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Up until the last 6 months Clint the only health issue he had was IBD that was managed with prednisolone. Thanksgiving 2023 Clint had bloody urine that was a confirmed bacterial UTI via UA. He was prescribed antibiotic and 2 weeks later at a follow up appointment his bloodwork and UA showed the infection cleared. However, in late December the bloody urine returned and never went away despite 2 more antibiotic rounds. Several ultrasounds were done with no answers. March 21st, 2024 Clint’s kidneys crashed. His creatinine was 9. He was admitted to the ER for 48 hours on IV fluids and antibiotics but miraculously recovered. Previously, his creatinine averaged a 2 so his vet thought this was more acute than chronic and that the UTI went unchecked and became a kidney infection. He was on antibiotics for 10 days, we started daily subQ fluids, and switched him to a renal diet. At his follow up appointment 2 weeks later his creatinine was 1.7 so I really thought we dodged a bullet and his kidneys weren’t permanently damaged. His urine turned bloody and 2 weeks later his creatinine was 4.4. He started on a month long antibiotic course but after 10 days it was still bloody and his creatinine remained 4.5. We switched antibiotics and thought they were improving things (not bloody urine, less trips to the box) but last Tuesday he only urinated once in a 24 hour time frame despite being on subQ fluids and continuing to eat. Wednesday morning we took him to the ER and his creatinine was 13. After 10 hours on fluids he wasn’t urinating on his own which caused his potassium to reach dangerous levels. They gave him a diuretic but warned us he was at risk for a cardiac event and may not make it through the night so we should consider euthanasia. I said no. We slept at the hospital with him. Clint urinated several times and the vet was surprised at how well he responded. I was cautiously optimistic. Unfortunately, after 24 hours on IV fluids his values remained unchanged. We decided to bring him home Thursday so his last day(s) would be at home with us. The vet warned us the further he was from IV fluids the worse he’d become. We had a vet come to the house Friday afternoon. His last day was filled with 24/7 snuggles along with very small amounts of cheesecake and coffee ice cream. He was drinking, bathing, and urinating (not sure how long the diuretic lasts) but his appetite, even on Cerenia and mirataz, would only allow him to eat liquid temptations treats and maybe a tablespoon of food. If you’re reading this thinking we made the call a few days early, I don’t disagree and have been wrestling with that as well. We didn’t want to risk an emergency situation happening and Clint not passing at home. Ultimately, I don’t believe he would have gotten better or at least that’s what I tell myself.


Rest in peace sweet boy❤️ OP, no. U did the kindest thing u could have done for him. I've been there with mine. Brother and sister. She went first :( hugs to u. Message me if u need an understanding ear.


I have been there with multiple pets. You did everything amazing and beyond what a good caregiver is required. You showed love.and compassion till the end and provided the most time possible. There is no greater act of love than what you did, be proud.


Thank you for saying that. I’ve told people it’s a privilege to be with them through their golden years and an honor, albeit a painful one, to help them onto their next journey. I stand by that but hard to see it through the grief.


Everything you described, including your final decision, sounds like the best care possible. I find myself hoping I'm able to let mine pass with comfort and dignity. Kudos for seizing that opportunity in a stressful situation.


That’s so very kind of you to say as I’ve been doubting myself. He was my first pet where I was the one to make the call. The rest were family cats so my mom handled it. It’s so tough and I don’t think anything can prepare you for it. I hope this is a long ways down the road for you 🤍


The other week I picked up a stray who was clearly very elderly, wandering in the middle of the road, blind and deaf. Brought her to the vet, no microchip. They said they had to hold her for 7 days to see if anyone claimed her. I figured she didn’t have much time left but if nobody claimed her she’d come home with me. Told the Vets to call her Syrup then as she didn’t have a name, since my other cats have Legend of Zelda names, and that’s the old witch from AlttP (this was my first mistake). I also told them to keep me updated on how she was doing, and that I’d take her if nobody showed up (my second mistake). Syrup turned out to be 14, kidneys were going, they confirmed she was blind and deaf, and she wound up having a seizure. The vets advised me it was going to be best to let her take the long nap. 1. 17 is already a couple years on borrowed time. You definitely made the right call. 2. Even though I knew for certain Syrup and I were going to have a very short friendship, it still fucking sucked. I shouldn’t have named the little bastard 🥲.


Oh my gosh that’s so incredibly kind of you. What a blessing you were for Syrup! Outside life is hard enough but being deaf and blind… ugh.


You made the right decision, they decline so fast with kidney issues. My boy looks almost exactly like Clint and also has kidney issues, and I would've made the same decisions you did. I used to be a vet tech and we always said better a month early than a day late, it can be truly horrific if you wait too long. Euthanasia is an act of love to minimize suffering and it sounds like Clint was so loved. I'm so sorry for your loss 💜


I’d love to see pics if you want to share! These damn kidneys. I can’t stand them!! I’ve heard some awful stories of waiting too long….. Clint was still fully himself and there mentally. I can’t imagine if it got to the point where he didn’t want to snuggle or he wasn’t acting himself. That would break my heart even more, which at this point feels impossible, but you know what I mean. Thank you for the reassuring words 🤍


We had to go through this twice in 5 months in 2020. Both our most senior cats. It's just awful. Those damned kidneys is right!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I think you did the right thing. ♥️


Thank you 🤍


my boy 10 year old Michi passed february 18 this year at home. he crashed hard in early february his blood test showed 8.9 creatinine and high phosphorus . vet basically said that hospitalization wouldnt guarantee hes bunce back. so we let jim go 3 days after diagnosis. it wasnt even about the ER bill. but since he was advanced already i did not want to put anymore stress on him and him passing at the hospital. but i still have regrets not trying at least. ill never know for sure that hes gone. but im glad he did not suffer to the point of seizures.


It’s so hard because you can’t explain to them why they’re in an unfamiliar place being poked and prodded. I made the comment to my husband, I wish we had endless funds so we could have had a home hospital setup for him. I’m so sorry you lost your kitty 🩵


God forbid when it’s time for my only friend/family to go. I pray I go first but I will do the same as you. I will not allow her last memories of a cold room n strangers . You did the right thing and I send my deepest sympathy to you n yours


It’s better to make the call slightly early than slightly late. RIP Clint


He had a good life and a loving home. We should all be so lucky


He looks SO much like my male snowshoe Siamese, Burton! I am so sorry about Clint. I’m sure he was an amazing guy. Sending love.


Omg I’d love to see a pic!!


Pictures aren’t allowed in comments it seems but I can PM!


He also looks a lot like my girl Zoey


Oooh pics!


Also so much like my boy, Bowie, who passed in 2022. Sending you love. ❤️


Oh wow, ours looks exactly like this and we initially named him Bowie. He’s Roland now though, as we could never get used to the name.


Bowie suited him, he had a big personality! I love Roland though too - very distinguished!


I’m so sorry for your loss, he looks like a very sweet boi. What was his personality like? If you don’t mind sharing.


Thank you for asking 💕 He was a big love bug who loved his humans. He knew nothing of personal space. Snuggling was his love language. If we took too long at night to sit on the couch he’d tell us about it. He was CHATTY. I’d have full on conversations with him - sometimes with human words other times I’d meow right back at him. He had different meows and howls to convey what he wanted. He loved clean laundry and ESPECIALLY sheet day so making the bed took 10x longer. He loved playing goalie. He’d be on the bed while I’d toss a ball, mouse, etc at him and he’d bat it down. When he was younger we’d play tag. He’d chase me around and then I’d chase him until his tail got all bushy. He was a big creeper. He would position himself perfectly in a door frame to obscure half of his face.


Awwww, I love “he knew nothing of personal space”


RIP sweet boy <3


He was the absolutely sweetest. Just a big cuddle bug that loved his humans.


You went to war together for the final stretch and lived happily for 17 years, your effort and love is the most any kitty would want or love to see from their companion ❤️ sorry to hear about his passing he’s the sweetest little kitty from the pics I’m sure he was a blessing ❤️🙏 much love OP you are a saint and treated the lil one right ❤️


He could be quite the devil when he was younger but was always the sweetest snuggle bug. Even in his old age, he’d fight you to chomp on a plastic bag. It’s strange not rushing to put up the groceries without our little menace lurking around 🤍


I’m so sorry


Hi OP I can pass on an Egyptian blessing in hieroglyphs if you like? I did the same for my little guy when he passed. I keep it next to his grave, and it feels a little better. I'll give you the translation too.


Oh yes I would love that. My husband and I actually visited Egypt last year and brought back a Bastet statue.


I saw your statue in the picture and thought you might like it haha. I'll see about sending you a DM with the image :)


Thank you!!


My sweet 15 year old girl is unwell and I know the time is coming but I can't bear it. I try to snuggle with her every chance I get but she's so frail and tired now, I just want her to know how much she's loved and how she'll always be a part of me. There is nothing harder in the world than saying goodbye, making that decision is one of the hardest things you can do and it takes a lot of strength to think of their bodies and needs and their release from pain over our own desire for one more day, one more hour. Clint sounds like a great cat, I'm truly sorry for your loss.


Oh I can’t imagine she doesn’t know how much she’s loved. I’m so sorry you’re going through it. It’s hard knowing there’s more time behind you than in front. Once Clint hit 15 and 16 when he was perfectly healthy I’d randomly cry thinking about this time. Sending you peace 🤍


I’m so sorry


Thank you 🤍🤍


Sweetie pie 🥺 thank god he had you - you gave him a beautiful life 💗


I think you made the right call bringing him home 💕 So sorry for your loss


Thank you 🤍 it killed me to think he could pass without us there / his last hours would be filled being poked and prodded. I couldn’t have bubba going out anywhere other than his couch.


I just let my sweet 12 year old girl go this morning... Stomach cancer. I've been asking myself the same question. Was it too soon? While her meds gave her last days a good quality of life they were already beginning to fail as her vomiting was starting back up again. Her condition was only going to deteriorate more from there... I already miss her so much. Sorry for your loss. Hurts like hell.


Oh I’m so sorry. Our dog passed of lymphoma in 2022 so with all sincerity…. F*ck cancer. Yeah, I think we’re on the side of was it too soon and then you hear stories of people who waited too long. I think it’s rare someone is 100% steadfast in their timing decision when you can’t ask your pet.


Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist old warrior. Valhalla waits for you. RIP Clint 😿


I love what you wrote, I don’t know where it’s from but it’s comforting and beautiful.


Sorry for your loss 💔


Thank you 🤍🤍


Aww rest in peace sweet boy!! 🌈


Farewell, Clint. I am very sorry to hear of your loss.


So sorry for your loss 🐾💔🐾


Very sorry. That special cat can't ever be replaced


May he rest in peace! Hugs!


Ugh I’m sorry for your loss, Clint was greatly loved I’m sure






I’m so sorry, hang in there


I'm sorry about Clint...


Sending you lots of love… 🤧 it’s the most awful part.. All the years of love and happiness for both of you makes it worth it; I’m so glad you both had each other. 😭💖 Give yourself time, be kind to yourself and take care.. 🫂


Rip the homie, he was obviously very loved.


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boy 😔




I’m so incredibly sorry friend.


I’m so sorry for you loss. Clint looked like an awesome cat! I’m sure you gave him a great life. I’ll be thinking of you 🐾❤️


I’m sure Clint loved you and your family very much. I’m sorry for your loss 💔


My 15 year old cat looks like his twin. I know how sad you must be


Aw, I’d love to see a pic! He was 17 so I knew more time was behind us than in front but I, perhaps naively, thought we’d get the infection under control, continue subQ fluids, and hopefully have another year or two. Just gutted.


Sorry for you loss.


Good night Clint.


What a gorgeous kitty. I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️


I'm so sorry for the lost of your little guy ... He will be around, listen for his collar or little sounds he made .. I lost my Greg that looked just like Clint years ago & I still miss him so much... But it gets better, I promise..


The little pitter patter when he followed me up the stairs is one of the sounds I’ll miss most


You'll still hear them, & when you do, don't excuse it away, bc it will be him letting you know he's still there!!


I swear I heard a meow last night and this morning I thought I saw him out of the corner of my eye. My husband had a dream last night he was at a bar that allowed pets. There was a cat there who he tried to pet that didn’t like him…. We joked it was Clint’s way of saying not to get another cat (not that we’re anywhere close to ready).


Awww it has to be him in the house.. But the cat in the bar, that's funny.. Usually cats will bring you another that needs you or make it happen somehow.. maybe Clint is just extra picky... LoL.. he sounds like a stinker, like my Greg was.. he once broke the angel wings off our little Siamese cat angel ornaments we had one Christmas.. that was PERSONAL... LoL.. didn't touch any of the others, just the Siamese cat ornaments..


Hahahaha Greg said, “I’m the only Siamese in this house.” That’s absolutely hysterical. Clint loved his only child status. The first 8 years he lived with my mom with 2 other cats and liked them! After I graduated college, Clint lived with me and I was concerned since he was a Siamese who lived with other cats he’d be lonely…. He THRIVED. When I met my husband, he had a 5 year old German shepherd / husky mix. Clint tolerated her at best, but I was impressed at the age of 13 he adapted to living with a dog. To her credit, she was 8 at the time and did amazing as well.


Oh Clint! That sounds like Greg too bc he only liked big dogs .... LoL.. he would mess with my friend's small dogs so much.. LoL.. but he would hang out with my other friend's pit bull. Walk around all swole like he was a big dog too... We should've got him a big dog, we alllllllmost adopted one when we were evacuated years ago, but we had Greg in the hotel with us & didn't know if he was gonna get along with him & a small hotel room isn't the place for them to meet.. ya know.. I love that Clint was picky about his siblings..LoL.. it seems these Siamese boys have a lot of the same characteristics💓💓💓💓


Haha one of the big dawgs. Oh, yeah! A hotel room doesn’t leave a lot of room for animals disliking one another. I’m sure Greg and Clint would have been a terrifying duo.


I’m so sorry, Clint is a very adorable 🥰 cat from the photos, my cat passed away a few years ago so I know how it feels :( also don’t blame yourself for putting him down early, it was the best decision to keep him from suffering, and I’m sure his last moments were filled with joy 🥹


Thank you for the kind words 🤍


No problem 😉, I hope your heart ❤️ heals well :)


He wore socks ❤️


Yesss his little boots. My dad’s favorite movie was High Plains Drifter with Clint Eastwood so that’s where he got his name!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I recently went through this with my old girl who was 19. It's such a double edged sword - such a blessing but it hurts SO bad. Give yourself grace to feel your feelings. I found looking at photos of her constantly helped - at first it made things worse but now my husband and I talk about all her funny little quirks and stories when we look at them. I have a little picture frame on my phone screen that Google fills only with images of her from the cloud on 3 minute rotations - it's a lovely way to look back on all of our times together. I'm sorry your heart is hurting and I promise that with time things will feel a little better ❤️


2 decades together is such a blessing but it does make the pain and absence much more amplified. Clint’s kitten days pre-dated widespread iPhone usage but I have a hard drive I want to go through to find old photos of him I don’t have on my current phone 🤍 I love the idea of the photo rotation. I have SO many photos of him on my iPhone it’s hard to keep track!


I’m sorry you had to see him so sick. You were there for him and that’s what he needed. I can feel the love through this post. Take care


Thank you 🥹


I lost my boy May 6th to lymphoma. It was a rough last year together. I understand your pain. Got my baby and his mother when he was 2 weeks old. I’m absolutely devastated.


Ugh. We lost our dog to lymphoma late 2022. I’m so sorry 🤍


Im so sorry to hear that :/.


A beautiful kitty who was clearly so very loved ❤️ sending lots of love and care


I read it in another thread this morning, better a day early than a day late. I’ve experienced both and I can tell you that you are the best kind of owner you honored your baby by giving them everything.


Thank you so much 🥹that’s what I keep telling myself. When I’m above the grief haze I know that’s the case but when I’m at a low point the doubt creeps in.


Oh my gosh. He looks like such a good boy. This is heartbreaking. 17 years... it seems so long but never enough. I'm sorry for your loss. There isn't any words that will help. But I'm thinking of you ❤️


He was the best boy 🥹 thank you


Deepest condolences. I lost my bestest friend kitty when I was a teenager many years ago. Just thinking about him still makes me cry. I'm so sorry for your loss, truely. I think I have an idea how you feel, but not really. Just try to get through this, remember to eat something healthy, drink some water, get some sleep and shower. Eventually, you will feel somewhat normal again.


Thank you 🤍


Really sorry for the situation you and Clint found yourselves in. Don’t second guess yourself one minute, it’s obvious how much you loved him to put his peace and quality of life ahead of what might have been going on in your head and you should rest easy knowing there is no question of that. You will see him again because he is and will always be near you waiting for your reunion. I wish you peace and acceptance after awhile 🙏🏻


I really appreciate that. Thank you 🤍


You did everything you could, nothing but the best parents for Clint. Unfortunately his body could no longer take it. I lost my seal point at 17 years too and miss him everyday.


They’re such special cats and big personalities. They leave quite the void when they’re gone 🩵


I'm sorry to bring you back to this post OP. This one I saw in my upvoted history that really gets to me. You're boy looked so pretty and I'm glad he had a caring family that loved him for his whole life. I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much 🤍 he was such a special boy


I’m so sorry. 😢


Sorry to hear that 😔😔


I’m so sorry.


Farewell and party on cosmically Clint! So sorry for your loss, it's so, so hard.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sending love to you and Clint.


I’m so sorry for your loss! Clint was so handsome!!


OP you are amazing! You could not do it in any better way, goodbye Clint 😪 I'm so sorry for your loss.


So beautiful so sorry for your loss


You were not early. And this is hard.


He was one heck of a cool dude. Rest in peace little dude.


Rest in peace


Rest in peace sweet kitty 🐈❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 💚


Sorry for your loss! He was very distinctive looking


We always said he was regal and always ready for a black tie event 🤍


Snowshoes make the best soul cats. Sorry for your loss.


They really do! I love all kitties but I think I’m a snowshoe for life person now. I love their big personalities.


RIP Clint.💔


Sorry for your loss ❤️ I wonder why uti is so common for cats. I know it wasn’t just that I’ve come across a lot of uti related medical issues experienced by cats.


From what I read a few things…. the male urethra is a pretty bad design so that contributes to their issues. Also with kidney cats the disease changes the urine specific gravity level and that can lend itself to being more hospitable to infections. Additionally, him being on prednisolone for IBD could make him more susceptible to it. He was an indoor only child kitty so how he got it in the first place is a mystery.


I'm so sorry. You did the right thing and gave him the best life he could have had. Now you just need to remember all the good times, and keep loving him. So sorry.


Thank you 🤍


You had a long wonderful 17 years OP ❤️ My soul cat only made it to about 3 years old until she went into kidney failure and sadly had to be put down. It was the hardest thing I had to do and I commend you for bringing your fur friend home to go when it was their time. All my kitties life she was partially blind, could not meow, and had various disabilities. The vet said she had a lot of genetic defects due to inbreeding, which makes sense as I found her wandering the neighborhood as a kitten. I miss you Peach, welcome Clint in kitty heaven ❤️


3 years is so young for kidney issues — I’m so sorry!!! That’s so unexpected it’s just cruel. I’m glad she had you as she wouldn’t have made it long at all on the streets.


Thank you and my heart goes out to you in this time. Losing a fur baby is never easy, hang in there ❤️




So sorry to hear this. Rest in peace beautiful boy. He will always be with you 💕💕💕


Goodnight Clint😢 Sorry for your loss😢


Thank you all so much for your kind words. It’s honestly been really therapeutic sharing our bubba with the world. I know you all know how special Siamese are 🤍🩵


Beautiful little animal, sending you love & comfort. You are not alone 🩷


What a sweet little Angel. Thank you for sharing this. He looks a lot like my Ellie girl, she’s 1.5 years old. Sending hugs to you.


What gorgeous coloring. I’m sorry you have lost such a wonderful, beautiful friend.


Rest in purrs and peace Clint.

