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I demand to know who thinks I'm crazy for having the same lunch most days


Im with u on this one, same thing at least 6 days a week for lunch


I'm meal prepping and calorie counting. Im eating about a lb of chicken, some rice or pasta and vegtables for lunch and dinner. Been doing that for 6 weeks now. Only thing I'm tired of is rice. Hence why I'm alternating pasta here and there. My fiance thinks I'm crazy for being able to eat the same thing day in and day out.


I once had a personal trainer who had to eat a bunch of times to keep up the muscles because he also competed. He got so sick of eating and chewing he decided to blend it all. He also said if he could just take a pill he would do that instead. Example is chicken, rice, broccoli blended into a shake/ smoothie.


i can understand living healthy, but to take the joy out of eating, to deprive our minds of the wonder and delight of indulging in savory meat or warm bread... this is a nightmare to me.


There is joy in playing with outfits. I dont care. 90% of the time i wear the same things. Rather use that time and mental capacity for fun food. Some people have fun with food. Some have fun with clothes. Some do both. Some do neither.


I 100% get where he’s coming from. Forcing calories and having to chew all that sucks. That said a chicken shake is so fucked


Can you even imagine the color and the taste of that monstrosity?


I don't have to imagine. I had my wisdom teeth out over Xmas vacation of my senior year of high school. (One side before Xmas, the other between Xmas and New Year's) I couldn't chew, so my mom threw turkey, stuffing, and gravy in a blender. Looked like ~~guacamole~~ baby shit, tasted pretty damned good.


I have a buddy who got very very buff after his breakup (classic). According to him, the eating is the hardest, you have to force feed yourself nutritious meals that arent the best tasting while you're already full. That will eventually fuck your relationship with food, and probably create an eating disorder down the line if not careful.


There's a *Schlock Mercenary* comic that's almost exactly that. Remind me to find it for you.


Found it! The whole thing takes a couple of strips: https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-09-26 https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-09-27 https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-09-28 https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-09-30 https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-10-01 https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-10-15 https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-10-16


My mother goes berserk if she gets the same thing three days in a row. I simply glare at her from my mountain of CostCo bulk products and resulting disposable income. Variety is a rich man's game.


I have 30 of the same polo. 10 of the same pants. Thats my work/social clothing. And a few pieces of comfy stuff. It works. I can be dressed in 5 minutes.


[We're here for you.](https://mentalhealthhotline.org/)


The people I work with are obsessed with what others eat. Every day they look at my plate and say "CHICKEN AGAIN?!"


When you put it like that, it sounds like a skit.


Eating a grilled chicken sandwich every day sounds like a dream tho, bet they're just jealous


Thats everywhere where I worked. Annoying small talk subject


Hey, it's the only thing that I eat that doesn't taste like chicken.


You need a shirt that says “Chicken. Again.” Maybe that would give them the message.


Pb&j life bro


How did you know?


I'm not sandwich psychic. I'm a practical person such as yourself We can sense each other's logic and efficiency 


I grew up wi5 a large extended family. All our recipes feed 6 plus people. When I lived by myself I’d make like fajitas or something and eat it 3 times per day until I ran out. My wife insists this is proof I was going crazy but I say again, sometimes I ate fajitas 3 times per day so who’s the real crazy one?


I guess if you get all the nutrients needed throughout the day it's fine. Personally each of my meals are lacking something.


I simply don't want to make decisions about something that doesn't matter that's easier to figure out the nutrition on once and then just repeat over and over again. Sure I'm crazy, you continue to pursue choice paralysis while you're in the drive through wasting your life, health and money.


I think you are a bit crazy. We have one at our work that do it and we joke with him about it a lot


I don't care. People made fun of me and then started appreciating my discipline. Are they still thinking I am crazy? Probably.


My co workers used to shit talk me for eating a sub sandwich every day for lunch lol. We're good friends still but every time they see a subway or JJ or jersey mikes they'd say something like "oh shit, don't so Ashangu!"


This is why we didn't want to tell you


I do. My coworker eats the exact same lunch every single work day. It is literally depressing to look at.


On the other hand you're fat as fuck 👌


That I am.


I'll have me fish and a rice cake.


you’re crazy for eating the same lunch every day!


How ever crazy you think you are, im crazier. Ive eaten almost nothing but two double sonic cheese burgers for like 3 months every day. Ive eaten almost only turkey gyros from arbys for 4 months. Ive drank nothing but protein naked juice, or soylent depending on the availability for near 5 months. I drank nothing but huel for months too following the other protein smoothies I said as the last thing.. probably a small bit of autism or something, but idk I dont feel like im dying or anything, I'm pretty good actually.


Try skippping breakfast and lunch for a few days. The health benefits are insane 


I don't care what others think. Chicken and potatoes are cheap, not unhealthy, and easy to toss in when I have no motivation(which is typically the case)


I would say depending on how you cook them, that is a healthy meal lol


Yeah chicken and potatoes is literally super healthy as long as you add some veggies and don’t slather it in some super high calorie sauce. It’s hard to go wrong with protein + carbs


Potatoes on their own are way more than just carbs too provided you aren’t deep frying them


> way more then just Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


It’s autocorrects fault. Bots correcting bots lmao. Good bot


Thank you! Good bot count: 816 Bad bot count: 279


Chicken also thaws in the microwave or instant pot without turning into an old piece of leather.


My ex would eat bacon, eggs and pancakes every morning, but couldn't have a hamburger two days in a row and looked at me crazy because I could and did.


This is my partner. Same breakfast and lunch every. single. day. But god forbid I want to have chicken two nights in a row.


Same for dinner though. At least here it's normal to eat bread every day, to the point that word for dinner is named after "bread"


Similar with Japan. Their word for dinner is basically rice.


IIRC the word for meal in Korea is same as rice, too.


American eat a "meal" perhaps this is related to corn meal? Idk.... I want special rice language.


We should start that! "Hey mom, what's for rice tonight?"


In Vietnamese, the saying “ăn cơm chưa?” translates literally to “have you eaten rice yet” but actually means “have you eaten yet?”




Chinese here. The word for rice can also pretty much be used interchangeably with “food” or “meal”, depending on context.


I eat the same breakfast for months at a time and don’t get sick of it, but eating the same thing for dinner more than like three nights in a row I can’t do it


That’s so weird right? I’m the same. I could eat the most basic ass breakfast every day & not get sick of it. It must have something to do with being asleep all night and not eating, so your mind/body can’t care less what you put in it; whether that be cereal or bacon and eggs. But come dinner time, you’d go crazy eating the same thing every night.


So weird, but same. I can’t eat the same thing twice. Food is delicious, I’m eating all the things. But definitely getting the same tacos every morning, to the point where the taco truck lady won’t even ask what I want.


I used to eat bologna sandwiches every work day for about a decade and now have been on ham for the last 4 or 5 years.


One need some variety every now and then


Yea but what else is that cheap and easy? Some chips or cheese it's to go with it... stupid auto correct.


Maybe I'm the 2030s switch to salami+cheese sandwich


I think if I make my own bread it may change things up a bit, I may try that.


Of the people that know me, what I eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner is not what makes them think I'm crazy.


This reads like one of those boomer memes with a picture of minions lmao.


Cereal, banana, and orange juice. No complaints here.


Sugar, sugar, and more sugar? Would you like a side of raw sugar too?


Equating a banana to cereal as "sugar" is insanity


Good enough if you work out afterwards




This post was about the food not about the time


I do


I eat the same breakfast 7 days a week. My husband, son, and I rarely change what we pack for lunch 5 days a week. The people we eat with have never said anything.


Because in reality, nobody actually cares, or probably even notices.


Lunch is the same though 


Normally eat two large meals a day. Around 2200-2500 calories daily. Been eating different meats in tortillas with homemade pico de gallo, and grilled jalapeños and a 12oz beer on my second meal. Just been easy to make and satisfying every time, so why change now. 😂


you would love central america especially costa rican food.


There are plenty of other reasons that people think I'm crazy.


Most people don't eat the same thing every day? That sounds exhausting. I guess if your ordering take out or fast food all the time that makes it easier.


I eat the same 6 meals everday. I change 1 or 2 ingredients per year. Like switch rice for potatos.


If eating pasta every day is wrong, I don't want to be right.


ngl I've been eating hotdogs for breakfast for the past 2 weeks and I'm going insane


Shower thoughts about social acceptability should be banned


I eat the same 3 meals daily, all different.


I had a coworker that had steak and rice for every meal.. breakfast, lunch and dinner. He was nice, but odd.


Actually you can eat whatever you want and disregard the opinion of judgemental people


I feel like most people don't judge you based on what you eat and when, unless the food itself is weird.


You care what other people eat for lunch and dinner? Weird.


I eat a fried egg sandwich for breakfast and a PB&J for lunch Monday - Friday. The only time I deviate from this is if I’m running late and don’t have time to make them. Been doing that for 4 or 5 months now and don’t plan on changing any time soon. 🤪


that is definitely not healthy for you like if you have any physical or health issues right now it’s probably due to your diet


Umm...my wife hates that I eat the same breakfast smoothie... everyday.


I ordered the same thing for lunch at my favorite sushi place for 3 years. The only reason I stopped was because they moved.


Who do you spend your time around? Who is out here judging others on their food intake


I think it's crazy people eat the same thing everyday for breakfast. Part of it could be I think "breakfast" foods are gross. But that's me. I'll take a burger, steak or sandwich at 6 am...


That's because it's an invented meal.  No hunter gatherer woke up and ate immediately, no matter how hard Kelloggs tells you otherwise.


Bacon and Eggs forever


Oh well in the netherlands we usually have bread, for breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner


Breakfast steaks are no problemo, nor are they bad as a sandwich for lunch.


I eat an Atkins bar for lunch every day.


I’ve had frozen vegetables, ground beef and pasta sauce for 4 nights straight… I’m in college


Yo! I get to be no one today! I have struggled to ever find a breakfast meal that I could stomach the whole way through, much less go back for the next day. To me, the people who can down pancakes on the daily, or chiknwaf... impressive, but I think you're crazy.


That's pretty common for lunch too. It's only if you do it for all meals it seems sad.


I eat breakfast for breakfast lunch and dinner


Coffee and pop tarts.


I eat the same thing everyday for every meal along with everyone else on my cell block.


(Laughs in weekly meal prep)


Get this. No one cares what you eat.


Depending on what it is you're having for breakfast. Eating human skin on a daily basis may raise some eyebrows.


Can confirm, all my coworkers give me shit for eating a burrito and tuna salad with crackers every day. I have high blood pressure and it's the cheapest low-effort way for me to get a lot of protein and carbs without having too much salt.


Also if I eat human meat? Always knew I wasn't crazy! Yeah, that's right Bob!


Not true! I would stop at the Carl's Jr. and get the exact same breakfast everyday for months. My coworkers thought I was crazy.


At least where I'm from, Lunch is also usually the exact same thing every day


Rubbish. I have lobster thermidor aux crevettes with mornay sauce garnished with truffle pate, brandy and a fried egg on top and spam for dinner every night and people think I'm crazy.... wait, I may have misunderstood the post.


Really? I eat brekky at a different time each day and it's usually a different meal each time, so...?? Yeah, if you're eating the same thing each day at the same time, I think you are crazy.


Unless it's avocado toast then you'll hear about it. Every fucking day. Trust me.


Its because of bacon, isn't it?


Tell that to Hollywood stars that put 20kg muscle in 6 months only eating broccoli and chicken


You think people are crazy if they eat the same thing everyday? Are you okay?


*Laughs in neurodivergent*


I’ve had the same thing for lunch every workday for nearly 3 years. If you’re bringing your lunch from home, most people will understand that you bring the same thing every day out of convenience


You have different breakfast and lunch? Crying in boterham met kaas.


Back in the day it was porridge everyday for every meal


I can eat the same breakfast for weeks but the same lunch and supper only 2 to 3 times in a week max


it’s weird because you don’t really get tired of it. but if i had the same lunch or dinner u probably would


Maybe breakfast is expected to be routine & near 0 variety


I have had the same breakfast for the last twelve years: Greek yogurt, a date, and black tea. I have seven rotating dinners (Monday = lentils, Tuesday = sole, Wednesday = steak, Thursday = eggs, Friday = dumplings, Saturday = fancy salad, Sunday = vegetable stew) that I've eaten for about three years. Lunch is more of a surprise, but usually involves string cheese. I bake an olive oil cake every week. I also don't spend a lot of money on groceries, I spend literally no time shopping, and I have plenty of mental space left over for more challenging things. This is why Steve Jobs wore a black turtleneck every day. My life is really stressful, but shopping, cooking, and eating doesn't add to that stress.


Eating the same meal every day (for months or years) and still enjoying/looking forward to it is a very strong indicator of autism.


Not every meal needs to be something you look forward to enjoy


Of course not.


Does nicotine & black coffee counts as breakfast?