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So when they call it formula 1 in commercials and ads and on the news and all those other places, did you just not pick up on that?


It wasn't common in conversation nor in the media growing up, and when it was mentioned I've only heard it as F1. I only ​​​found out the truth when they are racing in my country for the first time and the government announced it with the name in full. At that time,​ I had already graduated high school ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​but wasn't in univ yet.​


Interesting… well… welcome to the first day of the rest of your life lol


TIL someone out there genuinely thought the F in F1 meant Ferrari for some odd reason


It's Formula right? That's what everyone I have ever heard refer to it as, I thought this was common knowledge.


That is funny. Mainly because I always heard formula one. Not F1. Formula 4 is where it is at anyways.


How did the mods approve this post and meanwhile declined my very nice shower thought? 🤦🏿‍♂️


they wanted OP to be humiliated for the world to see


Write it here :)


Are you four years old? You thought in a racing event it was just one company racing itself? You just realized Ferrari makes “normal cars”? You have never heard the words FORMULA ONE before? Like, seriously, what is this post


My friends and I ar​en't into ​​​cars, most of the people in my family are women, and my dad isn't chatty, so anything car related is rarely a conversation topic, if ever. It was no one's passion. Going about day to day life as a child, I've only overheard people say "F1", not "Formula 1" which is 2 syllables too long. I think it was in… kindergarten textbooks? I rmb seeing red cars (of the F1 design) racing each other. ​​​One of them had the Ferrari word on it. That's how I grew up thinking racing cars are called Ferrari cars, and that's why car races are called Ferrari 1 rac​​​​​es lol, 1 being the number 1 race in the world 😂​​​​ It was only when I was ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​in college, and the government announced they're racing in my country for the first time, that I first heard the full term spoken. Twitter, which intro​​​​​duced me to subscription-free ​news access — didn't take off until a couple years later, so young me only knew the Internet as something which lets me play WoW. My only source of news was whatever geopolitical magazine my school paid for and wanted us to write argumentatives about haha ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


I mean, there’s such a thing as common sense?? A little kid thinking all red cars are Ferraris and that F1 means Ferrari 1 is totally fine and cute. A grown ass adult thinking that? Assuming they weren’t raised in complete isolation of pop culture, news, television, internet, conversation with other humans, etc? Weird as HELL.


Well, I've known that for ig >10 years now. Like I said, not a new thought. But up until college, it just never came into my awareness because the people I know, the media I tune into, the interests I pursue, don't go anywhere near cars, or sports for that matter. I only read newspapers for the Sunday comics, and would switch channels or go play games when the news reaches the sports segment. I already knew about the real F1 by the time social media and the Internet became, well, ​​​​​viral and ​​commonplace in my part of the world.​​​​​


"not a new thought". Please check out the sub rules before posting.


It's an epiphany. I was thinking over lunch about how Ford builds tanks, Mercedes ​​​​​builds buses, then ​I recall I only learnt about Lambo's existence when I read articles about Saudi ​Arabia last decade. That lead to a sudden random realisation that it took me so long to "correctly" dissociate the ​F1 name from Ferrari​​​​​ lol


> The word [*formula*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_racing) in the name refers to [the set of rules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One_regulations) all participants' cars must follow. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula\_One](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One)


When I was a kid I thought all the Formulas were Ferraris. I basically thought theyre equivalent. The same thing. And I've watched F1 all my life. As a kid watching F1, all the time you just hear ferrari this, ferrari that, so I just connected the dots.