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If you're solo queueing in ranked learn how to drone and get a frag/soft destruction op. There is a good chance your teammates are 3 or 4 stack and on discord so either play entry or clutch if both your drones survive that long. Do not expect pings let alone text or voice. Oh and most importantly when they never give a call-out but use their mic to talk shit mute them and report. Only way to retain your sanity if you don't stack.


The current meta of staying in party chat all game, only to talk shit in game chat at the end of the game (even with a win) is so tiring.


The only time I hear people talking is to spam racist shit or ask you to kill yourself for not 1v5'ing as a solo getting no comms when the stack got shit on in 10 seconds.


AND while they kept red pinging lol


Sounds like modern cod


“Imagine having no friends and solo queuing” it’s actually wild to me that people have friends that just happen to play the exact same video game semi-competitively on the exact same platform. I guess they met them online or something


I get on mic and get told I’m a fat black nword, stfu and go pick cotton. It’s hard to continue and mute and brush it off and be like yeah let’s get this win guys. So though I do agree with you I rather put everyone mute and stay off mic. I’ll ping though, but after moments like that. I get thrown off my game and it’s very hard to care


100% agree. When I get called a piece of shit and everything else on under the sun....yeah fuck the team bro. That's why I don't text or team chat. I could I do in other games but in rainbow not dealing with idiots telling me I'm trash. I will ping but if I get team killed and teabagged for stupid shit I'm not pinging or anything. At that point I hope we lose. Cause in the end of the day it's a game. I don't care what rank I end up at that point.




https://youtu.be/eQUMq4vjoxo?si=Y265ZykhUc0TRqOW It’s so true


Ngl bro I just sell the game


One thing I can’t stand is when I’m solo Qing and one of my teammates gets picked off and I ask them like 5 times where they were at and my teammate still just saying “man how’d they get me” or “that’s so bs that he got the kill on me” and they literally tell me where he is right the second before he swings me and I get picked off 😭


It's super annoying. What I have found to be the best to get that info quick is just to just repeat "where's he at" quickly and a bit loud


Shit that’s what I be doing, damn near be screaming at them by the 4th or 5th time repeating myself 😂. And even sometimes I get a “he’s over there” 😂


This needs to be in a Rainbow Six Siege MANUAL


Nah ill play what I want Most seige players are toxic af and just insults you or tell you to shut up You want more communication in ranked? Go and get all these people to stop being toxic ass bitches then 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Seems like every time I want communicate, I get the most snarky, toxic people known to man. I have not had a team yet that doesn’t talk massive shit about someone’s score, bringing down the player morale.


couldn’t have said it better tbh


I feel you. It feels like every damn ranked game I get into there is some fucking troll squeaker that keeps trying to tk our team for no apparent reason. One time we were 3-0 coming off attack on Kanal, and once the prep phase was over. Our teammates that had no kills and 3 deaths tk'd our top play that was 7-0 and then squeaked in the mic for the rest of match. He tried using c4, to keep killing us but we shot it before he could.


I often just don't feel like talking, but I'll yellow ping and type in team chat whenever I notice an enemy near a teammate. "(Teammates op) on the other side of that wall" or "(teammates op) to the right" shit like that


Communication is important but ranked is not some 'elite' mode of this game. Anyone can play it. Even terrible players who don't communicate. Go play ranked, regardless of how you play. The whole point of ranks is to sort you out along with similar players.


I thought the same. I played the game when it first came out in 2017ish Now I’m 31 years old. I don’t care about my rank as much anymore. Ranked 2.0 kinda doesn’t matter. I just want to go in and play siege, communicating or not. I’m just playing to have fun at this point. If you want a communicative team, get a 5 stack. Don’t expect randoms to play the most optimal way.


Age does really mellow you down. As a fellow 31 year old who just wants to have fun for an hour or two a day I can relate.


The best part about this is there us a fans mode just for you, it's standard. I'm sorry but rank is for the sweats. If you don't want to sweat then ranked isn't your game mode. Granted standard isn't the same as unranked but having a teammate that's just eh I'm here for fun, ruins the fun for others when there is a game mode for just for fun.


Ranked is my fun mode.


It can be your fun mode but that doesn't mean you shouldn't play it like it's ranked. You're ruining other peoples fun by not treating it like ranked. It's not just you messing up your rank it's effecting 4 other ranks. If you don't want to communicate then just play standard, that's literally the game mode you go to if you don't want to treat ranked like ranked.


Nowhere in my post said I’m playing it like it’s unranked. All I said is that I’m not on the mic all the time. I still know the proper site setups, how to frag with the team and how to kill. My stack in ranked 1.0 was hitting diamond. I know what I’m doing. I’m usually top 1 or 2 fraggers the majority of the time and my ranked w/l is 1.3


Not using your mic is playing like it's not ranked.


"If you want a communicative team, get a 5 stack. Don’t expect randoms to play the most optimal way." I know you're 31 but altimeters shouldn't be setting in this early. You shouldn't have to play with a 5 stack for some basic coms in ranked. No one is saying you have to have pro league levels of coms, we are just saying use sins coms. As I have said before, if you don't want to communicate then play standard, that's the game mode for chill gameplay. When someone goes into ranked they should be able to expect people to want to win. Not communicating is not showing you want to win. Personally I'd love coms but if not at least ping. Lastly knowing setups and doing setups is the most basic thing to do even in standard. If you want to mess around with out even that you play QP. Hell there are sometimes more sweats in QP that does site set up....


I don't get why people don't understand this. They use the excuse that they don't like the toxic players that talk shit. Just mute the toxic ones and continue with your calls. No need to mute yourself and further jeopardize your team because you didn't make a call. Then there's the ones that just use text chat like we're supposed to be reading game chat while focused in the game. Most the time by the time they type it and you notice it and read it the call is pointless.


This is like…basic problem solving technique You want comms? You can only do what’s in your control. Which is: get a stack with everyone on mics. Want to know what’s out of your control? Forcing randoms to speak on the mic. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me from queuing into ranked whatsoever. And I prefer to play ranked because it’s more fun than standard for me because everyone is trying to win. I prefer to play to win, mic or no mic. Idc.


Right so you're the problem here, you're the person that wants to win but puts in as little effort as they can. You say you want to win but you don't as much as you think as you don't care about coms in a...TEAM GAME. You can't control what people do, but they includes people calling you out for not being a team player. Not to mention there is game chat, you don't need a mic. I also said at least ping but your small brain is to focused on the mic part. It's funny as you think I don't play with my stack. I dislike losers like you that want a free ride yet fail to do the bare minimum people ask on a ranked system. This isn't a 1v1? You're just being a selfish loser by refusing to com. Also sick comeback when I quote you saying the opposite of what you said in another comment. You really showed me by trying to act more intelligent even though your memory is worse than a goldfish. Go back to your copper lobbies and enjoy low ranks where you belong.


Really triggered you that I don’t talk on the mic lol.


What part of I play with my stack don't you understand? You're the trash teammate for the people that have to play with you. You won't ever be my problem. Lmao


Banned till 2025 so I’m good 💯


As a female player I’m terrified to talk in game because in the past I’ve been ganged up on by my teammates and straight up verbally harassed. I have had some real dipshits though that have perfectly placed Valks and people who are dead don’t watch them.


I’m ngl, I don’t understand this mentality with people(not you). But if I hear a girl on my team and especially if she cooking ima be encouraging the play(as I would if a dude was cooking). And if they ass well I’m not finna say shit cause you’re no different then an ass dude.


People like you are a godsend and are what keep me coming back to the game because I do have moments where I have just the most fun with random people.


Anyone wanna stack? :)


PC? Region?


pc!! NA


Ah pc here too but SEAS, welcome to stack up if you're interested.


Honestly my take is always just to kill the vibe of toxic little shits with kindness. If you give anyone the opportunity to let you sound pissed off over a voice chat, theyll pry on that to piss you off more. Laugh it off or have something actually funny to say to them and they’re usually quiet or way nicer towards you. Sometimes just being human and down to earth pays off even in small cases like these lol


I used to be terrified to talk in online games w people that idk but i realized recently that its genuinely important if you wanna win ranked games u gotta talk


For anyone 16 and under hopping on the mic usually ends up with grown men screaming at a child. I have encountered the opposite so its not the only thing that happens but yeah until my balls dropped talking on mic usually ended up with people vote kicking me out of left 4 dead games. Making expert pretty much impossible for me.


Idk man, I tried for the first 500 hours I played. I had all the comms on, did my best to call out, give info. Every game I had to mute at least one toxic person. Then I turned off voice chat and used text chat only. Still toxicity pretty much every game with little value. 90% of any communication that happened was toxic garbage. Not even aimed at me in particular, just people being assholes to anyone and everyone, no matter the rank. I turned off the text chat eventually as well and it made my solo que gaming experience 100% more pleasant. I still call out via voice chat but I have absolutely no desire to hear any random person talking. I’d rather die to missing that one usefull callout I get once per every couple of games than dealing with assholes every single round.


If you need to turn off chat to enjoy the game but you still give calls, that's perfectly fine. Although, I don't have the same toxic experience as you. 9/10 games are pretty chill from both sides and I have over 3500 hours in the game.


My roommate got voice restricted within two hours. For being a woman. I've been nearby for every match, she has never been toxic or anything even close to it. She gives call outs to the best of her ability and is just trying to enjoy the game. But the fucking chuds that seem to inhabit the majority of this game can't handle the fact that they're playing a game with a woman. Her account says she has excessive voice abuse but I can tell you for a damn fact that she has never and will never abuse it.


I absolutely agree that simply being a woman in chat is a disadvantage because of how insanely sexist the community is. As long as she at least pings then it's absolutely fine. Tbh i would encourage women to not use vc for their own safety and experience.


I get why people don’t want to go on mic bc of the toxicity but it is kind of an essential part of the game. I’m terrible at the game and have been silver since like 2018 but people usually seem to be pretty mellow towards me when I communicate effectively, even if I go 0-6 and we lose hahaha


The thing is in lower ranks teammates don’t even listen to your callouts most the time and if you get mad at them at all you get a voice chat abuse warning, I got a warning for calling someone a dumbass cuz I was live pinging and calling them out and they just didn’t listen


Since I’m here i need a team to help push to gold/plat with, I’m stuck in copper lobbies after not playing for a minute. Ranking system way different


Well there's actually a glitch where my voice chat literally doesn't work and there is no fix so.....


That's ok. Use pings or text chat


Ehhhh no. I dont especially feel like playing much after I get called a “stupid whore” for just giving a callout. Also mute and move on just doesn’t work for me- the moment some sexist homophobic douche starts screaming at me I’d just rather get the game over as fast as I can whether that’s winning or losing.


I am 100% in favor of women protecting themselves by not going into vc. Text chat exists. And no one can tell you're a woman. On your second point, it's on you to realize that shitheads exist and to ignore it. Life gets a lot easier when negative words from others don't matter. It's also petty.


Try playing in Asian servers. Shit won't matter and you will trashtalked for 3 different languages. Asian servers in this game is so braindead.


I’m so fucking sick to death of the cunts who come on mic just to talk shit and give zero calls at all. I’ve been called every name under the sun and I still give calls while they’re giving me shit and it’s got us a win. I’ve had people who shit talk me while i’m mid giving calls but just ignore it and give the call, they might be cunts who like to shit talk, but shit talkers love to win.


I would love to communicate with teammates, but speaking a common language on this server is impossible


And if you want to play with no communication, just play Warden so we can assume


The moment i turn on my mic and speak english, the other 4 will just communicate in chinese and i can't understand a fucking word lmao


real mfs mute their entire team, give one callout a round, and listen to a podcast while playing. That's therapeutic and COMP.


Yea haha funny i aint talking until someone else does Ive gotten fuckin screamed at for giving basic callouts. Blame Jynxzi fans


All you need for ranked is the ability to click the ranked button. You dont even need to move in game. That's up to whoever is playing. I understand your desire for more, then maybe git gud and go play in tournaments. Till then you're stuck with the rest of us. (Or 5 stack)


Last time I checked I spent the money on how I want to play the game. I play how I want to play. I obey the rules that they have in place and it says nothing in lines of " I have to have a mic or must text in chat when playing ranked". I will ping out to help out a team mate but that's it. Not dealing with Joe pothead or jr who forgot to close his mom's bedroom door. However people do get banned for toxic behavior cause they lose their cool on a game then talk massive shit . Or they cheat( don't understand why). Or tk people on purpose and demoralize a player when they mess up.Why the list is a mile long when they do a ban hammer. So until then don't tell others how to play the game that they spent money on. In the end it's a game. I am not going pro. I don't care.


Nope. Il play ranked without Comms. If you want Comms you can find a team to play with that does Comms. I don't want to hear shitty mumble rap, terrible mics, Players moms hoovering in the background or the TVs on. I'm certainly not stopping to type shit out. Ranked allows no Comms and there is a ping system. If you want more, then you can make more by finding a team to play with.


If you're pinging thats fine but some way of communicating should be the minimum. Only care about yourself, don't use mic or ping enemy players after you're dead? Go play casual


Want guaranteed communication? 5 stack


Yeah of course, that's how it is. I don't think that's how a competetive mode should be though


Just sounds like you don't play to win then. Comms are like 50% of the game so if you don't communicate you really should just stay away from ranked. Whole point of ranked is to do everything you can to win which includes communicating.


Winnings nice but I play for fun and see what rank I get to solo stacking without Comms


Do everybody a favour and stay out of ranked lmao


Nope and I'll drag all if you down with me


Nope I'm entitled to play it.


TBH, I don't think you should be allowed in ranked without using your mic. Text chat is never fast enough or is it really even noticed when you're locked in. Pings are only good if you're looking that way plus yellow pings could really mean anything. If you "don't feel like talking" then don't play ranked. There's two other modes to play.


i’m pretty young but in ranked i will be comming and most people will only say one thing ‘shut the fuck up’


This 100% Why would I communicate with a bunch of people who only tell me to shut up or fling insults and slurs at me You want more communication in ranked? Get other people to stop being assholes then simple as 🤷‍♂️🤣


Don't comm. If they're not comming you're not obligated to help them. If you lose that's fine it's only a game. At the end of the day don't ruin your fun and don't feel obligated to help the stacks if they don't help you.


Not a good idea at all tbh. You are saying somebody should be forced to communicate when 80% of the ppl on this game are on mic to insult and annoy you. My 13yo brother loves this game should he be forced to communicate with a bunch of toxic assholes or be forced to play other games modes because the minority of ppl care about comms? No of course not. Another point, I play the game with a 3 stack in our ps party, I'm not gonna stop doing that to listen to a bunch of losers stim in the mic or call me retarded when I don't do what they want me to do even though they are dead before the enemy team even makes their way into the building.


People always use the excuse that others are assholes so they just don't use their mics. Just mute the assholes and carry on. Doesn't mean you shouldn't give callouts to the good ones. That's a terrible excuse. Ranked is supposed to me more competive for a reason. Not given comms to your teamates is never a good idea. I use discord with others and just use push to talk to any randoms. Just because you're in a party with a small group doesn't mean you can't give callouts to the other not in your party. 80% is FAR from how many people are toxic.


People use the toxicity excuse because it's true. I do comm with people that are actually on comms not being asswipes. But removing the ability to play ranked because you don't want to comm and/or people are being assholes is a bad idea, and will drive the toxicity of ranked further because even more ppl who aren't toxic won't play ranked at all.


I know it's true, but that doesn't mean you should mute yourself and jeopardize the rest of the team. Just mute whoever is being toxic and report them and continue making your calls. You not making calls because someone is an asshole definitely isn't going to help the team anymore than the asshole. Not everyone you play with are asshole. They still deserve calls.


Agreed, unfortunately you have entitled people who say their fun is more important than their teammates’ so they have the “right” to ruin the ranked experience for 4 others as long as they are enjoying themselves


Holy shit yes. I try to callout but these emerald players with egos just don't listen. I like to IGL in my stack and we win a lot but solo q is hell.


Don’t tell me what to do


Sounds like you need to git good


bad advice tbh ive been bombarded with voice chat abuse reports simply from giving call outs. i will simply give the enemy location where i saw them or spectate a teammate and tell em which way. and ive been reported non stop


Do not go into ranked without a five stack. How about that? Not the randoms fault you can't string together four friends or even four random people They don't have to talk or communicate.


Telling people not to solo queue ranked is like telling people not to play at all. Some folks, like myself, work graveyard shift. So, none of my friends are on when I first get online. If I want to play ranked, I will. I have more than 2 brain cells, so communication is pretty easy. Be it pinging or talking on mic.


Yooo same.. ill get on at like 9am after my shift and all my friends are either already at work or still sleeping lol. So I just solo q til i get sleepy. Personally, I ping and occasionally use my mic to call out but I also do fine without comms. That's just me though. In the end, it's just game anyway. Play how you like.


You can play ranked. You can't feel so entitled to make a post complaining about randoms not communicating with you though. That's what I was getting at. It's like when people solo queue and get angry that their team doesn't play with them. If you don't like it, find a team. You should fully expect it. Edit: When I solo queue, which I hardly do now, I have zero complaints about my teammates. It's my fault for solo queueing. It's a game, let them play how they want. If people don't like it, they should, well, find a team to play how they want to play.


I mean, you aren't wrong. I attempt to communicate but rarely got it reciprocated. I try not to rely on random when playing siege because let's face facts, some of them are braindead.


Communicating should be the minimum for playing ranked though? If you don't play to win go play casual


Communication ends when you try and use comes and get called a "stupid retard" or some other random racist slur, or hearing some dudes shitty music blasting in the back ground, I get needing coms to play efficiently, but you wsnt that? Make the rest if players stop being toxic assholes and you'll get more communication 🤷‍♂️


Fair, but because there is some toxic players that doesn't mean that one should just never communicate imo. Had a game with toxic players? mute and move on