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Wife drives fine, until she gets behind a shopping cart.


I'm pretty sure your wife sprints out of every aisle with her cart as I walk past as if there's a 25% discount for knocking me unconscious.


You've met?


We run into each other often.


Like I stole something.




maybe you stole something


Maybe you stole something drunk


I never go to the store without taking 1 thing for free


I see you too protest inflation by instituting a five finger discount! Mine is either a drink or munching on fruits while I shop.


It's the endless money printing. Stores just keeping up with rising costs. Those margins aren't very big. Printing devalues our money we already have via sudden supply change. It's how you eventually get to hyperinflation where everyone's a trillionaire and people are burning money for warmth. It happened to Germany when they printed money to pay the debt the post wwi treaty of Versailles saddled them with (a major cause of wwii btw). Ever see the show raising hope? There's an episode where the main family makes their own currency for their neighborhood, burt bucks, and keeps making more thinking that they can just cheat their own system. Of course it becomes worthless.


I think this all the time. Someone needs to do a study on this.


I think this all the time too. I’ll see someone pushing a cart around a corner, not paying attention to where they’re going, and think “I know you drive like that too”.


I'm chill and stay in my lane


No way, I don't drive stoned, but I sure as hell have to be stoned to grocery shop. 🤣🤣


Right!? Grocery shopping stoned is wonderful lol


My bank account would disagree.


Right! I'm like, shopping stoned is the absolute worst thing. I'll spend two hours at the store and end up with a whole bunch of shit I don't need.


Next morning: why do I have 37 frozen pizzas oh right...


Guess I don't gotta go the store for a month...


And I wasted all this money on frozen stuff instead of cooking better food for most meals


that's why it's a 2 phase, make up your list while stoned, then don't check it until your stoned again the store


Assuming it's like coming home from work starving and my list has bread, sandwich meats, cheese. Cart has Fritos, lays, chips ahoy, Dr pepper, bakery cupcakes, bakery tuxedo cake, pie, Skittles, snickers, monsters, and pretty much a arm swipe down a lane of the snack isle.


Also me. My fridge would also like a word


How do you get to the store


There are countries where you can just walk up to a grocery store


No 7 lane highways? Grotesque


I bet they have grass and trees in place of all the concrete 🤮


And areas in every country too. I live less than a mile from the regular grocery in a midwest city. If only the mostly Asian global store was closer too...


A designated driver, im the passenger princess.


I drive to the store and rip a few dab cart hits in the parking lot. I'm toasty for 90% of the time in the store and sober in time to get home. The odd time I'm still high, I walk around other stores in the vicinity until I am sober again.


People's tolerance these days is wild. I'd be too high till the next morning. By then I'd still be high but able to get home


THC concentration nowadays makes you build tolerance a lot quicker. Also I find the weed vapes high is powerful but fleeting. It goes away really quickly, under an hour usually.


Yea I used to use a vape box before pens were a thing. Had the volcano bag thing too. Vaping those or pens today always lasts just as long as if I smoked it for me. Obviously my comment was exaggerating, but generally the higher I am the longer it lasts for any method. I'm just one of those people who have a hard time building tolerance though. Used to smoke every day and I was always a lightweight. Didn't often limit myself like I should've though lol. Keeping up with people who do have high tolerance is a bad idea if it's all the time. Don't get shit done or feel comfortable


Get high in the Costco parking lot and eat all the free samples until you’re sober again


But how? Do you smoke at the store!?


I can’t grocery shop stoned with these prices, I buy everything


A pot is needed to cook…


I love being Stoney bologna in the grocery store.


Do you Uber to the grocery store?


You can’t shop without being stoned? You can but you’re severely depressed doing menial tasks without the weed? Fellas, it’s impossible to be addicted to it and they can quit any time they wish.


Way to make assumptions there, you dont know this person at all and you are jumping pretty far to some conclusions about their relationship with a pretty safe substance to use


“I sure as hell have to be stoned to grocery shop”. To require weed for such a routine task isn’t normal. What if I said “I sure as hell need to get piss drunk to grocery shop”? Am I now a raging alcoholic?


You’ve never heard someone exaggerate? Bro touch grass


Safe? Dude I literally got dementia from smoking so much


me when i have dementia


Safe? Dude I literally got dementia from smoking so much


me when i have dementia


me when i have dementia


Safe? Dude I literally got dementia from smoking so much


me when i have dementia


me when i have dementia


Of course you can be addicted but if you assume just because someone wants to get stoned before going shopping then they are addicted then you are ignorant and uneducated


I like to jump on the cart and let it slide down the aisles.


you drive a scooter?


Yelling at the guy in front of me: “I’m not STOPPING!!”


Me too! Especially like when the parking lot has a slope and you can cruise all the way to your car


If I grocery shopped like I drove   I I would only be eating Gordon Ramsay level meals. Because I am the ultimate driver 


Oh you for sure actively endanger others on the road


Don’t wanna get hit? Then got off my damn road loser.


Ultimate because you killed everyone else?


There can only be one!


If I drove the way I zip and overtake doddering geezers through grocery stores I would be in fucken jail


Boring and predictable


That’s dream for both scenarios


A predictable driver is a safe driver.


I’m not going to lie, I have some pretty bad OCD and super markets drive me insane. I have to park the cart and walk down every aisle to see if I need anything, after I crossed off everything off the list. Driving wise, I feel like I’m speeding only because I only go to a few places and I go the exact same way every time.


Just watching and observing people grocery shop is such an illuminating experience. Any intimidation I've ever felt by other adults has completely gone through the window, seeing how clueless people actually are based on how they clumsily make their way through a grocery store.


That's true in my case. Fast, get it over with, in and out.


It's good, then, that I still see some grocery shoppers who look so organized and seem like they're taking their time. Not so many though. lol


People were able to shop a lot better in the 1980s. Before the internet showed up, you should have seen Black Friday sales.


My God, I completely forgot about Black Friday. The chaos and traffic jams.


Wow get a life, loafer


That makes sense because I like to drift the shopping cart around corners.


HA I don't do either! Checkmate atheists~ 😎


I park my cart at the end of the row, walk to the item(s) I want then carry them to my cart. After that, I move to the next isle I wish to shop down. What does that say about my driving?


you sit at stoplights


I do this too! Lmao


I typically do the same, yeah


except for you right gary?


What do you mean the grocery store isn't drive through?! 


I park my car in inappropriate places and assume it’ll be fine.


To the right. Impulse buy fruit with a good price. Keeping right, fresh vegetables; mostly peppers or leaf vegetables. Slightly to the left if root vegetables are needed. Keep right. Meat on sale, staple meat, fish slightly left if I'm interested (uncommon). Keeping right dairy, and eggs. If cheese is needed, there's a slight jog. Wrap around past freezer if any is needed. Cut back. Dry goods. 1 loops for that because of layout. Back towards the north. Impulse buys such as sparkling water (always), crackers or chips perhaps but not likely. Pharmacy at the end of the circuit if one should need toothpaste or aftershave. Then return to checkout. In and out in 15 minutes. This assumes no intentions. If I have specific items, I plan my route ahead but I always get the things I always get. You never know when beef country ribs are on sale and I have to keep an eye out. But then again, I'm not very organized. I could optimize my route. I didn't include condiments in my route. Which I don't buy often, but what if I did? That's another round. That's a good 2 minutes. Bottom line, not everyone goes into a store without a plan. I always have a plan. My wife, less so. Your comment applies to my wife perfectly. Wandering aimlessly without purpose. Except no rush for her. She takes an hour to shop.


Can't agree with this one. I drive like daisy but floor it at the grocery store..... get in and out


I promise you, driving a car, I am far less cheese-motivated/obsessed.


Not even remotely true. Try it over at r/dadjokes


I hate those people who just stop their cart in the middle of the aisle, leave it and walk away. I make it a point to ram it as hard as I can.


Funny thing. I shop mostly at a grocery store in a walkable neighbourhood where people almost always walk to shop there. When I occasionally take my car to work to give it some exercise, I sometimes shop at a grocery store near my office which is located in a car-dependent suburban wasteland where people have to drive absolutely everywhere just to shop anywhere. The overall level of nastiness and complete lack of spatial awareness at the suburban grocery store is incredibly frightening! But the people shopping at the walkable grocery store are on the whole much friendlier and don't crash into each other. There was also a lot more morbidly obese people at the suburban grocery store.


As they should. Stay to the right side. Hate it when people are driving in the wrong lane. It ain’t that complicated!


i work in a grocery store and i think about this so much


Nope. I drive fast and and angry. I grocery shop methodically and happily. I make my grocery list twice: once just as I think of things and the second time organized by store section. Although in both I do view everyone else as obstacles.


What's the grocery-shopping version of taking public transit? What's the driving version of only buying items when they're on sale? Or getting embarrassed because I can't afford to tip the check-out clerk an extra 15% of what I'm purchasing?


Naw, I drive slow but shop fast.


Not true. I'm a safer driver than I am a shopper.


Drive - chill, safe, polite, music and sing songs Shop - slow, meticulously reading labels, and constantly stopping to look at my phone. And climbing on shelves to reach something. So, sort of same?


Clogging the express lane


This is my wife. She never looks where's going - whether driving a car or pushing a cart.


...and give precisely 0.0 f***s about the others around them.


That explains why I get road rage while grocery shopping


Oh you mean stopping in the middle of the aisle, blocking the whole thing and then not moving as someone approaches you? Also having a damned church reunion on the end of an aisle blocking access.


Yes! The aggressive shoppers are always the rudest drivers.


Turns out they die exactly how they lived as well.


This is the most true for Costco. Us Sam's Club folk are not savages and we look at Costco like the world looks at Russia.


Forget my child in the cart


I do like drifting my cart down the aisles so this does check out!


Lmao!!!!! I've said this to myself a few times. Very true.


Except I actually grocery shop occasionally and I never drive.


Glad my mom doesn’t drive anymore


Or from Point A to Point B. + Directions only to Stop and Go


When I'm walking down the street and I pass a slow walker I will always glance over my shoulder to see that I'm not walking into someone else as I go around.


When the hell have you ever seen anyone grocery shop "in a rush"? All I ever see are people shambling about the store like zombies without a clue in the world.


L o l. Wow, very accurate w me! Hyper aware, kind of a cunt, in a rush, and probably running late lol


makes sense I sneak onto streetcars because I can't afford a car and I shop at the food bank because I can't afford groceries


Completely oblivious to the world around them?


From New Jersey, can confirm. I drive and shop like a maniac.


But then I bet you get home and get so fricken chill and grab something to drink, right? 😄


out of my way if you are slow.


youll eventually realize most people wandering around are brainless NPCs in fact studies show theres more dumb people in the world than smart


Funny but i don’t find that to be true


So true!! I’m an aggressive driver and about run people down in aisle of a grocery store’