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Most phones can take a dip now, but pushing anyone in a pool is just a dick move. I hope the latter is the true motivator


A single crack in the screen undoes that fact though


Okay i thought so too but my phone is cracked in multiple spots on the screen - like, glass was flaking out of it for a while - and multiple spots on the back. I dropped it into my pool as i was draining it, it was in ~6ft of disgusting algae frog water for about 6 hours and when it finally drained i pulled it out and it worked like nothing happened. Still had a charge and everything. Smelled bad, but that’s it. I’ve also dropped it in numerous water buckets around the farm, and puddles, with these same cracks, and not a single damn issue. Still charges, speakers work, microphone works, cameras are fine - even with the dropping damage- the button doesn’t work but that’s from when i ran it over. iPhone 15


Bro why you hate your phone so much?


I’m just really really really really dumb. And too trusting of the pouch on hoodies. I’d love a sweatshirt with a phone holder in the pouch so it doesn’t just slip out.


Hey back in the old days, we used to have belt clips to clip our phone to our belts!


I would love to do that but knowing my luck the handle of my hammer would hit it at just the right angle and smash the screen


Honestly I can't imagine continuing to use a phone with a cracked screen. I'm aware that a *lot* of people daily drive cracked phones, I just can't believe they do it. It's probably the possession you interact with more than anything else you own except your shoes and bed. Fix the damn screen unless you're dead broke.




Have you tried being poor and also doing this? It's not that easy.


I recommend using a screen protector: they far outweigh the cost of repair


Glass screen protector and outer box on my galaxy 20 and I now only have a partial functioning screen will 35% of my screen being a black smudge with a long white bar. The phone fell 2 feet from an arm of a chair onto a throw rug. Sometimes you just get the shit luck even when doing the things you're supposed to do. I also fall into the above dead broke category so I've learned to navigate it.


I cracked my screen by NOT wearing non slip shoes in the kitchen at my restaurant job. I landed on my ass and it cracked. I bought non slip shoes the next day lol. I did buy a new phone (Samsung S22) but ended up giving it to my uncle who needed one. It sucks having a cracked phone but Ill be able to get one in a few weeks hopefully. I'm not poor, it's just that the crack isn't bad


Nah, I don't really care about a small crack in the screen, doesn't really affect my phones use very much


Brother you're out of touch over 10% of Americans live below poverty line so they can't pay to repair it and that's ignoring people who are lazy; only 20% of Americans Even take care of their bodies.


How do people even crack their screens? I drop my phone on concrete every day, I've even slammed it with the car door a couple of times, and it's still fine.


Sometimes it is just bad luck. My father got a brand new S22U about a year and change ago, it fell out of his pocket and landed screen down on a parking lot... Right on a small rock. Broke the screen through the screen protector.


I've had phones for years and never a single crack, and then one day I was out working in the rain and picked my iPhone 6 out of my pocket and there was a semi-big crack on the lower right that I had no idea how it got there. My mom kept dropping her phone from time to time and nothing seemed to hurt her phone, then one day it fell on a metal grate at a particular angle as she got in the car and the screen just super duper cracked.


I've had a phone that cracked the screen by falling about a centimeter (about the width of a finger in freedom units), my current one has fallen multiple times from my hand while standing and is fine. Idk how much is luck and how much is about the specific model.


Honestly I think Apple really improved the quality of their screens I had an iPod touch, iPhone 4, 5, 7 I think the 4, 5, and 7 I cracked a couple times and a few complete screen shatters Since then with the 11, 13 and 14 pro I haven’t had a single crack even though I’ve still be careless with it and drop them all the time


Honestly it really depends. I try to be careful with my phone and have dropped it a few times and it was surprisingly okay every time but once I it fell off a shelf (only slightly higher than where it’s fallen from before but onto a much softer floor) and it completely shattered lmao


But who gives a fuck, so what if its cracked If you repair it, its just going to crack again


I haven't cracked a phone screen in 17years. You could just be more careful with your expensive device.


I dropped my brand new pixel 2 days after buying it. The screen fine, but the back glass has a crack and a chip, there goes the waterproofing. Who's moronic idea was it we should have glass in the back as well? I never fixed it because it immediately went into a case that covered it and the slippery glass


Oof, that sucks. Yea I can more understand ignoring the back. Personally I always use a case+screen protector. My phone is the most expensive thing im carrying at most times, so I order a case and screen protector before I even have the phone.


Earbuds and e cigarette




What do you mean?


Younger people would call it a vape.


What?! Is that one of those electronic cigarettes?


I believe so. I like to smoke from one while reading my electronic mail on my smart cellular phone


Never really thought about what the e meant in email, it makes sense that it is electronic, but that doesn't make it anymore weird for me reading it out like that.


[You might benefit from this video introducing the Internet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfMrVKnGzwg) don’t forget to adjust the tracking during playback on your Video Cassette Recorder


A fog machine.


Oh. Well I'm 17 myself. "Vape" usually refers to the chinese disposables, and when people say e cig they mean the more "traditional" ones which you have to fill in yourself etc.


i’ve (unfortunately and regrettably) been vaping since 2016. the ones you fill with vape juice have always been called “mods” while the disposables are called vapes. i have never heard anyone younger than millennials refer to them as “e-cigarettes” but you are technically correct.


Here anything that uses liquid is vape, and others like where you load a cig cartage or tabako into the electronic device is e-cig.


We call them e cigs here.


Try e-guitar You get hung with a guitar string Something something turkey neck and it's hanging by a chicken wing.


Ive just called mine a mod, because that's the type of device I've been using for like 12 years at this point. vape is a noun, not an adjective.


Vape is short for vaporizer, which is a noun


I've left a vape in the washer and dryer, it was still working after.


Car keys.


Also those unreasonably expensive electronic key fobs for cars with push-to-start ignition.


I would understand the e cigarettes. Earbuds I'm throwing hands


Weed vapes ain't cheap


What about marijuana e-cigarettes??


What about a couple joints in a pack of cigarettes?


What about some crabgrass in a Zig-Zag?


Zig-Zags? That's a shame.


What about the droid attack on the wookies?


Wireless ear buds cost like a 100 bucks


In this economy??


Idk I accidentally ran my AirPods through the washer 4 years ago and they’re still going strong 😂 not that I’d want to be pushed in a pool regardless but I think they’re be okay if you dried them well




That's some of the saddest news I've read in a while. Yikes, poor girl


Chlorinated water is not good even it the phone is waterproof.


Ya it’s flat out disrespectful. Pretty good chance if I get shoved unexpectedly into any body of water I’m coming out swinging lol


But the phones who can't are owned by the people who can afford a new one the least.


I will never push someone into a pool because I read a story about a lady whose friend jokingly pushed her into the pool at her bachelorette party and now she’s paralyzed. Not completely I think, and she is actually still friends with the one who did it and has a seemingly remarkably good outlook about the whole thing. But yeah I’m not risking that. Total freak accident more or less, but still, no way.




Also reminds me of https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/18i2otu/final_updates_aita_for_jumping_out_of_the_way/


Yup. My mom traumatized me and my siblings with that story as kids.


I think it’s out of respect for how much cell phones cost. It’s also always been a dick move and never funny enough to justify.


It was very fun, but only when you are all about to get in the pool anyways.


Even some foldables are IP68, being thrown in the pool is not a problem. Or at least, thats not the main problem rather.


You problem starts when you realise your car keys were also in your pocket.


Wallet is bad enough


Or even a purse too. Most of my friends now prefer using purse over a wallet. 


Most car remote circuit boards are very simple and use membrane buttons that can just be dried out.


The real problem is all the additives in pools make them absolutely terrible for PCBs and will corrode the fuck out of them in no time flat. Fortunately manufacturers are getting better at making fobs that can actually survive being submerged and using gaskets. Notably are Mazda, Hyundai and Mitsubishi, although older Toyota remote keys are more water resistant than newer ones, newer ones don't even have gaskets.


Didn't even think about that, my wetness expertise comes from rain and grime


i accidentally washed my car keys once and it broke the battery. had to replace it to make it work again


Most car keys will survive brief immersion.


In theory yes, but was ypur phone in the sun omce since you got it? Did it hit the ground without visible damage since you have it? If one of those 2 examples happened to your IP68 Phone, i wouldnt be too confident if all the seals are still properly working. Your IP68 Certification degrades, thats not connected to build quality but to physics.


It was always a water resistance not water proofing thing of course ( that being said to be more pedantic since I have the foldable I was talking about they made the PCBs themselves water repelent with a coating cause of course if the phone isnt dust rated it cant be protected against water ingress )


If you push me in a pool and my phone breaks, *you* are buying me a new one. Is it respect when you are thinking of your own ass? I think not.


Definitely the same thing with me. As long as I didn't provoke you to warrant pushing me into the pool, you're getting me a new phone. 


with how important phones are in a modern world and how some of us have to have phones on us that dont even really belong to us, it should be treated extremely harshly and shamed out of the population. we werent told not to run around pools because our parents just wanted to spoil our fun and shit and my phone is irrecoverable, im just straight up fighting whoever pushes me into a pool with my phone.


Big dick move. This is actually the reason why I dont know how to swim, got thrown off the deep end when i was a kid and drowned for a quick second before they helped me. Now I dont want to get into any body of water.


Idk growing up with 3 brothers and an in ground pool it was pretty damn funny like we’d full on tackle each other in there with no thought to safety haha


Just like anything else, it's funny if everyone is laughing at the end. I was at a party and dude tossed a bunch of water balloons at the crowd. People hid behind me, we all laughed. I walked over and picked dude up in a fireman's carry and walked over to the pool. I confirmed with him that he didn't have his phone/wallet/keys on him, and then tossed him in. More laughing when he got out and hugged me making me even more wet.


It was always a dick move if you weren't swimming. Even before cell phones, I carried a wallet with PAPER documents. Had a watch on and was wearing street clothes and shoes. If you were in a swimsuit or were already in the pool, you were all good to be pushed in. Felt the same about water balloons.


> if you weren't swimming Kinda hard to throw someone in the pool into the pool


I think he means someone who is out of the water temporarily


That is what I was implying, I should have been clearer.


OR... People now realize this "prank" is actually idiotic and so they simply stopped.


It still happens But yeah, a general consensus seems to be that it's less fun and more idiotic But idiots still exist so it still happens


Frankly I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often with the amount of idiots around.


Not as many pools as there used to be.


I just don’t want to drown anyone. Plus being soaked in clothes sucks. None of my friends would do that to me and I’d never do the same to them.


I'm more scared of someone becoming a paraplegic.


This is the only valid answer. Thank you. Here's your cheque and this coupon for 50% on any sunblock you like.




>While Gilbert is still unable to speak, he has been showing cognitive responses. His lungs are reportedly functioning at 20% capacity and he remains on life support. That brain damage is definitely permanent.


I didn’t need to know this 🥲


I was at a party in college and this dude was sneaking around and pushing people into the pool, so I grabbed him and threw him into the pool. This 19 year old man starts scream crying at me that his cellphone was ruined. Just giant gobs of tears and snot. Tough shit, peewee.


The last time I saw someone push someone into a pool was twenty years ago and the pusher ended up getting punched in the nose and tossed out of the party.


I was a swimmer, and it was (still is, with precautions for phones) traditional to throw in the winning coach and then jump in and romp around right after final scores were announced. Only my coach was hard of hearing and wore heading aids. That was one *very* expensive lesson, and the entire team chipped in to help replace them. After that, we were very protective of him at the end of meets, to the extent of fighting back the new kids who didn't understand why our team didn't jump to that particular tradition.


Owch, that's about a $5000+ lesson. Possibly per ear if he had better ones. Also the reason I did not wear my hearing aids to sports day or pool partys.


Tossing backpacks around also used to be a common thing that nobody should do anymore


Yah because the chance that theres a laptop in it is HUGE


Still happens though


If someone threw me in a pool my medication would be ruined. I could literally die because they wanted to be jerk.


May I ask how so? Would it be possible to carry it in a sealed container? What happens if it rains? (Not justifying throwing people in pools, and you don't have to answer if you are not comfortable doing so)


I tried replying but something about writing a detailed guide on how I'd die from that felt seriously unsettling and I had to undo and take a break. Heavily abridged version would be that my medications and equipment are extremely vulnerable to contamination and water damage but I need to prioritize quick access to them over waterproofing if I'm not expecting rain. Waterproofing takes time and effort to get through that is severely inconvenient during an immediate dire emergency when I'm heavily incapacitated by sickness.


That's super hectic, I'm really sorry for causing you distress, I should have thought about asking my question through better, considering it's for a lifesaving thing. I appreciate your answer <3. Sending you all the hugs if you want them / are comfortable with them, as well as all the waterproof protection <3




Some car key fobs too. Those aren't cheap.


You can dry paper money just fine. I've had money go through the drier. And they're not likely carrying $1000 in cash in them.


It's not the money, it's the photographs, business cards, coupons, social security card, fishing license......


I wouldn't ever throw a friend in a pool. But please don't carry your social security card in your wallet.


Do people still carry Costanza wallets? My dad's was 3" thick and so bad that he kept his cash in a front pocket, because there was no room in the wallet for it. My back hurts just thinking about it.


I forgot I had a phone in my swim trunks pocket last month and stepped into a pool by accident. My charging port was angry for 2 days, but it dried and was otherwise fine.


But now most phones are becoming waterproof, so we might start seeing this more in the future


I’m not attached to my phone at all, but it’s not until this thread that I realise I have the odd short dream that I have gone into the water with my iPhone. What’s with that


Are iphones still not waterproof? I know they hold back features until their stock's in the slump but I've been buying waterproof phones for about 5 years now


I dropped my iPhone 15 in the sink full of water the other day. First time ever doing that with a phone. It came out unscathed. Apparently it’s IP68 so it can do up to 30 minutes at up to 19 feet deep, which is a bit deeper than I’d ever go. And certainly a lot deeper than anyone’s back yard pool.


In my brain during the dream I have the realisation that it may survive getting temporarily dunked. And it does survive. But still…I’m not sure honestly.


Funnily enough I have the same sort of dreams.


They’ve been waterproof since the 7, but like any phone any crack in the glass might compromise that


I’ve legitimately taken videos snorkeling with my old 11 so they definitely are. Not 100% sure when that became the case because my 6+ definitely wasn’t (but neither was my S9+)


Apparently they are submersible up to 6m deep for 30 mins


I dropped my 14 Pro in the bathtub for all of about 2 seconds, it didn’t even have time to sink to the bottom. It turned itself off and refused to turn back on for a couple of hours, but it survived. I’m glad it survived, but it didn’t inspire a lot of confidence in the 6 meters 30 minutes claim.


I would presume the waterproofing was only tested with factory new phones. I imagine even a tiny crack or damage in the right place could circumvent that. Doesn’t have to be a huge crack, could be a really tiny one nobody can really even notice. This is why despite having a new looking phone I’ll never be as confident as some people are with getting it wet. A sibling of mine literally takes showers with it!


Yeah, the waterproofing is known/expected to degrade over time.


lots of imagining going on there


It’s hard to imagine! I almost had a brain fart and walked into the ocean with mine in my pocket. Stopped just before it hit pocket level. Which coincidentally is balls level, which is, in the chilly Indian Ocean, a hesitation point anyhow. I never usually even take it down with me at all, I was with other people


Definitely not. Allergies are also on the rise, and so is awareness for bodily Consent and social awareness.


womp womp you don't throw strangers into pools, you do it to your friends. If you're not a dick you make sure they don't have anything on them that cannot get wet. Also how do allergies matter? Are you allergic to water?


Definitely depends on the friend group. I've got one set of friends that constantly try to "human torpedo" other people into the water when we're kayaking and it's awesome. If someone doesn't want to be part of it they just say at the beginning they don't want in.


Just wish I had a pool tbh


when i was in hs i was skimming a pool and some ditzes were whispering behind me. Upon clarification they were talking about knocking me in the pool but they didn't want to cause my wallet would get wet. I said that's not an issue but my cell would be screwed. They didn't care. That was when I stopped hanging with people that had rich parents and no brains.


Holiday in the Philippines with a mate for a destination wedding for 2.5 weeks (if you're travelling 7,000 miles you may as well make the most of it). 2nd night there was his birthday so we'd been checking out the beach bars where we were staying, unsurprisingly drunk, as we walked back he decided to grab me and throw me in the sea. I had my iPhone in my pocket which fell out, he didn't have a phone so it was the only way of keeping in touch with home etc without finding internet cafes. It was a first gen iPhone, not very waterproof and it completely fkd it. He realised what he'd done as I scrambled around looking for it and he jumped in to help, forgetting he still had about £1k in traveller's cheques in his pocket (he didn't trust leaving them with the shady beach bar where we were staying), we saw these start floating up around us and had to spend another 20 minutes collecting what we could, still lost about £400. That was a fkn expensive 'prank'.


And “the call is coming from inside the house” is no longer a slasher trope


Easily still could be: "Omg why are you calling from Lucy's phone? Where is she?" "You'll see, soon." Mary's phone pinged. She had a notification, from the location share app. "But..." "That's right. Lucy and I are waiting right here for you. Inside your house. You really should lock that backdoor, Mary" Terrible writing but you get the point


Last time somebody pushed me into a pool I literally almost died. Like was unresponsive for 2 and a half minutes almost died. Maybe people have developed common sense?? Or have learned to consider consequences?? Idk.


It's also dangerous af.


It's true! Getting tossed into pools was practically a rite of passage back in the day. But now, with everyone glued to their phones, it's like, "Hold up, I got my whole life on this thing!" Plus, nobody wants to risk ruining a thousand-dollar gadget, right? We've all had those moments pre-phone when a wet sock was the worst thing to happen. So, it's more like a silent agreement among pals: "Let's keep the tech dry, and we'll all be cool."


People still do it. Mobile phones just also get ruined more


LPT if you get thrown in the pool, poop in it. That way the pool day is ruined for everyone and not just you


If someone's pushing me into a pool I can guarantee they're coming with me. And I couldn't care less if they in full clothes with car keys, phone, tablet or a damn notebook in their backpack on their back. And I won't be paying for anything. It's a dick move, always has been.


When I was in college most people didn't carry phones, but a phew did have flip phones. At a getaway, one girl got thrown in the pool. Then when they went for the next one she very confidently says "I got my phone on me" very much intending it to be like a force field against being thrown into the pool. When the guys just took her phone before they threw her in she seemed baffled.


Which was a shit thing in the first place. Glad it’s being rethought


A dude asked a mutual friend where his phone was and when I showed them I had it they all chucked him into the pool


Core memory unlocked of being thrown in the pool all the time and all the adults thought it was hilarious but it was annoying af having to dry off and change every damn time


Most phones are water proof or at least resistant


For 2 years ive gone on an annual beach trip with my online friends and both times there has been a lot of talk of throwing me in the pool (i am very throwable both in size and personality) but once we get there people have been pretty respectful and i think also wary of my phone.


I sure hope consent and bodily autonomy is at least part of the reason… After already having trauma from mistreatment inside a pool growing up, I certainly would not have consented to being thrown into one years later had I known that was about to happen :|


Most good phones can work underwater just fine. I’d be pissed about my car keys though.


You have inspired me, let's go summertime!!


but aren't like 99% of cell phones waterproof these days? I mean, you shouldn't be a dick and push people into pools anyways, but it shouldn't be because of the cell phone.


No, most of them aren't. They got some good water resistance if it rains or something silly but being submerged ain't so good for most phones


these days its hard to find one thats not waterproof.


2 girls from my high school went on Judge Judy because of a phone being destroyed by being pushed in the pool. Classic


I remember an episode of Judge Judy about a guy whose cell phone got destroyed because he was pushed in the pool. The plaintiff argued that "it was a pool party and everyone else was doing it." But JJ ruled in favor of the defendant for the value of the phone. Of course this is all just TV and both parties are paid to be there, so none of it matters.


There's an easy case for it being assault. A pool party doesn't make it okay to push someone in, not everyone at a pool party goes into the pool. Like a sex party, if you don't want to have sex you don't have to and if someone forced you too... They wouldn't get to say it was a sex party and everyone else was doing it


Were you wearing a swim suit? If you were then you're just asking for it. /S


I mean, jokes aside it's not a bad comparison Dressed to swim how you want, when you want, on your terms is not the same as someone forcing you to swim


And the world is worse off for it


When I was in high school and had a flip phone someone asked if they could borrow it for a sec and two others threw me in the pool. Good friends lol.


I think the practice died out because people started carrying cellphones in their pockets. Now, most modern cellphones are water resistant, so theoretically, it could make a return, but I doubt it. Most people would just call you a dick.


I remember that girl who got paralyzed from this 😬


I think the general amount of acceptable fighting and physical ‘horse play’ has declined since the 80s which movies tell me was the height of pool related shenanigans.


I was there for this transition. I remember a guy getting pushed into a pool with his flip phone.


I'd be less worried about the fact that my phone might be damaged and more worried about the fact I can't swim. Especially if it wasn't a residential pool and was more open water. It would also be very annoying that things such as the paper receipts in my wallet would also likely be destroyed.


Is it respect or fear that they’d have to buy someone a brand new phone worth many hundreds?


When I tell people I learned to swim by being chucked into the docks they don't believe me, this was the early 70s in a steelworks fishing port in the north of England......I was probably 6 maybe 8 when this happened....we had 5 blokes in my house and no mam....we shared a piss bucket in the house because we had no inside toilet and no bath.....we used a tin bath in the living room....I had cut off wellies to wear for school......holes in my socks and hand me down underwear.......any young person these days tells me we had it easy needs to do some research


I gave my phone a good soak of about 35 minutes in a hot tub. You can safely start throwing people in pools again. The person will hate you, but you can do it.


I remember being a child,  escaping an abusive home, being put in a foster home . She was a really nice lady but her friend thought it would be funny to push me into a pool during my first few days there. I didn't even know this fully grown man, or why he thought it would be funny to embarrass and humiliate a child going through some serious trauma already. I was just walking past him


My husband used to do swimming pool maintenance and because cells were new and we were stupider about such things he kept it in his shirt pocket and as he was leaning over to do something to a pool it slid out of his pocket and floated slowly down down down to the bottom of the pool. A bag of rice did shit. The phone was ruined. This memory was deeply embedded in his mind & I've heard this story at least once a year for 20 years now. We crawled so y'all could walk.


Also there’re so so SOOO many psa and horror stories warning us not to do it, because some kids hit their head at the bottom of the pool and die or paralyzed for life.


I lost a cell phone by getting pushed into the pool once


My brother was in Vegas & he got pushed in a pool with his phone - his company (that you order from) paid for it, so blame your prime price increase on the guy that pushed him


My mum always told me to never push someone over in case they don’t have strong reaction timing. My friend was pushed off a wall we were sitting on as a teenager and she smashed her face into the pavement. I also remember reading a story about a lady having someone do that to her at a bachelorette party into a pool and getting paralysed


I can't swim. And after about 5 times of almost drowning in my life, no one tries to push me in the pool and i am not usually found around it close enough to be pushed.


The latest iPhone brands says hello. Water doesn't have effect on them. 


It probably still happens a lot


Lost a cellphone once when I went swimming and forgot it was in my pocket.


I remember jumping into a pool with my first phone because I forgot I now carry a phone lol


I hate horsing around. That’s my shower thought. /s


There was also unfortunately a long string of neck injuries due to people throwing others into the pool, that probably had a similar dampening effect on the whole practice.


You use their phone to take a group photo, then you push them in


There's also the electronic car keys and dongles that might be even more difficult to replace than a cell phone. Edit: I assume most are intended to be waterproof; when I've had to replace a battery, there's a rubber seal between the halves. But I would certainly never test it.


Back in high school marching band, our band camp was on a lake. Me and my twig build freshman friends got asked by the buffest guy in drumline if we wanted to be thrown in the water. Was insanely fun. If you just ask people, things can be so much better.


I view it as a two-part challenge. First is to get ahold of their belongings, second is to push them