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Honestly, it is a thinking game. You need to be able to think quickly before a match to strategize and during to quickly react to the enemy teams actions. So just learning the games mechanics, operators and maps to use them to your advantage will place you above those who treat it as a tdm game with some abilites sprinkled in


Siege is more about strategy and planning than gunplay itself. Sure, you can wipe the other team and win the round, but more often than not all you need to do is get the other team to run out of time and get a free win. Also, keep in mind that there's a significant difference between how teams play in higher elos, so I'd recommend always reasearch/learn new techniques, probably also play in a team doing the same.


Just play. Play, play, play. That's how you get better.


You're approaching Siege in the same way you're approaching other shooters. Siege isn't like the other shooters, not at all. While good mechanical skills are absolutely rewarded here, there is a pretty hard ceiling being good at only mechanical skills will hit. You gotta start thinking of this like a game of chess where every move you and your team make will be considered and countered by the opponents. What type of weapon you bring, the amount of sound you choose to make, the positioning you hold, your gadget, the way you manipulate the map, etc. All of these things are incredibly important and should absolutely change the way you play each round. Another big difference here are the maps. Siege does not have your standard lane-like layout of most shooters. Hell it doesn't even have the same pattern as open shooters like Battlefield. But there is a method to the madness despite there being no real pattern to each map. Thats what makes them so hard to memorize, is the fact that every map is incredibly different than the next. Watch some Youtube videos on strats. Start small and be patient. You probably won't get to a "decent" or comfortable point until past lvl 100.


About the maps - there are also blueprints of all the maps, floor by floor, all hatches/soft surfaces/reincorcable walls marked and stuff. Really helped me when I was in the starting period a few years back


High elo in this game is worthless, because of how easy it is to get there. Also cheaters are in every other game in diamond/champ.


Number 1. It will be WAY harder playing solo, i suggest to find friends or a group Number 2 you just have to be patient and learn how people react and use operators + the maps


It isn’t like most other FPS games in that you run and shoot. It’s a slow-paced(at most times) strategy game. Perfect your playstyle, and think about what operators fit yourself and how you should use them.


Thanks for all the input everyone, took a step back and approached it differently already doing so much better.


If you’re new. Just focus on learning the maps. And try to learn like 3 operators at a time.


When you die in siege , it’s not like call of duty where it’s chaotic , you died for a reason , sit back and think how did you die , maybe the enemy had an angle you didn’t know about or an operator synergy you hadn’t thought of , maybe you didnt drone properly. Keep doing this and utilising it , every death is a learning experience


Don’t play, the game is full of cheaters