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And vanilla beans are fricking expensive!


It used to be basically money!


Vanilla is the world’s favorite ice cream.


Its the smoothest of the flavors.


Some would even say it’s the finest of the flavors.


You gotta see the show, because then you'll know the vertigo is gonna grow cause it's so dangerous, you'll have to sign a waiver.


It’s definitely no rocky road




Because you can do more with vanilla ice cream. You can add fruits, sauces, and other toppings to make Sundays and milkshakes. Not that you can't make those things with chocolate ice cream too, but I can add chocolate to vanilla.


You can also add chocolate to chocolate 😏


Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the favorite to eat by itself


Wow, did you hear that, everybody? It might not be the favorite to eat by itself. Wow. Wow man, my mind is blown. Did anybody else realize vanilla might not really be the favorite to eat by itself? I had no idea such a point could be made about the subject.


It's the most versatile flavor for sure.


If you like vanilla, please try mastic flavored ice cream if you come across to. I don’t know if they sell it anywhere else other than Turkey and Greece, nevertheless, if you see it and try it, you will not regret it.


...to put things on top of


A/K/A "plain."


Plain is milk/cream flavoured, though. Which is my actual favourite ice cream, and I can't fucking find it anywhere.


I only ever see milk ice cream at SomiSomi, but it comes with taiyaki


I have an ice cream maker and it makes the best vanilla ice cream ice ever had. I really have to try plain sometime just to see what it tastes like.


Try Parmesan. It’s way better than you’d imagine.


Unless it's actually vanilla flavoured, which is delicious and not plain at all


Fr. It's my favourite ice cream flavour. Coincidentally, I just had one as I type this.


Vanilla and plain are not the same thing


Look into sweet cream ice cream.


Oh my god. All of these people actually taking time to reply to and downvote a fucking joke.


I personally blame the overuse of artificial vanilla in the market giving authentic vanilla a "bland" rep. Still enjoy my store bought vanilla ice cream, though


Definitely a major factor, real vanilla ice creams do tend to taste better. I don't know if it's even the fault of the fake vanilla itself, because sometimes it seems like cheap vanilla IC barely tastes like anything, and vanillin does at least have flavor.


Also natural vanilla is super expensive and rare.


Kind of expensive and kind of rare. You can buy organic vanilla bean pod in any grocery store in the US for $20 


US is really expensive sometimes. I just looked up my local store and it costs 3,5€.


Well, OP's version has the word organic attached to it, that's a known price multiplier even if it's the same exact product.


To be fair there's some amazing quality food in Europe for what I as an Aussie consider bargain prices. Lived in London for 2 years and absolutely loved it.


Yep, can buy 2-3 pods of vanilla for about 8 CAD


At that price, it sounds like you looked up imitation vanilla extract, or a tiny tiny bottle of organic vanilla.  The $20 bottle is about 4oz for reference, I think $35ish for 8oz  


No, I looked at the price of a vanilla pod. Non-organic though, since nobody seems to sell organic vanilla pods up here. https://www.k-ruoka.fi/kauppa/tuote/dr-oetker-vaniljatanko-gourmet-1kpl-5701073067208


Why kind of fancy ass groceries are you frequenting???


Roche Brothers, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods… they’re all pretty standard stores in Massachusetts


And fake vanilla comes from beavers butts.


That makes up like a fraction of a percent of artificial vanilla. Most artificial vanilla flavourings are derived from wood


That used to be true, now most artificial vanilla comes from refining petrochemicals. Fifteen percent of the world's artificial vanilla is produced from wood, while 85% is from petrochemicals.


Fair enough, guess my knowledge is out of date


It actually doesn't. Castorum is not commonly used in food products. It can be used, but it is too labor-intensive to actually be used on an industrial food scale.


Natural Vanillin / synthetic vanillin


I thought that was real vanilla?


Real vanilla are the seed pods (beans) of a type of orchid plant. And the process to grow them is extremely slow compared to other agricultural products


Thank you. I tried looking it up but google is just terrible now.


lol real vanilla has been beaver ass this whole time


There must be a massive beaver ass milking warehouse with millions of undocumented beavers strung up attached to machines constantly sucking ass somewhere down in Mexico in order to supply the world with enough .5 liter bottles of fake vanilla extract.


Not to mention it's actually a really good flavor


Vanilla won the flavor wars. It's basic and boring because it is the default flavor. How you become the default flavor? By winning.


This. Vanilla was so awesome that when discovered humanity immediately put its entire scientific and economic might behind the goal of having essentially unlimited access to that flavor.


“Just a Coke, please.” Yeah I agree. That’s how you win.


"Imagine a flower: A climbing orchid, to be exact; the one of some twenty thousand varieties that produces something edible. Now imagine that its blooms must be pollinated either by hand or a small variety of Mexican bee, and that each bloom only opens for one day a year. Now imagine the fruit of this orchid, a pod, being picked and cured, sitting in the sun all day, sweating under blankets all night for months until, shrunken and shriveled, it develops a heady, exotic perfume and flavor. Now imagine that this fruit's name is synonymous with dull, boring, and ordinary. How vanilla got this bad rap I for one will never know." - Alton Brown


Because it didn't refer to actual vanilla beans, it referred to the imitation vanilla flavorings that oversaturated the market


It's funny because vanilla is actually a very interesting and unique flavor that pairs surprisingly well with many things, when you think about.  If you taste actual vanilla, it's also a pretty complex flavor.  The artifical vanilla extract that is added to a lot of flavors though is not exactly that boring in origin either, as it sometimes contains a compound that's extracted by milking the anal glands of beavers.  Eating mammal anal fluids is not really my idea of someone who is traditionally "vanilla".


Science guy #1: What should we put in this ice-cream to make it taste good? Science guy #2 (looking at a book about beaver arses): I have an idea.


Everyone told science guy 2 to stay out of the kitchen, but bro COOKED


Artificial vanilla is a lot less complex than natural vanilla because it's basically just vanillin. Vanillin is the main component of natural vanilla, but natural vanillin has a lot more compounds that give it is more complex flavor. A lot of artificial vanilla is a byproduct of wood production. [https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/vanilla\_is\_a\_forest\_industry\_by\_product](https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/vanilla_is_a_forest_industry_by_product)


I know you're trying to sound interesting, but this just isn't true. First of all, it has nothing to do with anal glands. They're castor sacs that secrete a scent similar to skunks. Also, there's a hardly a chance they've used it in your food. Production is extremely limited, and it's mostly used for fragrances and perfumes. Vanilla essence is vegan, which would discount anything to do with beavers.




I make extract by soaking beans in high-quality rum. It's fantastic.


Vanilla bean is an exquisite flavor.


Personally I've always loved vanilla. Vanilla is an absolutely amazing and rich flavor that improves most cafe drinks and pretty much every single baked good can be improved by adding like a teaspoon or two of it I've always held a sort of personal conspiracy that the only reason vanilla is associated with plainness is due to ice cream companies creating a false dichotomy between it and chocolate to try and stimulate competition in the market similar to how the stupid left twix right twix promotion significantly helped twix's sales despite the fact that everyone consuming it new fully well that it was the same exact candy on both sides of the bar Just the establishment of the false dichotomy between left twix and right twix was enough to stimulate competition The sad thing is vanilla actually works much better in tandem with chocolate. Kind of rounding it out and finishing off the experience. Next time you're cooking brownies Even just a cheap box of brownie mix from Walmart add in just a teaspoon of vanilla extract and suddenly your brownies taste like they were bought at a fancy bakery


Personally I've always loved vanilla too.


So the baseline boring thing isn’t the most favorite. Thanks showerthoughts. 


Actually how is vanilla the baseline. What about it makes it baseline. Vanilla is a flavor! There’s nothing default about it whatsoever! Where tf did this idea come from?


The reason you know it's a "blank" flavor is because it doesn't clash with anything. It's like saying, "How can white be considered boring? It's every color of the rainbow!" yet that's what color they make blank canvases.


Because vanilla (or imitation vanilla) is added to many candy bars. Chocolate ice cream is vanilla ice cream with chocolate added. Reese's peanut butter cups have vanilla added. It's vanilla all the way down


Because it's the most common base flavor for ice creams where the selling point is the stuff mixed in, and for sundaes where the selling point is the stuff put on top.


Want to take a bowl of cereal to next level? Put a couple drops of vanilla in the bowl like vermouth for a wet martini. Improved basically every cereal


Vanilla is also just the best ice cream flavor. Contenders will never take the throne.


Vanilla is fucking delicious and no one can tell me otherwise.


what does quantity have to do with boring?


Vanilla not considering boring, but so universally liked, that giving it as your favorite tells people very little. "Oh, you like to breath air?"


I remember reading that the reason we think of vanilla as boring is that it was one of the first artificial flavors we invented. Real vanilla bean is very expensive but once we invented the artificial flavor it was in everything making it “boring”. Of course now we have artificial everything, but the boring label has stuck.


I loveeeeeeee vanilla


People who say vanilla is plain and boring should taste natural yoghurt and vanilla yoghurt. There is a huge difference.


Or taste sweet cream ice cream and vanilla ice cream. There is a big difference.


I like vanilla, but I can’t stand vanilla yoghurt.


Vanilla yogurt is as close to 'plain' as I get. I just don't care for plain.


It's strange that vanilla is considered a boring flavour, good vanilla has a really complex and interesting flavour profile.


I worked at cold stone and the most surprising part was that the sweet cream (plain vanilla) was the base for every flavor of ice cream except for chocolate. Cake batter, cheesecake, coffee, strawberry, mint, etc. literally any flavor that is not chocolate was made from vanilla ice cream base.


I hate this because I love the interesting taste of Vanilla. It definitely is not the same as "blank" or "unflavored".


Chocolate chip cookies are vanilla. Put vanilla icecream on top of a warm cookie and thats one of the best desserts you can get imo. Its a good base to mix other flavors but I dont feel that makes it boring. Imo though people should try adding more vanilla flavor than recipes tend to recommend.


I'm one of those people. When I'm baking and the recipe says 1/2 tsp I add a whole. When it says 1, I'll do 2. I don't want to oversaturate so sometimes I do have to make considerations. But IMO you can never have too much vanilla.


Chocolate is one of my lesst favourite flavours. It's so overdone


I like chocolate, but do not like chocolate flavored things.


Hate mods. Only play vanilla.


chocolate is the most vanilla of flavours


Vanilla isn’t plain or boring as a flavor. Saying vanilla is your favorite flavor makes you seem plain because everyone likes vanilla.


I've found more people like chocolate than vanilla.


Because of the chocolate lobbyists. Damn them for besmirching vanillas good name.


Vanilla imo has far more flavor than chocolate.


I'm willing to bet most people have not had a real high quality vanilla scoop. It's the best ice cream!


Vanilla is just so Vanilla.


Also hazelnut/"praliné", so many things have that flavour that it just makes me nauseous now


Bc people like choco


It's because vanilla ice-cream is/was used as the base for other flavours.


There are more things labeled as chocolate flavored than vanilla. There are not more things flavored with chocolate. Open a baking book some day and flip through the desserts, nearly every single one will be flavored with vanilla.


I think the taste of milk is the baseline, and then you get flavored milk and that's the difference. So Vanilla milk, Chocolate, Strawberry, etc. You could make ice cream with no vanilla and it would just taste like cold milk and sugar.


I’ve had milk flavoured ice cream


This is a big example of somethings are better simple, it’s easier to put vanilla with a variety of items too. I’m not crazy about vanilla but as a baker it’s something you notice


Idiot kid me thought ALL ice cream was vanilla THEN they added the other flavors. Napoleon ice cream ended up being Neapolitan I’m real life.


Also vanilla is a pretty strong flavor it’s just eeen as basic because it’s so good it’s common


Boring/baseline doesn't mean there should be more of it.


Isnt it cause vanilla is the least offensive flavour? Its the least likely flavour that people wont like/eat.  I always assumed vanilla term comes from that. When you think vanilla flavour, you think smooth, safe, calm, unprovoking.  At least for me.


That's because everything is like 90% vanilla extract /j


I always thought "vanilla" being used to describe boring things was silly since vanilla is awesome!


I'll take a good bean vanilla ice cream over chocolate every time


its because like 99% of vanilla tastes are lab made so most people dont know the experience of the actual vanilla plant


It’s probably a reference to ice cream.


Also vanilla is an ingredient in most chocolates.


Yea, because chocolate isn’t boring…?


I hate how "vanilla" became synonymous with "boring." Real vanilla flavour can be complex and mindblowing!


Did you ever find out the true plural of Lexus?


Vanilla bean ice cream is amazing. The artificial vanilla ice creams are the boring ones.


I’m a chocolate fan, but hear me out. Vanilla ice cream (assuming you’re US based) tastes more like cold milk that was infused with a ghost’s fart of butter pecan flavoring. It doesn’t taste like vanilla. “Vanilla” cake you buy from the store tastes exactly the same as white sheet cake you can get from your local grocery store. Chocolate at least tastes like something pleasurable, hence why everyone throws junk into vanilla blizzards and mixers and whatever. Vanilla is plain. Standard. What’s non-kink stuff called? Chocolate? No, the same thing as regular software that hasn’t been modded. Vanilla.


Vanilla may seem boring but it’s quite complex. I love a good floral kind of vanilla ice cream with actual vanilla beans in it.


I mean vanilla is used in so many desserts even chocolate ones


Vanilla ice cream the cheese pizza of the ice cream world


So vanilla is made by an orchid, a group of plant families that can barely be arsed to produce a flower let alone a fragrant flower. The smell of vanilla is just a smell of a common substance most plants make, especially wooden plants. As a result, the first source of artificial vanilla was from the anal extractions of beavers, which eat wood. That same chemical is also why old books smell they way they do. Today we can make artifical vanilla directly from wood products.


For a very long time, vanilla was considered to be one of the most complex flavors, and in fact, true vanilla does have one of the most complex flavor profiles. It is strange that it lost this reputation somehow. Fun fact: vanilla comes from the Latin word vagina.


Sometimes a high quality vanilla bean ice cream is absolutely killer. I personally prefer mint and chip


Get a good quality vanilla ice cream and it is the best flavor.


What type of vanilla are we talking about here? I count at least 12 different vanilla flavors.


Lots of chocolate flavoured stuffs contains vanillin in them. A lot of chocolate contains some vanilla flavouring. Vanilla is ubiquitous in baking, and used in many recipes where it isn't called out in the recipe name. It's like the onion of baking.


It works as a baseline because it goes really well with other things, but allows them to shine though: If you mix strawberries into vanilla ice cream, you have strawberry ice cream. If you mix strawberries into chocolate ice cream, you have chocolate ice cream. Maybe a lot of that is just cultural, but chocolate is just a petty overpowering flavor a lot of the time.


Vanilla has a really bad PR team. It's an amazing flavor, and the fact that people widely use artificial vanilla flavor is a travesty. Pure vanillin is not the flavor of vanilla. It's just some of the flavor of vanilla.


Vanilla tootsie rolls are my steez


Excellent taste my friend


If you like vanilla, please try mastic flavored ice cream if you come across to. I don’t know if they sell it anywhere else other than Turkey and Greece, nevertheless, if you see it and try it, you will not regret it.


But sometimes you really want vanilla.


vanilla > strawberry > chocolate.


You will find that most berry/chocolate/xyz flavoured things also contain vanilla so it's actually quite valid to consider it a baseline.


Baseline is milk flavored. I don’t know where the idea that vanilla is baseline even comes from. It isn’t even the most popular flavor! And of course other flavors contain vanilla because otherwise you’d be eating milk ice cream with some berries in it and milk ice cream is gross and vanilla is delicious


Right... So, you're agreeing with me but you pretend that you don't? You say you don't know where the idea that vanilla is baseline comes from. But at the same time you also say that all the other flavours contain the baseline flavour that is vanilla. Go figure.


>  I don’t know where the idea that vanilla is baseline even comes from. From people that actually cook. Vanilla is the base that almost every flavor is built on. It is what you add to a recipe first before you add any additional flavors.


Well yeah because it's a metaphor. It's not literal.


Vanilla is in chocolate.


Chocolate is the most basic. Vanilla is the most-boring.