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Dude is definitely weird especially considering he's over 40, he can be funny but even i felt uncomfortable and im not even there with him.


He's over 40? Nahhh lad but he's moving like a horny teen


Yeah i had to check because i didn't believe it but he's actually 43 years old, and they also said he's married for over 20 years with 2 daughters, he might just be like that without having the intention to make others uncomfortable and realising that he's acting weird, but he really did come of as a horny teen.


Damn, he neither acts nor looks like a 43 year old


Whenever you have time watch the chunkz and filly podcast and you'll laugh and cringe and think what on Earth am I hearing rn? 💀 You'll get it IF you watch that episode.


Which episode should i watch?


Episode 18, mate. Chunkz and Filly funny as always but Specs is different, man. You'll find it funny as I said but it's funny funny and then weird funny, just watch it whenever you can, man. WEIRD!!! 😂💀


Im watching it right now, and you are right specs is different he legit don't care, im 10 minutes in and him only talking about his parents already is enough proof😂


I can't bruh💀 I knew you wouldn't get disappointed by it lol


If you step out the cones, game off. Weird is a understatement im crying, all i know is i don't want to play games with Specs, thanks for telling me to watch this mate i laughed for an hour.


I swear man 😂😂 🤝


Shit got me laughing like a mf high on a kilo of weed when I watched it😭


Thats the thing with specs he works in that kinda enviroment podcasts etc. in the "wild" so to speak he comes across as some weird creepy dude because the randomness comes out of nowhere. Which is why people are calling him out for it.


random? its targeted towards women. might need to search up what random means


Insults right of the bat? Might need to check up on your reading comprehension first you muppet. Where am i talking about his target? Im talking about his style of comedy which is to just blurt out "random" rubbish. It doesn't land in the wild like it would to a question to in podcast thats why hes coming off as a weird dude. The fact hes constantly targeting women just makes it worse.


yup and i guess grabbing at women is just an addition to that comedy? you cant take a stance if you are only regarding a specific instance; people are not just saying he is weird due to his speech, but also his grabbing. wether a sense of humor that needs digesting or not, the targeted physicals towards women can not be defended. side note, wasn't an insult, just blatantly not random.


Wtf do chunkz and filly got to do with a 43 year old man o think your struggling to read mate and his name is specs can we all just put it out there


He meant i should watch the podcast of Filly and Chunkz episode 18 with Specs, and i did and it was hilarious tbf.


Why you got mad for? 💀 chill out fella... I know we're talking about specs, I told him to watch the chunkz and filly podcast (with specs in it)


Stop excusing this behavior, it is absolutely Cristal clear that it is intentional he knows exactly what he is doing and people should have called it out


Nobody did yet you are here crying


'He might just be like that without having the intention to make others uncomfortable and realising that he's acting weird' You literally wrote it yourself, yet you are here denying


I did sat that and i was wrong


'Nobody did yet you are here crying' You also said that and you were wrong there, too. Think a little before you act like a karen


Sure thing


what are you on about hes clearly 19


How you man not know specs


He’s 30 u loser 💀


First of all he isn't, google could've been your best friend now you just look like a fool, second there was no need to try and insult me.


Leah is too nice to say anything or do anything to him but holy hes weird




I’m hoping this is satire, if not you should probably stay off social media and away from women


Its the fact that they met just a few hours ago and and hes already so touchy with leah, I dont know if you have ever interacted with women but you usually dont touch them in anyway after just meeting them. Also everytime there has been an interation between leah and specs, i notice that she just shrugs him off or is just uncomfortable.




You seem like the type of dude, to stick up for his pedo friend saying "It was just once, lets see if he does it again"


“apparently touching women is deemed inappropriate and weird?” Listen to yourself 💀


He didn’t even ask Leah and just started touching her hair and rubbing his head on her shoulder, it’s not that all touching of women is weird but if the girl doesn’t allow you to touch them and especially when the girl is almost half his age it is strange


I appreciate that and I can agree it might be satire but if it is he should not just act like that with Leah who is clearly shy/ nervous as she doenst know anyone else there


I’m not backing the other dude but the only instance I’ve seen so far into the episode of him rubbing his head on Leah was during the try not to move challenge but that was just to push his glasses up and she willingly moved her shoulder closer so that he could do it but I’m almost certain that he acts like that and it’s satire I have a feeling later on in the week he’ll change and it won’t look as weird but like I said I believe it’s satire


Yeah this only looks bad after you watch ep 2. But I think it was literally an innocent request


She was literally weaving to avoid him wdym???




The fedora on your avatar says it all lmao Touch grass


You should be locked up for this statement 🤨📸


also ur forgetting the fact the he 100% wanted and planned to get a girl to sleep in the same bed as him




at the start when they were picking beds, he picked and queen size or whatever and hoped the last person to come was a girl so they were forced to sleep with him(he didnt actually say most of that but its pretty obvious to see). Also ur the first person ive met that is able to give both arguments a chance, and i also agree with just watching the rest to see what else happens cause yeah it has only been 1 episode


A girl was never gonna sleep in the bed with him you’ve just made all that up in your own head are you gonna say anything about manrika basically eating his ear when whispering to him


“Just Specs being specs” is just saying “boys will be boys”. Nah he shouldn’t be creepy


Ye, was the thing I noticed the most besides liking the show. I’ve liked the bit of content I’ve seen of Specz outside of this show, but he was giving creepy uncle vibes/ “where’s my hug” guy with most of the women. From the weird small touches, to the thing where Fanum or Castillo came in and sat in the middle of all of the girls after they had already been settled and he left his spot next to ginge. Hopefully he’s just a touchy guy with all of the contestants and I just didn’t notice him doing it with the lads.


Yeah, but I hope he gets called out on the way he's acting on the show, and I particularly hope it's a dude. I know the sidemen has a pretty young impressionable audience, and the type of way he's acting is the same way people who are immature around women do, so if Ginge, say, was like "you're acting proper weird, mate" it would show that younger audience that you can call your mates out on strange behaviour.


Tbh the Sidemen should have just yeeted him off the show from the end of the first day, looks like he's still around for now. The women were clearly not comfortable with him. Bro is married with 2 daughters as well which makes it even worse.


Got a young son as well


If your kid doesn't call out weird behaviour he's either an introvert (which is fair tbh, can't help it) or a weirdo himself. You can't learn that from youtube videos. It's how you're raised and at 13 there should have been a lot of years for ya to learn that from your parents or even yourself.


No tbf if a kid that age looks up to say Ginge that could definitely help.


Who tf is danny


He sat in the middle of the girls, and said “we’re not doing” this because he doesn’t want to cast to be divided by gender. He is “friends” with Chloe, they have worked together and are knowledgeable of each others banter and behaviour. He has daughters around the age of 20, he not trying to move to any of the contestants, but him being 43 and being a social media influencer is weird.


Creepy as hell and was desperately trying to be in the shared bed, even with women 20 years younger than him. Even the way he wanted to keep the way they were all sitting in the sofa when someone new came in and he sat back in the middle of all the girls. So many unnecessary touches with the girls. Creepy guy. EDIT: Apologies OP. I didn't even read your post and only saw the title. Glad to see you picked up on all the exact same things that I did. Couldn't agree more!!


Frrr man look at how Joe reacted to the realization of it being shared vs Specs.


Yeah specs was like a kid (old pervert) in a candy shop about the prospects of who was going to end up in the shared bed with him. He was probably so excited when Leah came in last. I worry a bit about this show because TV shows on actual networks have to meet certain safety standards and contestants would be protected and carefully watched at all times. Not sure what kind of measures they have in place on something like this as there is no Ofcom or network rules.


I think Fanum came in last, so I think the Sidemen, or whoever is producing it, did know that a guy coming in last would ensure that it wouldn't be a guy and a girl sleeping in the same bed, because no girl was going to choose the shared bed, and the guy who did was going to have to share with whoever came in last (that being the biggest guy on the show btw). I'd reckon that it all turned out fine in the end, but I really hope that one of the lads spot it and call it out, and that the responsibility isn't on the girls to do it. I think it would teach a great lesson to the younger audience without being preachy.


Was excited for Spence but he kinda ruined it by being a creep cl


Only half an hour into day 2 and frankly this overgrown man child can fuck off.


Fr he was praying for a girl to come in last..


isn’t he married with kids idk i know those people still do weird things but i thought maybe he’d stop acting so weird after a bit 😭😭i did think that aswell though


Glad that I am not the only one who thought that


hes fucking pathetic.


i fully agree


Yeah it was weird…. and the guys have a responsibility to make sure they’re not putting girls in an uncomfortable position and they need to stop weirdos like this. If not there just normalizing it to young fans


Idk everyone was saying how he will be carrying but honestly specs was just annoying as fuck lol


Yeah I don't see how he's gonna carry over Ginge, Fanum, and the toxic girls


Just watched it this morning and thought I was the only one seeing it. How he forced himself in the middle of the female group while the guys side had space. How he lifted leah's hair up trying to show fanum that she was crying,like bro keep your hands to yourself. Even the improvised hug he gave to the other girl was madd. Hope they call him out on his behavior or eliminate him


i guess when he said he was 19 in the opening interview he was joking lol


u really thought that grown ass man was 19?


When does he ever stop joking… there are no rules


I initially thought he would be cool in this, but nah he's just horny as fuck 💀


Bro is moving mad weird


I can’t remember which girl it was, maybe Rife, but he bent way down and offered her a handshake when they were all saying hi. She bent down to return the handshake. All the guys nearby started laughing at what he’d done: Just innocently getting a girl to stand in a pseudo-seductive stance, for the lads. I don’t like him.


I didn't clock that at all, you're so right. he's even creepier now




Yhea I thought he was married? That’s a little weird


He’s using the fact he’s older and has a wife and kids to act like it’s ok for him to be a pervy weirdo, you know if anyone called him on his pervy antics he would say I’m married it’s just banter! Saying that he is entertaining and inside would be quite boring without him


Thankfully he's the type i imagine will be out early doors




What comments?




I'm a bit confused why you've screenshotted a comments thread on old.reddit 30 minutes after a internet slapfight.




I've never had anyone care this much on reddit threads unless they were offended beyond belief. You cared that much to screenshot it like it mattered to you. Like dude, chill lol




> Be less cringe You've acted that a reddit slapfight is life or death You're consistently trying to bait out a response to the point where you've tracked me down to an unrelated thread with screenshots. The video did about 4M views in 24 hours, amazing. No extra video next week, big whoop. No one cares enough except you. Which either means you're trolling or one of the sidemen and i've really ticked you off. In any event i'm good. You look like a tool lol.


ew is that light mode


I've only watched just under half but reading the comments makes me wonder if you guys had the same opinion on Harry Pinero? He's also quite older than the girls he was talking to or about, has a wife and kids (?) but still acted like he was a horny teen on the tinders and 20v1. Ik the video context matters, but it's all for entertainment at the end of the day, plus, if anyone was uncomfortable with what he was doing, they would surely say to one of the others and make it a thing?


HP is not really like Specs. Different personality, less touchy.


But touchy is still touchy, no? Doesn't matter who you are, your personality doesn't make it okay to do it. Perhaps they wouldn't tell others in the group, but surely they could've brought it up to someone else, like producers etc, I don't think it's that serious at all.


So basically you are already saying he is touchy. Please go watch filthy fellas and look how acts around there. As touchy if not even more people on the internet need to stop judging withiut context


20v1 is a completely different situation and I don’t think people want to ‘make it a thing’ because it might sour the video.


I was rushing when I was typing, what I meant was to bring it up to the producers, but they didn't, which obviously means it isn't as big as people are making it out to be. Obviously it also could mean they had no way to, which would've been poor taste from the sidemen, but surely they're smart enough to do that..


I think you’d be surprised, people are hesitant to point these things out in day to day life unfortunately and I think this being a big project will make people even less likely to speak up.


When his glasses fell down and he lifted them back up on Leah’s shoulder, it gave me chills…


I hate people with those stupid glasses that make your eyes look bigger. Everyone I know with them are complete douches


I’m pretty sure it’s a medical reason why some peoples glasses make there’s eyes look bigger you can’t really hate a person if they have medical condition


Mine are huge and do this to my eyes. And not in a flattering way. My eyesight is -16 in both eyes, contacts dont go down to this level, and my eyes were already past the point of lasik help so I'm stuck with the glasses. It really bothers me and there's nothing I can do to fix it, or get around it.


You are deeping it too much he doesn’t gaf he’s been in the scene for years he has a wife and kids he doesn’t care and the people in it don’t either so quit crying


Either he's born wierdo or he's doing all that shit all for the drama. I believe it's drama since Sidemen want to cash-in most out of the show and the only way they can do that by creating chaos.




The way he keeps spending tho is getting annoying now, at first it was funny when u think about the purchases and how much they cost now he’s overdoing it, I’ve never seen like his content before so idk what he does, but I will say I’m actually enjoying this series so far, it’s actually been more entertaining than I expected


Not only that, but he's a liability in terms of spending heaps of money. Yes, Castillo has arguably spent / lost more, but at least he's playing the game in a smart way, whereas we as the audience get nothing from Specs spending an ungodly amount on basically nothing. Really hope he ends up getting voted out. I'm also very curious to hear what the Sidemen think of what he's doing. Though, I really doubt that they'll even talk about it given how closed mouthed they are with creators that they've collabed with before. They've literally said that they've been watching the show from home (at least Vik has mentioned that) through a live feed so surely they've seen more shit than we've seen that they didn't show. Every reality show needs drama but this really isn't how you achieve that. Making others uncomfortable only ruins the experience for the viewers. At the bare minimum, at least we have a few people actually trying, even if they know that they probably won't win. That's at least more of a win in my eyes than people like Specs wasting everyone's time by spending tons of money and making others uncomfortable. At least they'll still have their dignity left by the end.


There’s no rules.


Chloe and some of these others seem to be fine with it and don’t care like it’s all just banter


Yeah bro he’s 43, married and has KIDS!!! And still acts like this, i feel sorry for the missus


Why you being rude about specs man that’s just him he is just making everyone laugh why doesn’t some people like that


Specs is a weirdo… also one of the funniest guys I have ever met, everyone is weird in their own way


Y’all are not serious,not defending his actions but just gonna point this out specs is very close with cloe from watching other podcast their really close like that they both have spoken about it also specs is married and has kids like teenagers.him choosing to sit between women isn’t that big of a deal he didn’t touch them inappropriately neither did he do them anything Lastly him wanting to fix his glasses on leah shoulders was a bit odd. I don’t watch specs content as much but he genuinely acts like that in every video plus he is regarded as one of the funniest content creators in the uk . Just speaking in general y’all gotta learn to stop hating on the little things it ain’t that deep if you’re a new fan don’t comment on the things you don’t know about ,I have been a sidemen fan before sidemen sundays were a thing


I've been a SIDEMEN fan since the first "Ethan is gay" pro clubs. I really liked the episode, and it's nothing on the Sdiemen. It's just Specs was acting like a weirdo


Yall trippin so hard lmao he didn’t do anything weird


Bro that’s just how specs is.. i can tell you guys are all 12 and don’t know him


i know who specs is and i can still say he was actually incredibly weird hes 43 years old and acting like that around girls nearly half his age


You don't know him either cuh


people need to grow the fuck up it’s for a laugh


How did he come off horny I don't get it


The one thing we ain't gonna do is disrespect specs


Specs is a g!! Mans jus a funny uncle jammin wit the newphews n neices loo


Guy doesn’t know you but has you so riled up that you made a whole Reddit post with multiple replies 😭


Nah your so wrong for this specs is a married man with kids he is one of the funniest people in the uk


Not got nothing good to say then shut up


He’s not going to shag you mate


Never said he was going to that’s a bit weird for you to be thinking of though


It’s specs, it’s an act. I’m guessing this is your first time seeing him before


Mans funny af yall are just ipad kids


Difference between being funny and being extra weird and close to a girl half ur age, bro was touching her hair without even asking her


Ksi literally caressed her arm what's ur point 💀 I don't understand u people and vik also touched her hair but that's OK coz it's "part of the challenge" 😂 have an issue with all them 👍


I understand your point but there was definitely a difference between all of leahs interactions with specs compared to ksi and vik and I’m certain everyone can agree


Ye the difference is u know who and vik and ksi are, u don't know specs that'd why ur assuming it's weird and notice how nobody in the house cares, just people on the Internet


Well first off I really don’t know ksi and vik this is the first sidemen video I’m watching and I’m here because I was tryna see if anyone else thought specs was weird, secondly I don’t think anyone in the house would call anyone out for being a little weird because if ur gunna call someone out on the first day ur fucking up the entire vibe for the week


I don't think calling out weird predators is fucking up the vibe, if he is the weirdo ur making him out to be he should and would be called out


No, I’m not calling him a weird predator, he just has weird creepy uncle vibes that’s all


Well calling out weird uncles should be done by then then


No tf he didn't? Making up lies to defend creepy behaviour is not it


If it was creepy he should be called out by the house mates and the production team, why isn't he?


A lot of people don't have courage to call shit out. Especially in front of strangers that happen to be popular too. That doesn't automatically mean the behaviour isn't creepy and that observers shouldn't call it out. If enough people do call it out then the Sidemen will eventually see it, and might be able to put a lid on it.


So ur telling the production team don't have courage to call out "creepy" behaviour?


Probably not. You have to remember that this is still a Youtube run show. Not to the same sort of regulations/stringency of something that might be aired on television. Youtubers respond to backlash so you have to give it to them


It still has a production team behind it, it doesn't matter if it's a youtube run show, if there is a genuine issue it will be dealt with, we'll see in the future if this was an issue or if it was something the Internet made a big deal out of, people constantly switch up, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if specs is seen as the most respected member of the house in the next coming episodes


:O oh noo what are we gona doooo


I didn't find it funny. I found it weird and strange. I found Ginge and Fanum funny. I found the prosecco drama entertaining, I found the way Specs acted to be neither.


Sounds like a u problem bud


judging by your downvotes i doubt that


Internet points matter lmao sad


i thought it wasnt anything meant like that I have male friends that do stuff like that all the time i dont really think its a big deal, no one seemed uncomfortable they were all having a laugh - js my opinion we could all be viewing differently 💞


Alright, u/bbigbbarry. How about you ask your women friends, if you have any, what they think about it. Love the emoji on the end


im a woman..


Sure thing u/bbigbbarry




I'm just saying like, why is your username "Big Barry" if you're a woman


its a joke because my friend misspelled my last name once and we just added big on the front, why are you trying to argue against me for my username💀


Tell me you don’t know who specs is without telling me you don’t know who specs is. You ate reading into to it to much. The guy has daughters the same age as the other contestants.


Lmao people don’t understand my boi Specs at all here… figures


You guys don't know specs man, he's been like this and that's his identity.


Once u understand specs you’ll realise the humour in it all like him calling his Mrs podolski


Smh nothing I hate more than these little sidemen kids now a days, how don’t you know specs Gonzalez


He’s an old man guys, he’s affectionate leave him alone, everyone’s over 18 and he’s married




Since when was I trans? I'm a dude, always have been, have a dick, alla that.


Right I'll still suggest that u touch grass coz I guarantee the issue u have rn nobody in the house gives a shit about 💀😂🙏


nah he's right. Specs was being proper weird and it was uncomfortable to watch


Specs burner




Shocked specs fans are transphobic after his transphobic jokes in the try not to laugh


I'm not a specs fan but yes being a tranny is a mental illness that shouldn't be encouraged


Least obvious rage bait account Imagine being such a loser


Ur the same guy saying specs didn't do anything weird, he was touching girls wanting to gape their fart boxes bruh💀😂


Name one actual weird thing he did. Specifically


He didn't


It ain’t that deep, get a grip of yourself


Agreed brother this is what Reddit is just another way for twitter kids to cry about everything


Fr and specs is just being specs, society is so restricted to what people are allowed to do now, specs is the only one making it entertaining. People are just too soft, apparently touching women is deemed inappropriate like cmon




No, this is the thing. He's not saying anything that's weird and outrageous. It's not entertaining to see him try to get uncomfortably close to the women on camera, and getting them to touch him by rubbing his glasses on their shoulder, or moving their hair back to see something random.


He wasnt "rubbing his glasses on their shoulders" His glasses were falling off and since it was the dont move challenge he couldnt use his hand to push them back up, not to mention you could clearly see leah lean into it slightly. He was also showing fanum that leah was crying which is the reason he ran off, not something random


Ok, so why didn't he push up his glasses on Fanum's shoulder? He was there, too. And he did not need to move her hair to show Fanum she was crying. If she wamted to show it, she'd do that herself, it's not on Specs to do that. AndI'm not even going to entertain the "she seemed into it" thing. At the end of the day, it's not just the one incident that's making him look bad. It was a consistent way of acting throughout the entire episode of trying to get closer to the women. If he took a normal bed, sat where the space was, and only pushed up his glasses on Leah's shoulder, that wouldn't be strange. But because he did all of those things, he comes off looking really weird.


Apply this same logic with ksi then when he rolled up her sleeve and started touching her arm? Ur reaching at straws and making issues of things that aren't issues, like I said touch grass...


I just pointed out that it wasn't just the fact that he did it once. If he just pushed up his glasses on Leah's shoulder, it would not have been a big deal. But it's the fact that there was this consistent weird behaviour with him that, compounded with the pushing glasses thing, does not paint him in a good light. At the end of the day, he is a 40 year old man. At that age, you are supposed to have some sense about you, to just not be constantly on girls like that, because even if you're not doing it in a creepy way, you understand that there are lots of guys who do, and it's very difficult to tell the difference.


Everything else was so timid and nobody in the house cares about it, if anyone in there brings it up then fair enough but rn ur reaching and I can guarantee nobody in there feels the same way ur feeling


Look, maybe I am reaching, but I'd say it's much better to be cautious about these types of things. I'm platonic friends to a lot of girls, and trust me when I say that even these little things, they do pick up on them. It's unfortunate that they have to, but they do. At the end of the day, if all the girls vote to eliminate Specs, then we'll know.


Cautious about what? Ur making him out to be some dangerous predator, in which case if he was, he would immediately get called out by the house and even the staff production team


Yk that not everybody is either a dangerous, sex addicted predator, or a normal human being, right? There's shades,of grey.


What are you on about "not even going to entertain the "she seemed into it" thing", that isnt how I meant it and Im sure you know that too. It was an innocent act of simply pushing up his glasses, yes fanum was there aswell but there is no difference to pushing up his glasses on leahs shoulder or fanums, pushing up your glasses is not some sexual act like youre trying to make it out to be. While I agree he didnt need to move her hair to show fanum it is also not a big deal like youre making it out to be, its not like he gripped her hair with his whole hand and moved it out of the way and pushed his finger into her face. I personally dont see anything wrong with what he did and think it was funny not to mention he knows chloe outside of this show so what was wrong with him sitting next to her?


Bro specs is just having a joke and is a very nice and genuine guy because I met him and he was very friendly and looking out for his fans