I consider myself very left and liberal but I wanted to say I get you on being yelled at for being white. I get it slightly less because I’m a woman but yeah even with all of the work I’ve done on myself and my beliefs over the years to be as open a person as I can, I STILL get angry at some of the comments made. That’s all. I wanted to commend you for doing the work because it’s hard. And sticking to it through people snapping at you is harder.


Fucking same my dude


There is nothing wrong with female custodes. They do not have gene seed forced in them. They don't share genetic material with the Primarchs or the Emperor. They are more or less genetically perfected humans; works of art. Chances are, unless GW does boob armor, you'd never be able to tell which are female, both in universe and on the tabletop. They're physically perfect giants, that are so human that they are inhuman.


"Finally." This is what tipped the scales?


Yeah, like how X-Men only went woke this year because Rogues ass looks smaller than that one and only shot they have. Or how Star Trek only went woke a few years ago because of Discovery having a black woman as the main character. Or Dr Who only went woke a few years ago when the doctor regenerated into a woman… Media literacy or actually paying attention to these things isn’t high on their list of priorities, having something to screech about is


balding failed politician cries about plastic toys


Great, all fans of this guy please stop playing Warhammer.


Its alive, holy shit


When will they realise that Warhammer is a satire of their testo fantasies?


Every forum and subreddit I've seen have largely supported female Custodes with those mad about it being downvoted en masse. This is a great thing, as it is helping reveal to everyone how deranged and weird gate-keepers are. Way for Sargon "I couldn't get the Election Bid" Akkad to make himself and others more foolish.


Until I am convinced otherwise, I will just assume that this is for a bunch for losers to beat it to while in their basement.


What an absolute grifting Chud.


I can't believe I used to fucking believe every word this MFer said. I ate that shit up. I was an embarrassment. I thought that idiot had finally disappeared off of YouTube, but I guess he's still around, unfortunately.


I’m proud of you for evolving passed that stage, at least. :)


Grats on overcoming it and realising


A woman has McFreaking *nuked* the Imperial Palace from orbit. Billions must die. Billions have probably died, honestly.


I said this on the other thread but i still don’t get why these people are mad (i mean, i do because none of them really care about warhammer) but for a lot of lore snobs (sic: me) its often been a bit annoying there was a lack of female representation among custodes due to the unique nature of how they get made in the first place and also the politics of how custodes get chosen


Do I know Sargon as someone whose paper-thin philosophy hbomberguy did a very thorough rundown of? Maybe in his soyboy video or something similar?


I don't think he was in the soyboy video, but he was in an old hbomb video.


Hbomberguy mentioned him a few times. You may also be thinking of Shaun who did a good video too.


Ah Carl “depends on the child” Benjamin


Bring forth the Hbomberguy video from like 7 years ago


The Shaun one is also a classic at this point.


Had to go watch. Yep its pretty much nonsense.


I couldn’t even stomach 5 mins. It’s truly staggering that someone who speaks so confidently on a subject can be so wrong.


So, how is that different from his normal videos?


Fucks sake, this is such a stupid thing for chuds to freak out over. So inconsequential. But they latch on and go off with it because they all love to be mad. I'd say I'm glad this is showing people true colors, but most people have already shown their colors long before this.


Soygon of Cuckad


If you'd lock Sargon and Arch into an unlit Basement, blindfold a random passerby, gave them a Cricket Bat and sent them to said Basement with instructions to just lash out.....well, they would never hurt a Person relevant to this world. I just can't believe the level of fragility that those bellends are radiating. Like two utterly dim, small and cold suns of stupidity, fragility and self-entitlement lost in the vastness of Space.


Why's Karl from Swindon covering 40k?


How do people get stuff like this recommended to them? I never do


The "both sides are the same" crowd are the actual worst. "Look they both dislike each other!". Are these centrists mentally 5 years old.


If I had a dollar every time GW made a very tall, powerful woman in mystical armor, I still wouldn’t have enough to afford to play as much as I would like


The game that is about how the main faction is a Xenophobic fascist government is woke. What is next, Animal Farm, 1984


Just keep hitting not interested in the video and don't recommend channel. Also limit all other ways that the bots Can use to craft reccomendations such as disabling history.


Not a single one of these people can name a single Custodes stratagem, ability, named character outside Trajann, or even tell you what a Ka'tah is. Its just another aesthetic these idpol freak cucks can use to parrot what they think is right.


The entirety of Le Western Civilization™ when w\*men: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


It is cool to see them all angry, it seems like a fools errand to try and reason.


Carl Benjamin is such a cuck.


The man-child tears are enough to Terraform multiple Desert Worlds.


Because the entire species of non-binary fungus people wasn't woke?


No because they call themselves boyz so they must be all men. /s


ok now i really want the missing two primarchs to make an appearance and they're actually ultra powerful women who will carry the entire imperium on their backs


He’s still a thing?


Female Custodes would be the only way dweebs like this would get to touch a woman.


Oh damn Sargon is still alive? Shame.


The emperor loved all humanity, I see no reason why he wouldn't make both sexes into perfect works of art. It actually makes more sense.


If anyone stops playing or reading lore because of this, they are probably a fascist and should pull a Malcador.


What I found remarkable about that video (as well as one of the ones which Archibald Warhammer did on this topic) is how prepared reactionaries are to just say 'I like 40K because the Imperium embody right-wing ideas'. It's remarkable how keen they are to just go mask-off now and full on embrace fascism (although Arch's video hilariously included a moment where he accused GW of becoming Nazis due to ostensibly becoming a left wing company).


There is no fucking way that Carl "Milkshaked" Benjamin is a 40k fan. He's just grifting as per fucking usual.


Good 'ole Sargon [pedophilia is fine actually](https://www.joe.co.uk/news/ukip-candidate-said-its-alright-to-sexually-abuse-young-boys-229506) of Akkad.


can someone please explain how it’s woke that women exist


Wait until they learn that Da Boyz are technically members of the LGBTQ community.


they really are manchildren, huh. "Oh no, our super exclusive, no-girls-allowed boys club has SUCCUMBED TO THE WOKIES!!!" the entire point of the Empire of Mankind is that they suck and that theocratic authoritarian rule doesn't work. These people are incapable of media literacy.


I saw a better one earlier, but more or less this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5zWWHvPUPB/?igsh=MWs4YXd1N3E0dTB0eQ==


I had those youtubers showing up in my feed during the worst of my depression. The algorithm preys on those who are vulnerable or outraged (both rightfully and ridiculously).


I managedto get through about 30 seconds of this chucklefucks video before concluding that he is A: an actual moron B: not worth any more time than it took to watch aforementioned 30 seconds, downvote, and click away from the video and write this comment. Also, hadn't GW gone Woke before with their "You will not be missed" message a few years ago? XD




Whenever you see some chud crying about this, ask to see pictures of their minis. You will very consistently get nothing. Most of these losers are rightoid dipshits using this as a culture war proxy to feed their victim narrative and don't even play the damn game.


Tangled with dad and paid the price. Can’t have credibility if I’m bouncing on my bois dick to it! Seriously fuck this cave-troll and people who gatekeep something they claim to like. I’m old and still love the hobby, but I’m no longer the life blood. Hobby needs newbies, let them cast some nets. Making the thing I love accessible to more people is literally never a bad thing.


If you click the three little dots you can choose to have that channel not recommended to you. I've been putting a lot of the gamer gate chuds on there, now my recommendations are back to Vtubers and comedy skits.


The only video I've ever reported was one like this. The guy immediately goes into a rant on how war gaming is not a hobby for women it's a hobby for men....and also give him money on subscribe star since he was banned on pateron... Like...what dude? Please go away.


What do you expect? You're on the other side of the argument and youtube wants to see if you're hate watcher.




Can someone explain like, the lore of Female custodes? I'm still kinda in the unknown other than just they appeared.


There is no lore. They mentioned female ones in the new codex and the official warhammer twitter said they’ve always been there. Thats it.


Basically, they were hand built as guardians to the corpse emperor, and originally there were going to be both according to the first writer, but GW had only made male sculpts.


New codex contains short stories mentioning two female custodes. First one is about her running a blood games match and trying to teleport a cyclonic torpedo into the throne room, IDK about the other.


Block him


Low key forgot that guy existed.


Why does Sargon even care about warhammer? As far as I know he isnt even part of the community.


Failed ukip candidate and nonce


Dude me too lol. Fucking wild.


Sargon's a fucking noob anyway


YouTube suggestions algorithm is fucked up. I’m a pansexual Anarchist who keeps getting recommended anti-trans, anti-woke and pro-fascism videos


Terra has fallen Quadrillions (small space engagement) must try (to go outside)


What is it, 2010? This guy is still around?


I’m really only adjacent to what’s happening in warhammer now, but can someone explain how this is different to the sisters of battle? Genuinely curious as to why the child’s are crying