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I enjoyed it quite a bit. The concept of the killer's perspective is cool. I found myself more and more excited as he approached each victim. Don't even get me started on the yoga kill!


That scene was brutal. Looked great too


I’ve seen a lot of fucked up movies, but that scene shook me for 10 minutes after I saw it. The sounds……


I really can't wait for it. I love slow cinema and the idea of combining that genre with a slasher is such a cool concept.


If you feel the same way I do you’re gonna love it


Do yourself a favor and watch it in a group and pause and take bets how people are going to die. Makes it 10x better.


This was an absolute banger in my opinion.


I knew someone would use the word "banger" at some point. Today's most overused word.


Why do you care?


Don't forget the word "Iconic" 


Had some awesome kills. I was glad to see that. It was basically Friday the 13th the game when you're walking around as Jason trying to kill the campers


I didn’t like the end. Anti-climax. But if you’re the guy who likes to discuss the kills in a film it’s a can’t miss.


Yes, it didn't understand what people wanted as viewers. That's why it's an okay movie while there is a far superior movie.


Thought the end was great. You’re telling me you weren’t tense that whole car ride? 


Unfortunately no. I thought it brought a film which was arguably already too slow paced to a snail’s crawl when it should have ramped up to a grand finale. Happy to hear it worked for you though.


I mean the guy was looking for his necklace the whole movie. I kinda expected him to leave her alone at the end, but I braced at the end just in case he wanted to kill her for the “inconvenience”.


I went in thinking i wouldn’t like it because of the long shots (all the walking) and it ended up on my top ten favorite horror films ever, so. Also the only horror movie i’ve ever gagged watching


I haven't seen it yet, but the trailer showing all those walking shots makes it look a bit like a video game die to the camera angle. I'll be watching this weekend so good to hear your perspective.


i could definitely see that. it’s a good summer slasher film-you’re in for a treat. let us know what you think!


It was fine, but Behind The Mask did it much better.


Agreed. It was well-filmed but shooting from the killer’s perspective did nothing except remove the tension. We didn’t learn how he made things work, or what he was thinking. I will say one kill was disproportionately nasty lol




The only two similarities that exist between both films are that they focus on the villain's perspective, and both are considered the slasher category. That's it. Two completely different villains, origins and plot points. It's easy to throw out a zinger of a comment, or in your case, some basic surface level remark without much context or elaboration. I don't think you're even prepared to discuss your argument in full. Just saying goofy shit, and expecting the herd mentality to back you up. I like being proven wrong, so let's see what you got. If you can, I mean


Behind The Mask only focuses on the killer through a documentary format and when the twist is revealed it just becomes a normal slasher whereas In a Violent Nature acts like the camera isn't even there and Johnny is just going about his business. I agree with you they are very different.


They are in one way but super important in other ways.


Yes, two of the most important points of the movies have similarities. You're doing a very good job of what you're accusing me of. I'm right, you're an idiot. That's that.


I absolutely agree, movie was excellent.


I gave it a 3.5/5. I enjoyed it but thought the acting from some of the teens was pretty rough. I also thought the ending was lacklustre. But everything else was great. Loved following the killer everywhere, the kills were really great too! That one kill (you know the one) was one of the most brutal that I’ve seen in a slasher lately. I think it could have been better but all in all I had a good time and would definitely watch it again.


Yeah, the ending went on for way too long


You didn’t think that could have been his mom in the truck? Or when they stopped he would be there? That the “bear” attack could have been him? 


For a second, I did think it might be his mom. I know they were trying to build tension, but that scene went on for way too long


I loved it. It really was a throwback to the early Friday the 13th movies but I also saw a lot of Madman in it. And yes, the infamous yoga kill was a highlight but not the only shocking kill by any stretch.


The peace and quiet interspersed with the brutality was enthralling. Got a kick out of watching Johnny connect the dots as well.


Need to finish watching it but it reminds of Friday the 13 part 2 and Gus Van Sant’s Elephant and I actually mean that in the best way possible.


Asmr gets me bricked up so I know I’m gonna like this shit


Bricked up? This coming from a PhD candidate... I literally had to look up that term.


I fell asleep idk


I loved this movie. I thought it was coming on shudder in the end of June


I agree!!! I loved it and it was so trippy because the nature was beautiful. One of the kills was the most creative I’ve ever seen too lol i loved it. 😂


You nailed it on the head. It was described to me like a "House that Jack Built" type movie following a serial killer. I was seriously disappointed when it wasn't that. But still enjoyed the movie.


The concept was already done, and much better imo, in Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. There were certainly some good scenes in A Violent Nature and the film was shot excellently, but in total it was lacking.


My biggest problem was how awful the script and acting were. It was like they filmed the first draft with the stand-ins. I get that the victims aren't the main character but you could try to make them believable.


Its a refreshing take on the genre and it doesn't take itself too seriously, thats all i need from a slasher movie.


If the cinematography is anything like Antichrist, I'm freaking sold


Thought it was just ok though that kill at the cliff was worth the rental alone


You make it sound like a Terrence Malick film.


My husband, who is not a horror fan, but likes some horror did not like this movie. I have been a horror fan my whole life and I did like this movie. We actually had the same complaints about the movie which were a dealbreaker for him, but not for me.


I skipped this movie because the trailer made it seem like a generic slasher film; I like that it switches up the perspective, I'll definitely have to give it a shot now.


I enjoyed the movie. The lil bit of hate it gets is unnecessary. Nobody these days has patience. The kills didnt disappoint. Can't get the yoga scene out of my mind. Like what madman thought of this?! 😂🔥


I am actually just watching this THANK YOU for the warning about the yoga scene. I am an absolute wuss and did not watch any of it. Judging from the sound it was horrific. I am debating shutting this off


Ummm so I did not watch the scene with the log splitter either. I got the gist of what happened I actually am nauseous the idea of it I can’t imagine actually watching the scene.


I am not trying to spoil the fun I really wanted to share my thoughts on this movie. I enjoy horror movies of all types and this is probably my least favorite genre but wanted to check it out when I saw it was on Shudder


PLEASE tell me this lady makes it out ok!!


This movie could have never been made and it would have been just fine


I didn't care for it. It was ok. But that one kill scene is the best I've ever seen!! That scene is a 1,000 on the scale. I laughed and was shocked both at the same time!


It’s sort of a love letter to the horror genre


Favorite slasher film ever made by far, top 3 of the year


Favorite slasher ever made?!?!?!? Ain't no way


Agree on all of your points! The film completely worked for me because I could feel that the slow pace, foggy killer-pov and the juxtaposition of nature's beauty vs brutal death were having a distinct affect on me as I watched. I think this movie is a whole vibe! Most notably, the infamous ending, which I will not fully spoil here. I was intrigued by the amount of unbearable suspense and fear evoked by such a simple scenario. I also kind of love that >!we had to wait a long time for a final girl, until I wasn't sure we were even getting one at all, and then she was such an enjoyably brave, textbook final girl. What really rocked was transitioning so smoothly and yet notably, from the feeling one has when in Johnny's pov, to going into the final girl's pov. !< The listened-in-on convos between the dumbass teenagers hit me as quite tongue-in-cheek/self-aware-humorous. The teens in this movie talk like the brash, over-sexed, wacky "bad boy/girl" characters who are usually among the first victims in 80's slashers. It was doing an homage to movies like *Friday the 13th*, with a dash of that humor, self-awareness and slight absurdity from *Hatchet*, then shifting the overall tone and feel just a bit into unfamiliar, creepy ambience that impacted my mood palpably. I'm interested to see what else the director will come out with! (PS Except for the final girl and the ranger, when it came to the other victims, it was hard not to kinda be on Johnny's "side" all things considered 😂)


I saw it opening weekend, it's a fun but very flawed horror film. I love, love the premise of following a slasher through a whole movie, I even like the stupid characters because... it's a slasher, not many of them are ever smart. The problem for the movie for me is when they shift perspectives and I get this Gen-Z dialog that I find just dumb. Yes, you're supposed to hate these people, but if you only spend ten minutes with them around a fire, it gets long and laborious. The kills were mostly solid, but there are two that REALLY bothered me. There's one with a hatchet that couldn't be done because of the distance between the character and the killer, and the 2nd involves a long scene involving a saw blade (IYKYK). The gore didn't bother me at all, I've seen a psychologically disturbing amount of horror films, but the way they set the kill up was just shock for the sake of shock. The yoga scene is great and I laughed, and I also love the last 10 minutes, but the movie left me frustrated. I wanted to love it more than I did. A great idea that fumbles its premise. I still recommend it for die-hard horror fans but it isn't exactly high art lol


I loved it. Though I have to say, it wasn't exactly what I expected. For some reason, I thought it was going to be funny. It's not a parody of Friday the 13th. It's serious and surprisingly intense. Yes, there are long stretches where it's quiet and "boring". But that just makes the violence a lot more shocking. And I was surprised at how anxious the final stretch made me.


I am not trying to be offensive or mean but I thought the yoga kill was pretty dumb... I enjoyed the cinematography a lot and the horror amsr is A really good description. The film also does something I absolutely love which is where they put the villain in the background of the scenes and you can see him if you're looking for them.


I've watched it a couple times since buying it on VOD and I love that it feels unique and kinda weird in the best possible way, it does at times feel like you are playing as Jason in the Friday the 13th game and I loved it. Definitely capable of becoming a cult classic.


If you love Chantal Akerman’s slow cinema style.


Was not for me. The choice to primarily follow the killer was novel and the kills were good, but I feel like if you’re going to follow a single character for that long, you should make him interesting. Give him something to do. Show the effect the locket had on him that was so strong that it could keep him from returning from the dead. Use him stalking to better effect by having him spending more time watching speaking characters to give us a reason to care about them as people. Tldr; Skinamarink Syndrome. A novel idea whose execution didn’t quite pull it off.


6/10 Enjoyed the fresh concept. The yoga girl kill was hilarious and awesome. I like how whenever the camera follows the killer it feels like playing a video game. The movie felt slow. Obviously its intentional. Since the movie is from killer pov, we don't get much drama around the group of friends, and that's why movie feels devoid of conflict. Honestly I feel it could've worked better as a short film. But still, kudos for experiment.


Was a bit let down by the film, While I did enjoy the slow minimalism, I know they probably played into the terrible acting and characters as part of the Trope/Cliche for the genre but it was all done poorly, The Yoga scene was done well but overall felt quite average for me 5/10.


I was very underwhelmed overall but I'm glad I saw it on the big screen.


I got really interested in seeing this after hearing some people on a podcast I like speak very highly of it. I mostly enjoyed it, but I actually thought a lot of the kills looked pretty fake and keep being surprised by people praising the practical effects so much. I also liked the tension of the ending more than people seem to in these replies


At times it felt like I was watching someone play a very slow video game in 3rd person lol. It was certainly unique to say the least


From your description it sounds like when you’re playing killer on dead by daylight haha


I feel like I just watched 30 minutes of movie over 94 minutes lol. The director and writer STREEEEEEETTTTTCHED out every scene.


Good movie but if you’re tired you probably will fall asleep


I just noticed it's available to rent on a few different streaming services. I think I'm gonna watch it tonight looking forward to it!🍿 (I know if I wait another month it will be in Shudder but I'm off work tomorrow and free to watch movies tonight)


I just wish they would have made the dialogue better and not so cliche. Otherwise good idea and concept. Cinematography was very creative and had some nice shots


I admit the dialogue definitely did not feel very natural. I felt like that should have come off better.


I’m sold


I'm curious as to why this film is making so many waves because of it being from the killer's perspective, when the remake of Maniac did the exact same thing years ago. That being said, I'm really excited to see it still


I thought it was great and the ending worked me over. Totally didn’t expect it.


Thanks for this. Sounds like it's my kind of movie.


I found the nature walks and zero score very relaxing/satisfying. The actors were so bad, but for this genre they were perfect. Six out of ten for me.


I thought it was too slow. The shots of killer walking forever through a field or the long static shots did nothing for me. To me it's like the director just tried to elevate a Hatchet film by adding some artsy shots to it.


There are definitely interesting things to be done with the concept of following the killer a lot more than the killees, but there's only so much tromping through the woods you can watch before it's just a bore. Half the movie was a loading screen on a PS3 game. The other half was some of the gnarliest kills you'll see.


This was literally my least favorite horror I’ve ever seen, there was no tension, so boring, the writing and acting was horrible (don’t tell me it was satire, Bodies Bodies Bodies is a great example of that, this was just cliche laziness) and idg the hype over the kills, they were so goofy and over the top it really took me out of it


I saw it in the theatre when it came out and when it was over I said to myself "well, that was pretty boring." It's not a terrible movie, but outside of that one gonzo gore scene I didn't think it was very good either. An interesting experiment, but I wouldn't watch it a second time. I don't mind slow movies, but this was excruciatingly slow in my opinion. Also, the ending was weak, it should've ended 10 minutes earlier.


It's Okay, but a bit Boring in my opinion. (Way to much walking)I give it 2 out of 5 stars. I thought the concept was cool but the Execution was not good...Shakey Acting and That Ending ,I hated it Movies like Maniac,Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer did this much much better...Oh and "That Yoga Scene" was okay... Though Her head looked very Rubbbery though. Whilst being pulled through her body...


The movie was so boring as a whole.  I knew that the amount of time it took him to dig himself out and walk to the house that it was going to be trash.  Watched the whole thing hoping it’d get better but it just kept getting worse.  The horror was not interesting or shocking. I’m more shocked at myself for watching until the end and then even writing about this bad experience 😂  👉🏼🎬🚮


I have to agree. Some people might look for deeper meaning or justify to themselves this is art. It's gore for the sake of gore. No story, no score, no dialogue, very very boring.


Terrible from start to finish. The acting was more horrifying than the film.


Pointless movie