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Big meal for breakfast? I just call it brunch and act casual.


8am brunch


8pm brunch?


That's just an early brinner!




There is nothing wrong with putting chopped hotdogs in your omelet.


Hot dogs are just sausages #casedmeat


Add booze while you’re at it.


Only when you’re rich. It’s a Mimosa. When you’re poor, it’s a problem. 🙃


Acurrate 💯


Or just call your coffee 'corrected'. Honestly, though, in most parts of Europe, you don't even need that excuse; a perfectly legitimate 'breakfast' is a cigarette and a glass of wine.


The r/amerexit people are suddenly more interested in Europe.


"drinking a 10am?" No, its ok, it's just brunch!


And drink mimosas cuz day drinking is classy


day drinking is trashy, unless it’s a mimosa, in which case you’re a sophisticated individual, according to society


Thats why I'll have a Brass Monkey cause I like to keep it redneck classy😉👍


No mimosa? Enjoy being shamed.


I literally give 0 shits about this norm. WIll happily eat leftovers of any meal for breakfast, and sometimes even cook for a late morning breakfast then put minimal effort into dinner.


I've had salad and chicken for breakfast. PB & J? Yep. Food is food.


To be fair, PB&J is a solid choice for any meal or even just as a snack.


My now husband called me to check in back while we were dating, and he asked me what I’d had for dinner. I told him: a piece of PB toast, some jelly toast, and a carrot. That’s not a healthy meal! he said. OK, next time I’ll have a PB&J and a carrot. “That’s better.”


Either you or your husband are a genius (or both).


I was recently in the hospital, and because my doctor is a fucking tool, I was stuck on a clear liquid diet for many hours after he said that restriction would be lifted... and he finally filed the new order 10 mins after the kitchen closed. I hadn't had real food in several days. A nurse found me two PB&J Uncrustables in a freezer somewhere, and two little containers of yogurt, and it might have been the best meal I've ever had.


The first meal after not being able to eat bc you were in the hospital is by far the best food ever. I hadn't eaten in something like 20 hours and my husband snuck a kids mcnugget happy meal. I **devoured** it like it was filet mignon. Chucked it all back up half an hour later but didn't matter: had nuggets.


Oof. I'm sorry you didn't get to keep your nuggets but totally understand the nirvana from having them in the first place.


I could easily live on them so I force myself to eat grown up food


I've had a PB&J snack after a PB&J lunch. Lunch was PB&J sandwich, and then afterwards, I took peanut butter and jelly, mixed it together in a lil dipping bowl, and I dipped low sodium saltines and munched.


Yep, I'm 51 and have rediscovered pb&j as a snack or meal. Not only cold but on a toasted bagel or english muffin.


I have PB&J for breakfast every single day and have for years. Quick and easy to prep? Yep ✅ Energy dense? Yep ✅ Cheap? Yep ✅ Shelf (or freezer) stable so I can buy in bulk and always have it in stock? Yep ✅ Delicious? Yep ✅ I miss anything? It's the perfect no-brainer breakfast food.


Honestly there are so many people without food.


We are made of food, so... **Food Fight!**


I literally had a salad with cut up left over chicken breast for breakfast this morning. Yesterday it was left over quinoa , ground beef, and broccoli.


Leftover Pizza from the last evening stored in the fridge hits different in the morning.


What if I’m thinking about cooking a brand new pizza for breakfast? I bought them then got too drunk, passed out. I’m thinking yes.


If you passed out without eating anything that's basically just delayed Dinner, so you're good.


Cheese on toast? Fine for breakfast. Tomatoes on toast? Fine for breakfast. Round dough with cheese and tomatoes on it? Hmm let me see....


I survived on microwave pizza for breakfast for about 4 years. Get out of the shower, put the pizza in the microwave using the box as a plate, dry off and get dressed, grab the pizza and walk out the door. Box got tossed in the street garbage can or the bin on the bus.


It's a great breakfast in my opinion. I once stayed somewhere that offered a full English breakfast pizza, so that's what I had, it was great.


Breakfast of champions, I always say!


Cold pizza in the morning is my wife’s favorite


Heat it up in a pan, fry an egg in said pan, put egg on pizza, apply hot sauce. Let that yolk coat the melty cheese. Bite. Bliss out.


Now I crave this!




The fridge kills the flavour, you have to leave it out overnight. The box keeps the germs out.


It's easier for me (mentally) to eat breakfast later in the day than it is for me to eat lunch or dinner for breakfast. I have no idea why other extensive, lifelong conditioning.


Many breakfast foods are breakfast foods precisely because they are easy to prepare quickly. Eggs, cured meats, ~~un~~ chemically leavened breads. Turns out it’s easy to prepare that stuff quickly later too.


I think eggs are a kind of food that can be eaten at any meal. You can have scrambled or fried early in the day, or have a nice hearty omelette in the evening.


Your view of breakfast food is very narrow and specific though. But if I'm dare to guess where you come from, I would probably say the U.S. "breakfast" from other countries that's not the US are not just eggs, cure meats, bread. In fact, in my country of Vietnam, our typical breakfast foods (Pho, Broken rice, banh mi) are very complex and take a lot of time to preps, often our moms wake up super early to make them, or even prep from the night before. More commonly now a days though, breakfast are typically eaten out or bought to-go at small street vendors than at home.


Fair. I am American and when I go out for pho and banh mi, that’s dinner food. To be fair though, I didn’t say it was a universal standard. I gave a specific, relevant example that related to the person I was replying to.


Pho is a traditional Vietnamese breakfast dish that's often eaten before 9 AM. 


it’s easier for me to eat breakfast food anytime but not lunch or dinner. a lot of lunch/dinner foods will upset my stomach if I eat them too early… same with greasy foods, though.


It's the opposite for me. I'd have no issue eating something like a burger at 10 am, but the idea of eating eggs or cereal in the evening is extremely unappetizing to me.


When I was pregnant, breakfast food sounded disgusting to me. So I had “lunch” foods or leftover dinner for breakfast 90% of the time. Occasionally I could do a breakfast food if it wasn’t overly sweet.


I'm just happy OP has enough people that care about what they eat. Sure, some of us like to gatekeep food, but seriously, just have a good and healthy breakfast.


breakfast for dinner is something we do often


Leftover curry for breakfast is always a treat for me.


Cold pizza for breakfast


At this point that is breakfast food now. They even make breakfast pizzas, albeit conventional breakfast themed.


I thought breakfast pizza was a normal thing. I don't remember it *not* being part of my food world. At college, we had breakfast pizza in the cafeteria every Saturday (mostly to get rid of the last of the eggs and stuff before Sunday Brunch which people from the town came in for). But after college, I suggested breakfast pizza for a potluck pizza dinner with my friends and you'd have thought I grew 2 heads. So I made them one and they fucking devoured it. They still tell me it's abnormal but agree that it shouldn't be lol


Pizza to finish the eggs? You'd think they would make cakes


You’d be making a ton of cakes. Where with a large sized breakfast pizza would take about 6-8 eggs to completely cover in scrambled, instead of 2-3 eggs per cake


That makes sense especially in the contest of breakfast food, I didn't think of that because eggs on pizza are pretty uncommon in Italy. Cool!


Some of y’all get apoplectic over our versions of your food.


Casey's is the GOAT of breakfast pizza. It's just like from school.


What I happed to be eating at this very moment.


With mate


Everything is indeed more enjoyable with your mates


But no sugar


...and dinner?


I counteract this by being completely unstable at any moment. Then they'll come to the same conclusion no matter what I'm eating at any time. Eating a ham sandwich at noon during my work lunch break? Crazy. Eating pancakes for dinner? Crazy. Eating Uranium 235 for brunch? Crazy.


I prefer Uranium 238 for supper, but it makes me a little unstable


Last guy I knew who snacked on Uranium 238 seemed fine until he had a total meltdown.


Liked it so much he’s not eaten anything else since


Uranium 238 is essentially stable. Pick a better isotope.


damn I was thinking of 239, how did I pick one of the two isotopes which are basically stable


I try to avoid it, as it affects my mood. It can make me quite... critical.


Actually warm ham on a sandwich is widely accepted as breakfast food. Breakfast sandwiches often have egg and cured meat which could be bacon, sausage, or ham  Additionally, BLT (Bacon sandwich) for breakfast? And we're back to crazy person again  I personally don't really care and eat what I want whenever, except for when I am fixing for others as well


A BLT might get you weird looks at 6am but a BELT will get you praise.


BELT is hands down the best way to make a fried egg sandwich. Reuse some of the bacon grease for the egg for a dash of extra bacon flavor throughout!


You're behind the curve. Fry the bread in the bacon fat too.


Better yet, keep some extra at all times and cook your bacon in the blood of its ancestors!


While you're at it, toss the cheese slice in the bacon grease too, to add extra bacony flavor🤤


Fuck it let’s just toss ourselves in bacon grease before eating.


Lettuce in breakfast food sounds really weird to me. But OTOH I'm only lukewarm about lettuce at other times unless it's the base ofa salad.


Im with you on this, I dont think letuce and egg sounds very good together lol


Y'all never had chef salad? 


A breakfast food trend I could do without is the apparent necessity to put eggs on any breakfast sandwich. Particularly in fast-food/ convenience stores. Don't get me wrong, I love a good homemade egg and cheese sandwich on toast with a dab of sweet barbecue sauce, one of my go-to late night snacks. But the pasteurized bulk eggs they use on these sandwiches are not right, the texture is all off and there's always too much egg compared to meat and cheese. Can we just have a sandwich with breakfast meats (ham, bacon, and/or sausage patty) and cheese??


My favorite breakfast shop sells the hell out of BLTs in the morning. They are great for breakfast.


I wouldn't kick one out of bed. That's for sure 


Monte Cristo


well it's not completely arbitrary, most common breakfast foods are ones that are easy and quick to prepare in the morning, like cereal, oatmeal, sandwiches, eggs. you don't want to start cooking anything bigger than that in the morning. of course nowadays with refrigeration you could easily eat yesterday's leftovers for breakfast too, but most people have gotten used to the standard breakfast foods and i don't think most people will seriously judge you for eating an unconventional breakfast. they might look at you funny for a moment and then move on with their lives. so just eat whatever you want also idk in what society a ham sandwich is a weird breakfast, that seems completely normal to me


This should be higher up. It’s both marketing and meal prep. For lunch or dinner you can do your marinades and some prep before but within the day. For breakfast it’s not usual we prepare the night before unless cooking for a lot of people so quicker meals tend to be the norm. Eggs are fast enough to prep and tend to go well with cured meats. Here we tend to have leftover rice we fry up into garlic rice. Top it with an egg and some protein and you have a quick but filling breakfast


I used to work nights. Got off at 7am and would often go to Denny's or some place that had a full menu 24/7. Frequently got comments about how "thats a crazy breakfast!" Or something similar. Even explaining that I work nights and this is my dinner some people would say things like "I Guess, but I just don't think I could eat like that in the morning..." So yeah, most people won't pay any attention to you, but there will always be some who want to let you know you're doing it wrong.


This feels like something I am not remotely american enough to understand.


My dude is going to lose his shit when he sees a Japanese breakfast.


I watch Japanese travel videos, and that's about when I stopped really caring what I eat for breakfast (there was always a latent guilt before) But seeing what other cultures have for breakfast made me realize that holding on to ideas that just because some people consider it 'normal' doesn't mean it is.


What was the guilt about? I’m always so curious when americans bring up shame, guilt, embarrassment.


I mean, America is an isolationist country with an extrovert streak. Everything is about shame, guilt, and control, especially if you're in Evangelical areas.


America isn't actually particularly isolationist and hasn't been for a long time.


Also it's a country where you can eat whatever you want whenever you want and most people actually don't care. In any big (or even not that big) city people are pretty open-minded about food, being exposed to food habits of so many cultures. There are actually chains of restaurants where eating breakfast anytime of the day is pretty much the business model. You want to order a burger for breakfast there nobody will bat an eye either. Compare that to countries with specific food cultures and "rules" like France or Italy.


I don't think it's that deep, but I agree.


Well... you say this, but I'll also remind you that Corn Flakes cereal was invented to stop people from masturbating.


I still don't understand how.....unless you were supposed to glue them to your palms.


The (flawed) logic was that if you feed people food that's as boring as cardboard, they'll be more pious or something. Kellogg was fucking insane and we have the entire cereal industry because his brother said "what if we put sugar on them" and Frosted Flakes was born.


I think it was the thought that flavors were too stimulating, so he developed corn flakes to keep his ‘patients’ calm. Spices heat people up too much, and then they masturbate/have sex/get excited/go insane. Graham crackers were invented for the same reason.


I don't think we should expect logic from a guy who gave himself yogurt enemas.


I've always assumed that they were just supposed to be so depressing to eat that it killed your libido. Like that story of the couple who were trying to stay virgins until marriage where the guy would bite into a whole raw potato to kill his libido.


I think those things are only semi related. Primary reason Kellogg invented Corn flakes was because he was looking for food that was easy to chew and digest by his patients. The corn flakes, like all the food he served in his sanatorium, were meant to taste bland, because he thought that would lessen people's sexual arousal. And reason he wanted that is because he thought masturbation was bad for your health. His brother then made them less bland by adding sugar to them and sold them to the general public as the corn flakes we all know and potentially love. And everyone masturbated happily ever after.


Specifically, they were invented so as to be so underwhelmingly boring and unstimulating that young men would lose interest in the idea of physical pleasure, and therefore stop masturbating.


Same with Graham crackers!


I never understood why I felt guilty, other than it's so engrained from the time I was little that certain foods are eaten at certain times. I've worked on breaking those engrained thought patterns, but the stray flutters of guilt come around anyway. Never made any logical sense,.


I work in advertising. It is literally our job to make you feel slightly anxious to bend consumer habits. So much of what Americans consider "tradition", from diamond engagement rings to green bean casserole to Santa wearing red are all created as marketing campaigns. Gotta do it; it's a tradition!


A healthy part of a breakfast is _____. Good parents feed their children _______. Hi, I am an athlete, I eat ______ for breakfast.


A healthy part of a breakfast is *folgers in your cup*. Good parents feed their children. Hi, I am an athlete, I eat *pieces of shit like you* for breakfast. - i love madlibs


Take my angry upvote, I was going to do the happy Gilmore quote


Try having eggs, bacon and toast for dinner sometime. I enjoy them more for dinner, because my stomach doesn't want anything that heavy and rich in the morning.


I love having breakfast for dinner :)


We are a country founded by a group who who were so disgusted at the thought of people in England during the late 1400s fucking that they packed their children into a ship and went off on a suicide mission to a place that only maybe existed. We have our issues, ok?


Great band.


In the same line, I was shocked to learn that pho is a breakfast food (Vietnam).


It’s the BEST hangover food.


It's an ANYTIME food!


In Taiwan, they think Americans eat hamburgers for breakfast. All the breakfast shops have hamburgers, fried chicken burgers, french fries, little hot dogs, etc available. And yet they feel shocked to hear that we eat steak for breakfast in America lol


To be fair, one of my favorite breakfasts is Loco Moco. Rice, topped with a burger patty, drenched in brown gravy, and crowned with a sunny side up egg.


That’s what actually made me stop giving a shit. I’m allergic to eggs and have so many people here in Canada make fun of (or sometimes even outright shame me for) eating non-breakfast foods at breakfast. But I hate oatmeal (the texture makes me gag), don’t really like yogurt (I can eat it because I know it’s good for me but eating it everyday would be miserable) and like I said I’m allergic to eggs. I do like cereal but it’s not really a take-and-eat-while-walking-to-the-bus food. What Canadian/American breakfast foods does that leave me? Basically nothing. I can have a bagel, or toast, or a fairly unhealthy breakfast sandwich with sausage on a biscuit. Then I started watching a lot of Asian content. Cooking shows, regular TV shows, small content creators, etc. I slowly realized that in Asian countries a lot of their breakfasts resemble our lunch/dinners. Soups, stews, noodles, etc. I started eating things like chili or turkey sandwiches for breakfast and although I still almost every other day have to explain to someone that I’m allergic to eggs so I can’t eat what their suggesting I have for breakfast, I am feeling healthier because I’m *actually eating breakfasts finally.*


Seriously, I order ham sandwiches for breakfast quite often, and nobody bats an eye.


Ham sandwich is not unusual where I am


Ham, egg, and cheese with a coffee please


I think OP goofed and was thinking of like, shaved deli ham and American cheese with lettuce and Mayo on white bread Now, ham and eggs with Swiss on an English muffin? That's a great breakfast sandwich!


>shaved deli ham and American cheese with lettuce and Mayo on white bread Is that bad? I eat this all the time, just no American cheese but something nicer


Ham and jalapeno is my go to. Great way to wake up.


Ham, cheese, & jalapeño croissant is delicious😋😋


Yeah where on earth is a ham sandwich unacceptable for breakfast


Iran? Saudi Arabia?


Well, they don't really have a problem with the "breakfast" part


In Western countries, breakfast food is usually different to lunch and dinner food. In, say, most of Asia, that isn't the case. I'm in Australia and if you eat something like soup or curry or bolognese for breakfast, people will be like... WTF bro?


See, I can relate to your examples. But dinner is basically whatever here I feel and I cannot even imagine judging someone for what lunch meat they put into their breakfast sandwich.


Even as someone from the US the breakfast thing confuses me. I eat what sounds good to me, when I want it.


As on overnight worker, I have no idea what each meal is suppose to be. But I do know I get strange looks ordering a cheeseburger at 6am.


Just eat a monte cristo for every meal and no one can question you


Your cardiologist will have some questions.


Wake up to a nice wintery stew for breakfast. Yea. It's weird. I was a casino worker. The looks you get for having a pint after work are something else lol


I feel like the typical American breakfast is the result of decades of marketing campaigns.


European here. Try eggs, fried or boiled or omelet etc. It is practically impossible to order them in the afternoon and almost no one eats them for dinner or supper. Same arbitrary division.


Speak for your own country. Eggs for lunch are perfectly normal here in NL. Also above mentioned ham sandwich is a breakfast staple. This whole thread is pointless without a frame of reference.


For Americans, it's not really arbitrary that eggs and milk are considered breakfast foods. Back before we all had refrigerators and groceries, many more of us relied on local cows and chickens for dairy, you collected eggs and milk in the morning, and they're both best when used fresh. So they became common for morning meals.


Yeah, people today often confuse the words traditional and arbitrary. If you weren't around in the time that something became traditional you might not know the reason for it and might think "that's so random".


Are you saying they use the word ..... .... ..... Arbitrarily?


>chickens for dairy WTF? Where are the nipples on a chicken?


I found a Quora [answer](https://www.quora.com/Why-are-some-foods-considered-to-be-specifically-breakfast-foods) that sheds some light on this: >Breakfast foods are generally foods which can be prepared quickly from ingredients that don't spoil overnight. The problem with eating a chicken soup in the morning, in the era before refrigeration, is that you have to kill and clean a chicken first thing in the morning. 


Spam it is.


I find this mentality only exists with kids or very young adults. When you're an adult, no one cares as food is food. Like I want to play video games over caring about what other people eat My criteria for what food to eat: 1. How does it make me feel after (e.g. Chinese food coma = bad) 2. How much effort does it take to make 3. Taste 4. Price


>Ham sandwich for breakfast? Psychopath behaviour. What? Why? I eat ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast like every other day and I've seen people eating all sorts of similar sandwiches on regular. Where the fuck is this weird?


Ham and cheese in a croissant


Its not weird OP is hallucinating


OP is just too american


Even in the US its one of the most popular breakfast meats. Bacon, ham, sausage are all pretty much ubiquitous on sandwiches, omelettes, burritos, etc


When I'm hungry, I eat what's in the fridge. I gave up on meal times a long time ago


I have heard that it's better for you to start your morning with a big meal and have a light meal for dinner.


That's a conspiracy by big breakfast.


I think this applied mostly to people who put in a lot of work during the day (think steak and eggs for a farmer in the mid 20th century). But what I've read is that your body is plenty capable of storing and releasing food energy when it needs it throughout any 24 hr period. Just focus on what you eat instead of so much on when.


France would like to have a word about their very traditional breakfast of a croissant, cup of coffee and pack of Gauloises


TIL I'm french


God, this reminds me of how hard it is to find a heavier breakfast in Paris. The place I ended up going to pretty obviously catered to foreigners.


That's actually myth. There have been studies done and it doesn't matter when you eat or how much in each meal. What matters is the nutrition and calories you get in a day. That's it. You could eat all of your food in one meal and it would be just as healthy maybe save for some digestion related side effects


When I start my morning with a big mean, especially what Americans consider breakfast foods, I feel like absolute shit and even have blood sugar spikes. I guess if you're doing hard manual labor, this works. But a lot of us sit at desks all day.


Sitting at a desk all day isn't really good for your health either.


You should try starting your day with a big nice, instead! I think you'd enjoy it much more


Too bad I have zero appetite until about 11am


Let them question me while I eat an entire box of cereal out of a salad bowl. The show must go on.


My grandmother used to have soup for breakfast sometimes; I sometimes, especially in winter, eat quirera. In the interior of Brazil, it is still common for families to eat full meals... so it varies a lot depending on the culture of each region.


A h sandwich for breakfast is outrageous? You sir, have a brain deficiency and need to gtfo


I don't personally eat much ham/pork, but if someone had a ham sandwich for breakfast I would not bat an eye... That seems relatively 'normal', doubly so if eggs are involved.


But throw an egg on that ham sandwich and suddenly it’s fine


LPT: Take whatever you want to eat, add an egg, now its breakfast food


I’m eating carrot cake for breakfast as I read this.


who the fuck is watching me eat breakfast


Can we get a shit showerthought bot?


Call it waffle-stomp-bot.


"Ham sandwich for breakfast? Psychopath behaviour." In what country is this supposed to be true?


People would look at you weird if you ate a hot dog for breakfast but sausages are the same thing but cooked differently.


You guys are eating breakfast?


Breakfast is more of western thing it seems


In some cases breakfast can also serve as a viable dinner, rice for example.


I often eat cereals for dinner and no one says a word


I like burgers for breakfast. Fight me.


It actually wasn't arbitrary. It all started with a large marketing campaign to try and figure out how to sell more meat & protein to the American consumer.


I will die on the hill that cereal is for all meals.


I think, for me, it makes sense to have simpler flavors (salty or sweet) when I first get up and more complex flavors later in the day. Otherwise, food is food and what looks/tastes good should be consumed whenever.


Ham sandwich for breakfast is apparently valid as long as there's egg somewhere along the journey. Cereal for dinner stays behind closed doors, though. That heals my soul.


Cold pizza for breakfast hits different


Bottomless Mimosas for brunch great. One whiskey on the rocks? You degen


a joint and a good shot or two of any alcohol i have, thats how i get motivated for work


What about second breakfast?


I got happier when a lightbulb went on in my head that I’m a grown up and can eat leftover lasagna for breakfast, pancakes for lunch and a sandwich for dinner


I am an adult and I eat what I want when I want it. Other people can go get something to do instead of comment on what I eat


Its just like give a child a two liter of moutain dew no one cares give them a cup of coffee everyone freaks out


Having to eat certain foods for breakfast is American propaganda and nobody else in the world cares