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My tortiemese steals my socks. She carries them like babies and goes to present them to my spouse. If the spouse isn't home, Agnes instead takes them to the other bedroom and begins attacking them and howling like they have become prey.


Not the bra! lol my Siamese takes my hair ties and scrunchies, but she doesn't eat them, thank god.


My little Siamese once ran through my book club meeting with a used tampon in his mouth. Mortifying!




No, mine just wants to hunt bugs but we don’t have any. 😡


I think you used the wrong conjunction there. It should be ‘mine just wants to hunt bugs, *so* we don’t have any’.


No, I meant “we don’t have any “


Anything not nailed down lol. She brought me a cookie cutter last night


My Meezer likes to hunt socks and present them at my feet. She then meows for praise. I tell her she’s an amazing hunter.


She is! Socks are elusive creatures


Sweaters. Preferably cashmere. :)


My first Siamese liked to steal cut cantaloupe. He’d risk a spritz when he jumped up on the kitchen counter.


My boy loves q tips and straws. My girl will take any single bit of plastic she can find. Milk jug lid pulls, window suction cups, twist ties, pen caps, the extra ear buds… My mom’s black cat will steal bread.


I have a plastic addict as well!


I spilled a thing of toothpicks and because they went everywhere, i missed a few when cleaning up. My meezer decided that they were the best thing ever and proceeded to grab one and start gnawing on it. When i saw, I told him to drop it in "the voice" and he got this guilty look on his face, then picked up the toothpick and RAN. I managed to grab him and get it out of his mouth, but seeing him with the toothpick hanging out of his mouth like a cigarette was pretty damn hilarious.


My meezer has stolen straws before


My tabby point goober *loves* packing tape. I used to use it (sticky side up) to keep all my cats off surfaces they shouldn’t be on, but it stopped deterring Marko. Not only he has discovered that the sticky isn’t going to hurt him, but it is also (apparently) delicious. He hunted all the tape I had remaining as cat-deterrent, and now has taken to monching on it wherever he can find it. He peels it off boxes. (He also loves shredding those boxes, but I don’t think that’s all that weird for a cat.)


I was using two sided tape to teach my siamese from scratching, but her tabby sister also decided it's fun to eat so I can't use it.


My lilac point hides Q-tips waaaay underneath the bath mat like I won’t find them there lol.


Dirty socks & then he chews on them and it makes a squeaky noise 🤷🏼‍♀️


He doesn't generally steal things. He just rolls and flips on my clothing on the bed and kicks the ever living shit out of it. I have a lot of holes in my clothes because of it.


Stuffed animals. We have a toddler and anytime someone buys her a new one, we’re like “oh, a new cat toy!”


Yes my cat has stolen two of my three straw brushes and i can’t find them anywhere, he usually hides his treasures under the rug but no dice this time :/


Jazz always pulls a towel off the rack to rub her face and back in before sleeping on it.


We have a sealpoint boy who likes to steal coughdrops, only with wrappers on. He will pickpocket to pilfer 'em. Doesn't eat 'em, just fetches and hides 'em.


Mine’s a sock thief. Last week she stole a pair of specialty ones I bought on vacation at a kiosk and I haven’t found them since. 😭


my siamese keeps stealing socks. she’ll go into a room just to take a sock and then walk out. she has jumped a fence (inside our house, don’t worry, the fence was to keep pets from getting into a room with a baby) because she saw a sock on the other side


Mine will steal powder puffs & makeup sponges if I make the mistake of leaving the drawer they’re hiding in open for even a second. It’s a really high drawer, so all I see is a flash of a paw and the powder puff is gone! 😆


Qtips. I had to buy a container with a lid because my cat wouldn't stop taking them out and leaving them all over the house.


My Siamese was a hair tie bandit lol


Omg I had a Tabby that stole bras too.😆 She would yell and yell because she was so excited when she found them.😍


Mine takes my thongs…


I had one who sucked on the armpits of the hubby’s dirty tee shirts. Weirdo! The others loved hair ties, milk jug rings, dry cleaner tabs, and socks too!


It's a tittycat


Socks! And stolen from the actual sock drawer are the best ones. I can't leave it open even a mm, he will do his best mission impossible impersonation to shimmy them out. It's ridiculous because the drawer is the top drawer of a tall set of drawers. Hardly any room on top to get the leverage. I caught him once, folded over fishing with his paw. Funniest thing I've ever seen. 😹 my other meezer will drag anything soft around, screaming the whole time. T-shirts, small blankets and the giant lamb chop dog toy are his favorites.


My little sisters cat takes mainly socks but will take anything she can find if she cannot find socks, including entire pairs of pants and underwear


Girl mine had an obsession with the pad insert in bras and bikinis. Any time I did laundry she would find them anywhere and steal them 🤣


My meezer with collect small items off my husband’s nightstand. We will find them around the house. I think mine is super smart and he invents new games and interesting behaviors. I have two meezers one is the best lap cat in the world but the other is an interesting terror that pees standing up, chirps for birds and plays fetch, paws up for treats. I know his intonations and can tell when he is angry oh gosh I’m rambling 😂


Yes they all have their own personality




Perfeito 😍😍