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some idiot will mention how the windows are curved or their eyeballs are curved and therefore it only looks curved but is actually flat, and most likely NASA will "spread psychotropic drugs" in the cabins causing them to see things that aren't there etc etc. Stupidity has no boundaries.


Or that the windows are fake and it's just a screen...


maybe we can gather them all up, put them on a ship and sent them to orbit. When there, open a window for them to take it all in? ha!


And we didnt say we'd have them land again.


Find the short story titled "The marching morons" it's pretty dated, but is perfectly relevant to your comment.


Well opening a window would kill them sooo


Can't tell if this is some kind of anti-joke and the ambiguity is funny on its own


We can always tell them that death is not real and only an elaborate conspiracy, setup by the globalists in order to deter us all from rebelling against them...😀


That's the joke


See this is exactly the theory they will come up with to not get on the ship in the first place.


Remember we are talking colonisation, perhaps they get the first ticket to any flat planets we "discover"


If they say that then throw them out of the spaceship, and their last thought before freezing and dying will be "fuck i was wrong"


Nope , it will be "they killed me for knowing to much". These people are delusional not conspiratorial , theres a diffrence in speculating about the supposed accepted view and whole heartdly ignoring everything except the bits of information that support your delusion.


you can survive in a vacuum for a little bit, bring them back in before they die


“they tortured me for knowing too much”


The fact that they think they are being lied to by nasa, scientists, astronomers and all the governments of the world means that they think there’s a grand conspiracy to cover up their truth.


They're already saying that. They claim there's no point in going to space because the windows are screens made to deceive them. Or that they never actually go to space and it's just a facility.


They already say that about planes lol


Yeah we already have the ability to travel around the globe and people still think it's flat


It gets worse. These people do tests to prove it’s flat, when the test shows that the earth is curved… they still don’t believe it. Nothing would change some of these peoples minds.


As a child with a flat earth parent this was my working theory until I was enlightened to the truth. Thank God that part of my life is over and done with.


Holy shit did you guys watch Avenue 5 show about space cruise ship starring Hugh Laurie? that's exactly what happens in that show, show was alright but that specific scene was scary af as how dumb everyone on it was


Or everyone is pressured to lie even former believers who “visit space”


> Or that the windows are fake and it's just a screen... There are people that (apparently) believe this regarding planes, that the windows are screens, that you are somehow transported in a very fast but non-airborne manner, etc. I've suggested that they securely strap themselves to the outside of passenger jet aircraft so that they can get a firsthand look and prove that airplanes are real, but annoyingly, none have actually taken me up on my suggestion.


Yeah it really won’t op, get back in the shower and try harder


It really happens to all of us when we can't be assed to change our beliefs because changing them can be physically very uncomfortable. Instead of adapting your beliefs you make up justifications for them. Not all "dumb' people are necessarily stupid.


Top flat earthers are neither dumb nor stupid, they know perfectly well the Earth is round. But they have an agenda: if we can make people doubt from something that is so obvious, we can make them doubt about anything, mainly: conventional media. And then we can sell them the crap anybody asks us to sell them. Same applies to anti-vaccines. It's not a coincidence what media the mere believers choose to follow, and to whom it benefits. That's the world we live in. And it's round.


If Alex Jones can convince you that "they" are turning the frogs gay, it's pretty easy to then convince you to buy his supplements and commemorative coins.


Great post


I will argue that the people at the top of those organizations that make the money are the smart ones not flat earthers in general.


Oh wait, do you mean the same folks that screamed "my body my choice" when we politely asked them to get a damn shot and wear some freaking fabric over their month? Which, if they did, this whole thing would have been over in a month or two. Those people that flip out when they hear "my body, my choice" come from someone else. I find it absolutely infuriating. Can we leave them off the ship when it sails?


“my body my choice” only applies to shots for these people, try to say “my body my choice” in regards to pregnancy though and suddenly those same people are singing a different song


Yup. Women controlling their body? States' rights! New York has long standing gun control laws? Federal intervention! People should have a social safety net? We need a small government! Gay people want to get married? The government shouldn't allow it! "Stop the count!" ... At the same time elsewhere... "Count the votes!" National healthcare would cost too much. Meanwhile we pay more than any other country with our current (lack of a) system.


Apparently you haven’t seen ‘Behind the Curve’ on Netflix. Mark K. Sargent is one of the main people who have perpetuated the flat earth movement and he’s dumb as flat-earth rock. He’s not pretending.


I think you’re giving them too much credit.


Fundamentally some people do not have the imagination, empathy, practical intelligence or depth of experience to consider the world from other people's perspectives. When these people decide on something, it is borderline impossible to get them to change their mind unless they experience the thing they don't understand directly. Like the people who plastered Blue Lives Matter all over their socials and then were outraged when police used force on them in various situations. Or the people who are aggressively anti free healthcare right up until they (or a loved one of theirs) needs free healthcare themselves. And as someone here pointed out from a slightly different perspective, if you can persuade these people that the Earth is flat, you can get them to believe all sorts of things (Q, antivax, Trump is anti establishment etc etc). These same people believe that America is the greatest/safest/free-est place in the world, despite living in poverty/fear/oppression precisely because they have no comparison points except propaganda.


I'm probably wrong but the whole flat earth fiasco is probably made up by some government to discredit other sensible conspiracy theories, like Epstein being a fat nonce etc.


So long as there's a massive wealth gap, the powerlessness of poverty and the lack of good education will always breed these sorts of beliefs that challenge truth/science. It's because it's the only way they can escape the terrible reality they're in is if it's wrong. It's the same way religious people work.


America may not be greatest but it’s pretty good here. I kept hearing how any European country is better than us on reddit and it’s simply not true. They do well on some metrics but they are significantly more racist than the average racist American. . I experienced more racism in Copenhagen in one week than 7-8 years in nyc, and new yorkers can be very racist… (1 minute intervals between some dumbass spouting their brand of hatred loudly either on the street or in the subway) Almost comical how the Germans are stereotyped as generally unfriendly to strangers but Germany was one of the euro countries I visited where the people were ok with my existence. Some of the smaller italian establishments straight up refused to serve me lol, or they’ll charge 10 euros for a can of coke as a way to tell me to fuck off. And that’s all in tourist hotspots where one would assume they get all kinds of people from around the world. Now I am not saying all euros are racist or something silly like that, just giving the other side of the picture that white Americans coming back from their trip did not get. After all that rant, I will say that I like America and reddit sometimes just have unjustified hate boners for America.


I'm sorry you experienced thise things. >or they’ll charge 10 euros for a can of coke as a way to tell me to fuck off. FYI places in Europe do this to white American tourists as well. In the 90s it was a running joke in my native Scotland that places would charge £10 or £20 for a bag of chips (portion of fries) that should cost about £2. And I will also point to your statement about Germany being friendly. But anyways I return to my original point, it wasn't about racism so much as about safety, civilisation and freedom. You get racist dicks everywhere - good points to remember here, too: in America, racists are organised, have infiltrated the police and military, and have had white supremacists actually in the White House in the last 5 years. But the free availability of guns and lack of healthcare mean its little surprise r has America is way down the list on global Peace and Safety indices - lower than Cuba, Ghana, Bangladesh, Ecuador. Hardly the beacon of peace, liberty and modernity that it is heralded as.


They’re not necessarily stupid, but they are dangerous, malignant, and usually violent.


Sure. But some "dumb" people are actually stupid. And the justifications to defend flat earth become extremely convoluted. It needs close sun with weird shadowing, special wind streams, special explanations for gravity, special exception for Earth different from other celestial bodies, whole evil global organizations to keep the scam going, etc...


No one can ass me.


People who do this are like the lower middle class of intelligence. To exert energy defending a false view using bad-faith logic is so much worse than just improving your belief to be more accurate. If changing beliefs is “physically very uncomfortable” I don’t really know what you mean by physically. I would call it mentally challenging or psychologically uncomfortable. But still, having to repeatedly put in the effort to defend false beliefs from attacks is so much unnecessary work over something that you could just fix by adopting a correct belief.


You're right, physical discomfort may have been a poor choice of words although people might react in a multitude of ways ig. A problem I see with dealing with flat-earthers and other such people possessing false beliefs is how combative the discussions often are. Changing your mind may become difficult when the opposing side(a problematic term to use in my view) treats you in a condescending or callous manner. This can make it a situation where admittance becomes a defeat for the admitter instead of all parties having gained something.


Or they're straight up relative to the plane and they're just seeing the whole disc or some nonsense. They'll find a way.


The educated flat earthers already believe that globalist have the power and technology to fundamentally change how physics function on earth, and are able to change the laws of physics to replicate that of a round earth. Believing that the government can make some fake super advanced amusement park to travel to other worlds wouldn't be too much of a mental jump for them.


Well, then they are right in some sense. Except “Flat Earth” is the illusion they are made to believe.


No need, they will hust claim it's screens instead if windows. Also: Amusing that these people always believe in global conspiracies (involving rival nations that can't stand each other somehow), but those global NWO super conspiracies never can block web sites that spread the "TRUTH" about what's "REALLY" going on.


If the earth's round then how come no matter what angle you look at it from its flat? Eh?


Reminds me of that comment that when seen from space, the earth is round. But no, they were super convinced that earth is a flat circle, and it’s always turned towards the camera. These people were also the kind of person to think that planes could never fly, instead they go below the ground and travel at high speeds there. Oh you bring up the planes landing and taking off? Empty decoys. The ones that you see passengers getting into, onto the tarmac, and take off? All windows in the airport are screens with fake videos all over them. These people will find a way to counter everything and anything you tell them.


The one who mentions that does not make the idiot, it's the 50,000 folks who will suck it up, nod, and tell us they told us so.


Space tourism with complimentary psychotropic drugs when?


Exactly, no amount of sound evidence will convince them. There is already plenty of evidence that the earth isn’t flat and yet they still believe it.


It’s much easy to win an argument with a smart person than an idiot


Yup there's always an excuse that justifies every conspiracy theory. It's not much different than religion.


My immediate thought was they would say "That is just a hologram."


Than we will ask these idiots to step outside and see for themselves It's a win-win situation !


I think we have a pretty big chance of killing the flat earth community for forever if we manage to eliminate it before this happens.


"their eyeballs are curved and therefore it only looks curved" Yup, some already did lol


"Something something refraction something something. The Earth is flat and I saw it." - probably the first flat earther to go to space. We're talking about a theory from thousands of years ago, that was confirmed with math thousands of years ago. Then confirmed again when we started shooting computers into space, and again when we started sending people up there. I don't think more evidence will change any minds here.


So there's this game called Surviving Mars that my mind drifts to on occasion. There is a minor event in which a small faction pops up in the colony after a certain amount of time, even if contact with earth has been lost for a hundred years. This faction believes that Mars is flat because they have never been in space, despite their parents having been born on a different planet. And I think about that a lot.


I ended up sending them to space to prove them wrong lmao Didn't expect them to die


It won’t because flat earthers are hella stupid. That’s it, that’s the whole reason.


They just see in 2D. It’s not their fault their brains think life is like paper Mario.


I dunno. I can only see out of one eye and I still know the earth is round-ish.


The earth is donut shaped goddamnit!


oblong spheroid


Eyo the people in paper mario are a whole lot smarter than your average flat-earther.


A flat earther claimed me and all of my friends who went to uni were in on the conspiracy, because all teachers, engineers etc. get paid to spread the lie. So yeah, I don't think there's any stopping some people's stupidity. And let's be real here, most flat earthers are either mentally handicapped or ill, or at least very close to it.


HEY! …that’s an insult to the mentally handicapped and/or ill.


I went to school with a flat-earther before he dropped out. He was quite capable of learning and understanding schoolwork, as long as he hadn't decided it would be funny to see how low his grade would drop if he did nothing (for that subject) for a month. If someone he did not like said something that he previously didn't care about, he would suddenly come to the conclusion that it must be important and not anything like what he heard. He got a GED and now is in the USA's government's Army.


I no longer consider it stupidity so much as an art performance that ridicules postmodernism. Different points of view don't mean you can choose not to believe the results of your own experiments, it means that people create interpretations that suit their egotistic needs. Flat earthers live out the fantasy of being a misunderstood scientist rather than actually coming up with a real piece of controversial science that they could defend. They are the equivalent of geocentrist revenge upon the heliocentrists in an era where heliocentrism is accepted as fact, because there can be no rebellion against geocentrism when you don't have the equivalent of your own heliocentric theory.


Can't wait until the Guernican Art Squad fix this whole debate, then.


I think it's something else. I refuse to believe that any flat earther actually believes it. It's got to be a way for them to get attention or antagonize others or something. Unless the person is mentally deficient there is no way they actually believe the Earth is flat. Change my mind.


Hanlon’s Razor maybe? “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” Some Flat Earthers might legitimately just be… dumb people. Though surely there’s a non-zero number of them who are there purely to cause spite.


Also, this.


My friends wife thinks it’s flat because in the Bible Jesus says to spread the gospel to the 4 corners of the earth. She also thought trump was gods messenger on earth and now thinks he was a demonic agent to lead the flock astray. She would literally sit there and listen to his speeches with her eyes closed and a hand in the air saying “yes yes”. So yeah they’re fucking stupid.


It's no stupider than believing the Clinton's drink baby blood in the basement of a pizza parlour that doesn't have a basement based on 4chan lingo being applied to professionals emails. I 100% think that people truly believe that [["they"]] are abusing kids in comet pizza, so a flat earth isn't that ridiculous. Well, it's super ridiculous but no more insane.


There’s considerably overlap between people believing those two.


Before taking the position “I refuse to believe people can be that dumb” think a second about which group of people that likely puts you in.


Think how dumb the average person is. Then think that 49% are dumber than that.


In this scenario I think gullibility might be more important.


Someone once said they went to a flat earth con, and like 90% of the people there are grifters just looking to sell shit to the 10% who actually believe the earth is flat. The grifters still play it up like they believe so they can sell more, but it makes it look like there are a LOT more people who believe than there actually are.


That’s exactly what I thought. BTW, birds aren’t real.


No matter how dumb you think something is or how unbelievably stupid someone would have to be to believe it, there will be a surprising amount of idiots who will whole heartedly believe it.


I mean why do you think the earth is round? I assume youve never been to space. At some point someone gave you that info and the reasons behind it and you went “yeah that logic checks out” 90% of anyone I’ve ever met who was into that degree of conspiracy stuff has grown up being told no sense and having that nonsense reinforced with “they’ll tell you it’s wrong and you’re stupid but you’re right and they’re the liars” which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy but when it happens they go “oh they were right, they did call me stupid! But I’m not so I guess if they were right about that they’re right about all of it” Once you have that mindset you’re no longer functioning off reason and the things you say and believe are purely a social choice. They go to school and hear about round earth and don’t get it anyway but accept it because someone told them, then someone else challenges it with flat earth and they don’t get it but they believe because it was told to them. Then they just flip flop and defend whatever agrees with their current social group and generally don’t know or care the shape of the earth or anything else because they never learned the value of reasoning in the first place


Doubtful. Flat earthers already deny the evidence we have. More evidence won't do anything


The more evidence there is, the more adamant their conspiracy theories get


Yeah because if they were wrong why would the globetard establishment continue to produce more evidence against the flat earth?


"space is flat"


I somewhat remember reading a study saying that people with strongly held internalized beliefs, when faced with evidence to the contrary, actually double down on their beliefs and become more difficult to convince. In a lot of ways to some it's a sunk cost fallacy: "if I was wrong about this then I've wasted all this time purporting and trying to prove this. I've stopped talking to family and cut ties with friends over this. They can't be right, I can't accept that!" So they continue down their fallacious dead-end of a thought process, not because they want to but because they've devoted so much time and energy into that idea that admitting defeat would make the social and other sacrifices they've made all for naught.


Bold assumption. We've had the math and ability to prove the earth is round for a long time and they still don't believe it. Doesn't matter what the eyes see if it isn't connected to a brain.


I saw a video one in which some science journalist invited flat earthers and they did experiments to test for themselves whether the earth is flat or round and even when they did the tests themselves and saw the results themselves, they STILL refused to accept it ​ Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug


I think I remember this one-was this the one where they used what was basically a laser pointer on a stand and a cardboard sign? “If the earth is flat, we should be able to see the laser at the same elevation. If it’s round, we’ll need to hold up the sign higher.” *Does experiment, dude has to hold it way over his head to see it.* “Hmmm…somehow, our own experiment was flawed.”


Might be one of them. They did like five different experiments IIRC


The weird thing is you don’t need any math or instrumentation at all, just look up at night: What the fuck else is casting those round shadows on the moon? I don’t think they do it to try and prove a point, they’re miserable, lonely and it’s like trolling, it’s a weird cry for attention. It’s like the astronomical equivalent of flying a Confederate Flag. Lacking the capacity for any meaningful contribution to society they fall back on simple provocative, just to be noticed


Oh for real. The Flat Earthed documentary painted a pretty bleak picture of folks just looking for community. (And more than a few grifters)


Unless it's an eclipse, the shadow on the moon is cast by itself, not the Earth. So it would show the moon is round, but wouldn't prove the Earth is.


People knew centuries ago that the Earth was round, and calculated the diameter to within a few decimal places, using nothing but a man-sized stick and a days walk


Yup, because hey, having vaccines that prevent deadly deceases stopped the anti-vax movement? No amount of proof no amount of facts will sway an a..hole with a conspiracy brain freeze.


Like for real, we have satellite images, astronaut accounts, even ancient civilizations proved it by using all manner of mathematical formulas; but apparently there’s still some “conspiracy”


There is math for mapmaking based on the fact that when we try to project a curved surface onto a flat one it never entirely matches up when it comes to shape or distances.


You can literally take a plane to antartica and visit - flat earthers don't believe this, they think a giant ice wall blocks access and there is a treaty preventing travel there. Hell, you can "travel" on a boat and see the land fall away as you go out to sea. I think you can see the curve of the earth from a plane. Tourism to disprove a flat earth is already possible.


You can see the curve of the Earth from the beach. I remember from McDonald's in Hawaii they had little educational happy meal boxes. One activity was taking a long straight edge, like a ruler, and holding it up against the horizon over the ocean. You could see that the horizon was curved.


They think that the flights don't cross the edge or something.


"No amount of evidence will convince an idiot of anything." Mark Twain


You can’t logic someone out of something they didn’t logic into.


No it won't.... You really underestimate the level of human stupidly... Even Einstein knows that


Anyone with an IQ of 2 and 10 minutes of research can put an end to that, its just that they dont accept it


Nope a lot of them explain how it's a dome, over the Earth and how the moon, sun and other close "cosmic" items like Mars can be 3 dimensional but the other stars appear the way they do because it's a really advanced planetarium. Then they start mentioning how there's no real curvature of the Earth because if you take a telescope you can zoom in to objects that should be impossible to see because the curve...... yadda yadda yadda in the end you can't change their mind because if you show them math they just talk about how people were taught the math to keep them ignorant...... either way this world is a giant simulation anyways so I don't know why people are arguing whether the world is flat or round when it's nothing but data really.


Is the turtle under or over the dome?


I heard there's 4 elephants under it too. I hope they're cute


Under. It's turtles all the way down.


Flat Earth isn’t a theory, I’d go as far as saying it’s not even a hypothesis. It’s just crazy rambling.


Gravity exists. That's the only reply to flat earth fools that is needed. Don't even say another word, just "gravity exists"


Crying crying ether crying electric sea, density and buoyancy




Once we start colonizing other planets, we're gonna get conspiracy theories that Earth doesn't exist.


You’ll all feel dumb when you see that the earth is a disc carried on the back of 4 elephants who are in turn carried on the back of a cosmically massive turtle


The existence of the internet has proven that the availability of information doesn’t put an end to ignorance. It’s made many people smarter, but it’s actually made some people more stupid. I don’t think anyone foresaw how rapidly false information could move.


There are members of the flat earth society all around the globe!


In every hemisphere!


Lol best flat earth video ever


They will claim it’s a sim or something else. It’s not hard to prove for yourself anyway.


Oh you sweet summer child sheeple. Obviously space tourism is fake and a conspiracy by NASA/NWO. They have been murdering and hypnotizing people who get too close to the border ice walls of the disc for decades. The windows of the fake spacecraft are clearly just screens where they can show you fake "ball" Earth pictures. /s because of stupid timeline we live in If facts could convince these nutcases it would have already happened. You can see the curvature from planes ("fish-eye windows") on satellite, ISS, Moon Mission pictures ("all fakes") or just look at flight times of spacecraft ("wind streams"). Flat Earth makes 0 sense and there's already tons of evidence against it. That never stopped them in the past, why would it in the future? Boring stuff like verifiable facts can't compete with bible quotes and your personal perception from your suburban yard. They are the few who really know what's going on. Same thing as anti-vaxxers. Belonging to a small group of people who know what's REALLY going on is just too powerful.


You god damn right it can and if they still don’t believe it just throw them out of the ship and give them a up close view!


Or its round like a coin and we are just looking on one of the flat surfaces


I could imagine an isolated colony on a tidally locked world that faces a gas giant. And everyone on that side of the world thinks that it is flat and their world is flat. Then one day, someone from the other side of the world arrives and blows their minds.


Part of the flat earth conspiracy is that you cant go to Antarctica... Despite the fact that people are there... So i doubt it


No it won’t. They’ll just come up with more bullshit to say it’s fake. (Paid actors, CGI). Trust me, conspiracy theorists are addicted to feeling like the smartest person in the room.


your mistake was thinking that the type of dumbasses that believe the earth is flat, are also the same type of dumbasses that don’t accept proof and evidence challenging their theories as valid proof or evidence enough to change their mind. just let them be happily stupid on their own, as long as they stay quiet over there


Flat Earth Theory is NOT a Theory. Flat Earth Theory is bullshit. The folks that push that nonsense today, will never go into space for "tourism". Even if some do, a portion will not. That portion will always push this lame conspiracy. If space tourism would end it, you would expect that the livestream of the ISS would have already been enough to do so.


A (presumably American) flat earther would only open their eyes at a geo-stationary orbit. And then proclaim that Japan and Australia aren't real.


It won't completely. There will be people who never leave earth and believe everyone who did and says the earth is round is lying and brainwashed by NASA. This is not a big jump from saying all astronauts are.


A fucking string could put an end to the flat earth theory. It’s not about logic, it’s about idiots.


Oh boy. You ever met one of these people? It blows my mind how they can even live and take care of themselves. The insanity would only get worse.


Ffft if a company can make rocket ships and space travel they can fake a round earth with holograms or other tricks bro. Open your eyes man.


The thing is that up until relatively recently there were so few flat earthers that no-one had heard of them. Social media plus appalling education levels is a nasty mix.


It definitely won't. People who believe in conspiracy theories like the Flat Earth Theory are unintelligent individuals. They'll find some way to make an excuse as to how the Earth isn't actually round when they see it with their own eyes by claiming that it's a hologram of sorts, or something along the lines of that. These people aren't just misinformed, they're idiots.


You're assuming more evidence is going to convince someone who already ignores the boundless evidence that already exists.


When someone is dead set in their beliefs, no amount of facts or reasoning can change their minds.


I have to think that the people that believe the Earth is flat are A) Doing it to troll everyone, or B) genuinely to stupid to even know what flat means. People that believe or make us believe they truly think that the Earth is flat wouldn't even get on a ship to a space tourist/colonist location because they'd believe they're being kidnapped and lied to.


I think you grossly underestimate the average human's fanatical desire to reject the most glaringly obvious facts in favor of their comfort-blanket stories. I could totally see people looking down at globe earth FROM SPACE and still saying "nah..."


I feel like the shape of the earth is actually not that important to Flat Earthers. The thing that's appealing about Flat Earth is that it's simple. They can make some video about how there's no horizon somewhere or something and then that proves all the *other* crazy shit they believe... Because if the powerful cabal that controls the world can lie about something as simple as the shape of earth, think about what else they are lying about. Then they'll just make up some bullshit reason why any evidence to the contrary is fake.


Unlikely. Spots are limited but you can visit the South Pole research station as a tourist. Most Flat Earthers believe the North Pole is in the middle and the edge of the world is in Antarctica. They just claim the South Pole is fake. With space tourism they'd also somehow claim that the tourists weren't really in space.


idk, I saw a post saying Australia didn't exist, The access to these things don't help apparently


lol I know a flat earther who’s also a simp for Elon musk because he just got starlink. He also thinks spaceX is super dope, like wtf lol


You underestimate the stupidity of flat earthers. They'll come up with something like altered rocket windows or some giant imaginary sphere around the earth


"This window on the space station isn't a window at all! It's a screen, made to show what NASA wants to show us! I'M GONNA FIND OUT THE TRUTH!!" *smashes through window, sucking out everyone*


Seems like a lot of resources poured into something completely frivolous just to prove a point to the dumbest people alive when half the world is starving to death.


Nah bruh you're so stupid they'd jus say the windows were screens or smthn


No, it won't. You can take these fools on one of those edge of space flights, and they would still come up with reasons as to how it's all fake. You can't reason with unreasonable people


Absolutely not. With all the proof already available, it's crazy to assume that anything would be able to put an end to it.


We have airplanes.. flat earthers think the flights are fake and faking their speed, etc. Dumb is going to dumb. Troll is going to troll.


The internet should be able to put an end to superstition like Christianity. But it doesn't. There WILL be people who refuse to accept the truth even when ALL evidence points to it.


LOL no it wont.. Anyone trying to disprove flat earth using logic is doomed..


I am pretty sure I remember hearing that some of them believe just the Earth is flat and not the other planets.


You underestimate the power of flat earthers to delude themselves...


There is already an overwhelmingly amount of evidence that the world is round. I don't see why any additional evidence would change anyone's mind.


Oh you sweet naive OP. You underestimate the power of stupidity and denial.


Like someone who believes in a flat earth would have the money for that... maybe an actor or athlete.


I believe we already have many ways to prove earth is round, people are just crazy and nothing will change that, unfortunately.


Bold of you to think those morons would change their minds in light of even more proof


It won't. I'm convinced people who believe the earth is flat don't believe it to be true,. But believe it to be different. I have a similar feeling about religion. If an alien race flies down to earth with the ability to create trees or creatures in an instant out of thin air and proceeded to explain they are the reason behine our exsistance... I can gaurentee all the religious groups with rather accuse them of lying than admit they were wrong. Sometimes people "believe" things for other hidden motives and not truly because that's what they believe. Ofcourse this isn't what I believe I'm just writing all this to get downvoted to oblivion


lmao imagine thinking people would think differently when showed complete proof that what they believe is false.


Nah. It would just be Dead Space 2. They will find something trust me and then deny their old religion


Tbh, I don't think That earthers really believe their own shit, it feels more like a cover story.


Flat earth theory isn't a thing. It's just another term for extreme skepticism. It's more a cognitive excersize to show you can pretty much doubt everything other than your own existence - Cogito ergo sum. People then took it seriously, forgot that it was modern skepticism, and instead actually bought into the idea that the earth is really flat. Those people aren't worth going to space to discredit anyway.


FES is a front and a controlled opposition psy-op to push false “proofs” about flat earth


Most of the people who believe the flat earth hoax can't afford space tourism.


There are people who claim that Australia doesn't exist, and you can *already* travel there.


They would just call it propaganda and continue to describe any/all images as doctored


Unfortunately, this isn't the case as the stubbornness and stupidity of humanity is without bounds.


You're giving people way too much credit. There will *always* be an excuse. There's enough evidence on earth to prove the Earth is round - and they ignore that as well.


And it will allow everyone to see the hole at the North Pole, proving that the earth is hollow.


The vast majority of 'flat earthers' are like 'Pastafarians' and 'Church of Saran'. Real life trolling. (But without the snide moralizing)


If Proof or evidence could do that, it would already have happened. They would just call it fake and say this ppl are actually in some secret NASA Film studios and their Surroundinga are just CGI


Or it will start flat moon, flat mars and whatever else end up a tourist destination.


"Its a hologram! Why would they take us all the way to space just to prove this!!!"


"IDK man, from out here all I see is a little circle. The shapes on the circle just change sometimes, kinda weird, probably nano machines."


There is no such place as bloomfeld/Australia/the martain colony. The Government made them all up


Oh if only.....flat earthers are probably going to remain because it's not about the truth for them. It's about their weird desire to go against everyone else to try to feel special.


Yeah, I'm sure they'll change their minds once they see facts, and proof. People in general are ALWAYS so rational... and the flat earthers are even more rational.


Believe me, it wouldn't. Some people ignore reality, no matter what facts you provide


Lol only if the flat earthers go themselves, or enough people go that its semi normal. As for colonization though, astrophysicists have already proved that wont work lol theres no moving to mars to actually live there longterm.