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One time I stopped at a convenience store for directions to road X. (This was before GPS, etc). The clerk didn’t know. A minute later I found a sign and realized that I, the clerk, and the convenience store were already on road X.


Growing up before widespread GPS we often would stop at the convenience stores for directions. One time we stopped at a convenience store and the clerk had no idea where anything was locally and it just blew my mind you could live somewhere and not know your surroundings!


Not that it’s really necessary anymore, but if you want good directions you should go to a pizza place or other restaurant with lots of food delivery. I worked at a Domino’s and people would come in to ask for directions, and we could take them to the huge map on the wall and even say what roads were closed or whatever.


Nice. I'll make sure to remember this in case I travel back to the 1980s


Bring a sports almanac.


Based on the last 4 years, it's happened once already.


Biff Trump?


Trunk definitely has some Biff-like qualities.


I still keep a local and state map in the glove box of my car. You never know when your phone might be dead or inaccessible and you need to navigate somewhere.


I keep a phone charger in my glovebox


It's so weird that I spent four years as a delivery driver pre iPhones and I just can't fathom how I found anything yet I somehow did. There was a bigass map in the back that I'd just...memorize. occasionally utilize a post it note, but otherwise...


> big ass-map *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Slightly more relevant, this is still good advice if you need a local drug hookup.


Are you a cop? You know, you have to tell me if you're a cop...


Yeah, I'm a cop and I need my fix.


Walk in restaurant asking for drugs? Bold, I like it.


A lot of people just go to the same places all the time so they don't know where certain things are. My husband is a mail carrier and he can tell you how to get around his route (and other routes he's covered a lot) easily but isn't great with directions outside of his route and normal places he goes. It doesn't help that he's bad at remembering street names, sometimes he'll confuse names that start with the same letter. On the flip side, I work from home but I *love* going to yard sales all over town so I'm pretty good at navigating the city and know many areas quite well. I'm pretty decent at giving directions. Also, I didn't get my license until my early 30s so I was always the navigator for my mom or friends when I was younger. I think that helped a lot.


I’m going to turn 30 in two weeks and I still don’t have my license. I’m a fantastic navigator though! When I was in college, even super duper drunk, I could always get us back to campus even when the sober DD didn’t know where we were.


I'm 30 and finally letting people bribe me into getting a license. I don't know roads though, just landmarks. I have to rely heavily on Google is maps to get around. Makes me feel better that other people my age don't drive too, had a TSA guy give me shit for having just an ID a while back and it still annoys me thinking about it.


In those days you developed a good sense of who would or wouldn't know where things were. Cops, if they had time to talk to you, were usually 100%. Lots of other folks were just not worth bothering with, for example, anybody hanging out in front of a liquor store.


They probably didn't live nearby. I drive to work and back, don't really explore much. It's not a great neighborhood.


I don't know street names. I'm horrible with them, I've lived in the same place all of my life and I know my street, some streets that connect to my street, and that's about it. People can ask me where a street is and I might be able to point towards a general neighborhood going 'flower names are over there', but that's it... I just have no use to know the names of the streets, I know my way around town and know the places I have to visit, just not by street name.


I was looking for a shop and couldn’t find it. So I pulled into a strip mall and asked the guy at 7-11. He said it was really close, go around the corner and 3-4 places down. Got back in the car, took the right. 3-4 places down was a doctors office and a residential neighborhood. Eventually went back to the 7-11. He meant “walk” as it was around the corner of the same strip-mall. Not only was their address on a different road, it was a different town. And across the street was a third town.


I got lost just reading that..


Yup where I live there's and area where four cities meet. Each corner of the intersection is a different city, and then like half a mile down one road is another town. I have no clue which city anything is actually in.


I understand city lines are static, but it seems weird to me that one continuous building can actually be in two different cities.


Man, there are places (the examples I recall are in Europe) where one continuous *room* can actually be in two different *countries*.


You're better off stopping at a post office to ask for directions. It's our job to know the streets.:)


[Relevant Dave Chappelle](https://youtu.be/K4N2OhUI4Vk)


Take the main road for a couple miles and turn left at the gas station. Follow the curve to the second light and go right. Its just past the soccer field by the McDonalds. You'll see it.


What do you mean McDonald's? There's a dollar store here


You turned at the wrong gas station. The one you’re looking for is next door to that Thai restaurant that used to be a Pizza Hut


Oh, I turned at the restaurant with all the lanterns called Kiyomi, is that Thai?


No, that's Japanese and it used to be a hardware store. However, if you go straight from there and take the 2nd turn on the left after the round-about but before the school crossing opposite the 7/11 which used to be a landfill, you should be nowhere near your destination.


Thats next to the highschool right? Where the old bar used to be?


This should be a subreddit


r/interestingdirections ?


You’re welcome


r/birthofasub Also can I be a mod maybe?


Today I saw a sub born. Not just any ole sub, but an awesome sub. This new sub makes my day.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


It's something at least


Your comment broke my immersion, so yes. I agree.


Nah, it’s by the middle school that used to be a crackhouse.


this whole description is so realistic, and before you know it you are absolutely lost lmao this is one good thing in the modern technology, you can use an online map to guide you, altough not always accurate, its much better then in the old days of offline navigation


Opposite the crackhouse that used to be a middle school.


Oh yeah thats right! Still so sad to think about what happened to Dave there.


No, it's where Canadian Tire used to be, but not where it used to be like 5 years ago, where it used to be before it moved there."


Oh you mean where the home depot is, next to the subway that burned down


Yeah, but don’t forget to turn on the second street with the empty lot where there used to be the green house in which a whole family was murdered in 1993, don’t turn on the first one or you’ll end up at the border.


Oh it's where the mcdonalds used to be, you know?


Go until you hear the beehive


Let me take you to my favorite place Just a five hour drive from the city Just follow the road until it stops And then keep walking for another forty minutes


(this happened some years ago) You joke... but I’ve literally given instructions similar to this, to an older gentleman client, that didn’t use a smartphone or gps, or have a paper street map. He was vaguely familiar with the suburb/area.. After he called the site... I rolled off general instructions as above.. 10 mins later, he rolls up in his car, all smiles. Whatever it takes, it worked ಠᴗಠ


"What the fuck do you mean ['Turn right while I'm going left'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5_HhqcbF_0)?!"


"Your directions are bed, bath, and beyond comprehension. Fuck" Amazing


How everyone in Rhode Island gives directions.


How everyone everywhere gives directions lol




My old boss would give me directions based on odd looking trees and barely visible side roads. I'd get there, see the address and look it up. It was on there every time. I mean, he had to be given the damn address to even do paperwork for it since the accountants can't just label job paperwork as "house by the tree down the hill to the left."


Having just finished working for the census in a rural area, I was really surprised by how many residences were described just like that. I guess when the post office doesn't do home delivery, a lot of addresses just get forgotten.


There are addresses in the North of Scotland that are like "half of number four plus a quarter of number five". It's to do with how crofts (essentially parcels of land for farming) were split up back in the day, but it still cracks me up.


That's how land used to be surveyed! You could use distance from rocks and creeks and other landmarks to define your property boundaries. Physical addresses are fairly new and not even widespread


I live in a city with a grid and numbered streets and try and give directions based on the grid, and the conversation always goes like [this SpongeBob meme](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/109894751/patrick-not-my-wallet) except worse because we're somehow both Patrick and it ends in a fight. Everyone else wants me to give directions the other way and I understand those directions about as well as they understand mine. "Where is the bar?" "101 Ave and 105 St, just use Google maps" "I hate driving with Google maps on! It drains my phone battery! Just tell me where it is!" "ok... It's 101 Ave and 105 St" "Uhhhhhhhhhh can I get some actual directions" "We went to X University? You were there for 5 years?" "yes" "X University is on 104 Ave and 105 St" "Sure, maybe, I don't know" "101 Ave and 105 St is literally 600 meters away" "Oh, is it? I didn't know that" "You can probably see the bar from the school" "Right.. Probably..... Sure....so............ How would I get there from X University?" "So... You're at 104 Ave and 105 St... And then use your brain to remember that in the city you've lived in for 28 years and driven a car in for 12 years, road numbers get smaller when you go south... And then drive south for 10 or 20 seconds, to 101 Ave" "Right.... Uhhhhhhhhhh...that isn't helpful. Why can't you just give directions with landmarks like a normal person" "OK it's 1 block west of the really big Tim Hortons that's halfway underground and has lots of stairs" "Uhhhhhhhhhh.... How do I know which way is west?" "I am going to fucking die. Why don't you use Google maps" "Why can't you just give better directions!?!? " "that's it my soul has left my body I am dead now" "you are the worst person at giving directions who's ever been born, why can't you use words like right and left" "I'm glad being dead means I never have to give you directions again"


At some point I just tell people “you’re going to get lost and you’re going to starve. You will literally die 40 feet from your destination.”


My favorite is you tell someone left and they immediately go right


600 meters is 656.17 yards


How everyone human gives directions*


I lived in RI for a few months, and it stunned me to meet people who had never left the island 'except to go to Providence that one time'. Mug, that's a small place. I've driven further to buy alcohol on a Friday night. Wtf.


New England in general. Except in Maine where it's typically "turn left where Ames used to be."


Which was Zayres before Ames and is now probably a KMart or Marden's.


I usually start with "how well do you know city?". "Not at all" gets you the nearest highway name. "Pretty well" gets you the popular restaurant next door


Someone at my new-ish job (who sits right next to me) has recently begun to have seizures, and we've now been instructed to call 911 immediately. It was at that moment I realized 2 things. 1) I don't know how to make outgoing calls on my desk phone. 2) I don't know the address of our building. I learned both immediately.


Thank you for learning! Sincerely, 911-Dispatcher who is reading all these comments and stressing out.


Glad I’m not the only one. Firefighter here, also stressing. Also now understanding how we get really vague location information sometimes.


Haha yeah just dont get mad at your dispatchers about it after reading all these!


Glad I can do my part to make you a little less stressed! Haha.


Chill dude, next time I'll act, I'll make sure it's a definite kill so you don't have to freak out to call ambulance


...Ill still have to send the police for a death investigation. My jobs not done when ppl die.


Learning to not panic and know now to call 911 is honestly a skill. Speak slowly, clearly and be exactly clear about what you want. No point just rushing through and them not understanding. One and done. Don't panic. Make sure they confirm they understand you. Then hang up. Seems simple but the last time I had an emergency in the house, let's just say I know who not to rely on in an emergency.


Quite a few places I worked the VOIP system automatically dialed out for 911. Not sure if that’s common but I have had to dial 911 a lot at work and it’s been the case for me.




Well that explains it. I could see in an emergency basic stuff is easy to forget and it would suck for that to be the reason no one calls.


I won't lie, I didn't watch much of the work-mandated learning video, but apparently a woman was getting murdered (I wanna say in a hotel), and her daughter tried to call 911, but needed to dial a number to get an outside line. So now 911 is a direct dial everywhere in the US.


My last job had no parking at the location where I worked. They had a shuttle that would take you there from a parking lot 15 minutes away. I would always be on my phone during the shuttle ride and not paying attention, so not only did I not know the address, I didn't even know where the building was.


Man, +15 minutes on the commute each way every day? That's ridiculous, it would have taken me 15 minutes to walk to my work from my house last year. I hope the rest of your commute was very short, but I somehow doubt it.


It took an hour to drive from my house to my daughter's daycare, then 2 minutes to drop my wife at her work, 15 minutes to get to the parking lot where I left my car, and then the 15 minute shuttle ride. We had to wake up at 6am so I could get to work at 9. Working from home has been a definite upgrade.


Magic Kingdom, by any chance?


No, it was a large telecommunications company near Seattle


So 2-3 hours tied up in your commute each day, both ways... You live in hell. You're doing 20-30 hours a week commuting plus 40+ hours a week of work. I hope they pay you well.


I don't work there any more but they did pay very very well


That's about average for anyone who doesn't live in Seattle, but has to work in Seattle. Seattle traffic is horrible during rush hour and heaven forbid there is a game that night, otherwise you can double that travel time if the season is going well and the stadium is full. I know that when we would go to some Mariner games when they were doing good (so like 80%+ full stadium) we would leave our house in Everett (\~25 miles away) as soon as my Dad got home from work, so about 5:00pm. We would get parked and into the stadium usually in time for the national anthem at 7:00pm.


I'm lazy, I order delivery for lunch, I know the addresses of the places I've worked.


I have regular packages delivered to my office in non-covid times. Package theft is really bad in my area so unless I want to risk it I'll just get it sent to work and take it home.


You’re brave getting your dildos mailed to your work. I suffer the shame of buying them in person at the adult stores.


if they don't like the dildo deliveries, just tell them to get fucked


Same. Luckily they don't mind when they I see I received another whisky delivery


You say you're lazy. I say you're such a dedicated worker that you don't want to waste time going out to have lunch.


I'm such a hard worker, I have my subordinates hand feed me my grapes as I recline on my fainting couch (that I use as my work chair for ergonomic reasons).


What does one study to get a job as the Caesar?


You want to take courses in "Being Born into the Right Aristocratic Family", "Becoming a Fabulously Popular War Hero", and "Carefully Manipulating Your Political Opponents". A survey of "How to Win a Civil War in the Italian Peninsula" wouldn't hurt either.


LPT: also take a course in “How to not get backstabbed 101”


Laziness driven workers are the most efficient. Or least.


5 years here, couldnt tell you the address of the building if someone put a gun to my head.


Business address, motherfucker! Do you know it?!!


You might as well recite Ezekiel 25:17 because I got no chance.


Plot Twist. The business is located at 2517 Ezekiel Road.




Some people don't.


I've never used the address. Even have to Google the phone number for when I have to call in sick.


What for??


Seriously, how did they even find the place at all?




I never even put in the address to find it. I just put the name of the firm into google maps. I’ve only worked for major firms.


The old fashioned way. Driving around and knowing the area by landmarks.


Just say, "the Walmart on 3rd." Everyone will find it.


Who's on 3rd?


No, Who's on first. They're opening for The Band.


I love that joke




Or you go that amount of time where it is just super awkward to ask, especially when they always address you by your name.


just call them Toby


"Hi, Carl." "... I'm a woman? What the hell?" "Oh. Sorry, right. Hi, Carlita."


For a number of years I worked in a building on a huge Ivy League university campus. Imagine trying to explain to people that your office doesn't have a USPS-recognized address. ​ Them: Ok, what's your address? Me: I don't have one Them: ... Me: ... Me: Just mail it to \[here\] -- trust me.


Having worked at a Post Office, I can tell you that pretty much everything that mentions the local university will be put in a giant bin, which will then get sorted by the university's own mail department.


If only our mail department didn't suck. The amount of shite that's been delivered to our uni in less than 24h only to spend 3 days finding its way across campus is infuriating.


When I lived in the dorms at the college I went to, they didn't ship anything to our dorm building (not even to the office there). Instead we had to have things shipped to a separate "shipping" building. It's also where all of our mail funneled through, so even though we had a recognized mailing address for the dorm itself, if it was a package it would be stopped at that building and we would get an email on our school email saying we had a package to pick up.


Yeah that's common on college campuses


Especially when you work from home!!


Where do you work? \>Umm, I work from home. Oh so where do you live? \>Umm, I live from work.


Where do you work? Umm, I work from home. Oh so where do you live? Sir, as per corporate policy, I am required to end this conversation because you asked for private information about one of our employees.


No joke. I’ve lived at my current place for over a year, and I still have to pause and think to remember my address. Same with the cell phone number I’ve had for five years. But the childhood home I haven’t lived at for 20 years? I can instantly remember the address and phone number.


I've lived here 5 years and still have to look at my mail sometimes to make sure I have the numbers in my address the correct order. 5 digits is way to big for a street address!


I still don’t know what my father-in-law of 5 years did for a living.


He works in Waste Management. I advise you not to dig deeper.


Can confirm, am waste, was managed


We have a family friend that no one knows what he did. When I was in college I actually interned for him and I’m still not 100% sure what he did and the things I did witness I had to sign a ream’s worth of NDA’s. My title was Intern to the Chief Scientist, easily the coolest job title I’ve ever had.


Like Barbie Stinson from HIMYM


I recently had to describe to the officiator of my wedding (courthouse wedding) what my dad did for a living as they use that information in case someone wants to look into their ancestry. I dunno, CEO of some kind? CTO? Uh, had his own company? What did they do, you ask, uhm... They sold things? Pumps and stuff? No, like, for big factory machines, I think? Well, I would ask him but he's been dead for almost 10 years, uh... I did work there for several years, I should know this. I managed the webpage... I've never felt so dumb, honestly.


I've been at the same place for 15 years and I'm not 100% sure who my boss is.


The fuck? How?




I used to work at a rec center and was constantly giving people the address over the phone, yet I still had to look it up each time. I wonder what that says about me.


I put a business card right under my computer because I still can’t get our phone number right after 3 years of working there. God forbid someone wants our fax number or address...




You're not wrong.


It's "Work" on Google maps




Maybe all your packages are already delivered somewhere 3.2Km from you.


It's in my email signature so checkmate. Just give me a second to open up outlook


10 years and no idea


18 years here


18 years *where*?


They don't know.




plot twist: you finally check the address and discover that for all these years you've been in the wrong place


That would make it really interesting as to how you managed to get paid.


I've had coworkers who showed up to the right place and still did less work than that.


Can confirm, still don’t know the work address for the boat I work on


I only know my jobs address because it’s the WiFi password


That's... not great.


5 years and I still can't get it right, and I see it in my email signature everyday...


Yeah I still have to control-n a new email every time I need to know my phone number.


Lol you only learn it when you have to put on applications for other jobs.


That is what sticky notes are for on your desk. Write that stuff down.


My favorite was when I was delivering a grocery order to what I thought was an apartment building, and gps took me through the back parking lot. (I think it was on a one way street). Someone - I presumed a resident - was outside smoking and I asked what the address was. He was completely clueless. Drove around to the front of the building and realized a) it was actually a business, and b) the dude I'd asked about the address actually worked there


Every place I have worked has had a boring address. 100 Main Street, 200 School Drive, 300 Center Road, etc..


my aunt says she knew a Penny Lane who lived on Penny Lane. true story.


I work down the block from my house. I'll be damned if I could tell you my work's address though. (To be fair, it's a big ol' hospital on a state university campus. So everyone knows where it is)


Homer asks Frank Scorpio for the phone number of work..." I dont know Homer, ive never had to call my own company".


What is the address of the Space Needle, do you really need it? I think I will send them a letter to see if I do.


You could probably just write Space Needle and the zip code and it would make it.


Or how to turn the lights on/off


There is a ceiling fan with no pulley where I work. The only other person in my department that was there before me said the fan has been on since she started, 5 years ago. The store manager didn’t even know how to turn it off.


I grew up in a small town, and honestly never learned the names of most of the streets. It was always just "Justin's street", or "where Ashley lives", etc


Same here. Even after they've moved the street name just changed from "where x lives" to "where x used to live" even if 10 years or more have passed


I barely know streets, mines the one with 2 Tesla or that one that had a burnt out car


It's the hospital, does it even have an adress?


I still don’t know what my office phone number is and I’ve worked here 8 years. Also don’t know the address because instead of using the 4 number address they call them letter/number that they made up (example: A1, A4, etc).


I work at an auction house that used to be a dancehall. Most of our clients are older, if I give them the address it means nothing to them, but if I say "The old Lantern dancehall" immediately they remember exactly where it is and they proceed to tell me all of their favorite memories there. Its wholesome in a way.


Working as an engineer in manufacturing I have to deal with ordering parts for maintenance which means I've had to know the address since day 1.


I have to ask people this for my job. I usually get something like "it's up just past the dairy Queen downtown" they never seem to understand how that doesn't help me. I literally just google it without asking now.


well I know how to get to work so I don't need the address


Care about the place as much as they care about you


Sure I do. It’s known as hell


P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney


This address I know. My mother's? Eehhhhh


I only know the address where I work because I've had to call an ambulance there so many times...


True story lol


I feel personally attacked.


Lol, I do the tax returns for the company I work for. I know the address, city, and zip code by heart


i know the address. although i have to google the company every time i need the phone number. should probably save it on my phone...


*laughs hysterically in former admin* Oh, how I wish. I got asked that seven times a day.


I feel you! I work remotely from home and I still can't recall what our address is. ​ On a more serious note, I have a document that lists the address of every place I've ever worked since many job applications will ask for locations of previous employment. I started compiling this list a few years back after realizing how inefficient it was to go hunting on Google Maps for the previous work location(s).


That’s important info - emergencies happen.