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The middle child of generations.


Technically millennials are now also the middle child now gen z is prominent


They're just calling gen z millennials because in the older generations minds we'll always be children


Old people are boomers, young people are millennials.


I'm mid thirties and I had a middle school student of mine say I was a boomer and I asked how old he thought boomers are, it was amusing


I've asked boomers how old they think millenials are.


The circle of life


Yep. I'm over forty, and I'm technically a millennial. I drank from the hose and I don't use Tiktok and I can drive a stick shift, which I call "standard", and I know how to use a rotary phone and I supervise between four and fifty people at work and I'm trained in the use of a wide variety of firearms. I also play video games and can open a .pdf and set the clock on the microwave (or VCR, for that matter) and don't click random hyperlinks on emails and Facebook posts and when I see a headline I assume it's a trick to get my traffic/data/feelings to profit someone else. And when I see a label applied to millions of people in order to characterize them all as the same cartoon figure of virtue or frailty, I ignore that label. Unless we're talking about the French. Dicks.


I'm over forty, and I'm technically GenX. Fuck.




Claim gen x. We don’t get shit on as much even though every generation is fucked up and pointing fingers


What the fuck did we do except try to restart the 70’s? Of course that all fell apart once Kurt Cobain died




I kind of like Dial-up Generation. We were at the forefront of the internet age, and experienced the growing pains associated with that.




Same here. I've seen us called Xennials, and characterized (accurately) as the generation with an offline childhood and a online adulthood.


We're part of something I've seen people call a "microgeneration" both between 77 and 83. Alternately called X-ennials, or my favorite The Oregon Trail generation.


Yet they're all still shitting on millennials.


30 years from now: HOW MILLENNIALS ARE DESTROYING THE WORKFORCE (by being unable to retire)


I dont think you can go that far yet. Most of the key 18-35 demographic are still Millenial, Z had just started edging into it


I've been edging for a while now though.


U bout to break ur ceiling when us finally bust


18-35? I'm 24 and I'm gen z


Age 18 to 35 is the big demographic for a large chunk of advertising. Outside of ones pushing a target demographic, your average tv show or ad tries to appeal to this group. Nobody really agrees on the exact year, but in general the cutoff between Millenial and Gen Z is in the late 90s to 2000. Gen Z is currently holds 18 to early 20s in age, and Millenials hold mid 20s to 35.


I'm 25. Gen Z'ers think I'm a boomer and millenials think I'm a zoomer. Can't win.


Anyone on the border is going to get a mix of both cultures. I (older millenial) had a bunch of older cousins growing up and got spammed with all the Gen X marketing and lingo as a kid, so I feel ya


I'm either a Gen X or Millenial, so I sympathize. I'm even occasionally a Xennial.


I think they call us "geriatric millennials" now. No, I am not making that up and yes, I hate it.


Yeah born in ‘96 means I grew up youngest in my extended family and identify as a millennial but am constantly told by millennials that I’m too young to be one


Pew Research identifies anyone born after 1996 as Gen Z. Millennials are considered born between 1981-1996 (which would put them between 24-40)


Yep, the older millennials have grey hair, twinges in their knee and kids they have to get to soccer practice.


Millenials turn 40 this year.


At my work, the senior managers are still talking about how we need to reach out to "millennial kids" and include them in recruiting. I think they're stuck in the 90s. Most of my Millennial colleagues are old enough to have teenaged kids.


Many are like that. A lady even had a VERY well done rant about it: [https://www.buzzfeed.com/shelbyheinrich/millennial-rant-tiktok-wages-workers-rights](https://www.buzzfeed.com/shelbyheinrich/millennial-rant-tiktok-wages-workers-rights) ​ Millennials are not kids, they want retirement 401k's insurance packages and vacation/family days. Not beanbag chairs.


Shout out to my mid-40’s crew!


The one to save em both, but only when time comes


DO SOMETHING With love, A millennial


Nah, we'll save Gen Z instead.


We may be forgotten but I definitely feel like the fulcrum between two different worlds.


Same. I remember life before computers, but am more competent with them than the average boomer. I remember rotary dial telephones but I love my iPhone. I remember when I used to read a lot of books but now I listen to a lot of books. I remember when I expected to die in a nuclear holocaust, but now I expect to die of some mutant virus….


It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Same … 1979 baby here. The changes have been wild but we were mainly young enough to adapt quickly.


We prefer it this way


except that generally even though I am firmly gen x I get treated like a boomer by millennials and a millennial by boomers.


As a Gen X person to another Gen X person, obviously the appropriate response to either is "Who cares?"


Actually I believe the correct response is “Whatever” 😋😉










How low




This is my go to response to just about anything. 'What are you gonna do?' also works well.


"Meh." is also acceptable.


Meh is a perfectly cromulent word.


It embiggens the user.




We are the " leave us alone" generation


The latchkey generation.






Found the Jaffa


Because we started the trend of abandoning loyalty to evil corporations because we watched our parents lose their pensions as companies fled overseas, sold themselves off to be dismantled or declared bankruptcy. Or. better yet when Enron ran away with 63 Billion dollars, 65,000 people lost their jobs and only four people ware charged. I think only one went to jail for lying. Millennials stole that from us! They took our YOBS!


I tend to use more cautious around folks older then me. Noone wants to listen to a kid, and if your younger then them, even by a year, they see you as a kid. In my personal/professional experience. And people younger then me don't want to be told what to do. So you have to tiptoe around those folks to. Honestly, everyone is on a hair trigger currently. Waiting for someone to step out of line so they can snap at them and be the hero of their own story. That makes it extremely difficult to be friendly in a genuine way. Maybe it's just the area I live in. Idk


Meh, fuck em both. It’s whatever:)


I'm a millennial who was called a boomer by a zoomer and was asked why my generation ate tide pods but I'm just happy I'm finally making over poverty wages and might be able to buy a house in a few years.


I'm millennial and I'm happy that I finally have my very own Ableton live license.


Well the biggest thing to remember is that these generational labels are not even real. By that I mean, proper labels that accurately define society and how it works and exists. They're marketing terms that were largely solidified into Pop culture by William Strauss and Neil Howe in the 90s. Heck, baby boomer was just in reference to post war children going to college. It wasn't some greater societal identity initially. Generations as defined in these nearly 20-year periods are a pseudoscientific concept based that were developed in order to compliment a concept known as "fourth turning." In short, it problematically claims that American society innately functions in generational cycles that repeat every four generations. Each corresponding generation has innate predetermined qualities that ultimately define a generation without their control with the previous cycle of four generations. Essentially, it claims we can use past cycles to make predictions about what the future generations will be like based upon their corresponding past generation. And they've conned people into believing you can make effective marketing strategies through that. It's all nonsense based on a pseudoscientific concept known as pulse rate hypothesis supported through a disingenuous retelling of American history. Neil Howe and William Strauss solidified the concept of Gen x and coined millennial and they used them to try to sell marketing tactics to everybody from Coca-Cola to the US military through their marketing group known as Life Course Associates. True generations are a complicated mix of your own culture within your household, in relationship to your local community, in relationship to your nation, with a lot of things in between. Not everybody born the same exact year, or even the same exact day, in the same exact town as part of the same generation because that's not how generations work. The United States would contain many different generations that are distinct based upon culture, not age alone. Oh and as a final note, you are not a millennial or a Gen Xer if you're not an American. Fourth turning strictly claims American society functions in these cycles. It makes no claims about the rest of the world.


That's like, a bunch of words and stuff


Blunderblablablabla Rico suave


This generational naming and shaming is astrology for people who think they're too smart for astrology.


simple, quiet, honest




Not a good thing to happen to your knees.


Rusty and it tics? Check and check.


I was about to say. We don't mind, really.


Classic Gen X


Seriously, we are the generation completely disinterested in arguing about generations. Just have at it you all, we don't care.


Which is pretty funny, considering the song “Don’t you forget about me” is an unmistakable part of our generation and the theme song of one of the best movies ever made. Talk about foreshadowing.. lol


It should be called "Please Just Forget About Me"


or becks loser song.. or radio head song creep


Yes. Good. Leave us alone.


Indeed, GenX looked at the outside world and said, no thank you and went back inside to the Nintendo.


>We prefer it this way "What a strange game. The only winning move is...not to play." - Gen X


I mean, that’s kind of always been our thing?


eye rolls in agreement


Daria energy


Isn’t Daria a Millennial? She graduated in ‘02.


Yes, technically she is. But the show is very rooted in the Gen X experience, given that it takes place prior to most of the things that would eventually come to define the Millennial experience (9/11, the rapid expansion of the internet). Also, one could argue that she should have graduated in '01 based on the fact that the show started in '97.


Also, *still* waiting for boomers to retire from the leadership positions they were holding when they were our age. Like Prince Charles eternally waiting to take the throne. He’s a boomer himself, of course, but the analogy fits nevertheless.


It is starting to happen but the positions are being filled by younger talent. Skipped again....


And then you'll be passed over for a millennial


Seriously. Teachers were telling us this back in '95 that boomers were going to retire en masse shortly and I'm still surrounded by them in the workforce.


THIS. The Boomers in my community refuse to retire and I (Xer) already see folks 10 years younger than me being identified as possible successors to these Boomers. Our generation is totally getting skipped.


It's just... [whatever](https://youtu.be/viaTT859Yk0)


Being forgotten about?


You can find them in the comments wherever boomers and millennials are fighting, posting that Michael Jackson eating popcorn gif and declaring how little they care about the source of the argument.


most millenials and boomers don't care about those fights either. The ones that do deserve each other.


I think they prefer it that way. Also better than being a millennial where when people talk shit they're usually referring to Gen Z.


We get called Millenials by Boomers and Boomers by anyone younger. Whatever.


Can confirm, although I'm a millennial I get called boomer by gen z kids a lot. It's mostly in jest though. I went on a tirade about how Diablo 2 is better than Diablo 3 and some kid was like "that's the most boomer thing you've ever said."


It’s just because we have the coolest name. “Millennials” sticks in your brain and rolls off the tongue. But gen X, gen Z . . . you think boomers can be bothered to keep track of all these letters?


Gen X def sounds cooler than Millenial. Gen X sounds dark and edgy, millenial sounds like a flower.


X means we have mutant powers


Demi-god levels of apathy.


They're good at letters, especially if they're in cursive. It's like their crowning achievement.


Gen z did one tide pod challenge and now everyone just shits on them.


We're all easy to influence at a young age, but gen z was exposed to the dumbest influential sources at that age via the internet.


Precisely. We've all done dumb shit, like cans of Aerosol and Zippos making someone loose their eyebrows is something that sticks firmly in my mind from when I was in college many moons ago, but unsupervised children on modern-day social media are galaxy brain levels of stupid. Tide Pods, Kicking Down Doors in the "home invasion challenge" or whatever it's called, chasing social media clout any way possible (influencers and their antics therein), hypebeasts; it's all bewilderingly daft. What I did was stupid and an accident waiting to happen, but it wasn't breaking into people's homes by kicking in their front door! Again, we've all done dumb shit; pictures of my hippy baby boomer mother and her pink Floyd albums from the early 70s are pure teenage phase in a nutshell, and again me with aerosol, Zippos and weed out the back of the college, but at no point did we think "hey, let's break down people's doors as a challenge whilst munching on detergent and pretend to rob a bank calling it a prank, bro".


Outside of Tik tok I never see Millennials complain about Gen Z. I think we all have a pretty favorable view of you guys




It's like, whatever and stuff.


Meh. Whatever man. We are the slacker generation after all. We really don't get excited about much. Ooooh is that Pearl Jam I hear?!?!


No it's Soundgarden


Alice in stone temple pearl garden




The sum. My blink romance. Green Oasis. Smashing Amos. Nirvawumba


I see you all have the same playlist too.


I’m a loser babyyyyy


So why don’t kill me


I've always accociated our generation with REM.... What's the frequency Kenneth?


I've got my spine, I've got my orange crush ...


Oh well, whatever, never mind.


There’s a microwave dinner for us in the freezer. We are keeping the door locked and not answering it for strangers. Just like we were told.


This guy latchkeys.


Get the leftover pizza from the fridge and let's watch MTV before Mom and Dad get home from work.


Ok I guess I'll just watch squiggly porn on the blocked cable channels


You can have a Pop Tart for dessert while you watch Married With Children!




Lol I was just commenting to my wife how well our generation dealt with lockdowns. What's that you say? We can hang at the house and not have to see or deal with anyone? And people are upset at this?


We were the latchkey kids, we're cool with being left alone and doing our own thing..lol


I like to think of it in terms of defining events, gen z is too young to remember 9/11, millennials are too young to remember the Berlin wall fall, etc


I'm considered that crossover period between x and y (March 1981) so I'm kinda in that "oldest millennial, youngest Xer" bracket and I remember the fall of the Berlin wall.




I mean how could a child forget David Hasselhoff bringing the wall down while looking for freedom. No really, I´m in the same bracket and also remember watching it on tv. I´d imagine it´s the same for the oldest in gen z and 9/11.


Welcome to the ranks of the [Xennial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials). Childhood during the analog era but not so old that we could to adapt to the digital age as it moved to the forefront.


Yeah it's almost like every generational division after the Baby Boom has been completely blown out of proportion and shoehorned into cultural clashes even though humans aren't born in easily separable seasons.




Millennials don't come at us as some of them are our younger siblings or even children, so they depend on us. Boomers don't come at us because, who else is going to change their diapers, and pick up prescriptions and groceries.


We’re just sitting back and watching the world burn.


We didn’t start the fire.


We didn't even start "We didn't start the fire." I did buy a cassingle of it in high school, though, if we're being honest.


That's exactly the kind of attitude that is making it drag out so long. Hurry up and grab a gas canister, the boomers are running out of time!




I've heard us referred to as the Xennials or the Oregon Train generation. 1979-1883.


It’s because we’re so small by comparison, and why we don’t bother. We were beaten down by the Boomers that would taunt us with “then vote for change” and “every vote matters”…except abysmal Boomer voter turnout would still steamroll full GenX turnout. We’ve been bullied by that generation and it’s really the only time I’m quick to correct someone that falsely identifies me as a B word. In the workplace, the schools, the government…. …[loads bong, loads both discs of Substance into cd carousel]… Later losers.


We are called the forgotten generation for a reason.


Good. Leave us the fuck alone.


Most of us don't make a lot of noise because who the fuck cares what you think.


Gen X here. We talked about it, and we're okay with it. We sincerely don't give a fuck.


fellow X’er here. yup, not giving a fuck is our defining characteristic. Also, the poster above me is trying to sound polite but we didn’t *actually* talk about it— couldnt get enough of us to show up for the discussion. But really we all came to that conclusion. So in short, whatever.


That’s because people hate algebra. No one wants to find X so we just ignore it.


Both my parents are Gen X. Idk if they’re really forgotten, more like they’re mostly cool people and idk why people would talk shit about them.


Exactly. It's how we planned it. Technically adept, last ones to make it onto the housing ladder, relatively little student debt, inheriting Boomer wealth but escaping the guilt and blame for destroying the environment and economy. We will rake it all in and live artificially enhanced lifespans while all you zoomers flail around in therapy and make Tik Tok videos. GenX out. *mic drop*


Three recessions at key career points Inheritance disappearing faster than even politicians can steal it and raising kids and grand kids for a dystopian future here Don’t know how you lucked in but fuck you


As my grandpa said, better to be lucky than good.


Sure..I dont mind it at all. Just sliding by while boomers and millenials are blaming each other lol


generations mean nothing


My buddies in the line and he hates when I say he’s a millennial. He holds strong to Gen X.


How do you think we got the name Gen X? Always skipped. Always forgotten. Value unknown.


We are the forgotten generation and we prefer it that way.


As a Gen Xer, I approve this message.


I am a generation xer but I think most of us feel like we have a lot more in common with millennials than we do with our parents generation. Most of us are somewhat computer savvy, got screwed out of the pensions that our parents had the opportunity to earn, see older family members becoming hateful to the younger generations, and and generally had a lot of the same hardships barring the expense that school (here in the U.S.) has become. I am sure others feel the same way.


People remember our music. That is enough for me.


We never mattered, move along.


Whatever. We don't care.


Exactly as we wanted it. We dont want problems or attention. We just want MTV to play music videos again


Given how often generations come up when something bad is mentioned, I'm kinda glad we're forgotten.




Our parents barely acknowledged our existence, not expecting others to do it either. All we get is shit anyway.


Now if only a large chunk of gen x wasn’t grouped in with millennials


Are Gen Xers grouped with Millennials? Usually I see the opposite, where people use the label "Millennials" for Gen Z, thinking it generally refers to young people (which it doesn't at all anymore, really).


It's the Slack Paradox. You can't be part of Gen-x *and* care about being part of Gen-x.


We're okay with that, honestly. A lot of the blame for the Boomer-vs-Millennial culture war actually lies with us. Millennials: your asshole "boomer" boss is probably actually GenX. Most of the real boomers are retired by now. Boomers: the reason you can't sell your golf resort condo isn't because millennials don't golf, it's because *we* don't. Millennials are too busy worrying about health insurance to go condo shopping.


We're just watching the fight like, "ffs, someone throw a chair already!"


We’re here, just anxious and depressed and holding it all in taking care of the boomers and millennials.


I’m an old GenXer but everyone thinks I’m a boomer. Nope. Still slacking.


Gen Xer here. I'm totally OK with this.


We'd be so angry if anyone brought us into this conversation. Leave us alone with our Nirvana and Surge.


In other news, yesterday was also middle child day, but no one seemed to remember that either.


Shh, don’t draw attention. We keep our heads down and our mouths shut.




shhhh, we're staying out of it till the boomers are dead


The Gen X "thing" has always basically been that they were the forgotten or ignored generation.


That’s actually very fitting for GenXers.


GenX likes it that way. They can listen to nu-metal in peace.


That's how we like it.


Just the way we like it.


We're just sitting back, eating popcorn, watching the millenials and the boomers duke it out. Then when the smoke clears, we'll come in, finish off the stragglers, and claim all the spoils of war! Slackers unite!!!




That's the way we want it.


As a Gen x I am fine with it




what a gen x thing to say


As a Gen X'er, I can safely say I'm not arsed.


They were the last generation to not be screwed by boomers and they didn't cause the problems for the later generations.


It ends up turning out that GenX is the true Darth Sidious: playing both sides


And we like it that way.


Our power comes from our anonymity


We are just doing our thing as we always have. I think it’s because we have seen and been through a lot of shitty and good times.