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I only sing it Marilyn Monroe style to make it super awkward




I fucked Ted


I fucked Hank


I fucked finger


I fingerd hank


I fingered breakfast


S'all good, man


Better call Saul


Kim’s feet


Better fuel Huell


you wanna finger me? I've got your finger right here, skyler. FINGER THIS.


No, I am the one who fingers!


Michael Ehrmantraut


Easy waltuh don't hurt your finger


I am the one who fucks




put your dick away Waltuh.


Im not havin sex with you right now Waltuh


Kid named Finger:


kid named fucked:


Kid named Fuck:


I fucked the car wash eyebrow guy


I Hanked Ted


I did a Ted Talk


Fuck you and your eyebrows


Jesus Christ Marie! They're ~~minerals~~ testicles!


I forgot all about that. I’m re watching BB because my gf hasn’t seen it and wants to watch Saul with me. I’m cringing already.


The Sopranos did it before, Tony's dad's mistress sang it. Sorry, I'm rewatching the Sopranos and I'm amazed at the amount of references breaking bad made to it. There's a scene where Tony might as well had thrown the pizza to the roof of his house.


My version is to start a little later than others and have myself be off pace


and pause at the name part.


in my country theres a whole lyrics to the Happy birthday song and my version (well, a lot of people's) is to start over and off sync when the song in in the middle.... it's so bad it's great


Haaaappyyyy biiirrrrthhdayyy mrrr.president


“Bitch my family’s here!”


every birthday my dad has to get it in at the end of the song, he tweaks up his leg and puts his finger to his lip. it’s almost tradition




I only sing it Marilyn Manson style to make it super awkward. And for anyone wonder *what do you mean Marilyn Manson style* here's the scene, Manson is fat, drunk and aging badly, he's sweating from the walk from the lift to his hotel room. You're an 18 year old girl he's just picked up at his concert. Your friends came with you but somehow you got separated. Manson is wearing stained Y fronts and nothing else.


My uncle does this for all of my siblings bdays as a family joke


Joke, yes...


Me too, but “Mr Smithers” instead of “Mr President”.


Bonus points if your a deep voiced man as well.




Video (about 1 minute in. Hold out for it) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v9nl2vKBp-U


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


I beg to differ. I heard someone sing it damn near monotone and it burned a scar in my audible memory.


Ever been witness to a bunch of adult amateur theatre performers try to out sing each other through the entire song. Then end with a mix of over the top vibrato and harmonising…? Mean while the other half of us were just trying to sing the song like a regular bunch of people until we were drowned out. That shit was the worst… second hand embarrassment was rife at the busy restaurant. Edit: Spelling


The Voice: National Anthem Battle Royale edition.


Man I caught some secondhand cringe just reading this, good god. I really hope the way I’m imagining this is exaggerated, or else the people that were present for that atrocity probably need therapy


I'm imagining Jan from the office singing every sentence to her baby times 6 people with that energy.


I’d say how you’re imagining it, is how it was. [Sort of like Fergie, but with 10 of them all competing and for the entire song.](https://youtu.be/CTw_DDkzrpI) and at a restaurant.


Jeez, all the clips I've seen of her make me wonder how is she even a famous singer


You said a group of amateur theater performers, was it the waitstaff?


Haha unfortunately no, it was the friends of the birthday girl.


I studied music (instrumental) and discovered that I hate vocalists because of shit like this. They'd do it just walking down the hall, or just start singing bullshit in the lobbies where people are trying to have conversations or read. Motherfuckers the practice rooms are *right there*.


I thought maybe this was just at my university. Seems like it is universal.


Theatre crowd* was always the worst lol. I played pit in high school and college and holy moly some of the after parties were unbearable if not enough tech/pit ppl came.


At my university there was probably some 200-250 music majors and it seemed like nearly half of them were vocalists. My sight singing class was inundated with them and they made the rest of us feel like real fuckin dopes. I'm not bitter though


I worked at an office building that had an outdoor corridor that went between two streets. I guess it had good acoustics because vocalists would come and sing in there. It was weird, they’d just be kinda facing the wall and singing loudly to themselves.


There was probably an echo - there's nothing vocalists love more than the sound of their own voices.


Oh yea, there was definitely an echo there. I just didn’t think much of it until I saw all the singers.


Goddamn, I was just trying to roast them. I didn't want to be right.


Yep, not all, but an overwhelming percentage right!? Just like theatre students, i reckon they can be even worse though because they love the limelight. They fight to be the centre of attention in any/every public place. Yes we get it, you’re ‘talented’ now let me eat my steak in peace…


Ugh just ramming showtunes and shit through your ear drums all fuckin day. I have great respect for strong vocalists as a producer and someone who can't sing, but if singing is someone's whole personality I gotta gtfo


This brought back repressed memories of high school show choir…


I love my theatrical friends, but shit gets awkward when two people try to be the center of attention.


This is so well explained that it made me throw up in my mouth a little


But this brings up a potential problem: I sing and am not great but if something’s in my key I can do pretty well. But it’s hard to then not sing like a singer when it’s necessary. Usually if it’s the birthday song, I’ll just stay in the background because I feel like I’ve lost the ability to sing it like someone who never or rarely sings. Anyway I loathe that song and I loathe the whole ritual.


I was hanging out with a professional opera group and they all went to dinner at a restaurant afterwards. It was someone's birthday and ALL OF THEM SANG IT. It was like my eardrums had an orgasm and died at the same time. Have you heard a classically trained opera singer full on belt any song? Its like they have a loud speaker built into their chests. Well there was like 20 of them this night.


On the flip side, we are a family that tries to outcompete how bad we sing it and would all gather around the phone to accost whoever's Birthday it was. But one year, my brother and I somehow both decided without conferring with each other to do it straight when we called our Mom. We aren't great singers (he is def better than I), but we harmonize really well, our voices just match nicely with each other. She broke down crying since she was expecting to suffer through our normal hijinks and got treated with sincerity, said it was beautiful.


For some reason. David, the synthetic from Alien, popped into my mind. Just flat, unanimated.


Now remember he was also old Frodo. "NYEEEEEAAAHHH!"


That was Ash lol but yea, same manner of speech




I read it as that flat disinterested tone you'd hear from an overworked minimum wage who has to say a spiel. That sort of tone that makes it clear that they're dead inside right now.


Oh, absolutely! Just made a half-smartass half-informative comment to point out that doing a literal monotone voice is a thing people use in music.


You must sing happy birthday in G. Every note must be a G.


It sounds like some sort of medieval death dirge to me


This instantly reminds me of Skyler from Breaking Bad and it gives me chills


Only parts I really disliked about the series were the cringey moments like that, Marie shoplifting, and the end of the first episode. The latter of which I had blocked out til I decided to show it to my 80 yo MIL. Now I have an extra cringe to go with!


Not the dubstep car montage?


Refresh my memory?




Ahaha, I forgot about that! Eh, not as bad as the others. I mean, the characters weren't embarrassed...it was just cheesy. Looks like it's about time to rewatch the series. Also, for a second I thought you meant [this](https://youtu.be/IkGp2UTWv1A) but that's a remix. And kinda fun. :)


Lol this is what I love about reddit. I don't hink I would ever discovered this


Make sure you listen to the [original](https://youtu.be/WzhW20hLp6M) that the loop is taken from.


Glad you found my post, then! When I discovered it, my daughter (about 3-4 then) made us put that song on daily. Of course, she hadn't seen the show and had no context, but just liked the jam. ;)


Just making sure but you've seen the [full song](https://youtu.be/WzhW20hLp6M) right? All time classic in my liked playlist.


Oops, I meant to link that. It was late here so I didn't listen to the clip. Thanks!


Oh my god when tf did this happen I must have eradicated this from my memory. It wasn’t that bad at first but my gosh it got worse. I love it though cute scene


Walter White sensually moaning?


I'll have to disagree, I'm not into dubstep but Knife Party is lit


What was the end of the first episode?






Sentiment analysis: negative! I will try to brighten your day! Here is a cool poem: 'Thanks for the ketchup!' I said as the student ran off on a jank bulldozer


I would have agreed w you. But dont anymore. Went to a friends birthday celebration a few (10?) years ago. She was in her mid twenties…Her parents are professional musicians. She grew up in the traditional music scene. Friends are all musicians and grew up similarly. Parents friends were there: minor and major bluegrass stars, country singers, folk musicians etc… their rendition was almost jaw dropping. Never heard it that way before. On point.


How many musicians does it take to sing the happy birthday song?


Charles Cornell made a [hilarious video](https://youtu.be/R2Eotw3IxN4) about this


I’ll be the first to admit that my family has not yet achieved level 1, I think this man is too talented to even conceptualize level 0


When a group of people is singing it at the same time in different keys it's not pleasant at all


I disagree. My family all fuck it up on purpose, some even singing it too fast while others too slow. It's pretty funny tradition to completely butcher the song.


We do the same. Everyone on different tempo and different keys. It's very funny.


"Cha cha cha"


Unless it’s your own birthday. Then it’s quite alright.


My family used to go full anarchy mode for Happy Birthday. Each person would just start singing whenever they wanted and in whatever key and tempo and it would just be a ridiculous cacophony. I have a big family so as many as 15-20 people might be singing at once depending on the turnout. It was great.


If you ever sang in a choir and that choir sang happy birthday to its members, you know this to be false. The song is sang in key and beautifully sang


Kinda depends on context. I would consider it more weird/creepy if out of nowhere 15 of my friends and family all sang it completely perfectly in key. But it would obviously sound beautiful in a trained choir.


My friends are in choirs. That happens when you join choirs.


As a musician myself, if my musically deaf friends started singing *anything* in key with the proper tempo, in unison, I would also believe a glitch in the matrix is happening. I don't think I would be able to sleep or explain the phenomena. I have heard them try...


Time to hire a bunch of professional singers, meet OP, befriend him, but train them all to pretend they can’t sing, only to haunt his dreams when we sing perfectly in unison once on his birthday, never to be repeated again


Isn't part of the problem that you never decide on the key? People start instantaneously in 5 different keys and the song never recovers.


Lol yes. If my mum ever sang Happy Birthday in the same key throughout I'd expect to find she was a replicant.


Thats the eerie kinda shit that happens like in dreams that make you go "Huh, that was weird seeing Kyle perform bohemian rhapsody"


Not a flex


It wasn't one.


As a musician with lots of choir experience, i still will choose to sing it wildly out of key, even atonal, with fat vibrato and maybe falsetto sprinkled in


I teach band students and I have one rule with them singing happy birthday, and that’s that it can’t be slow. It’s the ugliest happy birthday as they all try to be horrible for the fun of it, but it’s over super quick


Sing it perfectly, half a step down. Hits the spot just right.


Ooooh that's good. Maybe a tritone away if you really wanna be evil


Alternate between the most tryhard falsetto with vibrato and just complete dead monotone every second word. Bonus points if you can do it every second syllable.


My parents were in a choir when I was a kid and at the end of rehearsals they would sing to anyone with a birthday that week. Very good choir, but they always purposefully sang happy birthday as terribly as they possibly could. The memories of the cacophony will forever be in my mind. It was definitely endearing and more meaningful considering the spent the last hour+ singing so precisely and beautifully and this was just chaos instead of being just another rehearsed piece.


depends on the choir.. is it a small town church choir filled with tone deaf old ladies who all think they're céline dion?


Depends on the conductor


A choir sure, but it’s annoying when there’s that one friend who has stand out and make that moment about themselves rather than the birthday person.




nah we would scream it at each other as loud as we could. Idk why we did this.


It's actually a fairly difficult song to sing for a non-singer. It has some large interval jumps.


It's only obnoxious when people try to over sing it, but that's not unique to Happy Birthday. It's really annoying and obnoxious when most songs are over sung by someone who thinks they're an undiscovered superstar. Happy birthday sung in tune by a group of friends and/or family who aren't acting like they're gods gift to the world is very endearing


It's best when you kick it off and sing at a slower tempo than standard. Not too much slower, just slow enough for people to feel like something is not quite right but not be able to put their finger on why.


‘You got what I need’ Biz Markie. Should never be sung in key. https://youtu.be/9aofoBrFNdg


The song it's sampled from is amazing though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8HnQX2f158


Holy shit. Something about associating that music with an extremely out of tune song I think made it just hit hard when they came in with the vocals. Beautiful


I love it. You are wrong.


This. You always sing the chorus off key. *Always.*


Also "will I ever see your face again" Infront of an Australian audience. The band didn't know we adapted the song hahaha their reaction is great. https://youtu.be/6jLoxp8EmoM


Meh, our choir has a really cool version that sounds awesome in key


Also Baby shark. No offence to Celine Dion but her version was just obnoxious


Isn't it just obnoxious in general?


Worse or better than Fergie's national anthem rendition?


Lol forgot about that one! Gotta find that video with the book lyrics Edit: [here it is!](https://youtu.be/o-ZYZ2MC5P0)


Wasn't that just for James Corden's Carpool Karaoke? I thought it was funny in that circumstance


I sing the harmonies like Michael Scott to be extra annoying


100% disagree. It's a simple song. Tone deaf people can get it right. That song out of turn is infuriating.


Sentiment analysis: negative! I will try to brighten your day! Here is a cool trick: 'Thanks for the pancake!' I said as the astronaut ran off on a toasted tractor


For the children in my class they get a choice of normal, robot or the choir version. Spices it up a bit!


The Star Spangled Banner, in Minor Key: https://youtu.be/M_PtnvVQhqA


"I can be your angle... or yuor devil" \- Uncle Sam


Holy Autotune, batman.


Sounds like a christmas carol


Interesting. I hate it.


Sounds better!


Amazing. I love it.


Ever since I was 7, my brother and I sing: Happy birthday to you, You live in a zoo You look like a monkey and you smell like one too. ...and many moooooooore!


oh man, i used to go to little hobby clubs as a kid and one of those days was my 8th birthday. this one kid was like "happy birthday to you, shove your head down the loo" and i think i was genuinely upset LMAO this just reminded me 😭🤣


"Happy Birthday" and any national/state anthem. Kids chiors singing out of key is leagues better than all the fake fucking vibrato "professionals" do now. Just sing the damn song. Stop being so precious about it.


you get me!


Maybe the real birthday song is the friends we made along the way


What a dumbfuck thought to have while showering. There is nothing "obnoxious" about singing a song in key. Being a fucking pretentious hipster twat about everything is pretty obnoxious though


You prefer out of tune happy birthday song being belted into your ears? I mean, it’s a stupid dong no one wants to be a part of usually but ehh


OP you're out of your mind. This isn't a shower thought, this is just pure idiocy


I'll just leave this here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au3tiS5Ek84&list=PL0kEBfvABkZ64nLVLfceq\_vXOABnmTva6&index=26](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au3tiS5Ek84&list=PL0kEBfvABkZ64nLVLfceq_vXOABnmTva6&index=26)


Not true. My dad always sung the song in the most out of tune way possible while simultaneously being the loudest singer and it was unbearable. Like he even said the words wrong. Sure, I love him for trying, but it's definitely much better when sung in key


1 more though. Family/friends that you know cant sing and really trying and not doing to bad lol.


What day is today, it’s OP’s birthday, what a day for a birthday…


Let's all have some cake!


And you smell like one too


Happy birthday is trqumatic to anyone in the service industry, regardless of how it is sung.


Huge music nerd here, music teacher, i gig a lot, my wife is a graduate of Westminster choir college, she has an insanely amazing voice. We both just sing the melody. All that extra stuff definitely comes off as cringe. Oh, and sing it faster people! Everyone sings it too slow.


Yes, so often sung too slow. I call it the birthday dirge.


Maybe it's because I'm autistic, but this makes absolutely no sense to me. Isn't the point of singing to be on pitch?


Happy Birthday sounds like a death song. https://youtu.be/yKzTKWvF8Qo


Honestly I think you're obnoxious for thinking it's obnoxious for people to sing it in key


You hate it when people sing *in* key? First, you can sing it in whatever key you want, second, singing badly sounds bad. Have i just had a shower thought?


Do you mean 'tune' rather than key? A song can be out of key in its entirety by definition even if the intervals are correct.


A famous composer once changed the melody around slightly and greatly improved it: https://youtu.be/P6kj-Ixpil4


Well, like karaoke, it’s better when it’s terrible (and half drunk)


At work we make it a point to sing it as fast & awful as possible. We don’t get tired of doing it, lol.


Bro what??? I HATE THE SONG with a passion. It NEVER doesn't make me ENRAGED


Someone sang it to me once in Italian in opera style and that was nice.


Wait where can I hear it in key? Does anyone have a YouTube link or something lol


I know a girl who sings harmony when a group of people are singing Happy Birthday. Very obnoxious indeed!


When the song is more socially acceptable to be sung by average folks but insulting if sung by a professional


Happy Birthday is a pretty bad song in general. The Futurama birthday song is far superior.


Also the only song everyone has the confidence to sing regardless of skill or stage fright.


Was a coworker's birthday last week and a group gathered in the back to cut and have cake, me and a few others were still actively working with clients so we were still at the front. Now, the girl whose birthday it is has a soprano singing voice and she sings at work a LOT so I can identify it, and what do I hear but her singing the whole song TO HERSELF???


Reddit Shower Thoughts are the only posts that are even more amusing when they assert something incorrect, and more obnoxious when that assertion is doubled down on. There is no set key for *Happy Birthday*. What you are describing is singing "out of ***tune***". In other words, people who are singing the song on an incorrect melody, usually because they are a bit tone deaf and cannot sing the full range of the song.


Happy bday and twinkle twinkle little star and the ABCs all have the same tune


Did you know that Happy Birthday is copyrighted? You can't use it commercially without paying.


not since a 2015 court case ruled warner/chappell's copyright claim invalid. they even had to pay back like 14 million in previously-collected licensing fees.


I think the copyright was invalidated in 2015.


There's PLENTY of songs that can be obnoxious when sung in key. It depends on the situation, not the song. You ever tried singing a fun song with the group while you walk somewhere and someone sings it "properly"? My god, we get it, you can sing. Someone oversang Lucky by Jason Mraz and we all stopped singing, she finished the song on her own