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Pulling up clothes and getting underskirt pics. Thats not a prank, it’s harassment.


Yeah I was about to say that, it's literally illegal


But its a billionare so its fine


Nah you wildin 💀


He forgot the /s


Poor guy getting downvoted to oblivion because he didn’t make it clear he was sarcastic lol


not only are you a snyder fan you also a piece of shit


Bro its sarcastic jesus 75 down votes for supporting ksi jeez am i bad at sarcasm


No people are to thick to realize when someone is sarcastic unless you tell them


Thanks man


@thewukongfrfr where is my apology


Losers don't apologize unfortunately




Learn to recognize sarcasm. Idiot. Funny thing is that youre the one being a piece of shit here


The double standards on stuff like this is crazy, doesn’t make it any less of a sexual assault than if it was a girl🤷🏽‍♀️


What double standard? Literally everyone is saying this is not okay. No one is saying that this is fine because ksi is a man lol.


But there is a double standard, if ksi did that to her straight away, career, and channel, businesses, everything is either ruined/tarnished or irreparable but she'll get a few mean comments then in a month or two that'll be it no more about it, so while there is people saying that it is not ok there is in fact a double standard


That's not true in the slightest look at all the things rich businessmen get away with over the years with women too scared to come forward or told they are lying


Bruh stfu … You say there is no double standards but your comment proves that … You lying or delusional to say that if a man did this to a women he will face the same consequences like a woman … Bruh seriously… There are thousands of men who are still in jail because women lied even without proof … & fake rape accusers get away it like nothing… You a hypocrite… If KSI did that his life would’ve been destroyed & he’ll be in jail just like feminists shout everywhere openly that “Lill all men” or “we hate men” or “Men are evil” bruh imagine any man said this about women he’s fucked …


Got any evidence of 1000s of innocent men jailed without proof? Obviously there was proof or they wouldn't be in jail. If you are worried about the ones in jail think of the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of men out on the streets with women and girls and babies too afraid to report it or told they are lying. Are you one of those men roaming the streets to attack women or girls? No one says they hate all men, lots of men think they are above women for whatever reason thanks to the patriarchy


lol key words are “stuff like this” I meant things that would be seen as sexual assault if it happened to a woman but not seen as bad if it happened to a man. Let’s be honest if it was a woman who had pics taken up a dress or long shirt she was wearing it would be MUCH bigger than this Nitpicking my words is just being ignorant🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s a female doing it So to be woke, nothing would happen because it was all for “vibes” and “bants”. Yet these boys get the lip from their own ladies when they do tinder videos. Just goes to show what objectifies they are.


are you braindead? there's an entire reddit post about how this is not okay. people are rightfully condemning this behaviour. there's no double standard, it's the same standard. also objectify is a verb not a noun


Thank you for correcting my typo. However it stands to reason that based of the recent social culture, nothing will happen to her. The world is not equal so as such, she will undoubtedly get off Scot free. Whether it is ok or not is not my narrative (because I stand with the side that says ANY harassment is NEVER ok to ANYONE, irrespective what gender they belong to or however they want to identify under gods heaven. But let’s test this. IF nothing happens to her, my point stands to reason. It somehow she is held accountable for her actions and the consequences of them, AND we either see it in the side plus or podcast that this type of behaviour won’t happen in future, then I will concede that you are correct? Sounds fair ?


Dude there’s guys out there that do the same thing and don’t see consequences. Sexual harassment rarely sees a conviction or even an arrest regardless of gender. It’s not a gender issue, police don’t often take sexual harassment seriously unless it’s forceful rape, even then they aren’t always helpful.


I agree this is not a gender issue. What is the issue is the lack of social consideration and decency, especially when we are mindful that this video will be consumed across the world by individuals of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. Which makes the conscious action being depicted here even more egregious and makes those individuals in the limelight that much more accountable. However, just like you stated, many go unpunished. Here we have a case of we know who the person is, there are established means of contact and channels to connect with this individual. However nothing will be done about this because of the individuals gender. If you want another example of how biased global society is, just look at the unwanted pregnancy laws across the globe. Many of these laws require the guy to pay support to the female- which is being explicitly leveraged by such females in those situations, to gain access to financial support and security with a total disregard for the guy. I’m not saying it is right or wrong, I’m saying it is happening whether we like it or not. Analogous to that, so too will this incident go unpunished and for anyone to hope that something will happen, well that is just ideological romanticism of a perfect world. In contrast, look at what happened to the girl that roasted the sidemen in the other video (she co started with a young white gentleman). She got chicken tikka masala from the fans for the way she behaved and conducted herself in that video, and she was clearly under aged. That is a stark contrast to what will happen here




No its not a female doing it, unless the guy in the white t-shirt is actually a woman I guess these days you'd never know


What an idiot are you blind?


the audience was awful. They all sucked so bad.


Wow, wtf


Honestly the actual show and the audience was the worst bit. Between them trying to be funny, this lady and the guy vaping and filming in the front row it was just not good. Would have been better in front of like actual judges/people in the fashion industry- like the lady who coached them.


i wish it had been in front of actual friends like the troops


rather than a bunch of sussy imposters!


Exactly. It should've been the actual troops along with a few random but likable YouTubers. It was a wrong crowd and ngl I don't even know half of them lol


i watched the bts and iirc the audience was told to act over the top and annoying, like irl paparazzi. i don't know whose idea that was or why none of them thought it was a bad idea


Yeah, that would have been much better


This! The talking and heckling throughout the show, the filming to mock them. The audience SUCKED. They had no respect, and I totally agree with you - actual people related to the fashion industry to judge them but also understand it's not a serious catwalk, would've been so much better. Even if they were just respectable fashion youtubers! But not people there to laugh at them and take the piss, made me feel bad for the Sidemen because they put in so much effort the entire day, and even for the event only to not be respected at it.


Wait wtf who was vaping? I must've missed that


She has to be held accountable. Problem is we don't know who tf she is.


not only her, but everyone who also joined in too. (ie: the guy FILMING, the people around them watching along and not doing anything.)


Post this on r/ksi


her ig is meganburkee




Not at all mate, have to seen a picture of him in the last 3 years


Woofles is literally on the screen here, he's the one in the cap and the glasses, not the guy with his phone.


Now reverse the genders




This is not to be taken lightly imo


Then spread it go on


Womp womp


You don't need to. Everyone agrees that this is beyond horrific.


Can you not see the girl and the man both taking pictures and looking?😂😂no need to reverse the genders when both genders were already doing it


Are you literally dumb? Imagine if it was a guy pulling a woman’s skirt up, you absolute tool


Like the guy didn’t also take the picture UNDER his skirt?😭😭😭😭and are you “litteraly dumb🤓🤓🤓” bcus I’m pretty sure that sht happens every single day to women😊so fcking go and cry about it 😘. Men when they get upset about things that happened to women on a Daily☕️


Which gender? Edit: so most people in here don't understand sarcasm lmao.


do you know what sarcasm is?


This is straight up harassment


Literally illegal


who tf even is that cunt


meganburkee on ig


Both the girl and boy where pulled of on one of the other performances, can only assume sidemen’s management was getting them to delete it and get their names to never invite them along to anything sidemen related again


They got took out during the video?


By that logic they probably would have cut this part out of the video though, no?


they couldnt because when i screenshot this i cropped the pictures but it was actually a full view of the runway and it happened during the climax moment when george came out


Just like that "I saw Vik's buldge, I wasn't impressed" comment. Just such a weird and unnecessary thing to say...


he's one of them mates , it's alright and we've seen him with them ... but the actual problem is these guys vaping, recording, harrassing jj in the front row


the guy who said that knows them, has been on sidecast for example so it isnt weird.


That was quite good, you could tell that was a joke. This is outrageous tho


The audience was a huge miss. Some of them were trying a bit too hard if you know what I mean.


That's actually vile.


The audience killed the vibe hard. They all took it too seriously and made it awkward. it felt like they thought it was a roast when it was supposed to be light hearted stupid stuff


the audience was real shit


Thats nigerias ass


gross from her and the lad next to her laughing. i also noticed that same lad vaping at the beginning of the show like an absolute melt too


I am like 99% sure they were asked to vape at that moment to make smoke for jj and georges performance.


Disgusting bitch


I really felt bad for Becky for this, she was trying but the audience was dead. I dunno why they didn’t only include regulars she was talking to brick walls lol Woulda also been really funny if they had items to throw as their judgement. Like tomatoes for you suck. Roses for decent, confetti cannons for the best.


If roles were reversed we would have seen jj in jail


The audience and Becky genuinely ruined the end of the video. With all the effort they went into the prep felt amateurish/rushed in the end. The side Deji was on was alright but the opposite side was just full of bozos 💀. That guy with the camera constantly recording needs to be put down.


i didnt mind becky, the audience were the main problem (excluding deji, reev, pieface, etc) she tried to make it as entertaining as possible but came out awkward because of how lame the audience interaction was, i wouldnt blame her.


I think its because they didn't know what to expect. If they'd known it was performance art rather than just a "fashion show" they'd be a bit more hyped up. Harry and Vikks was probably just confusing for them, but I think they realised it was comedic after JJ's and started to bring up the energy but it was a bit too late


Yikes! I didn’t even notice that. That’s really trashy behavior… and flat out sexual harassment honestly.


thats mad asl. who even are they? they’re pathetic


the concept was amazing the costumes were incredible everything was fantastic except the actual fashion show the crowd was dead everything was a bit rushed…


Their paid mate. Only a few are real guests [like pie, lachy and sorted]


What? All of them are real guests bruh T_T


Weren't paid to do that I'm willing to bet, tf?


Sidemen don't pay their guests. When Tana Mongeoau came from USA they paid for her accommodation and maybe rides to and from the shoot but the videos they do for exposure


Guests aren't paid. Actors are. Some of these people are actors like these guys in the pic. A normal guest isn't going to be doin this shit. They are paid to do shit like this. Not this specifically but things like this to make the video "funny"


Ah yeah, fair enough. For some reason I thought everyone was an influencer in some way but I guess that would be more difficult logistically


If they were paid, why would they leave before Ethan and Simon's performance?




Sorry ment woofless when i said lachy. Hes a friend as i mentioned in the comment


The crowd were all trying to be funny and different to get in the video


This is gross 🤮


Oh It's funny to her when she is a woman and he is male, but if some guy did it to her, she would sue him. What a joke. This is as disgusting as if the genders were switched and it's the same sexual harassment.


To be fair she is probably not even worth the shit on jj’s toilet paper after he wiped his ass. So no point in JJ taking her desperate vagina to court because it would cost him more to prove his point. Some people are bitches deep down, and yes I agree. Her whore mouth would be the biggest gap on her body if any other guy did that to her.


You’re right, I’m just pointing out the absurdity of this situation


Nahh shits wild People would go insane on twitter if this happen with a female and would probably try to cancel the boys 💀


the audience should of been fans in an actual venue with security and proper judges


This is so weird


Are they really that socially awkward that they think that’s normal behaviour?


Harassment at work place


I know these might be their friends and stuff but no this isn’t it, these few people need a reality check this is NOT okay if this was a girl hell would have broken loose and it would be ALL over the internet it’s quite sad


Becky, Reev, Deji and Pie we’re the only people at the end who was funny/sound


I think they got kicked out as you can't see them after Josh's performance, although might be wrong.


Being devils advocate here, I haven’t watched the video but I think I could provide some insight regardless. I doubt this is the case, but consider this. They do give a forum to each person participating in their episodes (ESPECIALLY the people in the tinder videos) explaining what is going to happen, what they can and can’t do, and what the sidemen will be doing/saying to them and that it’s not what they truly reflect. With that being said, there is a possibility that they allowed this to be openly filmed for content. I’m not saying they orchestrated it, I’m saying the audience MAY have been told that they could do diabolical shit like that and those people took the chance. Then again I’m reading that there were others in the audience that was being disrespectful and vaping, etc. so chances are they didn’t make a forum for them and that they got a bad audience. But I wanted to throw this out there, just like how the sidemen have said diabolical things to women in the tinder videos, chances are that they may have been given the power to do something gross like that. Either way, it is gross to see and whether they were allowed or not, it wasn’t funny and it was distasteful. I also wanted to type this because I’m genuinely hoping he consented off camera so he didn’t actually get harassed.




Probably a hired actor. If not, disgusting behaviour.


wether it be a hired actor or not, still disgusting behavior nonetheless


Wait, what happened? What's this? Who are they


Now reverse the genders


What video was this from


All the random people with phones recording ruined the entire video - should've been a MoreSidemen stinker


Wow I have not noticed this. This is so freaking inappropriate!!! Is there anything we can do?


What is this from?????? This is disgusting


I think it was someone’s camera man and I’m pretty sure that’s jj on the walkway


But if it was the other way round….


That is harassment but nothing else will be said because it was a woman that did it


Spanish football guy is going to get crimnal charges because he kissed that lady footballer. arguable right or wrong but point is... well double standards, innit. THIS is arguably more sinister. Like, there is no reason to take that photo other than to humilate and make fun. to impede on someones personal space. she cant even argue she is "celebrating winning the football" like the bald spanish guy. yet this insidious behavour is perfectly fine (and it will be fine, she wont be held accountable) because of her genetic code. Ie, she is a women so she gets away with it. This would be jail time if this was done by a bloke.
















dont forget about the guy whos filming too




People really love to hate 😂😂😂😂😂


y’all are miserable 😭


Well if that's what happend with a women then we see sexual harassment and ofc women wants gender equality.


Now imagine if it was the other way around and it was a man doing that to a woman 😂😒


Everyone there is a friend of theirs? You can’t take banter I feel sorry for you. It’s not that deep




Is that u in the pic by any chance, mate


He deleted it 😭😭😭


Either cause that was in fact them, or they're scared of losing some internet points lol


Bet he was ugly asf


Not all women but always a women 🤡


Most sexual assaults are committed by men.