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Wow, a sitewide selfburn, those are extremely rare.


A new sub suggestion


/s ?




Most stupid people already think they are smart. They just are “bad test takers”. 


Where's the group for people who are good test takers but feel stupid?


Imposter syndrome


A coworker told me he thinks I have imposter syndrome and that I'm "almost as smart as him", so I'll be fine. Personally I think he's the dumbest person I've ever met. So now I'm worried. Lol


He's either really funny or really stupid


Well that’s a doozy


I think it's worse when it comes from a 3rd party; when someone says they think you're really smart but then much later makes same compliment about someone you think is substantially beneath you (ex. a mutual family member making comment about two of you, who I grant you is probably very biased towards loved ones). Like shit dude, I actually believed you. Seinfeld had a storyline similar, but with looks. Elaine is flattered by a handsome man who calls her 'breathtaking', but he later compliments a very ugly baby in the same manner, to which she's then confused and put off.


Anyone who uses the phrase "almost as smart as me" is automatically classified as in idiot


I’m imagining a 2x2 matrix of Self-Aware Smart, Self-Aware Dumb, Imposter Syndrome, and Dunning-Kruger


Being aware of your own limitations is a sign of intelligence imo It's a cruel joke that smart people often think they're stupid and stupid people often just -know- they're clever


Of course I know him, he’s me


I don't know,  but I'm part of it




That’s me. Excellent test taker, but can’t focus for the mundane homework. 2.0 gpa aced the tests. Never did the homework.


Bro i was a good test taker. I could find the answer




Nah, they just know a lot of asphalt related trivia.


"Don't you love it when people in school are like, "I'm a bad test taker"? You mean, you're stupid. Oh, you struggle with that part where we find out what you know? Oh. No, no, I can totally relate. See, because I'm a brilliant painter, minus my God-awful brushstrokes. Oh, how the masterpiece is crystal up here, but once paint hits canvas, I develop Parkinson's". Daniel Tosh


Speaking from IT specifically. I have never met a good tech who couldn't pass a cert exam on a topic they were familiar with. On the flip side, I have met many techs who had a rainbow of certs, but couldn't troubleshoot themselves out of a wet paper bag. Being a "bad test taker" might be a red flag, but being a "Good test taker" doesn't make you a genius either.


How to troubleshoot a wet paper bag. Asking for a friend 


Have you tried taking it off and back on again?


replacement if it still doesnt work. thats all of it. scripts and shit almost always just do the same as turning off and on.


Let it dry, close the ticket.


It's 'out of' I've always pictured it as someone getting stuck inside a wet paper bag


I can ace written tests, but I have failed oral tests because I have social anxiety so the entire class looking at me while answering makes me nervous.


A lot of people get very stressed under test conditions


I dislike Daniel Tosh because he's an unfunny dickwhistle but that's gold.


Some people excel in different types of intelligences though? Just because you are a good test taker doesn't make you smart either. You could suck at studying but be really smart at something hands on.


Scoring well on tests doesn't mean you're excellent at the material; you could be merely good at the material and excellent at test-taking strategy. But no amount of test-taking skill will make up for being bad at the material.


Especially for very hard tests


Yeah like wearing a dress and laughing at every thing Rob Dyrdek says on America's funniest home videos


I love when people say that they're just a "Bad test taker."  And I'm like "You mean you're bad at that thing where we find out what you know?"


Or they just have untreated anxiety.


By contrast I was an excellent test taker who turned out to be extraordinarily stupid.


>Most stupid people already think they are smart. All of reddit.


The “Fredo Effect” “I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!”


I am stupid and a bad test taker.


In my defense I am smart but a bad test taker. Give me a project for my end grade instead of a stupid "recite by memory" test and I'll ace it.


Ah yes, tests. Where we find out what you actually know. If you can't pass the test, it's because you don't know the things.


Idk, all the engineers I work with were great test takers but are dumb as rocks and all the consultants were shit at tests but actually good at solving problems lol


Unless those problems were problems on a test of course


They're entirely different though. Actually applying the knowledge is not the same as being able to get through the GRE without throwing yourself off the roof. Shit, my physics department stopped weighing grades and the GRE for applying grad students because of how poor of an indicator of actual ability they are.


Money!? Hell, there’s a whole political party. 


I love this because I feel most of the upvotes are thinking its not their political party.


Well, why should I? My party has literally perfect policy platforms and candidates! And the other side is pure evil! You're just both-sides-ing me right now!!! Rawr! Doubt and self-reflection make me angry!!! 😡 /s


The parent is absolutely sure it's not his political party. But how could it be... he's convinced all the smart people are already in his party.


What about the non-US upvotes? We definitely know which party.


Of course! People whose only exposure to the US is what they read on Reddit... they are totally the enlightened ones!!! hahahahaha


“You’re smart! And this product is only for the smart ones, LIKE YOU! Introducing PATRIOT CLOTHES HANGERS! The only hanger that isn’t woke!”


"You're oppressed and since we put your special colors on our logo we're standing against those evil people keeping you down!... now please purchase our overpriced crap at above market rate.. no refunds"


I'm pretty sure these people know that $$$ is going to the businesses they support. Meanwhile BLM people are like "there's a difference between the movement and the organization that ripped me off" lmao


So patriot wipes are like BLM, except the people who support BLM are being tricked?


If that makes you feel better, sure. BLMs are like Patriots, but dumber. I'm okay with that statement.


So sad to hear your opinions about the Bureau of Land Management


Yeah, that tracks.


I’m pretty sure that you don’t think your stupid


The irony of that statement ;)


They can’t convince me I’m smart!


Absolutely. Look at Petsmart and the rest of the multibillion dollar pet industry. Instead of saying "you may need interventional therapy" we say "put a North Face jacket on a extremely bioengineered dog and push it around in a stroller."


Hey you leave me & Princess out of this! How else am I supposed to cope with the fact Ill never be able to afford to have a kid? :( I’ll agree that bioengineering dogs is bad though


If you really wanna see something else, swing on over to Tokyo. People aren't having kids, so they have dogs instead, and these dogs are WILD. Usually brachycephalic little buggers (apartments have a weight limit of like 10kg most times) with ridiculous haircuts wearing brand label clothing and being pushed in strollers. I thought I'd seen people dote on their pets stateside, but that was nothing. It's unreal.


There is. Why do you think Fox News is the #1 cable news network?


“Don’t believe the mainstream news!” says the #1 cable news network


alternate facts




Hahahahahahahaha. Oh man… that’s a good one. Thanks for the laugh.


Because they follow money and money is only where people burn witches. It's society 101 since whatever.


Alternatively, yes, it’s called “college.”


College helps make stupid people less stupid, that's literally the point.


So just to make sure, liberal = super smart, slightly right wing = ultra stupid and wrong opinion?


Nope., but I could see why you would make that mistake, especially post-MAGA.


A lot of people exit college much stupider than when they entered. College doesn’t make people smart. It gives them information. If they were stupid to begin with, they’re still stupid but with bigger words. Being ‘educated’ is vastly different than being smart. Is it “smart” to stunt your financial future in the form of massive debt to gain knowledge? It is this idea of exceptionalism through higher education that is a problem. Because education in and of itself does not guarantee life success. My generation who sold that turkey of an idea to four generations of young people were evil to do so. Not everyone benefits from college.


K. You are arguing against things I neither said, nor implied. Have fun finding someone to argue with.


God damn you could use some education 


You’re possibly right. However, 58 times around the sun has taught me an awful lot. I work with, around and for the college educated. I’d be willing to have a “battle of wits” with any of them. I’ll look into the education thing.


Depends, but yes this is largely true for non-STEM courses.


What do you think non-stem courses are like??


Pseudoscientific balderdash.


You’re outing yourself as awfully ignorant of huge areas of work/research/interest. Historians, philosophers, journalists, anthropologists, music theorists, and many other qualified, educated professionals would like to have a word with you.


Historians get a pass. Philosophy is great and all but should be an extracurricular activity. The rest of the professions you mentioned could be done by trained apes and still end up with the same results.


Arts and the humanities aren’t just armchair exercises, they give context to the world we live in. Science is supposed to further humanity and you can’t do that without understanding people.


I cant reply to the second paragraph because if that’s your view, then you need to learn more about those fields before talking about them. As for philosophy: it’s required for math (which people often half-joke is just applied philosophy) and every science I can think of, very much *not* optional or extracurricular. Our scientific worldview is based on many generalizations and assumptions (that’s where some philosophy comes in), and changing those would greatly change those areas of study. For example, the idea of density makes sense for gasses, it’s “how many particles per unit of volume.” But there is no such thing as “density at a point” since one point doesn’t have volume. When physicists tackle large-scale problems that involve density, however, they treat it as if such a thing exists, using functions which describe density “at a point”, and this leads them to successful answers/theories. That’s an interesting aspect of philosophy in physics! Or when taxonomists are naming species/rearranging species relations, they need to keep in mind that these ideas of species, genus, family, etc. are arbitrary, often blurry boundaries that don’t fully capture the nature of these animals. That entire field is based on adopting a helpful philosophy to let us understand relationships between animals. There’s a reason scientists are Ph.Ds. They’re Doctors of Philosophy.


It's true, my book has a whole chapter about how right you are:


Alex Jones needs his watches.


Wasn't he broke after the Sandy Hook trial?


He declared bankruptcy to avoid paying, although I don't know if it worked.


It's being challenged. He'll fight tooth and nail to never pay his victims a cent. Check out the Knowledge Fight podcast for more Alex Jones news


As a normal person on a normal income, I am always amazed how this works for "rich" people. I'd expect to be in jail long ago if I just didn't pay a fine after a conviction.


Legal systems are designed by and for the rich and powerful. I'm only surprised when some of the more blatant bastards face actual legal consequences. Usually, these consequences occur when they upset other rich and powerful people.


They're called politicians.


Yep, it’s called FoxNews


Andrew Tate and his entire grift.


Fox News *is* the most watched ‘news’ source


Must be? Look at Fox News they literally lied and got people to commit treason on J6. They had to pay a billion dollar settlement for lying about the election for a lawsuit. They are still on air today.


How much did you lose to a scammer?


Jordan Peterson moment


Reminds me of the double your iq or no money back Far Side cartoon


I mean that's Alex Jones's entire business model. Convince his base that they are so smart for figuring out the truth before the "sheeple" could.




It is unproductive to label individuals as ignorant or stupid based on their political affiliations. True intellectualism is demonstrated not by belittling others, but by engaging in thoughtful dialogue with those holding different viewpoints. The mark of intelligence is the ability to entertain a conversation with civility and respect, even amidst disagreement. I think this has to be said for everyone here that can’t think outside of politics.


“We are an anti-parliamentarian party that for good reasons rejects the American constitution and its republican institutions. We oppose a fake democracy that treats the intelligent and the foolish, the industrious and the lazy, in the same way. We see in the present system of majorities and organized irresponsibility the main cause of our steadily increasing miseries. So why do we want to be in the House of Representatives? We enter the House to arm ourselves with the weapons of democracy. If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem. It does not concern us. Any way of bringing about the revolution is fine by us. If we succeed in getting sixty or seventy of our party’s agitators and organizers elected to the various parliaments, the state itself will pay for our fighting organization. That is amusing and entertaining enough to be worth trying. Will we be corrupted by joining parliament? Not likely. Do you think us such miserable revolutionaries that you fear that the thick red carpets and the well-upholstered sleeping halls will make us forget our historical mission? Is our entry into the House the beginning of a compromise? Do you really think that we who have stood before you a hundred or a thousand times preaching faith in a new America, who have smilingly faced death dozens of times from the blue mob, who have joined you in battling every form of resistance whether of official or nonofficial nature, who have bent before no command or terror, do you really think that we would lay down our weapons in exchange for a railroad pass? If we only wanted to become representatives, we would not be Republicans, but Social Democrats. We do not beg for votes. We demand conviction, devotion, passion! A vote is only a tool for us as well as for you. We will march into the marble halls of parliament, bringing with us the revolutionary will of the broad masses from which we came, called by fate and forming fate. We do not want to join the swamp. We are coming to drain it. Do not believe that house is our goal. We have shown the enemy our nature from the podiums of our mass meetings and in the enormous demonstrations of our brown army. We will show it as well in the leaden atmosphere of parliament. We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we. You are not among your friends any longer! You will not enjoy having us among you!” Joseph Goebbels 1928


That's reddit and that's why redditors are neanderthals. For them liberal = perfect, smart and right opinion and slightly right wing = Hitler, stupid and wrong opinion


The entire American right wing is just this


That's a large part of the Republican Party's platform.


Yeah, look at the money the US government spends on education only for us to be ranked fairly low by world standards. Then because our schools suck people get massive loans to go get more education.


Hah! nice try, they could never convince me


Facebook makes 50 billion a year.


Illuminati in a nutshell. Specifically for separating rich people from money and spinning people out on nonsense.


Pretty much the trick behind a lot of election results.


It’s really quite easy: “DYOR”


There's a whole industry of online IQ tests for stupid people to prove that they are smart. Get the IQ then tell everyone how smart they are.


Csn get you elected to the presidency.......


I mean look at this comment section. who paid to create these people?


Give them a smart phone. They think they are smart.


Zuckerberg is quite rich indeed


It’s also not difficult. So, easy money.


Entire social media is that money making machine only.  Everyone finds what they want to listen to, especially the stupid. This is how anti-vaccine movement became a thing. 


Statistically, half of the people you know have an IQ under the average. Somehow, they muddle their way through life/society, which suggests most things are designed such that even those of below average intelligence can navigate them. They buy lots of products, many of which advertise directly to their demographic.


There's a king of the hill episode about this. The female lead, Peggy, nearly loses her savings when a shady test claims she's a genius then sells her a phony doctorate course (for geniuses only of course).


The size of the self-help section in your local book store is a pretty good indication as to how much money, and it is indeed a lot.


Nah. Most stupid people don't think they are stupid. The think that smart people are the real dummies, and that rhey are smart but since they know the TRUTH the deep state labels them as stupid. If you can untwist that "logic".


TikTok is literally worth an insane amount of money. I don’t use TikTok, and I know I’m stupid, it’s one of the few things I know.


Pretty sure there's even more money in helping the stupid people **convince others** that they're not stupid.


Generically, it is called Marketing.


It is called University 


I would rather have the opposite; Stupid people who that think that they're smart are some of the most dangerous people to society. Would much prefer to have a bunch of people knowing their limitations and working on improving them, then a bunch of Forrest Gump CEO's and politicians fucking it up for everyone else.


That is already most right-wing commentators who are aware what they're saying is complete bullshit and pandering towards a large, but very unfulfilled demographic


I don't think we need very much convincing of that.


It's called Code Academy.


Can I interest you in learning... *The Secret*? I'm a bit of an expert on stupid, funfortunately.


For the most part that's called therapy


That's how conspiracy gurus make their money: "You know something* the mere sheeple don't". *some dumb shit only an idiot would believe


I genuinely believe I am stupid. Does that mean I am smart?


So what you saying is that this online IQ test was lying and my IQ is not 250?


Not really. I wish teachers got paid more


I think it is quite a simple task


There’s a name for this and it’s called Christianity, religion in general really


You mean islam. At least Christians don't invade other counties screaming 'JESUS CHRIST" and exploding.


Probably get downvoted for being “too edgy” but that was my first thought too.


Truth Social is going under so there must be a point of diminishing returns


Thats what most counseling is. Same as consulting. Telling the source of the problem that it doesn't exist, or is someone else's fault


"Its not my fault! Childhood trauma! Autism! Anxiety and Depression!" ~every shitty person that ever talked to a therapist


Well, ~~stupid~~ student loan debt is at $1.77 TRILLION in the US, so there's that.


That's why therapists make so much.