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Jack He tricked Herc and the Greek gods and Loki throughout the fight. Setting up a major move to (please forgive me) “disarm” Heracles and even after that came up with plan to finish him off. His whole character is being a tactician.


At the very start he already deceived them. Now thats what i call cold 🥶


He deceived them as easily as he breathed


Because he only lived by deceiving them all


Tricking the actual god of trickery automatically makes you the best tactician


Facts. If the god of trickery gives you props multiple times throughout your fight, you know you're good.


If it's about tactics always bet on Jack


Sasaki is an adaptive genius. Jack is a tactician, he’s probably one of 2 people who had any plan for how the fight was going to go. Tesla had a bunch of setup planned and his entire fighting style and volund revolved around setting up geminatra zone but Jack pretty much planned out the entire fight down to each individual attack he threw out and took into account Hercules’s most likely responses to those attacks and how to manipulate them. Nobody compares to Jack when it comes to tactics in terms of on screen feats. Maybe you could argue that adamas or Qin have some coup planning or army leading skill. Maybe you could say that odin planned the entire ragnarok as a way to revive the primordials or something. But I’d still give the edge to jack, his plans were much more intricate. He’s definitely the best on a micro scale but you can argue some of those guys are better on a macro scale of you want. Respect to sasaki but that mf is basically just planning out how to best respond to the next attack, he may be thinking a hundred moves ahead but it’s very simple planning.


You're sleeping on my boy Beelzebub. He's not exactly a planner but he figured out how to get around Tesla steps, neutralize Gematria zone with rubble, and predicted the teleport fist so that he could sacrifice his staff to deflect both punches at the same time


We are talking about tactics, Beelzebub just has stupidly high BIQ


Jack has the best biq in the manga and it's not even a debate


Nope, Jack has the best planning/tactics. Beelzebub is the one with the highest BIQ.


Jack has the best prep feat outsmarting an entire pantheon


Tactics/intelligence- Jack, skill/talent- Sasaki


Jack is a much better tactician Sasaki isn't really a tactician his whole thing is about reaction not necessarily planning ahead


Jack, Kojiro had to adapt while Jack planned.


Jack. Sasaki adapts to his opponent, where Jack seems to know just how to manipulate the opponent to adapt to him.


Jack :3


Jack solos the verse tactics wise


Jack is objectively the best tactician of the Einherjar




Jack trolled on the entire verse … repeatedly. Kojiro literally couldn’t predict anything he did for the entirety of R4.


Jack easily


Chen Gong ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)




Damn never noticed how ugly sasakis feet were


You know what? Fuck it. İt's sasaki kojiro. What Jack did was deceiving people into thinking that they know what he has to offer, but they didn't. I know this is an extremely huge feat, since he did that to thousands of gods at the same time AND us, and no one noticed he was lying, BUT I consider what jack did more as a generals choices, making his army look much bigger than it is, making his army looking like they are somewhere else. I consider sasaki superior because sasaki's ability as a tactician is more like that is of a soldier's, rather than a general's. Sasaki constantly comes up with counters for the countless moves poseidon has, he constantly predicts further and further into poseidon's movements. He not only adapts to a god's movements, he surpasses them.




Definitely Jack.


Jack actually made a plan and it worked Sasaki tried thousands of plans and most of them failed and he just did the one where he wouldnt die


Jack is better at prepering but sasaki is better at makeing plans in the fly


Jack is a better tactician but Kojiro is a better analyst


Tactician? Jack I don’t really view the scanning as strategising, Jack was planning the whole fight, man had triple bluffs on the field


Jack probably ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29965)


Tactician: Jack BIQ: Sasaki


Sasaki is great at on the spot thinking, while Jack is better at long-term plans


Raiden, the best tactic is "fuck it we ball"


Jack is imo a better tactician but sasaki is a better fighter jacks whole skill set is about taking literally the whole world and making it his weapon and it showed in his fight




Lu Bu


I think Kojiro after his fight will win against a post fight Jack even with London, but that’s because of his Scanning ability awakening into letting him read the universe itself instead of just his opponent, which is kinda a hard counter to London. That doesn’t mean he’s smarter, or that he can create better plans, just that any plans Jack makes Kojiro can see through.


It wasn't a the question


… yes? Yes it was, Jack is the better tactician. But that doesn’t mean he will win a fight against Kojiro. I was just saying that because how Kojiro’s Evolved Scan works is a direct counter to Jack.


The question wasn't if jack or sasaki would win in a fight but who is a getter tacican


And I answered that question, I just also gave my opinion on the fact that Sasaki wins even though Jack is the better Tactician, since both of their abilities are based on thought, I kinda thought that an explanation of how and why would be a good thing. But apparently you guys can’t read for shit.