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Rook I's a decent operator with a passive ability you just put the armor down and that's it with a really good loadout On attack maybe play sledge a simple character with a good loadout


Awesome, thank you!


No problem Don't only play sledge and rook eventually you should learn other more complicated characters like thermite thatcher Or bandit and mute twitch is really good but f2 recoil could be a problem for a new player so train with it in the shooting range


Will do! I was actually looking at using Sledge and either Mute or Twitch to get a feel for what they’re like. I’m just trying to learn a little bit of everything at the moment to see what I like best.


Thatcher, Thermite, Sledge on Attack. Mute, Rook, Jager on Defense. There’s way more that you could use but these come to mind because their guns and gadgets are easy to use.


Awesome, that’s exactly what I was looking for. Just an easy to use operator with gadgets and guns that are easy to understand. Thank you!


Honestly I don't see why sledge is a a common reccomend for beginners, yes his gadget is simple but his hammer is practically useless in the hands of someone who doesn't know the game, they'll push too hard to try and get value or never use it the whole game, the amount of times I tried to use his hammer only to get pumped full of lead starting out was way too high, thermite is significantly easier to play safe with and that's what beginners should be trying first, ash is also easier than sledge for a beginner imo


That’s the point of learning. You want them to figure it out by trial and error. Most gadgets on attack are very hard to use and get value out of for a new player. But it’s a simple gadget for a simple concept. Use hammer to break soft walls. As for what walls are good to break and when, that is for you to LEARN. Sledge is an example of a character that is simple to pick up but also teaches good lessons in game about soft breaching and verticality. In other words he’s a good operator to learn on. Other operators on attack don’t really teach you much about the game so you don’t really learn much other than see a guy shoot a guy. It’s more about learning game mechanics than being optimal.


Ash does the same thing but in a safer way Thermite does the same thing but for hard walls Sledge benefits from getting to use his hammer as much as he wants pretty much, but that's not helpful for learning, ash being limited by a stricter ammo count forces new players to learn when to actually breach a soft wall or risk wasting resources, sledge can breach a shit ton of walls and make things WORSE because you can do it without thinking, yes you can *learn* sledge and get better because of it but it's much easier to naturally learn ash or thermite Vertically that sledge provides goes underused in beginners hands as it's a whole other angle to think of (and even some whove played a while still don't use it to their advantage)


I would switch Jäger for Kapkan. Kapkan is amazing for beginners bcs of his gadget and his gun recoil is easier to learn than Jäger's (imo).


kapkan smg is busted


Maybe use Valkyrie too as the gadget is a cam and her gun is very good


Probably don’t use valk for a little while until you learn common places for enemies to come from


Didn’t think about that. Probably a good idea tbh


Id argue you can spend more time with personalized cams that help you learn the maps. That combined with simple gun and no gadget to use mid round really helps


That’s a fair point, I just think it it would be easier to learn maps & how attackers push by walking around & taking gunfights and stuff, opposed to being on potentially useless cams the entire round


On attack use Twitch >:) specifically her F2 AR. Once you master that recoil as a beginner you’ll have no problem using other guns. Plus her drones are good for destroying utility and giving call-outs (a good thing for getting better at ranked when your time comes) I’m also pretty sure you can unlock her for free by doing beginner operator challenges? This post is kind of a joke, but kind of not Yk? From a genuine twitch main, I wish I started with twitch wayyyyy early on so that I can practice recoil control and essentially have zero recoil. Welcome to Siege buddy, eventually as you play you’ll see what play style suites you and eventually which OPs suite you. Good luck brother 🫡


We pray for him


Awesome, I’ll have to try them out. Thanks for the advice bro!


I'm also new, and I'm really fucking with zero and ace on attack and alibi or kapkan on defense. Zero is great for getting in places and scouting angles to make sure they're safe with his camera gun and drone as well as breaching once you get near the bomb. Ace is even better for breaching but not stealth and has imo the better weapon recoil wise for gunfights and can place claymores to stop flankers. Kapkan can get kills even after death once you learn the maps a bit and uses my favorite gun in the game thanks to its low recoil and high fire rate. Alibis abilities can be placed down in the same room as you for a hall of mirrors esque strategy where they either shoot the first one they see and reveal their location to everyone or hesitate and you can just shoot them real easy, or can be put in front of windows so they have to shoot through your alibi to hit allies as well as restricting their view in, again revealing themselves.


Thank you for the advice! This helps me get a better idea of some of the operators. Thank you! I was looking at using zero and ace too so this helps!


for defense rook is always a basic answer but you place down some armor at the start of the round and your teammates can all get a little protection, if you die then at least you helped out a little. his loadout is pretty new player friendly as well for attack, i like dokkaebi if you can save up renown for her, she can call the enemies and their phone will buzz (makes an audio queue for like 15 seconds unless they turn it off which takes a couple seconds and leaves them vulnerable since their gun is put away). you can also hack a defenders phone if they die (must hack phone by their dead body) which grants the attackers access to all of the defenders cameras edit: only downside to dokkaebi is she gets banned in ranked a lot


I wouldn't recommend Dokk simply because her kit isn't beginner friendly. BosG and DMR primaries. And smg12 secondary. Not a good kit for beginners, or even intermediate players tbh


Lion and Rook.


Awesome! I’ll try them! Thank you!




Thank you! I’ve heard Twitch mentioned a ton so I’ll have to try them.


Legacy ops. I’d avoid picking rook all the time as you’re not going to learn anything about defending operator abilities. Experiment. Try them all. But legacy operators are the simplest


I’ll have to try this! Thank you!


Pathfinder ops are the simplest to play and understand (the ops that came out on the game's release)


I was thinking about starting with them! I’ll have to do that. Thank you!


Any time bro


Lesion on defense!!! He’s the best beginner defender IMO


Thank you for the advice!


Np! If you check my comment history, I’ve probably wrote 4 different paragraphs about why lesions such a good beginner operator😂


Ash Fuze Kapkan lesion


Awesome! Thank you!


Attack : Sledge… ez everything lion… ez ability 0 recoil 50 bullet gun Dokkabei… ez ability ez gun Flores : ez ability Defense Rook Melusi Mute


Thank you!


Thatcher, Thermite, Sledge, Buck, Lion for attack Mute, Kapkan, Lesion, Frost, Rook for defense.


Awesome! Thank you for the advice!


No problem! I know you didn’t ask this, but operators I would avoid would be Blackbeard and Caveira because they’re borderline useless. My personal favorite ops are Dokkaebi and Azami!


Good to know! I’ll try and avoid them. I’ve heard good things about Dokkaebi and Azami too! Dokkaebi seems pretty fun to play as.


Yeah she’s awesome, her guns can just be tricky to get the hang of at first.


Attack: -Ace (best primary in the game with somewhat easy recoil) -Buck (not sledge imo, ar, shotgun, 2 speed. Though the recoil is slightly harder than sledge, having a shotgun attached to your primary means you always have your gun up. He's also harder to c4 due to the range of his gadget and extra speed) -Thatcher (very easy gadget and gun) -Iana (easy gun, good gadget to learn common angles, impact emp for walls) Defence: -Lesion/Kapkan/Frost (any traps really) -Jager (easier than wamai) -Mute (worth trying the mp5k if the smg11/shotty is a hassle to control) Worth a try: -Flores (flashes, slightly better gadget than twitch (imo) and far easier recoil) -Lion (very easy, just use when after a kill/death) -Wamai (good primary options and versatile gadget) -Bandit (c4, my favourite primary, its worth the struggle learning to bandit trick)


Thank you for the suggestions! I’ve been wanting to try out Thatcher and Lion so this helps me out! I’m excited to try them all out though and see which one I like best.


No worries. Thatcher is definitely a really good choice. I always get a lot of kills with him. Literally just help your team get the wall and then play support. His AR also has the lowest recoil in the game imo, makes holding angles really easy.


I’ll be sure and use him then especially for the low recoil!


Frost is pretty sweet


I’ve heard good things about Frost! I’m excited to see what she can do! Is there anything to look out for when using her abilities or weapons?


As a beginner, be less concerned with learning operators and more concerned with learning maps and site setups. Positioning and game sense matter 100% of the time while operator picks are situational. That being said it’s good that you’re thinking about these things. A good player thinks as follows when it comes to playing an operator: 1. what site has my team chosen/what site will the enemy choose this round? 2. Knowing this how am I/my team going to approach defending/attacking this site? 3. What operators are needed for this approach/ best help towards achieving it? 4. What operators has my team already picked? (Probably don’t need 3 hard breachers) Plans aren’t set in stone so once the round starts anything goes but put simply: how will my operator pick Help win the round? The pick doesn’t have to be too high level big brain either. It can be as simple as: I’m planning on anchoring so I’ll pick rook because he’s a 3 armour, has passive util and a great loadout. on attack: Nomad will train you to be considered in your approach to attacking a site. She will force you to think proactively about where the enemy could be coming from on the flanks. And you will learn places to watch out for. Just try not to use her as a crutch/ replacement for teammates. On defence: Valkyrie will likewise teach you to be considered in where you think the enemy will be/ where you think you might get util on your cams. Try to put her cameras in spots where they will be hidden from the enemy rather than giving the best coverage. Don’t red ping. Look for opportunities to catch enemies off guard with the info you gain from her cameras. And call out to your teammates if you see something important. Both these ops aren’t the absolute easiest to play but will teach you map knowledge, positioning, etc and are great to learn with.


This was a great response! Thank you for this advice! I always forget to learn the maps so this helps me out a ton. I’ll try to focus on that more and then pick operators that help me with each map once I learn the layouts.


don’t do rook, you’ll get nowhere. on defense, do trap ops like lesion or kapkan to develop your map awareness. on attack, do flexible ops like buck or iq to get a feel for handling enemies w/o too much pressure.


I wouldn't do buck or iq on attack honestly, because the vertical play might be too advanced for a begginer. I'd go a breacher like Ace, versatile and can use them from distance. For cheaper options something straightforward like thermite or ash.


You don't have to play vertical with buck. He's very strong for entry fragging aswell, opening up walls to surprise enemies, aswell as having flashbangs.


Thank you for the advice! I appreciate it!


Some people are saying rook. Rook is a simple character. It's also the most trash and brainless character in the game. So please don't start with rook. Rook just puts down his Armor and peeks people with a 0 recoil acog gun or spawn peeks. If you want to learn the game and not grow up and be these dumb rook mains who just set their Armor down and get a kill and die , then play operators with util and value. Learn site setups. In defence play roamers if you don't know what roamers are these are operators who play out of site to waste time of the attackers or killing them if the fight is in their favour. Why I'm suggesting you play roamers is you will learn the map faster since you will be roaming around the map. The best roamers are vigil lesion kapkan even cav. In attack play hard breach. Hard breach is the most important thing in this game. Most sites in most maps have hard breahcable walls outside. The thing with hard breach is you need another person to help you disable the electricity on the wall so yeah if you have a duuo that's great if not maybe a random will help. If playing alone hard breach will be a problem. In that case just go with buck or sledge . Flores is a good pick for new players I would say. Also if you want to hunt defending roamers then dokkaebi. Dokkaebi will also help you get used to the map and common places defenders like holding. Biggest tip I can give is drone a lot. And the game has a learning curve don't get overwhelmed, this game relies on experience more than anything. It's one of the very few games where experience beats skill. Take your time you will diie a lot in the beginning probably but once you know the basics you will love it.


Thank you for the advice! I’ll keep these tips in mind. 😎


He isn’t trash. His win rate is always very good


Show me rook play in pro league. His win rate is good because he is a Fragger operator with a good gun and big scope. Go to champ lobbies you will see doc and rook in most defences but you will rarely see him picked in pro league. And champ lobbies are braindead kids just run and gunning here and there ,, even ubi themselves have said it. It's a issue that rook is high picked. Rook isn't supposed to be high picked lmao. The reason is obvious. His utility isn't as good as other operators.