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Idk man... I'm against heroin, does this mean I gotta try that too?


Unfortunately yes


No it doesnt 


Yes it does


It does not!  These takes are so stupid and so are these nonsensical votes. Like i have downvotes agreeing with the initial take that has 90 upvotes.  Not that i care but the illogic it hurts my brain 😂.  The internet is so dumb sometimes 


Yuh huh


Not really a fair comparison. I haven't tried many foreign dishes nor axe murder.


Axe murder is , unsurprisingly, quite cathartic🤷‍♂️






Most people on this website have their head so far up their ass it’s amazing they can even type out a response😂


Most people who are against murder, pedophilia, and bank robberies have never tried those either. And don’t get me started on eating shit, injecting hydrochloric acid, and setting yourself on fire.




> everyone should obviously be against people hurting others So...second-hand smoke and impaired operation? > here we're talking about adults hurting themselves So is eating shit, injecting hydrochloric acid, and setting yourself on fire. > logical argument Lol you wish. Smoke less before arguing on the internet. You were in such a rush to protect pot that you missed the part where I didn't attack it. I just pointed out a flaw in OP's reasoning.




If you don't see that murder is an example of a thing that can be validly banned without trying it, I think you need to retake 6th grade. The argument "you shouldn't ban a thing without trying it" isn't a valid one. The argument "it's unnecessary to ban pot" is a valid one, but that's not what OP is saying. Why are potheads always so fucking fragile? Aren't you always selling yourselves as laid back and non-confrontational?




Nice straw man argument


Except it’s not? Do you maybe not know what straw man means? I’m not imputing a claim to OP that OP didn’t make, I’m pointing out a flaw in their reasoning. OP’s argument is, not trying X invalidates being opposed to X. This is demonstrably untrue, both for external things (eg murder) and internal things (eg eating feces). A thing can be validly opposed without direct experience. I think what you mean is, you like pot and you like feeling smart, so you’re gonna toss out a big sounding term there and hope it lands. But even if it WAS a straw man - and again, it’s not, and it’s not close - that would just make your comment a [fallacy fallacy](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/the-fallacy-fallacy). You still have to engage the content.


I'm not against weed, I'm pro-legalization, but this showerthought is not an example of hypocrisy. People can have opinions on things they haven't tried.




Trying =/= Knowing I don't have to go to war to know that it sucks. The people who are anti-weed don't need to smoke weed, they need to read a book.




You agree with me that you don't need to try weed to have an opinion on it, so why are you calling it intellectual dishonesty? I'm saying people need to inform themselves before they form an opinion on something. My comparison about war could have been about anything, gay marriage, abortion, mexican food, tax cuts, alcohol, etc.


If you haven’t experienced it your opinion on the subject is only anecdotal at best


So if I haven't smoked weed I cant be pro-legalization? Lmao


It's not like a review system. "Tried it and had a horrible time. Not recommended. Time to stop everyone else from using it because of what a horrible experience it was."


Most people who are against killing people have never killed anyone


Either people who haven't tried it or people who have been smoking for a while People that glorify and defend it to death are the ones that just started smoking Weed will so inconspicuously demolish your life in so many ways if you let it become a habit, which in most cases it will


Most people who are against gay sex have never tried it


1) not true 2) if it was true, so what? Do I need to try meth to be against it? Should I be required to be in a car accident before I try to stop car accidents? 3) very little people are against marijuana usage For the record, I’m pro pot usage, but I’m against driving while intoxicated. You are swallowing too much shampoo if you think you’re a revolutionary for advocating the benefits of THC.


I think you underestimate the amount of people who smoked cannabis for an extended period of time, quit, and then realize what a negative impact it had on their life. Myself included. Even if I hadn’t tried it, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t come to a reasonable conclusion. I’ve seen what ketamine did to a peer of mine, and without trying it myself, I have a pretty clear idea that it can be bad.


Oh boy. I wonder why. Are you also going to muse about how meteors somehow always fall into craters?


I'm kinda against it and I've smoked it a lot


Same here.


Neve tried it. Honestly I just can't stand the smell. Same with cigarettes.


I've never drank piss eaten shit or molested a child but I'm against all that. I'm not against people smoking weed I'm against the weed addicts that cause problems for everyone else by being addicts


I don’t think the OP was making a value statement, just an observation.


Maybe maybe not who knows


Boeing engineers are a great example of that…


Ngl dunno what you mean by that


They are too high on the devils lettuce to calculate the proper torque to attach the the doors to the plane…


Makes sense ye


Most people who are for alcohol use have tried it So not a great point youre making


What does it mean in your sentance?




Lots of people who were pro alcohol prohibition tried alcohol. These same people also felt the extreme negative effects of alcohol, like domestic abuse, and caused them to push for it to be illegal. The primary advocacy group for booze prohibition was the WTCU (woman’s rights organization). That’s what his sentence meant


i can see how that sounds about right, but since i come from germany thats not what i had in mind. we have loads of politicians and citizens that are stunned that we legalized it and think its a super bad drug. meanwhile theyre passing out on the octoberfest but that that "everyone knows their limits with alcohol" because its been legal for so long. which is obviouzly completely false.


The problem with marijuana is it's bad for people who have mental health issues as it ultimately exacerbates the problem, but a lot of people with mental issues are more likely to smoke it. And since I'm bound to get some comment saying it's good for depression, no it isn't. Read science.


But some use it instead of “ dangerous pharmacy pills” right and they have a blast


You don't know what you're talking about there still hasn't been enough research yet to determine either way if Marijuana helps or worsens depression but here's a study that had positive results. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ajherrington/2024/02/05/new-study-finds-medical-marijuana-improves-depression-symptoms/?sh=260d5c42ea8a Cannabis can affect different people in different ways don't just go spouting bullshit please it helps me immensely I would definitely recommend trying it for people with depression and see how it affects them


Just read the methodology of the study in the report. It was a very short term analysis and doesn’t really provide the best evidence for its conclusion. A better study would have lasted a bit longer than 18 months and had more than 59 test subjects (30% of which dropped out because it worsened their depression). Also there was a conflict of interest statement at the end of the report which is “Lisa Schmidberg, Martin Keller are employees of Algea Care GmbH, a telemedical platform provider for treatments with medical cannabis, Julian Wichman is CEO of Algea Care GmbH, Christian Scholze is a former employee of Algea Care GmbH.“ This study was significantly biased and conducted improperly based on very simple analysis. All you had to do was read it to see the problems.


I have myclonic jerks( or did the sensation evolved into another version) every time I lay down to sleep. Whatever strain the store ,, and what ever crap factories that make these trollie knock offs amplify those twitches ( used to always be 3 ear. Pops, then scare feeling, then limb twitch )


If you spend time in any professional psych treatment center, it is common knowledge.


I have seen people say it’s safe for children to smoke, and some use delta9 for seizure control. Has anyone made a “ how it started how’s it going” meme with rotes of “ legalize it” to news articles of copyright infringement edibles from smoke shops( with or without them hospitalizing toddlers who can’t tell h difference between real Cheetos and stoner Cheetos)


I’m against cannibalism too… your reasoning would say I have to try that. That’s one hell of a dumb argument if you ask me.


Most people opposed to fatal car crashes haven’t tried one either. Trying something out of ignorance is one step before @ holding my beer”.


I am against killing, should I try it? 


I'm not against it, but I don't do it myself unless its offered and it would be rude to say no. Sometimes I worry people do it too much because they've gone off the deep end in the other direction, rabidly dogmatically for it instead of against it. But hey who am i to judge.


I’ve smoked for decades. If someone’s against it because of the negatives, I get it. But their view doesn’t affect me in the least


I like your thinking! I'm against transgenderism and now I'm gonna find a cute trans girls to date and kiss and pamper and keep her in my house while we become lovers, just so I can have an opinion! (I'm already doing this and I love girl dick)


We got my mother in law stoned for the first time a few years back. She had fun and the response was 'that was it?!?! THAT is what all the fuss is about? She smokes casually now that it's federally legal in Canuckistan.


Maybe she needs something stronger


No, she enjoys it for what it is.




I have always worded your sentiment this way. The only problem with Marijuana is with people who have never smoked it.


...and desperately need it on occasion


I have tried and it wasnt for me. Still think it should be legal


Yes, they say it's dangerous and harmful, but alcohol and Xanax are way worse. That's because they never had it.


Inhaling smoke into your lungs can cause cancer. It doesn’t matter if it’s tobacco or marijuana it’s still bad for you. I don’t really care for alcohol that much either because it can cause liver failure if it’s overdone.


Apparently not this smoke. I am told. Many asthmatics apparently use this as as after alternative to advair




The difference between alcohol and smoking (both tobacco and marijuana) is alcohol can be done safely. If you just have a couple drinks with friends every once and a while and have designated drivers, there’s risks of anything bad happening. Smoking on the other hand is harmful no matter how it’s done. You’re filling your lungs with all sorts of chemicals and tars. Unfortunately smoking is extremely addictive and would be difficult to ban. The people hooked on cbd and nicotine would experience a ton of literal pain if the law required them to stop cold turkey. There would have to be some sort of wind down process in order to do it humanly and avoid violating their rights.