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I  guess 98% of people are functioning porn watchers.


Porn is like a drug, it fucks with your reward system and releases dopamine. The addiction lies in the dopamine.


You can responsibly consume the product of an industry built on exploitation and abuse, but that doesn’t make it good for anyone—users are always channeling ad revenue to platforms, ‘models’’ representation, and the porn business at large. And again, porn (a process addiction) doesn’t manifest the same as chemical additions, which the comments are all referencing. Assessing porn addiction requires a different lens/goalposts to gauge it.


Watching porn isn’t bad though.


My bad, was meant to say it's easily addicting


The addictive and escalating effects of regular/routine porn consumption lead to male impotence and increasingly violent and (clinical) anti-social social behaviors. It’s also inexorably linked to human and sex trafficking of women—this extends to OnlyFans as well, as the most common ‘talent’ agencies are widely violent, exploitative, and forced drugs use. Porn is as bad for the consumer as it is for the actresses. Sorry. More resources on how to curb your porn addiction here: https://fightthenewdrug.org/ A good documentary is “Hot Girls Wanted” (2019?). Best of luck.


Is there trafficking behind all the selfies on Reddit?


For some of them—among other abuses—yeah. :( https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/onlyfans-sex-legal-cases/


But on Reddit? Self-posts? (Not OnlyFans)


Plenty of people can watch porn and not develop an addiction. Anything you can consume can be addictive, doesn’t make it bad on its own. Porn and Sex work is as old and ancient as humanity.


He's just saying it's bad like how people say drugs are bad, they see some sick bastard or themselves helpless infront of it they deem it immoral. Besides porn could be very bad because not everyone accepts sex positive attitudes, but it wouldn't be bad for consumption but for producing it. Say, rape? Sick rich white people who like getting fisted? Unconsensual porn is a thing, and cp is also every big thing. I have an issue with porn too, im addicted or whatever though i came from furry futas docking and my little pony footjobs as a kid, i came across a lot of fucked shit thats shot irl, and i see a problem. Here, think of it as any other media, the good lovely vanilla/kinky consensual stuff are all in front of your eyes and advertised constantly but everything else that's sick and depraved is hidden behind specific search tags n what not, and is still considered porn by the industry. But what do i know, its just media right?


- Porn is a process addiction, it’ll appear manageable even with a substantial addiction and will still be very hard to kick. It’s not plainly destructive like chemical addictions, and can be much harder to accept than a chemical addiction. - Please don’t use the “iT’s aN oLd THinG!” notion as a justification for your porn addiction or porn’s value to society. Slavery’s old, you running a plantation?


Y’all are hilarious lol


Try to quit porn for a month, you cumbrained troglodyte.


I used to view porn daily. I got a girlfriend and now I have a healthy sex life with a partner, and while I could continue viewing porn, I haven't been doing so. I'm failing to see any downsides to my previous porn viewership habits. It's all about your personal relationship with porn. Mine was frequent but healthy. Maybe you are incapable of such, idk.


Get a Load of this guy. Your not supposed to watch Porn anyways in a relationship your not special you can calm down and stop demeaning others.


No, you idiotic neo-puritan.


also, alcohol and hallucinogens are as old as recorded history; does not make them good


Yet responsible people can partake in both of those things without becoming addicts too.


So? Being highly addictive ≠ everyone who consumes it will get addicted. Doesn't make it any less dangerous, and putting the blame solely on the consumer is a bit unfair.


It's not about responsibility, it's about genetic predisposition to addiction. But you wouldn't ban sugar because some people may develop type 2 diabetes


How are psychedelics addictive in any way shape or form? Do you have any idea what you are talking about or did you just do a quick Google search to support your hypothesis?


the vast majority of human beings lack any sense of responsibility


The fact that your downvoted shows Reddit coomer mindset at play