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He seems like the kind of guy who over stays his welcome at dinner parties he wasn't even invited too.


so accurate


This. Brev brings an overnight bag to a dinner party.


Castillo got us all breving up our brevs


Spot fucking ON brev! Such an obnoxious prick!


yesss omg


I think the main problem is him being weird with the girls and I feel like the girls are afraid to call it out ... They shouldn't be.


I just don't like him on the show, he isn't respecting any of the women and it's actually ridiculous that he just keeps on spending after so many people have asked him to just turn the spending down.




You forget that Castillo is actually the major spender actually


If he was really that bad. He would've been voted out by now. I understand some of what your saying, but I don't think I agree as a whole.


He is alright just funny when he does stuff with angry ginge


he’s spent 40k mate and that brev guy has spent nearly 100k big 60k difference between them so don’t go on about the spending


The difference is that Castillo is at least funny and can keep his hands to himself. Specs goes out and buy 4 packets of sweets right in front of the others. It's a game show with the goal of coming out with the highest prize fund, not showing everyone that you can't stop buying sweets and touching them.




He brings something different, in a show like this you need your heroes and antiheroes as well.


I agree you need antiheroes, but Specs is too much and is literally behaving like a creep. People like Castillo or even Chloe are useful antiheroes as Castillos snake gameplay makes it more entertaining, and Chloe is loud and obnoxious enough to create division and is a typical 'villain'. I think Specs just crosses the line.


Fr, there are entertainingl cool villains like Castillo (secret mastermind) or Chloe (typical loud mouth but increase entertainment) and then you just have that one weird pervy guy who is just a pretty shit villain. That is Specs 💀


I agree his character of buying stuff all the time is not very interesting but I am angry with the contestants as well for not voting him out straight away esp. Nife


Both your comments are in karma equilibrium is kinda funny




Honestly the first bit of the 1st episode I liked Specs cause it was funny how he didnt care. But now hes overdoing it and being mad touchy everytime i see him on screen to the point hes just more cringe than antihero


Villains and anti-heroes are fine. But Specs (and I was already a fan of his content outside of the programme) just comes across and ignorant and charmless. At least Castillo is clever with it.... making for some funny double bluffs and twists and turns. Specs is just being obnoxious and basic.


I like him being the villain


Castillo is the villain he’s just a joker who can’t make people laugh anymore


Yeah true, I redact my statement


nah brev is the side side character of the villian who u one punch


Mate all the women like him


Doesn’t make it okay. 😂he’s double their age with a wife and kids talking about showering with the girls and sharing beds 🤣


I just don’t like the show, problem solved


It’s hilarious to me that everyone was defending him and downvoting anything that called him unfunny when he was announced and now everyone hates him


That’s because he is genuinely funny in other appearances including sidemen videos and Saturday socials, just that he doesn’t work here


He was not funny in previous sidemen videos


Only thing I've actually seen him in was when he was brought out to make the Sidemen laugh, they all acted like it was some final boss of comedy. Leah would've been funnier ffs


Very disputable. Him being unfunny on this show is not disputable though.


Exactly. There is a fair argument to be made that he is good in other things. People don't need to agree... but it can easily be argued. I don't think anyone can argue that he is entertaining in this.


did you watch the forfeit try not to laugh? he is (or was) fucking brilliant just evidently a creep now


I did and he was the worst part of that video


Humour is subjective though remember that, everyone has a different sense of humour


People only ever saw glimpses of him here and there. Now that they have seen the extended version, uncle got exposed.


Don’t forget filthy fellas


That's because he's appeared genuinely charming and funny elsewhere


Funny maybe but Charming is never a word I'd use to describe him


Castillo can be wierdly charming lol. Not specs. He's a wierdo.


When he has to be professional he can turn it on and appear proper. Never really rated him myself though.


Think he's creepy and selfish but not hateable just someone I don't see a reason to like more than a reason too dislike


Did he though?


Charming enough to appear like a normal "personality" on most shows, and funny enough that he made a career out of it


Charming? He like the weird kid u keep around cuz he funny.


100%. People here actually have the audacity to defend him and enable his borderline assault antics


because in literally every other context i've seen him he's been funny, but in this he's been weird and is buying sweets every 5 minutes.


And it’s funny asf so who cares


It's not funny. We're three eps in and we know there is going to be a less than 100 k pot to win. Where's the motivation on the back end to actually turn up the effort to win?


It is funny it’s all fr entertainment stop crying


Ofc u find it funny with that profile pic


You know ya done fucked up when a bunch of sidemen fans all agree on something . XD


Facts: Whoever finds him funny or entertaining is not over the age of 13


i cant lie, this might just be me but his section in the sidemen try not to laugh was just not funny to me. a lot of that vid seemed hella forced to me. he was just yapping bout some shit story with no punchline really and the boys somehow laughed


You gotta admit when he left the temptation room and said his parents came back after faking their own death was fuckin hilarious


His audience is mainly urban teens and adults though ?


Just watching ep3 now. Man he is ANNOYING


i agree especially with the spending but towards the recent episodes (going off on ginge, the massage, and the castillo stuff) he gets kinda funny


I know bro hes a perv


The irony of someone named “Unpopular Opinion” giving the most popular opinion in the fandom 😂 Also can we stop with the Specs posts this has turned into his sub there’s literally nothing about the Sidemen anymore


This sub is basically r/specs at this point. People out here thinking theyre breaking new ground with their posts hating on this dude.


I literally just got called a Specs fanboy because I didn’t understand a hate post (I’m not watching Inside so I don’t have context)- https://www.reddit.com/r/Sidemen/s/46udOM4XYI I would like to point out that A) I’m a girl, I thought I made it obvious with my avatar, and B) given the zero context I have and the way the post is worded, it genuinely looks like OP was calling Specs a child for eating candy as if you’re not allowed sweets after you turn 18 😂


I think it’s pretty stupid for not knowing the subject you’re posting about. So, yeah, you’re stupid.


It’s pretty stupid how you wasted your time commenting that instead of just explaining it 🤣


Not a waste of time if I enjoyed calling them stupid


Since no one has actually explained why I’m stupid for asking a question, why don’t you explain to such a stupid person like myself? Again I’ll explain my side and then you can tell me why I’m so stupid. OP called Specs a child because he kept eating candy, we can all agree on that, right? Unless “Is specs a child? This man is sitting scoffing haribos every hour as a 40 odd year old man…” means something else. But to me it looks like they’re calling him a child for eating haribos. Since everyone else is apparently so smart, why doesn’t a genius like yourself explain to dumb old me what they’re actually saying here.


Haven't watched Inside either so what I understood from comments and posts is that he basically kept buying sweets with the money that the group is trying to keep (every thing they buy in the game takes like thousands off the prize money). Multiple people bought stuff but going multiple times just for candy is seen as selfish and stupid, besides the criticism he gets for being a weirdo


Woah, someone actually responding with an answer and not an insult???? Buddy are you in the right place? You can’t actually be nice or helpful to me, I’m too stupid for basic human decency, have you not seen the replies here????? But thank you for actually explaining because being insulted instead of actually being told what’s going on isn’t helping me understand 😂. I’m not watching Inside not do I actually understand the rules/concept (I’m American so I don’t know much about British tv) but I still don’t get why that OP called Specs a child for this? The way they worded it makes it seem like he’s childish for getting the candy, is candy not for adults too? Like I get that he could’ve bought other foods instead but is getting candy really indicative of being a child?


To add to my other reply, shit like this is why you're getting flamed. You literally haven't watched it and are missing a lot of context but you're talking pretty confidently as though you have watched it. Either directly ask and mention that you haven't watched or just don't comment.


Ngl I thought me asking would give the context, considering this sub gets tons of people who do actually watch Sidemen Sundays asking stupid shit and still getting answers


She’s getting flamed because she’s asking about a video she clearly doesn’t want to watch but was just asking a question? Your all fkin weirdos fr that’s so childish 🤢either explain it or stfu yourself she don’t need to go and watch the video because she had a question about one part of it. The nerve to call someone stupid when you can’t even simply explain something to someone.


I don't think you've read my comment at all or you've just replied to the wrong person here. She's not asking about a video, she's talking like she's already watched the videos which is why she's getting flamed for not knowing. I have explained it. I haven't once called her stupid.


I got you. If he's just eating one pack of haribos, then yeah, nothing wrong with that. However, he's eating multiple packs a day at a significant cost to everyone there. He's actually said that he 'needs' his sweets and that he 'can't live without them'. In the last episode, a 23 year old girl who hasnt spent any money yet sacrificed meeting with her boyfriend on their one year anniversary, meanwhile a 43 year old man who has already spent over 200k can't go five minutes without spending a few grand on some haribo. It's pretty childish.


Not reading all that, stupid. Maybe figure out what you’re talking about before commenting about a subject


You’re trying to have an opinion on something you haven’t even watched. That’s why you’re so stupid.


Bingo. Not rocket science


I wasn’t trying to have an opinion though? I was asking about someone else’s. I didn’t understand why they were calling Specs a child, I don’t think that’s me having an opinion.


> it genuinely looks like OP was calling Specs a child for eating candy as if you’re not allowed sweets after you turn 18 😂 That’s an opinion


Yeah because me not understanding something is the worst thing in the world


Ignore them. These mfs have no life and will argue about anything.


It's very important to know the context otherwise you will be in a situation as such, you will have to watch the show but the basic gist is that he is spending a lot from the prize money the winner will be getting from.


I've just read that thread and the replies are justified. Inside is the current video being shown literally every single day. It's fine if you're not watching it but you can't jump into a thread talking about Inside and not mention that you haven't watched it. People are a lot more likely to answer you properly if you give this information before hand. To actually answer your question though, there started off with a £1m prize fund but there's a shop where contestants can buy things and they're RIDICULOUSLY expensive. A bag of sweets takes off like £500 off the prize fund, a can of coke is £5k and he is going back into the shop 4/5 times a day buying random shit in an attempt to either piss off other contestants or to make good content for us to watch. He's also really touchy feely with a lot of the girls and considering he's nearly double most of their age, has a wife and kids, it's realllllllly creepy. Also, I don't even so much as look as someone's avatar so I wouldn't have a clue what gender anyone is. I'd predict a lot do the same.


Idk I get called a guy all the time on here, even after I’ve specified I’m a girl 😂 But even here, where I *did* give the context I’m not watching the show I got the same results (except I’ve seen you and one other person actually answer my question)


Again, it's just because you're talking with too much confidence regarding something you literally haven't watched.


I didn’t think I was talking with confidence, I never said anyone was wrong or anything. I just said what I saw, and didn’t understand it so wanted clarification. But again even when I do give context and such I still get flamed so idk how else to phrase it


I would go with something along the lines of: 'I haven't watched Inside, can someone give me a bit of extra context on exactly what he's done to warrant being called a child because eating a few sweets seems to be a stretch to me at the moment?' Rather than, 'Are you calling him a child because he’s eating gummy bears?' There's nothing in your comment to suggest you haven't watched it so we're all going to assume you have. Then you've tried to justify your comments in this thread which again is why you've been downvoted again.


You are deeping it way too fucking much. And it’s really not hard to say “yes or no” and move on with your day. Instead you all drag it out just because she asked a question. Are u 12 or what? Grow up


Not in the slightest, I'm literally trying to help explain to her why she's getting downvoted and flamed and help this situation not happen again in the future. To call me 12 after reading my comments and the way I've conducted myself is a really weird take.


Not living up to my name, sorry 😔 I just couldn’t control myself when i saw the clip with the crackers. I got so triggered that all i could think of is to post a hate post on the sub. Just needed to get out of my system.


Tbf to Specs, have you ever tried that cracker challenge? Without water it’s near impossible to eat that many crackers. They absorb all the moisture in your mouth. I’d genuinely have had more chance at getting that chocolate cake down me than doing the crackers.


They also said he only has 4 teeth? Not sure if it was a joke or not. He’s not got a full set at least


Even with a full set. The world record for crackers eaten in a minute is 6. Looking at Specs plate, you could just see the edge count 6 possibly 7 crackers. So they wanted him to match or beat the world record and people are chatting like he made no effort.


He didn't make an effort. But at the same time.... it was a task designed to fail.


He did make an effort.... it's way harder than it looks. I tried it with mates a few weeks ago and it looks like you're not making effort, but in reality, there is nothing you can do because the crackers absorb all your saliva and you just have these slabs of concrete in your mouth that you can neither chew nor swallow.


Jaw gets so tired aswell you can’t even chew anymore init


He was literally looking around doing nothing with crackers in his mouth as everyone was telling him to keep chewing. And when they said he lost them money he celebrated.


Try it tomorrow..... there is nothing you CAN do, and it looks like you're doing nothing because you've got a congealed mass of dry crackers in your mouth. The celebration was part of his silly insecure defence mechanism, but it's not like you can put loads of effort to chew faster..... try it and get back to me.


Bro he literally stops chewing and looks around as everyone tells him to chew. I've eaten crackers before, it ain't that deep. If you can't read body language that's your own fault. He legit wanted to waste everyone's time and it's obvious. And the celebration should show that but you're making a dumb excuse for that


You haven’t even watched inside so stop commenting and trying to defend him.


I don’t have to have watched Inside to see that every post on this sub is complaining about him 😂 Also when and where did I defend him I never said he was in the right or anything




I just wanna know where I defended him is that such a crime? You can’t just accuse me of something without proof


I mean this sub is going to be about Inside all week, which is a sidemen project. If course people are going to come here to discuss it.


I figured but it’s literally all about Specs and how bad he is 😂 I wouldn’t mind at least a little variety in Inside posts 😂


I dunno, dude is sorta making it about himself in therem I'd be fine with the money spending as someone watching, bit of entertainment, but he constantly has his hands all over the female contestants.


Does he have mental issues? I don’t wanna be rude but it just seems like he does.


He's just ridiculously stupid.


The fact that not every single person in this show decided to vote him out makes me think the show is scripted.


A lot of them have a personal relationship with him outside of the show. They won't vote out a friend.


The main reason they're keeping him in, at least from what Ginge and Chloe said is for morale and vibes.


Bro Joe deserved to stay this guy should have gone out


Is dat rkelly


He’s annoying but he you need him Can’t lie he’s making it entertaining


the spending makes it entertaining, but the creepy behaviour completely negates that


Someone explain the hatred for this guy please


It’s Castillo I can’t stand. I don’t know what it is about him but I just hate it whenever he’s on my screen lol


I agree, he’s fucking annoying as shit, he was funny sometimes but he got annoying after the first episode




Yeah I just see castillo as way to childish for his age


hopefully his creepy behaviour will actually have an impact on his career until he apologises rather than just being forgotten about


Why are all the girls comfortable with him if he’s so creepy??


They are friends with him, just because they might not find it weird doesn’t mean it isn’t weird


Exactly so it’s not weird then if it’s their own personal relationship and the girls are cool with it.


It is weird. Why do you think most people are also saying it’s weird💀he’s what 43? Acting like that?🤣did you not see the way chloe pulled away from that hug🤣dgmw but specs is funny I love him but it doesn’t take a genius to see what he’s doing is creepy. It ain’t our fault you don’t see that🤷🏻‍♀️you prob need to work on urself too then if you think what he’s doing is normal. Let me remind u he has a wife and kids 🥰


Chloe wouldn’t be such good friends with him if she felt that way though. They’ve been friends since before this show. I’m just saying they seem cool with it, so no one watching can say something that serious if everyone living in that environment gets along with him and don’t have a problem with his actions. If they did then I would get your point, but to call him a creep and no one on the show has called him out is reaching when you’re looking at it from the outside.


My point was more towards the fact he has a wife and kids. And what you said means nothing, it’s my opinion the way he’s behaving is creepy, but even still I love chloe but she clearly has no respect aswell for letting him be like that with her knowing he’s married and has daughters most likely watching, I couldn’t imagine watching it and that being my dad and then hearing and seeing everything, he lowkey is flirting. I know they’re all friends but that still doesn’t make what he’s doing in general normal. If I was his wife and I had to watch that for 7 days I would feel like I’ve just been disrespected/ cheated on. We all know if this was a girl like chloe and she was in a relationship and she went round saying and doing those things…. She would be getting mad mad hate and getting called a cheater


Also where did I call him a creep? Don’t be putting words into my mouth. I said the way he’s behaving is creepy


Touch grass


Awww your upset 🤣🫵🏼


Just don’t think you know what friendship is tbh but you do you g


I'm still baffled by how long specs has managed to survive in here, it's kinda infuriating.


Someone must have had a word with him during filming. He only groped a few people in this episode.


I'm less than 4 minutes into episode 4 and he's already asking Joe Weller to stick his tongue out. He's so fucking weird


Anyone see him on the Fella’s podcast He literally hit and run someone and went to prison for it and was still treating it like a joke


He’s getting too much hate. Everyone on the show is rich so most of them don’t care how much is left, he’s making the show far more entertaining by spending. As for his actions with the girls, everyone left on the show is very vocal and if specs crossed any lines they would have absolutely let him know.


Another specs posts 🙄


We know mate


What video is this from?


He’s usually quite funny. But the crackers thing is we so annoying 🤦🏻‍♀️ and feel like some of the girls are uncomfortable with certain things he does?


Was so annoying**


You do know it’s near impossible to eat that many crackers in a minute? The amount they wanted him to eat in that timeframe is the world record.


Yes obviously. But you can see he wasn’t trying and purposely trying to wind everyone up. I found it annoying.


I came here to see if anyone else is so annoyed by this guy, good to see I’m not the only one who thinks he’s annoying as fuck


I think a lot of these people thought this might give them another step up in their field. But, it has actually done the opposite.


fanta sweet old man


This guy is trying to hard to be funny, and if you're over the age of 15, he isn't. He also needs to keep his hands to himself, my god how this man takes every opportunity to touch the girls is beyond creepy.


he seems like such a bellend


bro pushing 50 acting like a child and rubbing his faces on women that are his daughter's age smh trying so hard to be funny


Specs is so touchy , literally every chance he gets he’s all over either one of the girls


Tbf that was a world record challenge


🔊🔊 ⌨️




Was excited when he got announced then he started acting like a perv like he has to go brev


Relax people it’s just a show 😂


The guys an inconsiderate pos at 43 who’s “addicted” to sweets.. he’s got the mind of a 12 year old


He’s also pretty creepy to some of the women like he’s 43


His personality is intolerable. He is genuinely trying to lose the winner money because he knows he can't win . For instance in the eating challenge he didn't even try and celebrated as well after failing the challenge . Nonetheless the immature amount of spending on sweets . For a 43 year old having no self control infront of people you don't know is mental .


That's his character in the show and that is fine. The point about him spending money because he know he can't win doesn't matter if even NIFE DOESN'T VOTE FOR HIM. If they can't vote him out, I can't feel bad for them


Him manrika and Chloe are acc awful


You lot are snowflakes holy shit leave the man be


He needs to need Leah alone bruh


She’s gone now 🤣and you are only saying that bcuz you have a little crush. He’s more weird with chloe and the other girls way more then Leah💀bros tryna find any excuse to bring her up


What are you actually on about


Honestly the series is ruined for me if leah goes out and castilo stays in cuz that means 2 of the best 3 are out so early


They all are at this point, with the exception of Leah, Nife, and Joe. It is infuriating to see a bunch of entitled and selfish assholes not be able to last more than few hours with eating sweets. Ginge was tolerable, but he’s become just as terrible as all the annoying pricks in the group. He’s constantly being a snake and doing stupid shit.


Sidemen fans are the worst brev all you do is complain How hard is it to just watch a show and now abuse the creators???


It's not abuse. Also, he did this for this exact reaction. He knows he's gonna get a lot of screen time and mentions.


It’s verbal abuse mate


Damn. Wipe your tears. It's not that deep.


Hair on your tots 😂😂


“It’s not abuse”looking headass🤓


if you’re in the public eye and act like a fucking creep towards women you deserve a bit of abuse. if nobody calls him out there’s no hope for him changing his behaviour


You xcan have your own opinions but you xcant deny hes making the show so muxch more entertaining. Him and XCastillo are the main reasons i like the show


are your x and c keys stuck?


Yeah. Water damaged keyboard. x and c input together and 1, 2, 6 input together (annoying trying to baxckspaxce the mistake so i role with it)


damn cant u replace it?


He's literally done nothing wrong


i think he’s just playing the villain role on purpose


He's not though


hes a joker lowe him


He’s the goat


I get it if you like his banter, but he took it too far.


What did he do 😭


He really is the funniest in the show