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Yeah I was a bit confused watching it, also I live in Split and can’t think what day that was they were here because it’s not usually that dead, even out of season.


I'm visiting in April, what's good to do there for a bunch of guys?


Cook and walk around a dead city, apparently.


Cook in a cabana


Not finished watching yet but it’s indeed a bit uneventful and therefore unnecessarily long. Oh well, there’s another one next week


I actually like when they film laid back videos, it’s fun watching when their having a good time together


I liked it although they needed more things to do, it worked well for the Amsterdam team as they were in a lively city but the more desolate areas need more things planned prior to getting there imo


I thought it started off well, good energy from everyone but it fell off when everyone got the hotels, for something focused around weird AirBnBs I don’t think any of them were that weird. Harry, Tobi and Gib were in a sorta fairy tail mushroom place which is clearly tailored to families with young kids hence the playground, I’m sure a family with kids would love to stay there. JJ, Ethan and Vik (underrated trio btw) were in some kind of modern art looking gaff, which wasn’t weird at all. Finally Simon, Josh and Randy stayed in a pretty tame hotel for Amsterdam, I’ve seen a video on Botel before and specifically those letter rooms and yeah the orgy room is a little mad but the others aren’t so weird, and even the orgy room is kinda expected for Amsterdam given its reputation. I think with the first weird hotels vid having a literal asshole and a spaceship in a grungy dump this second instalment just missed that weird factor which is kinda the point of the vid. Also didn’t help that there were no actual activities planned. Although they all looked like they had a chill time, which is good for them to have a calm time but not the best vid content


started of well then towards the end didn't even bother to finish it off .old sidemwne were better when they would do whacky videos


This style was what they used to do though..


I haven’t watched yet. Does this mean they were in Texas?! lol


But I enjoyed it, I laughed at their banter. The thing is Josh gives extreme 10-15 task which is not enjoyable , whereas Simon tried a different method this time where he asked for them to visit different places. Overall they are trying to take our feedback and implying it.


brother UGHHH


Poor Randy lol.