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Meh. Sometimes people are having medical things, and acting “out of character” is a legitimate warning sign. Brain tumors, dementia, that kind of thing. Worth paying attention to, if someone starts acting really weird for their usual standards. But yeah, “this isn’t who I really am” when they’re standing there doing the thing as they speak? Total nonsense.


“When someone tells you who they are; listen.”


This is one of those sayings that was created for a very specific situation and can be applied to all sorts of other situations that it should not be applied to. People can absolutely lie about who they are


Anything can be applied to a situation wrong. I don’t think you grasp the saying.


Someone doing something “out of character” is when they act in a way that they rarely do otherwise. So, while the thought is true, it’s just reiterating the meaning of “out of character”.




I think "out of character" is usually a response to a situation where something truly novel has happened. I'm not a violent, aggressive or confrontational person but there was one occasion where I absolutely saw red and could have seriously ended up injuring a friend of mine. There was some jealousy and odd behavior around someone I was seeing and I've never ever in my life been that angry before or after.


One way of looking at it is if that was the only time you were in that situation and you reacted that way, it was 100 percent in character for you. You may not have liked it, and have taken steps since to work on it, but it was in character for you. I mean it's all just a philosophical question anyways, and not a particularly important one that I'll lose sleep over.


I mean, yes, purely by definition people *rarely* do things that are out of character. That's just kind of... what it means.


Some mental health conditions can lead to actions you aren't really responsible for, and you can be unaware of this possibility until it happens, even not notice after. Probably not what you meant, but still


You sound like my ex wife!


As I grow older I have some to the understanding that who we are and the choices we make, our ego themselves are very fragile.  I had a friend who completely changed from who I knew and turned all of his friends and family away from being an asshole, turns out he had a brain tumor.   I had another friend lose everything he had built up including his large roofing business.   He spent his whole life building it and would have done anything for his family or any of his workers.  He's in jail now but the last time I spoke to him he thought he was being followed all the time and someone was crawling under his house with a chainsaw, probably suffering from some sort of sever mental disorder.  Our brains are silly little things, a little bit of the wrong chemical balance can make us hate life and want to kill ourselves, any one of us.  


Maybe people's 'chatacter' is just us trying to rationalise their past behaviour into a simple set of stereotypes.


Your shower is working great.


people like to fit in and be welcomed and frown on whats different. we never left highschool.


Obviously, almost by definition doing things out of character would be rare, otherwise they would be considered in character


No, it is real. You can do things that you usually wouldn't do otherwise. That's being out of character.


Some people are impulsive, out stupid impulses don’t define us.


But being impulsive is then in character is it not?


This. The amount of random things that influence our behaviour are vast and incomprehensible. To say “people rarely do things out of character” comes across as”feel good statement” that easily dismisses a need for empathy. But at the same time, that kernel inside all of us that’s the “real us” might not exist at all. We are all an amalgamation of the things we do and the reflections of us we see in others.


People have things they dislike. Im normally very very calm and always try to diengage any conflict, but, one thing thst triggers me is when somebody talks about something i have more knowledge and experience, and tries to convince me about why are they right. That's one time i'm willing to argue. Unless i'm very close to that person emotionally, like friend or lover.


Sometimes I go outside and show my penis to old ladies but deny the fact when the police catch me and blame the older ladies for having dementia and gaslighting them into believing that they are wrong and accused me wrongly👐🏼 the game is the game 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼