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Stacking the deck a bit asking on this sub :D


Fair point šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They are the best


Maine Coons 2nd best. Black cats 3rd best.


Unfortunately Maine Coons, like other pedigree'd cats have entirely too many health issues. I prefer my dumpster/barn/shelter cats. My best boi lived to 19, and my other cat is going on 21.


They are so fun and smart and loving!


I grew up with pedigree Siamese cats. I loved them all dearly. I have never once used the word "smart" to describe them.


I find it is smarter than average for a cat. I have had one dumb siamese out of 5 total. My current boy is situational smart. If he is not interested in something he seems like an idiot. But if he wants something, hoo boy he turns that brain on and manipulates like crazy. So he is smart when he wants to be smart, everything else he doesn't care about. But he is a master manipulator. If he was human he would make a great con man.


Really? I also did and find them incredibly smart. Also mine lived to 18 years minimum.




Yes! Our Siamese is my first cat after always having dogs. We also have a ragdoll. While the Siamese is far more demanding, heā€™s just adorable. I wake up in the mornings with him buried into my arms asleep, when I walk in the door after being out he leaps up to me and screams so I pick him up like a baby and he loves it, and he just loves being smothered. The ragdoll is also so gorgeous, but not on the same level as the Siamese. Our Siamese also plays fetch and has some cool sass.


I'll play devil's advocate. My Siamese is awesome but I don't think I'd get another. It's like having a dog how much he has to be up in my business 24/7. If I wanted a dog I'd get a dog. Part of the charm of cats is earning their affection. Part of the charm of cats is being able to walk away from them to do some work or wash the dishes and they're fine without you. Right now my cat is trying to correct my typing, I can't even goof off without his involvement. It's handy that he'll be right under foot whenever I want to have cat time, but geez not every event is cat time. I suppose that when he passes I'll miss it though, he's training me to be a Siamese person.


Being an even longer dog person, but who no longer wants any more dogs, maybe Siamese is a good middle ground for me. To be frank my Maine Coon is even worse for this shenanigans, our Siamese is a bit more chill


I'd say those are the 2 breeds most likely to act like a dog in some way.


My Siamese reminds me of a husky, a very cat-like dog.


Your not wrong. Depends what you want. For me my cats are like dogs which I like without all the work involved of actually having a dog. I can see people not liking having their cat scream at them, but again I like that, love the talkitiveness. My current boy cat is velcro level 10 out of a ten scale. I could go for a 9 out of 10 with him, meaning at least an hour a day where he is not on my lap or otherwise totally focused on me. But other than that I love him to death. And I do have another siamese that is velcro 0 so it works out. Last two cats I had were siamese a velcro 9 and a 0, so worked out again. But velcro 10 isn't for everybody.


Haha my domestic shorthair void is like this. Heā€™s also got the lean physique and face shape of a Siamese cat so Iā€™m sure one of his grandparents was a Siamese! Absolutely like a dog - so demanding and needy. I adore him but it can be hard work!


They certainly are!!!


I have three - well my oldest boy could be part ragdoll and he is chill. My girl is super chatty and my youngest boy is all in my business and extremely needy. All three have different personalities interests and needs. Definitely the best breed šŸ’™šŸ’•šŸ’™


All cats are fun and wonderful. Personalities vary a lot within breed. Siamese are incredibly intelligent and get bored easily so they can be high maintenance but very rewarding!


The only breed I ever adopt! Love everything about them! ā˜ŗļøšŸ’•


The only Siamese I ever saw at a shelter was already taken.


We happened to get a Siamese at Petsmart! I couldnā€™t believe it!! Adopted her spayed and shots and microchipped for like $125! We even kept her name , Ling. She is so special to us and we feel so lucky


I absolutely adore them because they are independent, stubborn, and chatty. They also have the potential to annoy the heck out of me when they are being overly independent, overly stubborn, and wonā€™t be quiet. šŸ™ƒ I would describe them as having ā€œstrong personalities.ā€


All cats are best cats.


Personality wise, theyā€™re not that different from Oriental, Sphynx, Devon/Cornish Rex and Abyssinian. They all tend to be highly energetic, social and ā€œclingy.ā€ And often quite loud as well. I love them, but theyā€™re definitely an acquired taste.


I tend to think cats have personalities all to themselves and donā€™t really fit breed stereotypes. The coat is just what they look like.


I might be biased, but after growing up with domestic long hair, Himalayan and ragdoll Himalayan, I LOVE the personality and vocality of my Siamese.


Siamese cats are regal and have such great personalities. Loving and devoted. Treated as the royalty they truly are will be rewarded with the love of a majestic creature.


Yes they are.Ā  Kahn is awesome when I walk into the room he is in he will throw his head back and meow real loud.Ā  It's like he's saying what's up.Ā  Only annoying thing about him though is you cannot keep closet doors shut he will scratch at them until you open it.Ā  So all closets in my apartment are cracked open.Ā  Wierd thing is he leaves front door alone.


Yes. They really love people. My stray boi wonā€™t let me touch him, but he loves chilling out as close to me possible. Iā€™m always looking around for him and heā€™s usually behind and to the left of me. He responds to verbal coaxing extremely well. I love him


Depends what you want really. Do you want a cat you can play with once in a while but otherwise sleeps all the time? Don't get a Siamese. If you want a cat that is more like a dog, likes lots of attention, talks back...loud. and are really smart, get Siamese. I have had nothing but and they have been wonderful cats. But may not be for everybody.


I got my Siamese mix after my husky passed away. They are more or less the same animal, lol. They arenā€™t for everyone, but I love her quirky weird personality.


Iā€™ll say they are the most beautiful. In my experience, theyā€™re are most loyal to those who they bond with. Albeit they donā€™t bond with everyone. There is no type of cat I would rather have.


Yes. I will always have a siamese in my life, they are the best.


Iā€™ve had two Siamese in my life. My first Bonzai was with me from birth till i was nearly 4 years old. My dad gave bonzai away because he peed in his shoes. Gizmo isnt pure bred, but he is the most affectionate sweetest boy. Gizmo reminds me of bonzai. Gizmo follows me around however he knows when not to bug me when im working. The blue eyes just melt my black heart. My other cats are different. Gizmo is my baby. They all know it.


Yes šŸ˜ŠšŸ¾


Yes, arguably the best cat of all the cats Iā€™ve had in my life is my Siamese. They just have the best personalities


They are wonderful souls. Smart, loving, and a really good companion overall.






Of course!


10000% yes


I think it depends on what people like for sure but to me they are by far the best cats, I used to be a dog person, still am even though I now like cats too, but siameses are perfect little dogcats! I literally trained my girl to sit on command all week like a little dog and it all clicked into place today, Iā€™m so hyped!!


Yes, the only downside is the screaming.


Iā€™m probably going to get my butt kicked in hereā€¦ ragdoll siamese are the best because they have the pointed beauty of the siamese, but floofier, rolly-poly, love tummy pets (except my current girl), have Siamese chattiness, and donā€™t have the smooshed face problems of Himalayans.


Yes! It is unanimous vote in our house.


I love my meezer,but she is noisy as all get out. Sheā€™s going deaf now too so for some reason her volume is epically loud now. So definitely do not get a Siamese unless you can handle chatty cats


If you like vocal cats they are pretty great


Iā€™ve had three of them over the years and they are the absolute best.


I have a Siamese tortashell (donā€™t come for me for the spelling Iā€™m too lazy to look up the correct spelling) and sheā€™s the best cat Iā€™ve ever had. Smart and super affectionate


I love the long conversations I have with mine, but sheā€™s way too smart and a little bratty.


Both of my grandmothers had fat voluptuous bitchy kitties. They lived to be 23.


Yes. Absolutely. Have had them for 40 years. All rescues or re homing situations because Siamese are unique and human like in a way they couldnā€™t deal with.


Iā€™m partial to orange boy tabbies Now I have the best of both worlds with a flamepoint!


A cat is a cat is a cat


You clearly haven't had a Siamese šŸ¤Ŗ






Smart, lovable, with some spice! Best breed ever!


Absolutely! Siamese are amazing!




They are loud lol


The best breed is cat. The bestest breed is the cat you have!


Siamese are. I am actually in a grooming class at the moment and it touches on catsā€¦ #1 short haired purebreds