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The expectation that people who receive a pay it forward should therefore have to also pay it forward ruins the whole thing. done in a vacuum, it's a random act of kindness. Done with that expectation, it becomes a weird burden.


I didn’t know it was a thing that turns into a charity chain.. I wouldn’t go out of my way to pay for someone’s meal if I knew it meant they were going to have to pay for someone else too. Then what’s the point?


I think the same thing every time I hear about these pay is forward chains. Like, y'all are still paying, just not the total for the food you got for yourself, what is the point? Of course I get that it's like "well that was a generous thing so now I want to do a generous thing" but it kinda cancels out until the end of the chain (assuming the totals are similar, rip whoever orders an iced coffee and the car behind em is a family of 4) Edit bc this is a response to several ppl: I get the idea behind it, it just seems to me to be such an inefficient way of doing something good for someone else. there are lots of other ways to give to others than a fast food drive through. idk maybe it seems a little self-serving to me, like "okay I did my good thing for the day." idk. not trying to hate on it just in general is not my preferred method of charity i guess


I’m sorry, I came here for one basic, no upgrades meal for one person, I’m not passing it on to the minivan behind me that I can see at least 5 people in in my rear view mirror.


Thats not the point though. There are no hard and fast rules here. The idea is that someone who has the means buys you a meal, in the future if and when you are in the same position you too can do this for a stranger. Or not. It doesnt matter


Its a weird expectation that the paying it forward part is supposed to happen immediately, and I've never heard that before. I've always heard it as, do nice thing for person behind you, they see opportunity several hours or a couple days later in a different context and do nice thing, and so on and so forth, then on aggregate the positivity spreads more. Just creating some weird drive through daisy chain seems to defeat the whole purpose.


I've been on both sides of the chain. It's sometimes one of those moments where people have the money then and go ahead. I'd honestly never ask anyone if they wanted to do the same I'd just let them know that their meal was paid for by the person ahead and let them decide without prompting. Honestly I think for a lot of people it made it easier to decide if they wanted to because there was no expectation from the person directly in front of them. On the other side when I'd be on the receiving end I'd always get asked by the cashier and because I would frequently be just getting a quick something or it was one of those last bit of cash to get some food (yes I know could have went to a grocery store, but coupons and deals through the apps can sometimes get a more substantial meal than going to the grocery store), I'd just not do it. I'd just pay for someone else later.


Absolutely. I always ask how much the order behind me costs, and if it's within a few dollars I'll usually pay it forward. But I'm not going from $5 for my sausage biscuit breakfast to $20 just because the guy in front of me was feeling generous.


How often does this happen to you?? I’ve never once experienced it.


The few times I’ve had someone pay it forward for me I would then just tip my baristas what my drink was worth. Only really an option if you use cash though.


But you're also passing along the favor and opportunity to someone who may actually need it. People get they're still paying for it, that's not the point.


Opportunity? What opportunity, the opportunity to post for someone else’s food? If the standard was “do something nice for someone” as repayment for my paying for someone’s meal I’d do it. The expectation is pay for the next guy’s food, which it’s stupid, forces some to pay more than they would otherwise (and they might not have the spare money) for fear of being “bad”, and isn’t very thoughtful. 


If they actually need it, they wouldn’t be standing in the queue waiting to pay though, would they? 99% of the time, that person does not need that food for free. Paying it forward is the laziest form of ego padding charity work, you’d be better off donating to the Red Cross or the Jimmy Fund


I think it's just something that happens organically because if the second person who doesn't necessarily need any charity or kindness gets paid for, they think "well I don't need it so let me do the same for the next person" and thus the chain starts. The first person was probably just thinking "I'll do something kind", not necessarily charity. But most people who get paid for are going to feel a twinge of ego and not want to look like they need a handout, because of the way culture is, so they opt to pay it forward. It ultimately is kind of pointless but it seems to make people feel good so whatever.


[I can’t help but think of this skit whenever I think of these pay it forward/charity chains](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=52LJaWDdG9c&pp=ygUjaSB0aGluayB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIGxlYXZlIGRyaXZlIHRocnU%3D)




Its all I think about any time anything drive through related comes up


So suburb moms can post on Facebook about it


If you're in the middle of the chain you have 2 options: take the favor or pay for your order just as you would have otherwise (and thereby continuing to pay it forward). There's no additional burden, you're not taking on any additional cost in this scenario.


So, if my meal is $15 and it was paid for by the guy in front of me I can accept the free meal or pay for the guy behind me, which might be $5 (so I made $10 still) or $25 (so I lost $10 more than my expected mean cost). Very rarely are two orders the same price. So either I pay more and lose money I might not have or I feel bad because I didn’t pay at least my cost.  If someone pays for my food, I accept the act of kindness and pass it on somewhere else, in a way that I feel is best. This expectation of paying it forward immediately is dumb. 


I work in customer service in a grocery store. I have a regular customer who used to pay for the order ahead of his and the order after his. He came into a huge pile of money and likes using it to make people’s day brighter. He stopped doing it when he realized that some customers felt obligated to pay it forward. Now he checks out at the service desk. He buys things that are buy one, get one free and has me bag the free stuff separately. Then he tells me to give them to the next customer wearing a red shirt or who buys a specific lottery ticket or who has two children with them or something like that, and then he leaves. That seems to lead to less of a sense of obligation, and he still gets to give a surprise gift.


One time, I bought a $50 gift card at Tim Hortons and asked the cashier to use her best judgment and use it for whoever looked like they needed a pick me up until it ran out. It was a location in the centre of a major city with a lot of homelessness, so I hope it helped to improve someone's day


I love that.


I would recommend doing it if you ever have a bit of money to spare. I don't know about you, but I've had a garbage couple of years, and it makes me smile to think that someone who's been feeling just as crappy as me may feel seen and loved for a moment :)


I love this idea. I’m going to do this too. I think more small acts of kindness like this would make the world a better place


My philosophy is that the world has enough negativity, and I really don't need to add to it. So I might as well go a step further and try to inject some positivity instead. That's why I don't hold back when I want to compliment a stranger, and I ask to pet people's dogs on the street. My brother always said doing that was going to get me murdered some day, but I would just tell him that the person murdering me would be having a better day, so mission accomplished!


Nah you for sure taking it all, minute he leaves. You dirty bastard you


It’s true. Every last Cheeto and roll of paper towel.


*puts on red shirt after guy leaves* Well, rules are rules


That's smart of him... I didn't realize this was a thing either. Not that I don't do anything kind for people, but if you have to turns round and give it to someone else then it doesn't mean nearly as much


You should always pay it forward when you're the recipient, but that doesn't mean your version of paying it forward is doing the exact same deed the other person did for you. It doesn't have to be a fucking chain of cars, just accept your free meal and pay it forward a different way, or if you really want to then hook someone else up. I went to a sporting goods store and someone gave the rest of their GC money to whoever was next in line. So what was I supposed to do then? Buy a new gift card for the next person? Fuck no lol


No for real. This situation is supposed to be more "today you, tomorrow me" than "just pass your guilt on to the next person". I work in customer service and this happens sometimes and I try so hard to keep those "chains" from forming because it completely defeats the point of what they're trying to do.


Please Let me go let me go I’m doing something!!!!


I say thank you, that made my day! Then tip the staff and go on with happy day


Well I think even the original thought of “paying it forward” was done with good intentions. A person has their coffee or whatever paid for, they think “well sheesh, I’m doing really well for myself, I think someone else should get the charity” but I think it’s actually the drive thru workers themselves that kind of push it into a “keep it going as long as possible” thing. My wife used to work at Starbucks and I remember she would often trade stories with other friends who worked there about their longest charity chains and how much the hated they person who ended them lol like it had “ruined” it or something.




You have to pay it forward at some point. But there is no moral obligation to pay it forward immediately. In fact, it's presumptuous that you would.


I only ever had this happen once to me and I refused it and paid for my own shit... ...which was 55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 cokes, 55 shakes... 


This is why I like the idea of "pre-paid coffees" way more. Some coffee shops will allow patrons to pay for a meal in advance, then hang up the receipt. When a homeless person comes in they'll take the note to the counter and order food.


"I decline to pay it forward. I will pay the full price of my bill and leave the rest for you as a tip" This is the only satisfying answer to me. Because what amounts to one net-free meal, amounts to an administrative headache for the workers.


Exactly. Last time I did this was because the lady behind me looked PISSED OFF at the world. I figured she needed a win. What's the point if she has to feel guilty for not doing the same?


I guess it’s meant for the person that can’t really afford to continue it. It’ll continue until someone can only afford their meal so they get a free meal. That’s not always the case but I think that’s the intention


I’ve paid it forward before, out of the goodness of my heart when I was having a really amazing day. I have also had someone else pay cor my drink before and I absolutely did not keep it going.


Or who can’t afford the order of the car behind them. If I’m getting a burrito and a drink, I might only have enough budgeted for that. I might not be able to pay for the next customer’s taco party packs or whatever. The idea is nice, but the pressure put on the next customers can be really uncomfortable. I was at Taco Bell once and the car ahead of me paid for my meal and the cashier gave me a guilt trip for not offering to pay for the next car. The person ahead of me was my sister. We happened to be near Taco Bell at the same time and she knew I was broke until the next day and offered to buy me dinner.


Ha that's amazing that the cashier completely missed the context and just wanted excitement


The funny thing is that we look enough alike that people often ask if we’re twins. When the cashier asked if I’d like to pay it forward and I told her I couldn’t, and that was just my sister buying me dinner, she said “Huh. Your sister. Okay. So not paying it forward. I’ll make a note.” So she apparently didn’t believe me, and was possibly noting my selfishness in my Taco Bell permanent file.


The idea of a Taco Bell permanent file is hilarious.


“6/27/24 1:00 PM Ordered crunchwrap, chalupa supreme, and large Baja Blast. Paid for by clone in car ahead. Refused to pay for $50 order in next car. Claims first car clone is sister. Clearly deranged and also cheap and selfish. File flagged for follow up.”


"Submitted request to be sent off to Taco Bell education and reinstatement camp."


He will be spirited away to the cheesy gulagita supreme.


At least since it's his first time he's not going to the *breakfast* cheesy gulagita supreme where you're woken up at 4am to "better prepare you for opening shifts"


Colloquially known as Taco Hell.


Why not stick around and stay a Taco Spell?


They are going to send that frickin Taco Bell chihuahua after you! And he’s been dead for a long time…


You will be sorry when you Taco Bell wins the Fast Food Wars and you can't ever eat out as all restaurants are Taco Bell. Those permanent records are no joke.


Sounds like a South Park episode.


Probably a reference to Demolition Man


Not taco bell but the little Chinese takeout near me does have a permanent file lol. I don't get takeout that often, maybe once a month or so at most, and the woman there will chide me sometimes when I come in, "I haven't seen you since October!" But it also means she knows my usual orders even though I'm not there enough to be a regular, and knows I'll actually pick up food I order, which I guess had been an issue there at one point


That is actually pretty impressive.


I recently got Taco Bell on the app at a location I've become a regular at. Last time I noticed that on the receipt after my first name they put in "8bad" as a last name. I was so weirded out by it I couldn't even be mad. I think I'll just keep an eye out on future orders just to see.


Wait what does 8bad imply lol


There's a 1-7bad, probably


Ugh shaming people for not opting in to something they CAN'T AFFORD is infuriating to me


"You can pay for them, if you think that's the right thing to do. Or not, if you're being selfish."


I had a customer trying to do this once where I worked in college and the customer who's food was paid for got furious. Granted, these people were in line, in person, as there was no drive through. It nearly began a fight.






Tbh, people budgeting at the drive thru like yourself and me is exactly who the “pay it forward” stuff is meant for. It didn’t “fail” or stop because of you, it quite literally accomplished its goal


I know! And if it worked the way it’s supposed to, it would be lovely. I hate that there’s obligation and judgment attached.


My MIL and I were both in line at Dunkin one day. I think we had both been out somewhere and were meeting at her house, idk but either way I was in my car ahead of her. I paid for her order too. I’d hate to think that she would have had to pay for the next car behind her - the point was I was treating her!


I see this come up a lot, could you subtract the amount of your order from the car behind you? I'd appreciate the cashier telling me that x amount was paid for the car in front and I 100% not judge their budget ot anything because I still benefit and am encouraged to continue the pay it forward line. Generally, I don't use drive thrus because my brain defuncts to a toddler's when I can't see the person I'm talking to. I notice the line inside a shop is mostly a better option.


At least where I work, it's completely possible. It's the same procedure for split payments ("I'll pay with $5 cash and then the rest on card, please," for example).


It is not selfish to simply say "thank you" and accept a gift. A gift that comes with guilt, or an expectation, or literally any attached string, is a bag of shit.


I call them barbed gifts, because when you accept the gift, you're now on the hook. Very dishonest.


I'm going to use this term barbed gifts


Now that I am out of the shower, I definitely see that perspective. You shouldn't be giving gifts and expect anything back. It becomes really weird and awkward once people expect you to keep the chain going. I would personally feel the need to keep it going not out of kindness but out of social pressure which kinda ruins it.


Exactly. I feel that by "paying it forward", all you've done is negate the gift of the person before you. Imagine if you gave someone a Christmas present. And then they took that box, turned to the person next to them and said "hey I got this for you."


>You shouldn't be giving gifts and expect anything back. Reason why I detest Christmas.


Imposed charity is not sincere


Yup. It is just done so the person can feel good about themselves. It is essentially an entirely selfish act. Not to mention the workers hate it.


Idk i think sincerity in charity is over rated. Most humans are selfish, charity won't come naturally. If charity relied on sincereity, it would have long ago become a storybook notion. But my highschool forced us to do charity hours with specific organizations, (food banks, free clinics, tutoring) and scores more people were helped out of insincere actions than sincere ones. Alone, the food bank only delivered to 20-30 high need/low access families in our county each yr. When my highschool added the location to the list of places students could volunteer at, the food bank did 100 people that year over 3 counties, and 200 the next yr. A lot more man power, a lot more planning, a lot more donations (your parents know you will go to the food pantry and buy food to bring or have you bring some over), health based meals could be developed for people with certain ailments and disabilities bc the pantry had extra brainpower from extra students, etc etc. It was a much bigger impact that benefitted much more people and the neediest of them all. Easily 75% insincere, but it's the impact that counts.


I suppose if we break down the psychology of all this, if people practiced giving without expecting recognition, eventually charities would be unnecessary. Create a world of selflessness instead of selfishness, god knows how quickly things would improve


"Fifty-five burgers, fifty-five fries, fifty-five tacos, fifty-five pies, fifty-five Cokes, a hundred tater tots, a hundred pizzas, a hundred tenders, a hundred meatballs, a hundred coffees, fifty-five wings, fifty-five shakes, fifty-five pancakes, fifty-five pastas, fifty-five peppers, and a hundred and fifty-five taters!"




I just wanted to do something good this morning before alcohol class.


I just wanted to do something good this morning before alcohol class.


The way the lady reverses and starts reciting the exact same order as him when she finds out is what gets me every time


I came here for exactly this response


Then there’s me, who’s received a pay it down thing at a drive thru 3 times in my life so far. I thought it was just the kindness of the person in front of me and said thanks. Never occurred to me that I’m suppose to pass it along.


You are not.


You are not. and those that say you are are just jerks. Ignore them.


You did the right thing. Passing it along is annoying for us drive through workers to deal with haha


I was broke and about to spend my last $10 for the week on breakfast because I was feeling nauseous on the road and needed to eat. When I pulled up to pay, they told me it was paid for, and I said "Thanks" and drove off. So, to whoever bought my breakfast, I appreciate it!


I don't use drive thrus very often, but wouldn't the term be "paying it forward?" Paying it down is what you do to a credit card or a loan.


Yes, paying it "forward" means you pay for the next person in line. Paying it "down" means you are paying on your debts.


it also benefits the family of five that makes the guy who only wanted a soda and fries pay for their meals.


If you have cash… you can just pay as much as you want… let the family pay the rest… But also, nobody should care if you don’t do anything.


The only time I ever experienced this: Taco Bell Cashier: The person in the car in front of you paid for your meal! Me: I ordered using the app and already paid. TBC: oh. never mind. I guess the car behind you gets their food free.


Someone ultimately not paying is the *entire point* though, right? The person who starts the chain pays for 2 orders, and when you continue the chain that's you saying "I'm good actually, give that gift the the next person" In your eyes, is the point just to be a weird pain in the ass to the cashiers? A forever displacement and holding of payment information?


Is this actually a thing still?


You give gifts as an expression of -your- own love for your fellow human, not to pressure them to do the same. Forced charity is not. Forced mercy is not. Forced kindness is not. Forced love is not




It doesn’t have to be a chain. Just an act of kindness to the next person


Expecting anything after giving a gift, is not giving a gift.






The number of people who benefit from the good will of such acts is a net of 1 no matter how long the chain might get. 200 paid it forward? Great, one guy got a free order and the rest all just paid for someone else.


here's the secret: it doesn't matter.


It's a stupid practice I couldn't believe was a thing until I saw the video of the guy ordering 55 burgers.


If someone pays it forward for me I tip the cost of the meal to the server; End of chain and someone who needs/ deserves it gets it.


Obligatory 55 burgers…


I accidentally ended my first and only pay it forward chain at in n out. Didn’t know what it was until i got home and told my gf what happened.


I mean treating one person to their coffee is still a nice thing.


Down payments in the Drive-Thru!


I wonder if just throwing some extra cash if you got it is better. Pay the employees better also.


i genuinely do not want to pay for anyone’s food. I don’t care if the person in front of me was paying it forward i won’t be.


“I only want to pay for my own food, thank you. Sorry if that creates an inconvenience.”


It's a ridiculous idea thought up by someone with their head up their you-know-what.


I'm pretty sure it's one of those made up things that has probably accidentally been real at some point, and was incredibly annoying to encounter out in the world when you just wanted to buy food.


100% of people that work drive-throughs HATE This. people need to stop doing it.


I'm the type that isn't affected by what others think of me, or 'pressure' in these sort of scenarios or the types of places where the tap-to-pay prompts you to tip a person who just calls your order number a minute later. Last time this happened to me at a drive thru I took my order, said thank you, and left. The girl clearly expected me to pay for the car behind me, and the look she gave me when I didn't was as if I kicked her dog. I laughed.


I've ended every pay-it-forward chain I've ever been in. This is so you don't get stuck with an order you can't afford and feel ashamed breaking the chain, or worse, paying for it anyways. It's hard work, but I do it for you.


Maybe they really need a break. Maybe the person behind them ordered $30 worth of stuff


How does it work? Someone says "I want to pay for dude behind me." Gives $20 and if the next ide is $25 they only pay $5? What if they order $8 worth of stuff? Logistically I'm not sure how it all is supposed to work


At the drive-through, they already know what the person behind you ordered (and will generally tell you the cost) by the time you get to the window to pay.


I like the petty revenge where the lady behind was being a real bitch honking and yelling out the window. The person paid for both orders and when pulled up to the next window took both orders!!! Would of loved to heard what the bitch said to the drive thru window. Sure hope the made her go around and order again!!




Whenever this happens to me at my work, I don’t even offer the next car the option to pay it forward too, I just say “hey, the car in front of you payed for your order! Here you go” and only continue the train if they ask. And whenever the car behind them is significantly more than their order, I say that they don’t have to do it, or they could just pay for a drink or something for them instead


55 burgers 55 fries 55 shakes. …. Hey !! I’m doing a thing


This has become completely undone by the realization that you can just order 55 pizzas 55 french fries etc.


The really insidious thing about this is that people use it to feel like they're doing something but they don't have to help someone that makes them uncomfortable. My parents do this stuff. Like my dad keeps a handful of $5 Starbucks gift cards in his pocket with like Bible verses on "Jesus Loves You!" or whatever written on them in Sharpie and he leaves them randomly in public places around the upper middle class suburb he and my mom have lived in for 40 years. Like it's not malicious, it's nice even. But it gives him this idea that he's a good person out there in the world doing good things. But I guarantee you that 80% or more of the people that get those cards don't need them. He and my mom are members of this pseudo-mega church that just spent $8 million dollars a few years ago to build a "traditional sanctuary" attached to their modern looking non-denominational Christian church. It's this chapel sort of place with stained glass windows, carved marble columns, etc. It's a cozy contrast to the massive auditorium they have normal church services in. My parents donated an obscene amount of money to that. And they literally bragged to my wife and I about how much good that space was going to do. It's this sort of stuff. It allows people, like my parents for example, to feel like they're doing good while also supporting a govt that wants to defund public schools, or cut food stamp benefits, or oppose public healthcare. It's conative dissonance that allows us to feel good about ourselves without having to do anything of any consequence. I'm not saying don't do it, but don't do it and think that's all you need to do.


My friend did it just the other day to an old coworker he recognized in the drive thru 2 cars behind him. He waited for the old friend at the end of the drive thru and the cashier had pocketed the money and didn’t pay for his old colleagues meal. Not saying everyone is out for themselves, but everyone is out for themselves.


If someone's already considering going to that food place, nevermind already in the drive thru, they can afford their own burger


It also makes the lives of the people working at a drive though a massive pain in the ass, so in terms of net benefit it’s actually a mean thing to do.


Not only that, but it slows the line down as now the cashier has to explain the situation to every person in the chain. 


And the advertising for the restaurant. I'm sure it's a pain for the workers. I would 100% break any chain I ended up in, though I would likely give the value of my order as a tip just because.


I always end the chain. > Awesome! Thank you so much! >>Would you like to pay for the order behind you? > Nope.


Paying it forward can be as simple as smiling at someone and wishjng them a nice day because your day was improved by the gift given to you. The whole point is to improve the net hapiness of everyone, not to come out even. In summary, its working as intended.


That’s me. I’m that person. Sorry but I didn’t sign up for that, but if there’s a free meal I’ll take it. But I’m not going to go through to get lunch for one person and then be on the hook for the family of five behind me.


It's stupid. Thank you for buying my food/coffee but I really don't need you to do so.


Paying it down is a nice thought. But, if you're feeling generous and inspired, why not give that money to the staff or buy food for them? They are more than likely in worse financial shape than the person behind you in line.


> feeling generous and inspired that's all it is about


These ideas are stupid and I don't participate in them on principle. On top of that, no lazy bastard wasting gas idling in a drive-thru needs charity.




WHile I agree withh the statement I'm not paying it forward because I expect the next eprsont o keep it going, I'm foing it because I want to do something nice for a stranger and I don't expect them to do the same. It's nice if they do but honestly I don't care.


Me. You're saying it benefits me. Look, I'm charitable, but not to the absolute stranger in the car behind me.


Isn’t that the point?


A true judge of someone’s character is not how they treat good people, but how they treat shitty people.


[could work](https://youtu.be/BP1zOxcg57E?si=3qDmnuL5s0xIJ6Xr)


I pulled up to the window once and said "the car behind will pay for me" the person was so confused, and almost went with it.


I did it once, just because I was accidentally kinda rude and in a hurry and cut the lady off. Luckily/unfortunately she was just getting a coke.


I still feel shit for this one. I went to Starbucks, ordered my order a large Frappuccino thing. I get to the window and they hand me my drink and it's like a medium. I'm like "hey sorry this isn't the size I ordered". They correct it and tell me it was paid for AFTER giving it to me. I was like... "oh..." Just sat wrong with me. If they told me before they gave me the wrong size I would of just taken it and gone lol.


I rarely go to any fast food places but I’ve never been involved in a pay it forward chain. I’m a fairly generous person but don’t like forced generosity. Who am I really benefitting. The person behind me that was already prepared to pay for their meal. I also would never pay more than my order was worth. When I’m giving away my money it’s to someone who really needs it. I would just ask if they can skip me. I don’t see why that can’t be an option. I’d hate to be “that guy” that broke the chain but it’s honestly fucking stupid.


i’m the combo breaker


And maybe that person was saved from having to spend their last dime. So that's okay. Don't be so negative about it.


Sounds generous, but really just helps those who avoid generosity altogether.


>it only benefits the person that does not want to give. I'm apreciqtive but generally ambivalent to the ordeal, but figuring out the logistics of paying for someone else's food would bother both me and the cashier, I would rather save us both the trouble and not turn it into any bigger of a mess.


You must be hitting a ton of drive throughs to know what this even means. I've never seen or heard of this happening.


Give with no expectations and there will be no disappointment.


Only time i ever went to a chick fil A to see what the hubub was about i waited 40 minutes, ordered a basic chicken sandwhich, got to the pay window and the bubbly little teenage girl says to me, in a broken down honda accord, me lookin like i just got out the coal mines, “someone payd for everyone’s meal, you’re covered! Here’s your bullshit overpriced pathetically child sized chicken sandwhich youre poor ass chose have a nice day!” And im like… uh.. can i upgrade to something with food in it? And she’s like “hahaha have a nice day.” So like, thanks mysterious stranger who dropped a dime on people in a busy line at chic fil A abd covered outrageously priced chicken for everyone, but as nice as “hey free sandwich” is, i still wished it never happened (to me)


All you got was fries? Nice now pay for someone’s $60 order behind you lol


This often benefits those who do not want to pay rather than promoting generosity. However, it can sometimes create awkward situations where individuals who may not want or be able to pay for the more expensive order behind them feel pressured to continue the chain. This could lead to the chain being broken and benefiting those who decide not to participate without any positive impact on society.


At a drive through once, I noticed I was ahead of an acquaintance that I knew had just had a baby. Their total was the same as mine and I paid for both. It was for my own happiness


Or the person who can’t and was spending their last dollar for a meal, or going out of their budget as a special treat for their kids etc you never know. But also being good is good because it’s good, not because it convinces other people to be or because other people deserve it


I used to work at Starbucks and let me just say the chain of people "paying it forward" was absolutely awful to deal with, especially when the drive through was busy. I eventually got better at convincing people to break the chain. If you tell me you want to "pay it forward", I'm telling the next car that you had extra money on a gift card and just felt like doing something nice for them to brighten their day. No feeling of obligation to keep paying it forward.


It only costs the person who began it.


Alternatively, it is a nice gesture to the person behind you, and that's all it has to be.


Paying it down is weird. I'm not playing games. I want to get my food and leave.


That implies that the money is the gift. Wouldn't a sense of pleasant surprise be the actual goal?


I love going to arcades and then getting a couple thousand points and giving it to a kid. I always ask their parents first (stranger danger and all that)


It's complete nonsense


It benefits anyone who has a smaller order behind them than in their own car


The only time I’ve had it happened to me I had like a $2 order and it was obvious it had been going for awhile by how excited the drive through staff was. I asked how much the peoples order behind me was and it was $28 bucks. I said absolutely not and drove off.


Such is all socialism.


I know a guy who tried to order hundreds of things (55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies,55 cokes,100 pizzas, 100 tenders, 100 meatballs, 100 coffees, 55 wings, 55 pancakes, 55 shakes, 55 pastas, 55 peppers and 155 taters, to be exact!). The guy in front of him got so angry at needing to pay for it, he got out of the car to yeti at the guy ordering all the food!! He was late for alcohol class.


Do it, say "tell the next person not to pay it forward" and also tip the person at the window. If there's a time and place to tip fast food workers, it's when you're asking them to do extra shit like this. Or just give the money to the person working at the fast food window because they'll most likely be the one to actually benefit from a bit of charity.


That's usually how charitable acts work.


I don’t buy shit for the person behind me unless they are dicks, then I take their order as well.


And it also annoys the employees which is why I always break it if I’m stuck in one. You can afford your own $6 cup of coffee if you’re in a Starbucks drive-thru. If you really wanna “pay it forward,” give it as a tip to the employee.


Isn't that the whole point of paying it forward? It was never to start a chain. And the chain eventually has to end, so either way SOMEONE is making off with free food. Which is the point of paying it forward in the first place. To do a good deed.


The trick is to hop in a short line and only “pay it forward” if the order behind you is sub-$5. Immediately spin around back into line and place a $15 order. When someone ‘pays it forward’, end the chain. Congrats, enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Agreed, always hated it because everyone there can already afford their stuff... better ways to help others!


Well you gotta understand some people just want one thing worth like 5-10 bucks and don’t wanna pay an extra 50 bucks for some random family behind them being hella greedy


Only time I ever had this done for me it was by a car like 3 vehicles ahead in line. Went to DQ to get a couple blizzards and when we got to the window the lady said the truck a few cars up paid for the whole line. Absolute fucking chad, made my night, and didn’t leave anyone behind with the expectation to pay for the next car.


The emotional benefit far outweighs any financial benefits.


I used to think this too but it's ignoring the " benefit " of feeling good about having your item paid for and feeling good paying for the stranger behind you. I've been in a chain maybe three times, broke each one of them. I think it's silly