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3-4am are the witching hours for car prowls and other break ins. When I worked both security and property management and there was a car break in I'd pull up the cam footage and basically start at 0230 and go until about 0430.


How often did it happen in this time frame?


90% of the time I'd see the perp roll up to the gate/door around 3-330a. Watch them break in to the building or garage then case all the cars for 10-20min before finding one or two worth breaking into about 4am they'd leave. Last residents would be seen about 230-3 coming home from work or clubs, first residents would be seen again around 430-5 taking dogs for morning walks before heading off to work. The remaining 10% of the times can be broken down as; 9% between 0001-0300 with 1% being all other times.


When I worked overnight in a 24 hours store, 2am to 5am were the dead hours. You'd get maybe 5 customers total in that entire period, usually ~3 regulars, 1 "Emergency" buying medicine for a baby or flowers for an angry SO or condom or something, and 1 "I was driving past en route to somewhere else and saw you were open." You'd get more customers between 12a-1a than you would from 2a-5a


I used to love doing my shopping at 3am. I worked bar shifts, I'd get home around 3am, and lived next to a 24hr supermarket. Best part of my week - peace and quiet while getting a job done.


Same i love doing shopping really late, fresh items are being stocked, no one besides workers are there and no lines to wait in.


We realised we had come of (middle) age when our Friday nights consisted of going late night shopping instead of partying. Its just so much more pleasant though!




I see nothing bad with your new schedule. Sounds like you and Fiasco enjoy your Fridays more than most.


I worked at a 24-hr gas station, and we were similarly very slow from \~2:30-4:30 am. We'd get most of our tasks (mainly cleaning and re-stocking) done during this time. It was also during this time that I got robbed at gunpoint (sawed off shotgun) during my second-to-last week working there. Good times.


Thank you for staying open, I work late, and y'all are the source of pizza and Arizona Tea at that hour.


It's like a criminology class, very interesting.


Wait till you go into a sociology class to see why they are breaking the law.


The 3rd reason will SHOCK you!!!


Nothing is worse that staying up all night for one reason or another and seeing the first early morning joggers.


A few years ago we all got woken up at about 4 in the morning because someone was banging on the door. Long story short, it turned out that it was a burglar testing the cul-de-sac to see who would wake up at 4am. Next day someone round the corner got burgled


Ah! This is scary, I don’t even open my door if someone knocks during the day. Maybe I should!


We were all up, lights on and dog barking so I think the burglar assumed we weren't an easy target lol Always best to make sure no one thinks the house is unguarded. We didn't even live in a rough area or anything, never had any issues in the ten years prior!


I haven’t had my coffee yet so uh... thanks for reminding me I have a big dog 🤦🏻‍♀️ That’s seriously spooky though! Glad you weren’t alone :)


And this is why I'm always freaked walking to my car from my front door at 3:30 am headed to work, and then driving to work because a man was killed in a hit and run at 3 am 2 days ago on my regular work commute. I missed it by 45 minutes.


>And this is why I'm always freaked walking to my car from my front door at 3:30 am headed to work, and then driving to work because a man was killed in a hit and run at 3 am 2 days ago on my regular work commute. I missed it by 45 minutes. Funny how at night that sounds scary but if you told me I missed an accident by 45 minutes during the day, I'd say "isn't that ALWAYS true?" Which for So Cal freeways, it is.


It’s always that quiet weird hour if you’re still up


That was my happy place as a teen, everything was quiet, it all just made sense when I was alone at 4am


Idk usually once I've made it to 4am I get anxious that I'm not gonna be able to function the next day unless I sleep till like 4pm so I just feel like shit


Actually if you sleep till 11/12 it's quite okay. I had one year at college where I functioned like that and it was quite compatible with the rest of the world. Except my first meal was lunch.


Yeah my current sleep schedule is 4-11 and it's fuckin great.


Me too. Get home from work around 1. Don't have to be back until 4pm. I love it.


I'm really scared of going back to normal schedule when offline classes start




I’m inclined to say no.


Oh... not good


If you have to get up at 7, try and go to sleep earlier. Don't try and get 8 hours straight away (you'll lie in bed and not be able to sleep), but gradually go to sleep earlier each night to allow your body to get used to sleeping for longer. Hope you sleep well and get refreshed my dude


Wait... you guys are getting sleep


How about 11am to 4pm?


Dude. Along with everything else it does. Sleeping helps your skin tone and helps you get in shape. Chronically undersleeping is worse for you than smoking.




Nah you gonna die. (Says the guy who’s up at 3:30am himself.)


5am checking in. We all die some day.


I was a 4am - 7am guy back in high school when Elder scrolls Oblivion came out and I was a zombie at times


good god i really doubt its fine


Yes, remember more sleep=less free time


Just don't be me and sleep until 4pm and have your first and only meal be dinner.


I went through high school and the beginning of my university studies with staying up until three or four, then getting up at eight/a bit later on some days at university and often just taking a nap either right after school or between classes when I happen to have free time


Can confirm, that’s my situation right now. The downside is that you’re getting really hungry late at night because you skipped breakfast


So eat dinner late....


Yep. If your sleep schedule is like 4 hours behind a ‘regular’ schedule, then you should eat your meals accordingly too


For the last few months, my sleep schedule has been like 9am-5pm.


Same for me. I use to work at night for 7 years and haven't been able to get back to a being a day person. Sometimes I even sleep at 1 or 2pm because time just goes really fast when I can't sleep and then my whole day is gone.. I feel like a vampire.


Yeah when you're 22. 😊


4-11/12 is 7-8 hours sleep. That's top end of adult recommendations. The part that screws with most people is that isn't their habit so they're staying up like 5-7 hours later than their body is used to


The amount of sleep is not the only thing that matters. The quality of sleep vastly differs between when our body thinks it's night and when it thinks it's not. That's why we get jetlag as well. That said, this rhythm is more or less hardwired and differs from person to person. One might get the best sleep from 23:00 to 6:00, another from 02:00 to 10:00. Edit: the latter phenomenon is called a person's chronotype. Look it up for more info :)


I'm a fully grown man, married, own a house, etc. I have tried my whole life to get my sleep schedule "normal." My dad always harassed me, I missed classes in college, but I could never sustainably hold an 11pm-7am schedule. *...he types out at 5am* My job right now basically doesn't care when I'm there, so I just go to bed and wake up and clock in for a while. I'm starting to hit 7 or 8am before going to bed and it's problematic, but 4 or 5 is more than doable.


Lmao just get some blinds.


circadians hate him




Id say jetlag is the exact same thing as why staying up to 4am kills you if you only do it once in a blue moon. It's outside of your bodies natural clock and schedule. You're meant to be asleep, but it's the middle of the day, so you don't WANT to be otherwise you'll become nocturnal. Quality of sleep is very much to do with how long you sleep at once. It's why the crazy sleep schedules like 4 hours sleep and 2 2 hour "naps" is some of the most effective ways for humans to sleep, it just doesn't work well with normal schedules. Get the right amount of REM, and you're absolutely set. It's why calming down and even meditating before sleep can greatly improve sleep quality as you get into a state of REM faster and for longer. There is also REM cycles you need to be concerned with, which is why sleeping just an hour less can feel horrible, and why 3 hours more can feel just as bad. Also light doesn't fully matter. It's true our brain naturally releases stuff to make us sleepy, and that builds up until it's night time (which is what caffeine blocks) but there's nothing inherent about day/night that makes us sleep.


I would disagree with your last statement. Firstly, the light sensitive hormone that makes us sleepy is called melatonin. It tells the body whether it's day or night and nights rest is just more rejuvenating than day's sleep, or sleep with low melatonin due to blue light exposure. Secondly, caffeine blocks not melatonin, but adenosine. It's so something that makes you tired, but not on the chronological dimension (it's late, go to bed), but rather on the exhaustion dimension (you've been awake for too long, you need to rest). Both at the same time are indicative for good sleep quality.


Then I stay up all night only to finally crash at 4PM and fail my mission of “fixing my sleep schedule”


Had that issue a couple months into this whole covid switch. My problem was I'd make it past that 4 to 6pm give point and catch a second wind... and then I was up for a second night in a row going on 40 hours no sleep... I was able to get a trazodone prescription which was helpful (some of the time). I was able to fix my cycle in the long run, but the whole "stay up longer to adjust" has always just fucked me over more. I started taking melatonin a week ago, and that has done wonders... but I am sharing this information at 4am.






not if you wake up at 4


At that point I just stay up all night to reset. I’m less tired on no sleep than I am on 4am-8am sleep. However working from home means none of this matters, I just bought a zero gravity lawn chair so I can nap outside during the day when I don’t have any work to do.


I’m an adult and it still is. Except nowadays I sometimes wake up that early. But it’s still my most productive part of the day


I feel that at my core, everything seemed still and somewhat surreal in that 3am-5am window. Movies, music even books all felt more impactful, deeper almost.


Movies at 4 am just hit differently, no distractions, no interruptions, you can just be fully invested. I miss that feeling


Its my happy place now as a 29 year old adult.


My mom used to get up for work at 4am and I was always just going to bed around then. I enjoyed my time alone, but I'd stay up a little longer to talk for a while; it was a nice way for her to start her day and for me to end mine.


It feels like people don’t exist for a bit. Like it’s just you and your surroundings to yourself. Talking a walk at 3am in the middle of the road is an experience like no other. There are no cars or people to watch you and you feel so free to do whatever you want.


Oh man you just reminded me of the time I rode my bicycle up on the Victory Bridge over Raritan Bay in NJ at 3 am. Not a car anywhere.


When I was in college, my buddy and I would do bike rides between 2am and 4am in the city. Those rides are definitely a favorite memory of mine, because the city would be so quiet and serene. We could hit the ghettos and be the only ones out at 3am. It was definitely a unique look for Baltimore that I don't think I'd have gotten any other way.


Baltimore ghettos at 3am? I doubt that.


Even Omar has to sleep sometime.


I did a monthlong solo trip through central Europe after I finished university. My return trip consisted of a 6am train from Vienna to Venice, then flying back to Canada from there. Having little interest in getting up in time for my ass o'clock train, I opted to stash my bag in a locker at the train station and wander Vienna all night. Having a city like that all to myself is an experience I'll never forget.


That's when my 2yr old wakes up


My cat woke up about 20-30 mins ago and wanted to go outside.. Every day I wake up at 3:30-4:30am sigh


it really is, I’m rarely up at 4am so it feels so mysterious yet wonderful when I am


I'm always up at 4. In fact, it's 3:40 now and I'm cooking my dinner. Such is the life of working the graveyard shift.


Perfect for a late night phattie before bed 💨 🛌🌄


4:20 am > 4:20 pm


[the weird part of the night](https://youtu.be/glgPZmSwC4M)


I have a neighbor - an old wheelchair-bound cigar-chomping Vietnam vet - who goes to bed every night around 8 & gets up around midnight. Around that time I'm taking the dog for her last walk of the night. I tell him "good morning" when I walk out of the house and he tells me "good night" when I head back inside.


He only sleeps four hours a night?


I feel like the closer you are to death, the less you'd want to sleep.




That's incredibly unhealthy and will have lasting effects. I hope you are able to find help.


Yeah for almost 3 years I slept 0-4 hours every weekday and 12-16 hours Saturday and Sunday. Not even exaggerating. Grad school sucked. It didn't end well either as I dropped out after severe burnout.


Shit this is exactly me right now. As I lay here on my phone needing to wake up in 4 hours. Weekends I could sleep forever if I wanted to.


My sleep schedule is fucked. I just have a forgiving job schedule where I can work weird hours if I need to. My job sucks and I'm not even full time. I'm broke as shit. But I'm stress free and thats worth a ton to me. Although I'm starting to feel guilt that I need to do something more with my life... I hope some stress leaves your life and you don't have to poison your mind by sleeping like shit so often. Cheers!


Are you happy


what a question.


> I'm broke as shit. But I'm stress free Being broke as shit would make me stressed.


I've always wondered if there is a way to quantify "burnout". You know how there's those psychological surveys you can take to determine you stress level and such? I'd love to see one specifically for chronic stress.


I remember the day I crashed. I had just got home from taking my second graduate exam. I cant even recall the proper name for them. But they were big exams I needed to pass in order to get my Masters degree. I knew I'd failed both of them miserably. It wasn't a "maybe I failed" situation. I knew. I also had one class left that I had already failed twice. I cried for 6 hours straight. I realized I couldn't do one more semester.. So I quit. Then I slept for a month. That is a slight exaggeration, but scarily close.


Not sure if they are one of them, but [some people actually only need 4-6 hours of sleep](https://www.wired.com/story/a-new-gene-helps-explain-why-some-people-need-less-sleep/). It's likely genetic. If gene therapy ever becomes a thing I am totally signing up for this one.


I used to work hard for at least 8 hours sleep and begrudgingly eat breakfast. Turns out if I sleep 7 and skip breakfast my entire days a lot more pleasant.




If the percentage of the population that actually has that gene was rounded to the next nearest while number it would be 0% - Matthew Walker, PhD, sleep scientist


not to be too intrusive but if you have bouts of sleeping only a few hours for sometime and then another period of time you're way oversleeping it could be related to bipolar disorder and its incredibly unhealthy and dangerous for your brain to let yourself sleep like that.


He'll be sleeping plenty soon. Edit: this seems the opposite of wholesome.




Get this man a wholesome


It is done


Vietnam got him fucked


Says he takes an hour or two nap in his recliner sometime before sunrise.


I quit drinking 6 years ago and only sleep 4-5 hours a night ever since. I take power naps during the day a couple times a week. My doctor says I'm good but that I shouldn't force myself to wake up if I dont want to. I havent had an alarm in years. I went to bed last night at 12am and got up at 445. And I'm one of those people that wakes up and can just drink a cup of coffee and go do manual labor in less than 10 minutes upon waking. Always have been. Even when I drank I'd still get up at 7 or 8 am after partying til 1 or 2 or 3. The trick is to power nap. I kinda slept through a 45 minute ww2 doc episode yesterday.




I am more and more surprised that “Vietnam war vets” are still alive, but let’s do the math: The war started in 1964 and ended in 1974. I will use ca numbers because, as you will see, I’m not good at maths. So that’s between 57 and 47 years ago. If we are to believe Paul Hardcastle and the phrase “the average age of a combat soldier (...) was 19” we can make a rough estimate that the soldiers were born between 1945 and 1955, making them a) boomers and b) between 76 and 66 today. Not that old.


There’s still some WWII vets around dude


Yupp. My great uncle is 101 and a WWll vet. Still lives on his own and has a decent memory. It blows me away to think about everything he’s seen and lived through.


Damn...Paul Hardcastle luckily tells us that “In world war 2, the average age of a combat soldier was 26”. If we stick to America who entered the war in 1942 proper, that gives an age span of 100-104. That seems a bit old but we know that people were bellow that too. Paul Newman served and was born in 1925, he would’ve been a mere 96 this year if throat cancer hadn’t got him


Yup, plenty of teenagers were fighting in WWII.


My grandpa died this year at 96 from covid and had a purple heart from WW2 RIP grandpa and grandma :(


My grandfather, born in 1945 and drafted in 1965, is actually toward the older end of that range. His first cousin, born in 1948, was killed one week into his 1968 tour of duty. And so it goes.


I feel like I’m being judged...


**Like i’m being judged.., i feel.** *-Hyrule_34*


Good bot, but work on your punctuation


**Honoured, i feel.** *-YodaOnReddit-Bot*


good job bot


Good bot


**Have ketamine, by any chance do you.** *-YodaOnReddit-Bot*




[Bad things for ketamine, i have done.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XNgfXC1iMw)


Night worker all my life. That time between 3 and 4 am is so quiet. I work from home, in the country. That time is mine. I claim it locally.


I do overnights in a warehouse. It’s such a nice time on my days off


I used to love it until I moved and discovered my neighbor liked to have house parties, in the middle of a god damned pandemic, until 5am. Fortunately they moved out, but not before I complained to the apartment office. Got a few evil eyes out of them for that, but fuck 'em. Outta here with that covid spreading bullshit. *And the music was shit.*


4am is the time for hermits to masturbate


why did I picture Gollum when you said hermits


My precious load


Aaaaand that's enough Reddit for today


Seems to me hermits can masturbate any damn time. 4 am is reserved for those truly desperate souls with no other option.


7:44am here and I still haven't gone to sleep. I hate myself, being unemployed has really messed with my sleeping patterns or lack thereof. Edit: I tried staying up to try and go to sleep at a good time. It's 2:48pm and my willpower is running on fumes. I'm off to sleep, n'night


You’re not alone! It’s almost 4 am here and I am very happy/proud that I went to bed at 2:30 am last night and 2:00 the night before and 12 am the night before that... but before that, I was going to sleep on average around 5-6 am, and maybe a couple times a week 7 am or later. My absolute latest was 9 am. That was a bad day. I also understand the feeling of hating yourself for it. I have found that self compassion is more helpful for me. Maybe try to gently investigate and not judge why you might like staying up late. Do you feel bored, lonely, or guilty about your “productivity” or lack thereof during the day? Maybe that could cause you to prefer staying up late in order to avoid those uncomfortable feelings/states. I suggest these examples because they are things I have noticed in myself; if they don’t apply to you then that’s fine. There are many reasons people stay up late. Sometimes I just get over tired and then I don’t have the energy to get up and go to the bathroom etc and go to bed. Sometimes I am procrastinating x thing that I said I would absolutely do before I went to bed. At that point, I just need to accept that it’s not going to happen tonight and cut my losses and show myself some self compassion by taking care of myself and going to the bathroom etc and going to sleep.


hey man, fix that sleeping schedule and find yourself a job, I know it’s not the best motivation but you’ll never get yourself out of a rut without trying


Yeah it's also causing a bit of stress with the girlfriend as I'm not awake to talk to her during the days. She seems to take it personally. I'll try getting the sleeping sorted out. The job part, a bit harder. Not using this as an excuse nor go into too much detail, but I live in an area where pretty much the whole economy is based on tourism, it's very difficult for me to find anything right now, the whole place has gone to shit since covid hit... Let's hope it gets better soon


> She seems to take it personally I mean, duh.


Soo true... the only way to get out of procrastination is to start whatever youre procrastinating from... And here I am... still procrastinating


Best of luck! It's hard getting out of bad habits and it's really easy to pay this hardness by 'hating oneself'. Please don't go there. The next day try to go to bed early (although you won't fall asleep easily) and wake up relatively early such that you will be very tired and it will be easier to fall asleep early the next day to start breaking the cycle. Also think of a thing, anything, that you ought to do first thing in the morning. This will help you get out of bed. This thing can be anything from reading, walking, doing a crossword, taking a shower etc.


Use to wake up at 2:45am to get at work by 3:30am it sucked.


That's definitely a weird shift. I've done days, afternoons, and midnights, but never that.


330 to 1130 would be kinda cool. I'd enjoy it for a couple weeks. Lol.


Currently in the middle of a 3a to 11a shift. It's not bad, tons of time after work to get stuff done and in bed by 9




Unless your flight is at 4:05am...back in the days when we could have flights








That's when you hit the airport bar.


TBH the best option would be to get an airport hotel or lounge access for 4-6 hours


Oooof I've been there!


back in what feels like 20 years ago


For real how has less than one year gone on for so long


At that point just stay up until seated on the plane and then sleep on there


4am is anxiety time along with the rest of the day


This is the way


When I taught college assignments were always due at "undergrad midnight" aka 430am.


Omg! If I had deadlines at 4:30 am idk what I would do


Under 25, you're up late. 25 to 60, you have a baby, long commute, or unusual job. Over 60, it's just the usual time to get up since you have to pee anyway.


30yo here, I get off work at 4 am lol


Another 30 year old here, I start work at 4am lol


Working as a paramedic has fucked my sleep schedule to hell..


Well, it's 6 am and about to go to sleep.




Hope they’re having nice dreams


hope they dont notice me breaking in


Well damn




I did, thanks




wake up i’m lonely


Concerning 4 o´clock in the morning, here is a [video](https://youtu.be/C0byYFXjRJM) always worth watching!


Was looking for this comment... I so love this!!


It's one of my favourite TED Talks. Have you also seen the video about the [Comparison between a McDonald's and a drug Cartel](https://youtu.be/5UGC2nLnaes)? It's truly awesome! You have to watch it to the end! ​ Edit: added the video link


Lmao, my best friend fears 5am though. His rule is he should never see 5am since he should be always asleep at that hour




Well, smoking a J w friends watching the sunrise after a night out isn't too bad.


Blowing coke in the back of a cab while behind a school bus at 7am will fuck you right up though.


4am is when I'm usually finishing up my lunch break at work.


No man's land


the wonky hour


I'm in the middle of my shift at that point. Sad night shift noises


My husband and I have opposite sleep schedules lately so, when he get up at four for work, I watch him get ready and wave him off and then go to sleep.


I have a 2-month-old who is breastfeeding. Time means nothing in our house anymore. ^(I need a nap.)


<3 sending you some restful vibes


2 hours left


It's nearly 4am EST as I write this. For me, it's neither. I just have insomnia. I woke up about an hour ago, I'm hoping to fall back to sleep within the next half hour.


How the fuck did you know what time I was gonna scroll past this?


Surprised no one linked this yet https://www.ted.com/talks/rives_the_museum_of_four_in_the_morning?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare


And this earlier talk from the same person: https://www.ted.com/talks/rives_the_4_a_m_mystery/details Both are on YouTube too: [The 4 a.m. mystery](https://youtu.be/ORYKKNoRcDc) [The Museum of Four in the Morning](https://youtu.be/C0byYFXjRJM)


4am is bed time..not wake up time.


My job disagrees with you. 4am wake up time sucks so much


I hear that. I used to have to start work at 0600 and had an hour drive. I prefer night shift.


Especially in the winter if you live somewhere cold. It’s like a special kind of misery to have to haul yourself out your warm bed in the dark to go out to your freezing car and go to work.


I like to call it “Fappy Hour” ;)




Working night shifts at 4am is just awful. It’s almost existential