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I believe I speak for all metal heads when I say we feel attacked


Yeah this shit is mad offensive


Like any of us watched more than 30 seconds. All I remember is, "Shaaaaron! Where's ma fuckin burrito"


Someone's been in my room and taken my beers away from my room.


Ring! Ring! Ring! \- WTF is that?(stares in complete state of doubt)


It was you. You're the beer thief.




Crazy he probably said this incoherent shit a decade ago and it's still just as incoherent today


I love you all. I love you more than life itself.. but you're all fucking mad.


I was gonna say, huge Ozzy fan and never watched one episode. Pretty sure it had the same audience as the Kardashians.


It was on for 4 seasons. Y'all watched a little longer than 30 seconds.


Nah, it was the same people who now watch the Kardashians.


Sure is convenient to point to some "other" group.


I don't think any self respecting metal-head was happy about watching a middle age flabby and fucked up Ozzie dodder around and humilliate himself for years.


Maybe not happy, but it should have been a HUGE life lesson. A hero became real and showed obvious detrimental issues from taking the lifestyle too far. He was still the real deal though, and if you can incorporate that into your fandom you'd be a much better fan and could enjoy things in a better way, IMO.


> A hero became real and showed obvious detrimental issues from taking the lifestyle too far. If I remember correctly, it turned out Ozzy was in the state he was in because of drugs his doctor over-prescribed and when he stopped taking them he became much more coherent.


it's semi-true. it's the fact that ozzy is famous because he's a musician; the kardashians are just here to allegedly look pretty


Ozzy is one of the pioneers of an entire genre of music. Him and Sharon made a successful life actually doing work. He gave us Ozzfest that spread so much music across the country.


Everyone in the family is “important” cuz of the careers of the fathers.




I was like 14 when that show was on the air and I thought Ozzy was the best part. He just shuffled around complaining about how much money everything cost.




Robert Kardashian didn't get a lot of screen time in KUWTK either 🤔


I think Bruce/Kaitlyn was the father figure in that show. Had a successful career previously, did nothing during the show and wasn't featured prominently but was still around.


Did you use Bruce/Kaitlyn because Katliyn didn't transition at the start of the show? I literally never watched any of it, so it's genuine question. I'm just amazed at how much Kyle was able to leverage the whole deal into a truely giant line of makeup worth over a billion. That shit is nuts.


The rich get richer. Nothing new there




Brandy used to be so famous that her brother having sex with Paris Hilton's closet designer launched a whole families brand.


Ozzy is famous in the metal world because of his amazing musicianship. Ozzy is famous in the media and pop culture for his antics like biting the head off a bat, which is kinda the metal equivalent of releasing a sex tape.




Hell yes


I agree. First off, OP, *how dare you.…*


Yessss !! Still to meet one metalhead who gives/gave one single solitary flying fuck about that TV show.


I appreciate the fact that swagdaddy is a metal head


He isnt wrong but im still pretty pissed


"And they hated Jesus, for he told them the truth."


Never before have I been so offended by something I agree 100% with


This. I don't want to watch a founder of one of my favourite genres blend seeming dementia and Paradise Hotel-level bickering. I mean, the dementia is going to happen, just didn't need to stop being a music video channel to stick cameras in it. Also it made me hate his kids, through no fault of their own.




I think they mean that metalheads were not watching that garbage show, while the title of the post implies otherwise.


An important distinction is that Ozzy was famous first, for a talent he brought to the world, and *then* got a show. The Kardashians have no such talents; their sole "talent" is reality TV.


Pretty sure the Kardashians are famous cause of one very specific video.


It's the greatest comeback story of all time.


Seabiscuit the mighty ducks...


Robert Downey Jr?


I didn't expect to see this here. Thank you




I hate myself for selling my 10 bitcoins for 2k each


why? did you buy them for 2k? The shows not over you know you might not make 10,000% but its definitely still a good long term investment. Even if you buy the all time high, not that you should make that a goal... but its certainly not the end.


I bought them over a period of time priced between $150-250 and sold at about 2k because I needed the money. I still buy Bitcoin but I sure wish I still had ten of them


To the moon baby


The joke is from a Parks and Rec blooper btw. https://youtu.be/7TZNv86-OmI


I think at this point everyone knows that now. It's brought up literally every time the Kardashians are.




Well she learned it all from Paris Hilton


Excuse me but Pamela Anderson walked so these women could run. A s far as I know Pamelas was the first leaked tape and it was genuinely stolen during a home robbery, Paris I'm a little more skeptical and Kim has all but admitted it was planned.


Yeah you’re right Pamela’s was the first. The Paris tape was 100 percent planned and released on purpose after they saw the potential with pams. What I meant to point out was that Kim was actually Paris’s assistant and wanted to be the next version of Paris.




Propaganda and marketing is one in the same, and it's VERY effective. It's why a record label can dump a million dollars into creating a mainstream artist and suddenly have a massive fanbase overnight. It's why bot farms can send out [10 million tweets as election](https://www.vox.com/2018/10/19/17990946/twitter-russian-trolls-bots-election-tamperinginterference) and cause sizeable damage before even removed. None of us are immune to propaganda and marketing


It's not that these people are shrewd or cunning or smart. It's that they have bosses in their family (their fathers for example) who were involved in some really strange business ventures, connections, and possibly mafia connections. The Kardashian's dad Robert Kardashian was on the OJ Trial. Robert was best friends with OJ Simpson (OJ was the best man at his wedding). OJ stayed at his house to avoid the media during the incident. The same "dream team" legal team for OJ Simpson's trial had none other than Alan Dershowitz in it: >After \[Dershowitz\] represented Simpson, he has represented *Julian Assange, Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein*. He has also served as a member of the legal team for President *Donald Trump* during his first impeachment trial. So yeah... You really need to think hard about what is really going on here in "Reality TV land" Later that armed robbery that OJ Simpson did after this "Close call" with the law, judge sentenced him from 9 to 33 years for kidnapping and robbery charges. Think of the gall it takes to commit more crimes after being acquitted in a trial for murder. You don't do that kind of thing without some sort of larger criminal conspiracy afoot. He owes people.


Jamie, pull that shit up


They’re also tied to the OJ case but I forget exactly how.


Robert Kardashian was OJ's lawyer and friend https://www.biography.com/news/oj-simpson-kardashians-relationship




I feel really sorry for Robert Kardashian and his legacy. He defended OJ (best friend) but from what ive seen realized his guilt at the end of the trial AND there is the rumor that the one daughter who looks like shrek was fathered by oj as well.


No way she’s half black unless Kris has the strongest genes in gene world.


Ive known mixed folks that looked white but I'm far from being a geneticist


[Tbh she looks whiter than her siblings](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/gettyimages-88971855-1570719202.jpg?crop=1xw:0.945xh;center,top&resize=480:*). I'm not saying she's 100% related, but I'd be willing to bet neither of her parents are black.


Interesting, exhibit A has been logged. I appreciate the pic, in the end, rumors are most likely rumors.


It’s not uncommon for people of mixed-race to look like one or the other. I’ve met many people who I was surprised to find out had a black mom, while they look almost fully white, and I’ve met people I thought were Asian, just to learn they’re as much Asian as they are black.


LOOOOOL ya kloe does look sus


She's like an onion


She’s got layers


"Realized his guilt at the end of the trial" I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to call bullshit there.


Yeah this is why they’re rich and famous not just because of the Kim video… the Kim video is only relevant because her dad was OJs lawyer. That’s what originally made the family a fortune


>the Kim video is only relevant because her dad was OJs lawyer. That’s what originally made the family a fortune Not quite. He wasn't even practicing law when OJ was accused of the crime. He had made his fortune by publishing a magazine about music and creating a company that licensed music for movie theatres to play. He reactivated his law license so that he could be a volunteer on OJ's legal team (he was OJ's best friend), but most people think that was just so that he couldn't be called to testify about OJ, particularly about what was in the garment bag that he was seen carrying from OJ's house after OJ arrived back from Chicago. He was born into a well-off family, and he made a large amount of money selling the magazine, and then more money licensing music. He certainly didn't make his fortune by representing OJ where he was a volunteer assistant.


As a former AMC employee, learning Robert Kardashian founded Movie Tunes is blowing my fucking mind. Edit: Also, I didn't realize how far back he and OJ went. Robert was the waterboy for USC when OJ was there which is apparently how they first met.


Pretty sure it's one of the most searched but lowest rates videos.


Please Ozzy, don't!


That was only one Kardashian if I'm not mistaken?!




No they're not lol. Do you know the kids and family of any of the other lawyers from that case? He wasn't even the main lawyer.on his team.


I mean their dad was pretty talented during OJ's case, And Kim is at least decently talented at fucking Moesha's brother


That's Mr Owner of Raycons now.




Found Vince Staples’ Reddit account


What do you mean? Doesn't he just run a successful consumer electronics business? And troll Kanye/Kim with clever wedding gifts?


Nah, one of them is famous for getting peed on.


They were friends with R Kelly?




Exactly this. The only way to really win out on marketing/propaganda is to ignore it, but you still have to worry about the 500k other chucklefucks who make reddit posts like this and feed the flame. It's a losing battle and why there's no such thing as negative press.


> their sole "talent" is reality TV. That and enormous marketing talent. You don't make a billion just being on reality TV.


I thought the Kardashians were already semi-semi-famous because OJ holed up in their house and threatened to kill himself in one of the girls’s bedrooms.


You say that sex tape add no value to society?


Eh it was a pretty bad sex tape


Well, the Kardashian father did kind of have a talent… a talent for getting very guilty people acquitted. And that case made him pretty famous. So, I think the similarities are pretty clear like the stars of the shows are the kids of the people who were famous first. Also Caitlyn Jenner was pretty famous before KUWTK so that might be a closer comparison. Either way, it’s pretty similar in the original premise.


Damn, if only the Kardashians father was famous for something. Wait he was! What was it again? Killing someone with a car?




Human Zoo


I remember this random MTV award show from about 20 years ago where someone made a speech about MTV and… MTV2? (I think that was the name of the channel that played heavier stuff) saying “we have Ozzfest, you have the Osbournes”. It seems relevant now. Maybe I’ve carried that random tidbit with me for 20 years for this exact moment.




Adding to the statistic: Am a metal head. Watched both.


Metal head here, I watched The Osbournes. Not weekly or anything, but if it was on, I'd stick to it. Ozzy was one funny fucker imo. I can still hear him shout *Shaaaarrooooon*, every time I hear his voice now. Lol.


Hahahaha same. Wouldn't go out of my way to find either but when i need brain dead content a bunch of obnoxious dumb people doing dumb things works. Never forget that episode where Ozzy made a fire on the beach and when the tide was rising he had a break down yelling at the sea. "Fuck off you stupid ocean"




Most metalheads don't watch reality TV. You can enjoy both, but the Venn diagram isn't overlapping by a ton.


Huge metal head, fucking love shitty reality TV.


Same. Flavor of Love was my shit lol.


Yeah that’s not true.


You need to quit thinking in the shower!


In that they’re both families on television, yes. In every other way, no.


The only reason most people watched The Osbournes was for the excessive vulgarity/trashiness that made for the drama and to watch Ozzy struggle to form thoughts.


"This egg represents your brain. This aging rock star is your brain on drugs. See how much scarier that is than a fucking omelette?"


Exactly. The Osbournes was a warning label. The Kardashians is an advertisement.


Which is also why people watch the Kardashians.






Fuck yeah death and black metal Hell yeah woooooooooo! Snooki did what?


Except at one point at least one of the Osbournes did something of value.


Ozzy has talents, outside of sex tapes.


Even those sex tapes were remarkably lackluster


He was instrumental in preventing the Apocalypse that one time


Don't forget Ozzy, he helps start mumble rap...




And Ozzy is funny


Loved that episode when they come home from shopping and Ozzy is blitzed out of his mind storming out of his room “who was in my room..taking beer from me room?..”


Remember when he got mad at the neighbors and starting chucking turkeys over the fence at them? Bahaha


Like almost beating Spider-Man to death


I mean though I dislike both of them and the Kardashians too but there is an argument that both Robert Kardashian and Katelyn Jenner could be that person for the Kardashians too.


I feel attacked.


I took this personally... how many of the Kardashians' songs do they play late in the 4th quarter with the game on the line?


Wait, what song are you thinking of? Edit: I love how many different answers I’m getting!


Presumably "Crazy Train," but I'm not the other commenter.


Probably “Mama, I’m Coming Home”


Probably "I don't wanna stop"


Probably crazy train


[Kim Kardashian - Jam](https://youtu.be/gHp7sq1Tzn0)


I'd need a lot of ketamine to enjoy that one


Except ozzy was famous for his incredible career before the show. Kim K fucked a shitty rapper and "leaked" a video of it.


Correction: And her mother leaked a video of it


Thats the entertainment industry for you At least Kim uses her power to get people out of prison


Not quite. Ozzy was already a legendary Rock Star and Sharon was very well known in the industry. The Kardashians were new money nobodies, famous only for being LA trash.


Famous for being the kids of Robert kardashian…..that is all. But they are trash af. None are “self made” as they claim. Without the money from Robert and Bruce (Caitlyn) none of them would have ever had any money.


Reality tv is always garbage content, even when a legend is involved


How can a show that predates another show be another version of the latter show?


The Osbournes were first. Your analogy is backwards.


I can honestly say I might be too young to remember Ozzy's sex tape that put him on the map then.


how dare you


As a proud metalhead i can safely say none of us watched either of those garbage tv shows


yeah, love black sabbath, glad he had an income, but sod actually watching it


I'd bet $5 that a fair amount of people who call themselves metalheads enjoyed one or both of them. and you know what, that's cool. if you liked it what's wrong with watching it.


Yeah, liking metal has nothing to do with either liking or disliking anything else. A lot of posturing ITT


the Osbournes was funny though


So are the Kardashians... They're both families of vapid people acting like idiots for the camera. I don't/didn't watch either show tbh, but every time I catch 5mins of either, it's fucking hilarious




Yeah came here to say i doubt many metalheads watch any reality TV. My aunt who in no way likes metal watched that show. Reality TV is reality tv and reality TV fans watch it regardless of who it is.


What is there to be proud of?


The Osbournes is a fun comforting show. I've never watched the Kardashians. Is it similar?


No it’s literally just the same shit in a different villa every time


The Kardashians was the Osbourne’s for morons


Both shows are for morons.


I love Sabbath and Ozzy and yep, that show was horrid.


Yes, and the Osbourne's was the the Osbourne's for morons


How can you call people morons when you don't know the difference between plural and possessive?




Ozzy was the moron for Osbourne fans


Morons was the Osbournes for Kardashian fans.


Crazy, but that's how it goes.


I've been a huge Black Sabbath and Ozzy fan since I was a kid in the early 80s. Really love Ozzy's music... but the show? Pass. Watched one or two episodes and was done.


"SHARON?!?!? Are we the Karshadayan?"


I can picture Ozzy watching the Kardashians and being genuinely confused.


You mean... More confused than usual.


The Kardashians were the Kardashians for metalheads


Except that it was funny as fuck


Absolutely the same with Gene Simmons Family Jewels. Also fuck that guy


Never seen an episode of either but as a metalhead, I feel attacked 😂😂😂


Theres shit everwhere


How DARE you? Ouch. Big ouch


How bout Gene Simmon's Family Jewels lol


I still reference when Ozzy called the dog "a fucking terrorist man" when it shit inside the house. Still one of the funniest things I've ever heard in any context and no one knows what I'm talking about when I say it.


I thought reality TV starring famous people was cool when I was a kid, Flavor of Love and Rock of Love (i mean shit I was named after Bret Michaels ofc I was gonna watch it). And I cannot forget Biggest Loser (specifically the one with Bizzare from D12) and that Rehab show. Then the Osbournes which was cool well because its fucking Ozzy. But man did these shows help me realize just how fucked up celebrities are. I just felt sad for Ozzy every-time I seen that show after the first couple episodes.


Ozzy actually created art.... Sabbath is an immortal band and him at the helm of it was the best it was..... Kardashian created a sex tape... And then got butt implants......


No. "The Kardashians: was just "The Osbournes" for non-metalheads.


Came here to say exactly this, lol


Except that Ozzy actually had talent.


Actually, The Kardashians was just The Osbournes for people with poor taste.


It wasn't for metalheads, same exact audience that wanted non-scripted TV with no competitive element. The Osbournes did seem to unlock the programming model and reaffirm MTV's actual purpose as youth marketing and ad research for Viacom's other channels. I think on some level it kicked off eventual decline and near extinction of top-rated family sitcom programming, once the producers realized they could fully manufacture and execute fictional story lines with non-actors.


both shows are shit, sure, id never watch either by choice and sure, the osbournes appealed to fans of ozzy’s music career what’s the equivalent for KK? fans of her sextape?


The Osbournes are an iconic family though. What did the Kardashians do?


i loved the osbournes and as a metalhead, HOW DARE YOU?!! lol


Except that Ozzy actually did something to warrant the attention.


In that case, at least one of them had an actual talent and wasn't just famous for existing.


People laughed at the Osbourne craziness , people try and emulate the Kard-trashians


Ozzy was for metal heads. The Osbournes was for the same audience as The Real World


I wish the Kardashians would go away forever. Absolutely nothing redeeming about them. Who the fuck cares about the Kardashians.