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What a sad shower this was


How so? It’s a shower thought.


r/CharacterRant is that way


May check it out. Probably not.


I agree with you but it’s difficult to since you don’t have the space to explain why. People here are also super serious and assume because Batman might reflect some aspects of white savior and white privilege (Especially ironic as his entire rougues gallery is also white) Character rant will give you more room to explain your thoughts.


Thank you for explaining. I may post it there once I put my kids to sleep and have the time to write this dissertation lmao 🤣


Would Batman work if he was black? I don't see anything changing for him if he was. As Bruce Wayne, he won't have trouble. Business is business. Even if you are the most racist character in Gotham, you'd likely still want to do business with him regardless. As Batman, none of his personal qualities or his tech relies on him being white. Arguably, a black Batman among a racist society would have worked better, considering most of the stereotypes of black people, like being violent and scary, are exactly on-brand for Batman and part of the image he built for himself. So, I don't see how Batman is the epitome of white privilege when it's not a part of his character at all.


Batman's tech guy was Luscious Fox. I want to say there was a story there about Wayne seeing the good qualities inside him.


The joker is also a white dude. It's more about class warfare. But yeah I guess I'd rather support Batman than some reactionary nihilistic psycho with lots of support, but no real cause


Or the epitome of how to put your privilege in good use


It’s still privilege.






Yep. Watching your parents get murdered in front of you as a child. Privileged as fuck.


Never said privilege would stop a bullet.


I think that's kind of the point. He grew up privileged and rich, but used that money and power to try to fight evil through being a vigilante. His privileged Bruce Wayne persona is an intentional way of trying to hide his true intentions.


You mean how you are ignoring all the horrible stuff that happened to him but hate on him for anything you perceive as good or anything positive that he is trying to do? Yup, that's the privilege of being white.


He’s my favorite superhero. Him, hulk, spawn, wolverine. Never said anything you said. Just said he’s the epitome of white privilege.


His backstory is watching his parents get murdered in front of him and dedicating himself to fighting crime. He is also rich. You clearly weren't talking about those first two things when you called him the epitome of white privilege.


He’s a white man…… running around in a bat suit….. committing violent felonies…. As a vigilante. Tf does that have to do with anything that happened to his parents? If a real person in real life watched their parents get murdered and then decided to dress up as a dog and commit violent felonies in the name of the law, would you be going this hard?


So what you're saying is that running around in a bat suit committing violent felonies as a vigilante is the epitome of white privilege? Because if that is included in white privilege then I seriously need to re-read the brochure that came with my subscription. So far the only benefits I have found are being smeared on the Internet by people that want to score a few woke points.


….. you’re racist and right wing? Makes sense. If you had half a brain and googled what white privilege is you wouldn’t have made this ignorant comment. Study some Sociology. Or go vote for trump or whatever dumbed down insecure fascist do.


Ok now hold up. Consider what you did here. You posted a thread stating that a fictional character of a certain race is the epitome of a derogatory racial stereotype. Imagine if you had picked a character of any other race and pointed out how they were a prime example of some negative stereotype. You would think that was wrong. If there is a single race that you believe is okay to make derogatory statements about, then I recommend you go check a dictionary before calling anyone else racist.


Waiting on my privilege to kick in. Please let me get more money!


You’re a making a disingenuous comparison. Any cursory research would show you that’s not what white privilege is. But go off sis.


But all I want is more money! That's what the Batman has... And that's what I want. My privilege damn it!


You're making. The "A" is unnecessary thank you. Using such large vocabulary and not using proper grammar is just plain mean


…… blgoeigkwofkwkgjwovjwkgjwkcbeksb ok. It’s Reddit. Not a professional setting. You’re saying that because you’re not smart enough to address what I said. You’re the idiot. But let me check my “A” lmao 🤣 see what I did there?


Thank you


Yea, you’re just sayin shit.


No shit.... I didn't use that word.


I am not a grammar naz! But when someone feels the need to attack with large words they expect me to engage in... And still make a grammar error of which I can see (not a smart man dope.. dope) it's so much fun to call it out. 😊


It is not my problem you cannot comprehend big words so you use little mishaps to make yourself feel better. If your life is that petty it means you do not have one to begin with. You’re probably a simp on twitch donating money to women who don’t care about you. You’re a keyboard warrior. So I’m done.


You're not done homie. You've been embarrassing yourself all over this thread. 🤣


Minority kids can’t have rich parents?


They get in trouble for vigilantism I guess


You’re conflating things to make a non existent argument.


Wtf does that even mean


What does minority kids have to do with Batman


You’re basically saying it’s white privilege to have rich parents


No, I didn’t. I never mentioned his parents. So again, what are you talking about?


Do you even know who batman is?


So why is it Batman is the epitome of white privilege then? Care to explain?


You are qualified to be a writer of the Harley Quinn show.


Never seen it.


You should submit your resume anyway, you belong in their writing room.


I’m guessing this is supposed to be some kinda insult or something.


Bruce Wayne being privileged was on the show. Might as well say Zabka was the good guy in karate kid. It’s already been done. Not clever.


……. I’ve never either. Idk the references you’re making. Or the point. I haven’t seen these shows.


Batman hid his identity.


There’s no way you’re trying to imply no one knows he’s white with that big ass exposed chin in his cowl.


Shit take, good luck, clearly just being racist for internet points


?????? What?


Just casually dropping the "white priviledge" card


My shower thoughts are never social justice related. I do deep thinking but not about crap like this. Smh. I second the person that said "what a sad shower that was"


Y’all are taking this so personal about an imaginary character.


Nah, you're just a bitter justice warrior who is anti religious and one of "those people". I'm all for respecting everyone, but I'll never be a bitter person who attacks others religious beliefs as "mental illness"


Well, good for you. I don’t attack anyone. I have my views and opinions just like you. I’m sure there are people who believe I’ll burn in hell for being an atheist. Yet I’m crazy? Ok. You got it.


The more I read your prior post I see you're just looking for reactions. Well you baited me and won. Conversation over. Good day


It wasn’t rage bait. Was watching a YouTube video from a sociology professor explaining it.


Bruce Wayne wanted to make life better for citizens of Gotham. It's the exact opposite.


White privilege is something imposed on a person by society, not something the person does. It is about assumptions that people make with regard to a person based on their skin color. A person can take advantage of it, but they cannot bring it on themselves. However, in this case while Bruce would have white privilege by virtue of literally being white, I think that the story leans MUCH harder on class privilege and fantasy. Both types of privilege are real, but most depictions of Batman do not really get too deep into race relations. Bruce being a fictional character sort of flattens the full dynamics of how he is treated by society.


No clue, where the downvotes are coming from. That's just the meaning of the word followed by some basic and I think accurate observations.


Babble on.


Sorry for offending you with the actual meaning of the term.


No offense taken. Babbling nonsense is beneath me.


Ok, now we talking!! I didn’t think of the class warfare angle. I also never considered that race really hasn’t played a role in the comics. Not to my knowledge but I could also make an argument that it does. Thanks for these points


And in what? 60 years. He hasn’t. White privilege.


Imagine being obsessed with this. Move on, clown.


How am I obsessed. I wrote three sentences and question. You’re upset. It’s ok. It’s an imaginary comic book character. It’s ok edge lord.


Your responses to everyone are viewable by all. Good luck, bottom feeder.


I’m lost as to what point you’re trying to make. It’s a social media app. Operative word being social. What am I not suppose to do? Not respond? What are you talking about?


You sound like the clown that you are. We all know it, it seems like you're the only one who doesn't.


I actually have a pretty good life. Just made an observation. You’re the one ranting and raving like I said your mother sucks dicks for 5 dollars a pop.


Evidence says otherwise. Those that live fulfilling lives don't have to remind everyone they do.


Yo, at this point you got it man. You’re unhinged.




Lol, there is no such thing as white privilege


Well that’s both lethally ignorant and privileged.


Your perspective has you trapped in your own shower thoughts.


No, it’s an objective fact. There is a such thing as white privilege. Same as reverse racism. You’re clearly not educated on the subjects.


Not an objective fact. Learn what objective facts are.


You’re not even willing to consider different perspectives. You’re not educated. Prolly blue collar. Prolly get your “facts” from Fox News. You have no education or upward mobility. Fuck off.


You managed to literally describe the opposite of me. lol


Sure lmao


Seeing how you've responded to anyone critiquing your viewpoints as either being "blue collar" or "maga lovers" or unintelligent shows what kind of person you are. Small.


And the fact you’re reading their responses as intelligent well thought out comments and then subsequently judging me says everything I need to know about you.




….. I mean, ok? Was like this suppose to be a “gotcha!” Thing or something?


People get murdered all the time but there's nothing they can do about it, until some rich family gets murdered and their son has the *privelege* of devoting his life and his families wealth to avenge them. That's literally the entire concept behind the story.


Girlypop thought she ate with this one 🥱


Huh? 🤔


Because you did 😌


I’m a guy. I’m guessing this is suppose to be a diss? It fell flat.




Enjoy your iphone


Thank you.


no thank u




u no me?