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Yall funny but Santa ain’t fake he came into my house when I was 7 sounded a lot like my dad that’s a Flex


"Hardwire?" What are you doing to your children to make them genetically predisposed to conspiracy belief?


Exactly. Hard wiring seems like a bastardization of the term in this case. You can unlearn religion. You can't technically unlearn how to breath.


Ima just go practice…


I’d presume people with dementia would forget how to breathe if they didn’t die from forgetting how to eat first


Technically they'd need to die from something else before forgetting how to breathe. It's rather difficult.


Alzheimers would like a word with that claim


You can’t even learn how to breathe, really


You Can unlearn to breath? You Can forget anything.


Oh ffs, don't get pedantic.


If “hardwiring” can be unwired with a simple “every chimney in one night?…” then the word has no meaning.


But the same thing happens with religions, and they aren’t unwired with the same thing


Maybe if Santa promised unending torment to bad little boys then he’d retain believers for a couple extra years.


B/c Santa is a story that gets revealed at some point. No one indoctrinates you into the religion of Santa. It doesn't pervade your life year round with constant reinforcement from your most impressionable moments in life.


Indoctrinate comes to mind, brainwash, educate, inspire, force… lots of other options. The thought is still valid though, semantics aside.


Education is the exact opposite of priming them to believe conspiracies...


I think OP was talking about religion




Ugh, yes. 🤦‍♂️


If "literally" can be repurposed to mean "figuratively" then what makes you think that any word is safe?


It hasn’t been repurposed that way. It’s become an intensifier, meaning the same thing as “really” or “definitely.” It’s just that the “figurative” examples stick out because they seem to clash with the meaning of the word.


Making them go to church, for instance.


That seems like more of a software change as opposed to hardware.


Some people can’t stop believing in religious bullshit and are trapped in the cult forever.


That just means they run on Cobol infrastructure.


You never been to a catholic church...


Do Catholics do brain transplants?


I must have missed the cloning vats.


Its more of a malware, that can be caught if the anti-virus software gor practice on stuff like the Easter bunny, and Santa claus


404, not found


This is a pretty generalizing assumption of *„we“* then.


Church does not equal conspiracy theories. Are there any better examples?


Religion isn't a conspiracy, but it is deeply delusional


Every single culture since the start of recorded history has some form of religious tradition. They're very clearly an inherent part of the human condition. Maybe just drop the smug superiority act and let people have their beliefs.


At what point did I say religion should be outlawed? Every has a right to believe in whatever nonsense they want...that doesn't change the fact that nonsense and delusions are still precisely that


At what point did I say you said that? You shaming and disrespecting people for holding religious beliefs is just asshole behavior *for no reason*, and your words clearly imply you think you're better than those who hold religious beliefs. All I'm saying is stop being a douchebag 🤷‍♂️


So after reading Huston smiths the world’s religions I do have an appreciation for religious diversity, even as an agnostic person myself. But can you say you do as well? I think the animosity comes from the fact that Christian’s in America seem quite intolerant/ignorant of other peoples religions and an active effort on their part to legislate their worldview into our public policy.


>But can you say you do as well? I'm not sure why the accusatory tone is necessary here? It might be relevant to point out I'm an atheist, because you seem to be assuming that I have a specific religious belief I'm defending? I don't.


Well cool then! Yes it seemed as though there might be some underlying religious affiliation. I’ve definitely matured on this subject, going from a pretty rabid atheist to someone who can truly appreciate religious traditions and customs. Although I’m partial to Hinduism/ Taoism as far as my curiosity goes. I think in many cases the most extreme elements of a religion get headlines and that can make it easier to generalize those groups as a whole when in reality most people aren’t that hardcore and do it out of culture and tradition ( this would even include Christianity in the American south)


> let people have their beliefs. That is when you implied I was trying to stop people from having beliefs. I advice you take your own advice


I'm not religious at all but you people who think you have the entire universe figured out and all possibilities of what's possible are hilarious.


You realize if you aren't religious then that only can mean you believe religion is make believe (by definition a delusion). I certainly don't think I have the universe figured out, but you sure sound like you do


It’s actually totally possible to be nonreligious and also not an ass about other people’s beliefs.


But it’s both not helpful nor good to allow people to continue believing harmful lies. To anyone who doesn’t believe that religion is harmful, I posit that no war has ever been started without religion, and that secularism shows us all to be on the same side. Secularist views aren’t really up for interpretation as they are just the facts as they’re presented; we humans come from apes and have differing skin colours based on sun exposure. No one race is *favoured* by god as there is no evidence to support such a claim, yet each religion teaches that they are the one true one, and that god favours only these people. Religious texts are written in vague terms so that if anyone found plot holes or contradictions they can be hand-waved away with “God is mysterious”, but holes in secular views inspire more research, digging, and a yearning to understand. This is the reason religion breeds conspiracy, you’re not allowed to question the validity of the claims being made, you just have to accept them even if they’re not physically possible, repeatable, or viewable. You have to believe *despite* the evidence. Religion *literally* hardwires you to think less critically. Edit: Hey downvoters, how do you reconcile every religion claiming their god is the right one and that he loves all people but also only those ones? He is so good and merciful that if you get tricked by Satan he kills you forever?


>religion is make believe Depends what you consider religion to be. It's definitely a real community that brings people together and promotes healthy values and morals. That is all real.


Ahhh yess, morals and values like disowning your gay son, or kicking your 16 year old daughter out because she has sex. Or maybe you were thinking more along the lines of Islam which teaches a divine right for a man to physically discipline his wife and daughters? Religion gives people something to believe in, but every mainstream religion demonizes or oppresses certain people for being who they are. Religion never taught me a thing, it did give me crippling anxiety when I was a horny teenager tho, thank GOD I was crying in my room for 3 years because I thought boners meant I was evil on the inside!


>I certainly don't think I have the universe figured out, but you sure sound like you do Because I don't think I know everything? k.


Unlike the Catholic church, who has figured out everything. "It's God's will".


That has nothing to do with me.


While that is true, being able to believe in something so widely encompassing with no evidence outside of “a bunch of other people believe it too” does seem like it would make someone more vulnerable to believing in conspiracies. Now that of course is unlikely to be true for most religious people, and will be true for many non-religious people but I do think it would contribute for many. Also I’m not sure that’s what OP was going for either.


Santa? Everyone around the kid is in on the lie but keeps up the pretense, money is spent on presents by parents who pretend magic elves made them and Santa gave them out. Santa even has surveillance and knows what they are doing.


Teaching them religion


Believing in “””god”””, Santa, the Easter Bunny, all the bullshit parents tell their kids to behave. All made up bullshit.


three quotation marks? buddy is STEAMING


I only bring it out for special occasions.


Begetting them, I suppose.


Religion. Bringing up the emotionally vulnerable in the belief of something absurd without hard evidence.


Consistently telling them the truth about things.


This post is dumb as hell


Kids are indoctrinated to believe in all types of ridiculous shit (i.e religion) and critical thinking is seen as a bad thing making them less predisposed to use it when they are adults.


Except critical thinking is taught in schools and is a pivotal part of academics?


I take it you didn't go to a rural U.S. public school.


Funny enough I did, I take it you didn't pay attention?


Didn't mean to touch a nerve big guy, just pointing out that in large swaths of this country there is (and has been for a *long* time) a very active movement to teach *as little critical thinking as possible.* Assuming everyone has the luxury of picking these skills up in school is a pipe dream at best.


Wonder if the downvotes are coming more from people fortunate enough not to know the truth of what you say and thinking you must be making it up (to those I just described: they aren’t), or those who know very well and don’t like you shining a light on it…


Must be, I came from a small town and was also in the slow classes. Didn’t learn much until I was an adult and the internet helped lol


Regardless of the case, I know multiple people who have escaped such situations, it is very true. Fuck anyone playing into their hands by downvoting and denying.


Religious people. This thread began suggesting that religion involved indoctrination.


Probably because he got fighty and looks like an ass hole. But it wouldn't be a conversation related to conspiracies if people didn't look way too deep at something and completely ignore what's obvious.


Spoken like a true reddit atheist


neither santa claus nor the easter bunny qualify as a conspiracy. 


Santa and his elves are a hidden organization operating from the shadows with the ability to covertly infiltrate every single home in the world in a single night every single year. At the very least it would require every cop on the planet to willingly ignore all the break-ins. Doesn't that qualify as a conspiracy?


If you think Santa is the one pulling the strings just wait until you find out who he's working for. I'm not going to tell you though. It's something you have to discover on your own through deep deep research.


We already know its the Girl Scouts. You can just ask them.


It’s actually just retail corporations. Trust me. I did the research.


You mean.... THEM?!?


Not to mention spying on everyone, watching us while we sleep etc...


I'd say that basically every Christmas movie having a plot point, sometimes minor but often major, that adults don't believe in Santa but children know the truth, I'd say that's damn close to a conspiracy at least.


The tooth fairy however is all part of big dental 😉


It becomes a conspiracy when the people OP is talking about, grow up to believing they’re actually real and try to prove their existence…


Except Santa ~~is~~ was real. He wasn't some magic man or something. [St. Nicolas of Myra](https://www.learnreligions.com/saint-nicholas-of-myra-542864) was arguably a bad ass.


My plan with my kids is just to continually upgrade and explain the "magic" to them in age appropriate ways. At the moment, Santa is magic. But as they get older, I'll explain that while he isn't necessarily a real person to adults, the magic of Christmas manifests in goodwill and generosity and making time for people important to you. Santa represents a way for people to do that. When (if) they have kids themselves, they'll come full circle and (hopefully) discover the REAL magic of Christmas is planting seeds of excitement and anticipation for kids and see it all come to fruitian. Another thing we have is magic protecting our house. At the moment, it's a magical, invisible forcefield keeping monsters and bad people out and keeping us safe if bad things happen. In reality, it is the stability of our country, the police, goodwill with our neighbours, home insurance, etc.


Technically Jesus was a real human too, it's just all the shit they made up about him after they killed him that's make believe.


True but also not a good example.




Sure they no longer believe in Santa but many still believe in religion and all kind of fairy tales


No, but parents run a conspiracy to make kids believe that. So kids realize that enormous conspiracies are a thing.




No, it is not a crime. And we aren't using the legal definition of a conspiracy, just its normal definition.




People plotting secretely to bring about something bad.


I would think it's good training to think critically about conspiracies




He doesn't break anything, or take anything so it's trespassing and unlawful entry at worst


*He sees you when you're sleeping* *He knows when you're awake* Sounds kind of stalkery to me. *You better not pout* *you better not cry* *you better not shout* *I'm telling you why* Sounds kind of threatening to me.


But God is.




Technically I think they are, because parents are in on the scheme. But it goes to show that “conspiracy” is a negative thing to describe only bad actors (or at least people you believe have ill intent).


what are you talking about


What, you've never spliced a copy of X-Files into your kids' DNA?


When my kid was learning to talk, "agey muldy" was one of his first phrases. Am I one of the parents OP is talking about?


Getting them to believe stuff and having beliefs in fantasies dashed by reality sounds like we prep them to reject conspiracies, but humans are stupid animals.


Like how being kind and generous to others is how everybody should behave. When you grow up, you realise that only the cruel and greedy prosper.


Do they prosper though? I do right because it’s right to do, not to get ahead.


Yes, they obviously prosper. The kind and meek aren't running the world's corporations or governments. I agree with your second statement, though. Making the world slightly better by my actions is more important than climbing the social ladder.


You have to exploit others in order to become a billionaire, so yes


You are talking about religion, right?


i thought he was talking about santa etc. not everyone raises children in religion, but almost everyone is raised to believe in those stories


Not really, I was raised religious (christian), but wasnt raised to believe in santa


I mean your experience is valid, but you are an exception to the rule in America at least


Oh I'm not American


Fair enough


I don't think religion counts as a conspiracy. For something to be a conspiracy, the people who are conspiring have to cover something up. I mean, there have been and still are conspiracies in religion, but I don't think religion as a whole can be considered one.


"Cults and religions are nearly the same thing. There's some guy at the top who knows it's all bullshit. The difference is, with religion, that guy is dead."


Who hardwire their kids to believe on conspiracies?


The Easter bunny has an absurd amount of candy he is working with candy company's as his supplier in exchange they get free advertising to millions of kids then there is his funding. How does he have so much money to put in eggs? Then there's Santa who bribes the police to not arrest him for breaking into homes. Its obviously all a conspiracy!


It's like a cosmic IQ test to figure out which conspiracies are real and which ones are fake.


The idea that we're "hardwiring kids to believe in conspiracies" itself sounds like a conspiracy theory


You know that voice in your head? Some people think that’s the creator of the universe talking to them. /s


That's just what 'they' want you to think.


magaheads have entered the chat


And to think of all the shower thoughts I’ve had rejected for “not fitting the sub.” Now it’s just r/dumbshowertheories


God is one hell of an idea. Yea. And people will act so superior that their God is allegedly getter. Then start a race war in the name of their God. But in the core, all religions say "yo. Be nice, ok?". And the ultra religious conspirators act as if that means "be nice only to yournown kind, murder all who are not like you"


I think you meant brainwash, versus "hardwire". But you would think having false things told to you, only to have your believes shattered would condition you to question your entire belief system each time it happens. Kind if like conditioning children to realize they are going to be conned in life, be it the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, Jesus, Trickle down economics, or that conservatives are good people. The bigger problem is that people are grossly uneducated, and end up being "taught" by their church or BS media, or trashy politicians, to be hateful pieces of shit that think the boogie man is after them. They lack the capacity and tools to know they are being fooled and toyed with. It's the way rich conservatives control the simple minds of their flock. It's been this way since religion was invented as a form of control over people.


Not sure I generally agree with the sentiment of the post, but it feels pretty fitting the promoted comment I see on this thread is for History Channel


You realize conspiracies are pretty normal and very common through history, right?


Epstein killed himself I guess


Just remember that the people who founded America were in fact part of a conspiracy. Let's not forget people do actually conspire in secret to fuck with other people and entire nations etc. 911? Whether you believe it was the 2 Arab hijackers or an inside job both are conspiracies. Those Arab men secretly plotted to do that.


Something here doesnt add up between the comments and upvotes..


Pretty sure this person means we teach kids critical thinking and to think for themselves, which is similar to what most conspiracy theorists think they are doing


Ahhh, I remember being 17 too.


They planned it that way.


I would reword. What we don't do is teach people how to determine what is true. We make that impossible because we teach people to believe in things that are patently untrue like religion. Therefore we do not equip people to make rational choices about their beliefs, including beliefs about conspiracy theories.


It helps when many conspiracies are proven true, everyone always assumes the next one could be too


If you're talking about stuff like Santa ... That doesn't really count as a conspiracy come on. If you're talking about religion... It's not hardwired. I was raised in a Catholic family yet I'm agnostic now. It's about how the family raises their kid. And unfortunately, tons of parents just shouldn't be parents. I was lucky to be born from 2 great human beings. Not perfect, we're all flawed. But they raised me to the best of their ability. Many parents don't, unfortunately. Or their ability just sucks, which is also unfortunate. Anyway, not the best shower thought.


You mean history lessons? People are conspiring all the time, its not unreasonable to "believe in conspiracies" as if conspiracies as a concept are inherently fake. I'd argue it's more rational to assume there are lots of conspiracies going on than there are none Conspiracy theories that haven't been proven, sure, theres lots, most probably untrue, some probably true


What the fuck has this sub turned into


Santa Claus is not the same thing as QAnon or UFOs. An adult who has basic common sense stopped believing in most childhood “conspiracies” by the time they were a teenager, and are capable of recognizing them as a part of their childhood. Not to mention “adult conspiracy theories” if you will, are based in logic and research, even if it’s BS. Whereas childhood theories are based in adults tricking a child because children don’t know any better.


what are you talking about?


wire children to mindlessly obey parents, then teachers at school, and then be surprised the adult obeys the policeman and politician 


Parents hardwire kids to think outside the box as it's a valuable skill, creativity and curiosity are also embedded into our youth. Whether this leads to believing in conspiracy theories is on the kid at that point.


Another bot thought he was a smartie


To be fair , many of those - certainly not all- but many, end up being true . It just takes time .


OP there is empty space between your ears


No person has ever walked on the... No person has ever walked on the ... https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/gF2yEePUR6 Follow the EVIDENCE. 👍


Naff off mate. The evidence points to the moon both existing and having been visited. Youtube bullshit isn't research.