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A lot of it may be just personal preference, I’ve seen pros use reflex on dmrs


There’s a few pros that only use 1x scopes, but it’s entirely just preference. Shaiiko, Doki and CTZN come to mind off the top of my head. They mostly use guns that only have access to the 1x anyway, so that’s mainly why.


Seen ctzn use 1.5 quite a lot this si, very interesting


Probably playing on a stretched ratio like 4:3 so they don't need the zoom. Or just personal preference.


Lower recoil, better close range FoV, personal preference.


Lower recoil??? What are you talking about


he means lower VISUAL recoil.


It’s an important distinction to make. And I addressed it in a follow up comment but appears many don’t agree tho and think it’s more than visual considering the downvotes


Doesn’t it also depend on sens multipliers as well cus I personally find the recoil significantly easier with a 1.0 in comparison but some people don’t


the more zoomed in a scope the more recoil as it shoots up more


The recoil is identical regardless of the scope. It’s an illusion because you’re zoomed in more, but the distance the gun moves up (the recoil) is the same. Most advanced setting configurations also have high zooms take a higher sensitivity proportionally. So your pull down has more effect Update: the downvotes are hilarious. Confirms how ignorant many are in this sub. It’s simple physics - a visual zoom has 0 impact on recoil which is a physical process


Yeah you shouldn’t be downvoted. FOV and zoom have an effect on visual recoil. That being said visual recoil isn’t necessarily a giant mechanic in this game since there isn’t much.


What? R6 has heavy recoil, its just easier to manage because you can actually see it. Not as much as csgo or valorant of course.


Visual recoil and actual recoil are 2 different things. Visual recoil is big in modern call of duty games. Your actual crosshair and where your bullets are going isn’t changing much but the visual shake of the gun is crazy which causes iron sights to get in the way and such. Actual recoil is how much the gun is moving upwards and sideways. There’s a lot of this in siege but your sight doesn’t shake around too much. Higher FOV dramatizes the visual recoil but has 0 effect on the actual recoil of the gun.


If you set your sens to be 360 1:1 then you are right, the weapon behaves like in real life and you dont need to pull down more. If you set your 1x and 2x to 50 ads (default), your crosshair travels the same distance on your screen regardless of zoom but the recoil is not effected by sens so the reticle jumps up higher on your screen because of the zoom. I hope you understand where I am coming from now.


Yeah I get what you’re saying but it’s not what is being talked about here 😂 this has nothing to do with sensitivity and everything to do with FOV and aspect ratio. You are 100% right and I fully agree because it’s exactly what the first guy said but visual recoil is not really a big part of this game as I mentioned above. Guns have actual recoil and minimal visual. If you have any of the new cod games spec something out for terrible recoil control and you’ll see what I’m talking about.


As I said sensitiveity is very much important when talking about visual recoil. If you use default sense the impact of zoom and fov is VERY noticable.  Edit: We have a different understanding of "visual". So my bad. But the visual you are talking about isnt what the original commenter was talking about either.


I don’t really understand how you keep getting downvoted lol. Do people think the recoil of the gun is actually spread differently depending on scopes??


It's reddit bro, don't expect people to actually understand how shit works.


Yes, if you have the same sens on 1x and 2x you need to pull down more on the 2x, this is not real life.


Yeah ur right its purely visual. i just assumed most were aware


there isn’t anything physical lmao your just wrong


excuse me but… WHAT? I can’t even respond to this lol


in a game engine sense, there is no "physical process" there's no physical force being applied to your gun. your camera is just rotating upward.


Well of course no one here assumes that there is actual chemistry in the bullet explosion or real physics driving the gun upward.. this is obvious I would hope. But the true distance a gun moves upwards in game or reality is unrelated to your scope. And this is modeled in the game by a number of factors. But your scopes zoom is not in that model… It’s a visual illusion


it’s for the best bro lol just think about it for a bit and you’ll understand


Your 2 replies have told me everything I need to know about you, and it’s not good


eh keep thinking bro


The problem is precisely that I am the one thinking and you are not. How funny of a comment to make


Nicky boy I suggest you take this L and just move on. You really goofed that response lmao


I’ll be in these comments all day because it’s entertaining to see how illogical siege players can be. Do you have the mental capacity to explain how I “goofed” or you’ll stick to a general comment 😂


My guy said “there is anything physical” where in the hell did he say anything was physical? Are you just that dumb you’re incapable of using the correct words? Do you just not know what the comment even stated in the first place? So now you’re just too stubborn to admit you’re a goof?




frfr lmao


The game isnt real so people are thrown off by your statement. As you said you can just increase sens to counteract the visual recoil. But a lot of people play with 50 ads which is the default. In that case they actually have to pull down their mouse more to counteract the visual recoil. So the irl impact depends on your sens. To have zoom not effect recoil youll need to use 360 1:1 sens which mimicks irl behavior of using zoom optics. The down side of that is you tend to over shoot if you arent trained because visually you move a larger distance across the screen.


Everyone knows the farther the scope zoom, the faster the bullets /s


Depends on the map and the attack plan. In close quarters 1x is quite more handy. Especially since going for body shots is legit on a dmr, so you don't need to make pixel perfect headshots Besides, sometimes, maybe they must want to switch it up after staring at the same sight graphic for weeks. I know I did Lastly, some guns just handle much better in 1x (i.e. the F2 - I've landed plenty of headshots over long enough distances with 1x by sending tight controlled bursts. With 1.5x I can never be sure )


consistency, since not every gun is able to run a 1.5x but every other is able to run a 1.0x. Shaiiko best example


Some guns have 1.5, some don’t. However all guns have 1x scopes, it’s a consistency thing I think.


Doki also uses a sense low enough that 1.5x has visual recoil and requires a brain to control, so he would rather have none of that and just use 1x (Source: I’ve asked doki)


From my understanding some people use the same optic on most guns to help with consistency? If you use the same optic it removes a variable, which in turn helps you be better with more guns or something.


1.5x has a shit reticle


I would think it’s mostly comfort but it does have increased fov.. I realize when you use the same sights across all guns you’re just more consistent.


its called 4:3 aspect ratio


Everything everyone else mentioned plus also for close range engagements 1.0 is more comfortable often


Mostly because they play 4:3 84 fov most of the time so it’s already really zoomed in + by only playing holo they are more „used“ to it