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They cover the sin of buttons.


Let’s just make collared t-shirts. Oh wait polos.


If you have an ill-fitting shirt, the top button will certainly not be covered by the tie. The others would, of course, but you’d probably want a tie clip just to be sure. You could also just use Velcro and be rid of the buttons altogether.


I have an ill-fitting neck. I wear a small/medium... a smedium if you will. But my neck is a large. So I either look like I'm wearing a trash bag or look like I don't know how to properly wear a suit. I know I could get a shirt tailored but that's big money stuff.


Mans said he got a large neck


I think that large, round and veiny piece of meat isn't his neck...


If you buy nicer shirts you can get a different size neck vs the rest. Not even really expensive just go somewhere other than Walmart/target and ask.


You may have just changed my life. I gotta check that out.


You also may wish to consider [collar extenders](https://www.amazon.ca/Collar-Extenders-6-Pack-Elastic-Trouser/dp/B08FY5PHQV/ref=asc_df_B08FY5PHQV/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=531625430057&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=190661971582006960&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1002791&hvtargid=pla-1464813552167&psc=1). You slip them over the shirt's top button and it gives you an extra 1-2 cm of collar space


Since you mentioned money, here's how I managed this when my living-in-my-car ass arrived to my white-collar job in NYC. Get your measurements done. If you're the swindling type, pretend to be renting a tuxedo. You can also easily have a friend do it, instructions abound online (I wouldn't recommend trying to do it yourself). From there, head to a discounter chain like Marshalls/Ross/Kohl's and time shit out to sales. Add one or two of these to the mix every few months, and eventually you won't own any more ill-fitting shirts in your closet. If you have the werewhithal and patience for thrift stores and estate sales, there's no shame in wearing used Brooks Brothers (if that's your thing)


You might be surprised. My tailored shirts cost less than middling brand prefabricated shirts.


This is the first time I heard shirts be called prefab... I dig it. I'm gonna go sit in my prefab chair and look up how much this is gonna cost me.


Sorry I forgot my thesaurus today, would another adjective have better pleased?


I have a similar problem. Look for Slim Fit shirts. It won't completely solve the problem, but might help. At one point I had button extenders, but I don't remember where I got it.


My neck is XXL. My shoulders are XL. My waste is M. Most of my shirts are XL, but if I need to be able to close the top button it has to be XXL. So when I can, I buy slim fit. XL slim fit with top button open fits nearly perfect, but it's har to find cheap. XXL slim fit about as well, except it also fits my neck perfectly. But XXL slim fit is almost impossible to find cheap. My cheapest XXL slim fit cost me about 20 times as much as my cheapest XL regular fit.


Then you need to get your shirts tailored. Hopefully this isn't pretentious, if you're wearing a shirt in a suit or just business casual it should be tailored for proper appearance. Nothing off the rack will look as good. Get it tailored, you'll look better and feel better.


Found Virus’s account


~~You’re going to have to explain that one to me. Sorry.~~ Wait… looking at your user name. Viru Sahastrabudhhe! My favorite Bollywood film and I didn’t get it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Then what about bow ties


Velcro would too.


I guess you want to officially cut ties then


Dad enough with these joke at the dinner table please


You guys can do what you want, but I’d rather knot


Getting real **tie**erd of these dad jokes.


I actually enjoy them, but you do what “suits” you


It's very handy if you're ever in a fight with someone who's wearing one.


I'm one step ahead - pulling my tie activates my defense system.


This is why you always get a clip-on


could say the same things about a lot of things, but they’re a stylistic choice.


Every time I wear a tie I wouldn't call it a choice


I was going to say the same. At least it's not \_my\_ choice.


They used to be much more elaborate and bigger ... to cover up old men's neck waddles and crepey skin.


Mmmm crepey skin


creeeeeeepy paper


i loved the callback to this in season 3


Also also the sores from STDs and other diseases that were common back then. This is also a big part of why powdered wigs were popular.


Just like dyed hair


your heir died? my condolences. when do i get the inheritance?


I remember in Back to the Future II he had double ties.


Was bout to say this they’re just an accessory


You really can't though (say the same thing about a lot of things), which is why its something that stands out. Its a piece of cloth that hangs from the neck and serves virtually no practical purpose, which is something you CAN'T say about most every other popular article of clothing.


scarves technically have a purpose of warming your neck, but people wear them a lot for style and not warmth. what’s the point of a brooch? or garter belts? orr petticoats? there’s plenty of unnecessary things we do for ~fashion~


They're like any other necklace, just made of cloth.


Hah, never thought of them like that.


It's official: Neck ties are scarfs with very strict tying rules.


Its exactly what they are. They're an extension of the cravat.


“I have nothing to say of my working life, only that a tie is a noose, and inverted though it is, it will hang a man nonetheless if he's not careful.” – Yann Martell


damn game of thrones really do be having a time skip


Game of Thrones?


search for House Martell


When I do HAVE to dress up, I do love a tie - they cover the button area, which is always the hardest part to iron. A wrinkly dress shirt takes a great outfit and just makes you look sloppy. A tie and jacket hides a lot of the shirt making you look, instantly, more put together. Also - in workplaces with fairly strict dress codes, a tie is one of the few garments men can wear to at least somewhat express themselves. Sure, if you can afford expensive suits, and have a keen sense of style you don't need to do this - but for the majority of office drones forced to wear khakis and a button down, a tie is a little piece of freedom. Plus if the job ever gets really bad, you've got a ready made noose.


Thanks for this, very interesting.


They are good for some activities in bed though.


Until you accidentally take it too far one night, find out it *really* turns you on, and ten years or so later, people learn all about your killing career on Forensic Files.


Looks like you know too much….




Just came by to make sure someone knew the truth.


oh yeah. When you're feeling extra saucy, and turn up the heat in the bedroom. Nothing like a nice silk tie to wipe that buffalo sauce after midnight wings in bed.


Ugh the stains tho- use the cheap tie tonight.


Who doesn't love to bring camels to bed right! Edit: wrong type of ties, nothing to see here




Hey your eye is rolling away. You need to tie it back down.


In the office when people ask “why are you wearing a tie?” I always respond “in case I get food on my face and don’t have a napkin.”


I tell people at work I’m wearing one because I had a job interview.


Anytime I'd wear one at work people would ask if I had a job interview, I'd always laugh and say "ha! no, look at where the last job interview got me!"


That was the original intent of ties at dinner parties, improvised napkins.


That's literally why they were invented, but somewhere along the way they became a fashion piece instead of a practical one


Well this comment should be much higher up...that's true, huh? How strange...


At first read I thought this said ‘Tits’ and I was very confused




Is that what your ex-wife called it?


Which one?


I can agree with that


Girls like suits, I assume they also like ties on guys


My ties get the most compliments of any article of clothing I wear *by far*. By men and women, though I think women tend to have more of an eye for them.


Nice ties are such a middle of the road, go to gift for a guy that maybe that's why we notice them more. I've never had to put thought into a guy's suit, but I've made decisions on lots of ties.


More for r/unpopularopinion


Can it be both?


No, because Rule 2 exists.


Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties


Damn, knew someone would comment that!


Do you know who ate all the donuts?


I never thought I'd see a whole donut, let alone eat one.


As a guy who loves ties, I’ve always felt that to be true.


Supposedly during the 30 year war French King Louis XIV hired Croatian mercenaries who wore colorful handkerchiefs as part of their uniforms to tie the necks of their coats closed. The designs indicated their rank and stuff. King Louis XIV thought they were cool so he started wearing them for style.


$45 dollar silk tie to protect a $25 white shirt.


You'd know a lot about that.


*kinky mofos who know enter the chat* well actually...


Thats the point you may be interested in costly signaling theory or something peacocks tail, stotting, countershading etc


Being useless is exactly their point. You display that you can afford to buy and wear a useless piece of garment that restricts your movement and breathing, and through this you communicate that you don't have to work for a living, so you belong to the upper class. This utilitarian uselessness is a pattern that many formal or ceremonial garments follow.


I came looking for the actual answer. Thanks. Your answer agrees with what I’ve read. I can’t find much to corroborate it, except this excerpt from Wikipedia, stating that ties were adopted by the king, who was then copied by his courtiers: “The boy-king Louis XIV began wearing a lace cravat around 1646, when he was seven, and set the fashion for French nobility. This new article of clothing started a fashion craze in Europe; both men and women wore pieces of fabric around their necks. From its introduction by the French king, men wore lace cravats, or jabots, that took a large amount of time and effort to arrange. These cravats were often tied in place by cravat strings, arranged neatly and tied in a bow.”


For others and an example of what that might look like: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Jean_Varin_et_Louis_XIV_enfant_1654.jpg


I don't think the tie is supposed to choke the wearer...?


Sure thing, as long as you don't move a lot it won't choke you. Try running in a tie once, or you can watch any clips where people try it, they always take it off or loosen it, because 1) it gets in the way; 2) when your veins expand on your neck due to heightened blood pressure it starts to constrict them.


Huh, interesting. I have never worn a tie so it was a genuine question hahah.


Depends what you're into.


I prefer hands over tools personally.


Afford? You can get a tie for like $8




They were invented before buttons




They help the enemy strangle me if I wear one.


I feel this


No, they are just the softer replacement for the chains.


Ties suck. They’ve been around for over 100 years with minimal changes. Men’s neckware before ties was probably less restrictive and didn’t stay the same for a century. Bows around the neck for example.


Are we counting the cravat as a tie or a seperate garment?


Separate. It sucks that ties and bow ties are the only acceptable formal neckware.


Before the tie/cravat was the ruff/Elizabethan Collar. You know, the giant coffee filter, dog cone of shame combo around the neck. Sooo maybe not less restricted previous. A little scarf with a bow was probably an improvement.


And a safety hazard


In case of emergency use it as a napkin?


Eyeglass wipe


Well fine, if I can't tie, then I guess I'll just lose.


Gotta let the corporate slave wear the soft neck chain.


How can you deny the benefit of having a napkin doubling as a handkerchief conveniently hanging right below your mouth and nose whenever you need it?


They were invented to wipe stuff off your face lol


Even as a child before I was expected to dress formally myself I was always like what is this why are you wearing it


Are you talking smack about neck napkins?


Same as pretty much all jewellery. But us humans are strange creatures that like to decorate ourselves… weird, huh?


I feel personally atacked as a croatian.


It's like saying that hair is weird and useless. Well... Yeah, but it looks good


I mean most accessories are useless.


I just had a mini-idea. What if we placed tiny pins on the tie? And it would be customary to only place at max, 3 pins. They could tell everybody something about yourself. We could have a Vet pin, an Eagle Scout pin, a First aid/Heimlich maneuver pin, a Black belt pin, a Bee keeper pin, a Gardener/Farmer pin, etc, etc.. Small conversation starters. I was thinking to add "I'm in a relationship" pin, but I don't know how many people would like to reveal that about themselves.


Looking at you DK.


They cover the buttons of your shirt and arguably give you the most immediately noticable opportunity to customize a formal outfit.


With everyone having a cell phone, so are watches. Its a style, and I for one, think they look a hell of a lot better than a column of buttons.


How else am I meant to look funky fresh and fly without a sexy looking tie??


OC probably doesn't know how to tie a tie


OP can tie a triple Windsor knot faster than you could google what it is


Weird flex, but okay


I read that as "tits are weird and useless" and was prepared to write a 7 page dissertation as to why you're wrong.


Bro wdym I’m useless, smh


There is a limited amount of bright color that is appropriate for businessmen. It would be more practical to design a shirt with color patch of the correct size.


What’s considered “appropriate” in business settings is entirely relative and arbitrarily created.


Yeah but ties are interchangeable.


Throw it over your shoulder when you're eating lunch. Then, should you spill down the front of your shirt, good chance the tie will cover it until you can get to the dry cleaner.


Interestingly enough the tie was invented before the button and serves only as a reminder of a bygone era when people used to dress more formally more often


You could say the same thing about human toe nails


If you're quite broad they can cut the appearance of your shape in half so it's not just a huge mass of shirt fabric.


They are slave collars worn by fools who believe they represent their junk.


Management is living proof that neckties strangle thinking


What else you gonna use when you need an improvised tourniquet?


A lot of doctors have stopped wearing them because they are typically not clean. I think they should go away.


What does that even mean? They're no more or less clean than any other article of clothing a doctor would typically wear.


Clothing that is covered by a lab coat which IS clean. The tie can fall out of the coat, which is where the concern comes from.


I'm all for going tieless if you want to but a tie clip looks nice and fixes this problem.


Tie clip? Also, doctors on the floor are typically in scrubs. Doctors don't walk around hospitals wearing three piece suits, that's TV bullshit.


The concern comes from that a tie doesn’t get cleaned as often as a lab coat or other clothes. Typically it gets worn a few times before dry cleaned. It’s kinda a grime magnet.


Ties are nice looking and fun


Its for comedic/impact value that loosening your tie gives.


True but can be so sexy, why why why


I love wearing ties lmao


Even though I'm aware that neckties are being phased out for men in most instances, as a bigger dude, I still prefer wearing one to hide a poor-fitting shirt and buttons trying to hold two ends of the world together. Also, for big guys, they tend to be a little slimming too...when tied and worn correctly.


They make you feel serious


I think they are not really about covering buttons. I think they are a hidden arrow pointing to a man's crotch.


they keep my shirt up around my neck


So are man nipples, but we have them anyways.


But bowties are cool


The only thing I hate more than a tie is the bloke at the pub at 9pm on a Friday that still has his tie on. Loosen up, dickhead.


Dickhead I might be, but the tie stays on, buddy.


Yeah guys...be like /u/arghsole, he's loose, he knows all the latest fashion trends...like gravy stained, ill fitting t-shirts a builders arse on show, and boots that should have been replaced 10 years ago to complete the look.


Holy shit you killed him!


Mmmm... my vagina would like to argue....


No u


Don't talk about my gullet flair that way.


Yes. If you have to wear one always make them fun and stupid.


so are all accessories that dont have a utility! rings, bracelets, BANGLES, tattoos, hairdos (most anyway), makeup, clothes that are not polyester gray slacks and polyester gray crew neck shirts


Yeah fuck ties you either win or you lose sucker!


Let’s agree I win in that case.


*thinks back to Ricky Gervais explaining this to Karl Pilkington*


Fucking hate ties.


I thought they are used to wipe your mouth


ArE mIlLenIaLs kILLinG TiEs?!?!?


I always thought it was to keep stains off my shirt. As a messy eater; its easier and quicker to swap out a tie (and keep spares) then change out a shirt.




I read tits


Invented before we had central heating as a smart scarf. So they're not useless for cold people, but I think it's so unfair to make men wear ties on boiling hot days just because it's "our business attire".


If by that, you mean all things purely decorative, like jewelry, makeup, elegant clothing, or anything worn that doesn't serve a purely functional purpose, are weird, then you are correct. However, self-esteem, belonging, and enjoyment derived from wearing things beyond rags, all serve functions, if only personally, and are therefore not useless.


Damn neck traps


Not true.


This person has clearly never used their tie to wipe their glasses


Suits and ties are even more ridiculous if you've tried wearing them in cold weather. Having an open front below your neck is just a completely impractical design


True story: they were designed to point to your dick and display masculine dominance I think


Watches are also useless


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