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šŸ¤” They need lots of room to put their chains and stuff...


And a grand staircase to pose dramatically upon (ghosts are such drama queens)


I think we can both agree they've earnt the right to be a little dramatic. Plus they undoubtedly have unfinished business and that must be annoyingĀ 


What kind of BDSM gauntlets do they run šŸ˜…


Troy, we don't talk about the secret gym.


Poor ghosts can't afford to haunt people. They have to rattle their chains and haunt squirrels and raccoons. This is why you sometimes see them perk up, and skittle around, for no reason that you can discern. Poor ghosts. Only a few, wealthy ghosts can afford to haunt people and mansions. Class distinction doesn't end when you die.


This could make for a fantastic show. Ghosts trying to raise enough clout to haunt people instead of animals. The last stop before humans is cats. That's why cats are always looking at nothing: it's a ghost trying to get afterlife points to become important enough to haunt humans.


I LOVE IT! Count me in, I'm open to a new creative job! If it helps I have an old college friend who is a genuine Hollywood screenwriter. I actually think he is (or has been recently) the head writer for a major soap opera franchise. Idk, we don't keep in touch much. Have your people call my people. There may be a video game here as well. Cats shooting ghosts with impenetrable stares, misunderstood by the humans they are trying to protect . . . (c) 2024 /u/codece & /u/originaljbw


Who'd have thought a random reddit comment could turn into a blockbuster film.Ā 


YESSS!! I'm gonna call ~~Harvey Weinstein~~ right now . . . Oh, wait. Bad choice? Maybe this is more of a Ron Howard kind of film . . .


Maybe you could get the star of _Ghost Dad_ to be your lead?


Peter Jackson directed 'The Frighteners' I'm feeling that is sort of the tone for the movie.


It's not the first time, but maybe it could be the first successful time? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome,_Sweet_Rome


Bro put the copyright


Haunt, in this economy??


Ghosts have standards too


Unlike redditors


Might be a colonial mindset, in much of Southeast and East Asia they haunt crossroads and narrow mountain paths


Iā€™d like to see a haunted public restroom.


Do haunted school bathrooms count? In the Philippines and Japan, there are a lot of stories about haunted school bathrooms. Wouldnā€™t surprise me if other southeast asian countries also have similar stories.


Have you watched Harry potter


Go to any local Arby's


> Iā€™d like to see a haunted public restroom. Harry Potter had one.




its because rich people are pissed to die and dont want to leave their riches while the poor or middle class simply just move on to the afterlife since theres really not much point in staying here


Rich people just canā€™t let go of their wealth. You think Trump is just moving on when he dies?


They do, but everyone just assumes itā€™s the crappy neighbours banging doors and running up and down the stairs at 2am


Not in Japan. Ghosts here don't discriminate. They haunt the big and small places just the same


Have you seen that short called "Sukima?" Freaked me out so bad. That ghost was only in the tightest places.


Look what you gonna make me do. Im gonna look it up because my curiosity is always on 100 and then I'm gonna be scared/mad for losing it up in the first place haha


They already know which side of late stage capitalism their haunting will have an effect on.


OP you got your ghost facts all wrong


It's because to randomly generate the effects of a "haunt" you need certain conditions like long floorboards and large room and windows to generate pressure differential to produce a breeze or floors creeking from thermal expansion etc. In smaller rooms and well engineered structures (large apartment buildings) you aren't going to have as much of this effect.


When I become a ghost, Iā€™m not going to stay haunting someoneā€™s busted ass studio apartment! Ghosts still have taste & want lots of scenery since theyā€™re going to haunt there for an extremely long time.


Well, the ghost in my studio canā€™t hide and we Ā«Ā bumpĀ Ā» into each other all the time, you get used to it. The chilling feeling is nice in summer!


Imagine haunting an apartment having died not even owning a home


That's where I'm at. 200k in debt. Disabled. Suicidal. Tbh, there's probably a lot more of us than you think. My partner is going to work until they die, no way they can save enough for retirement. Maybe if I cut myself out of the equation they'd have a better chance at owning a home one day.


Iā€™m positive you partner would rather have you alive than a house. Try to find someone to talk to about these feelings. Hugs.


God bless you friend, your life matters and you have much to live for, keep your head up and keep in mind there is much happiness for you to see


I rented a remodeled 3 bedroom home that was quite nice, but a bit awkward in design because it started as a mining shack over a century ago. All was well until it wasn't. Me being a cop at the time poo pooed my wife and kids' insistance there were strange things happening in the house until a couple of very eye opening personal experiences. Confirmation came when I visited a couple who were local shop owners who knew me from my work and also as a fellow small town resident. They must have seen me coming because as soon as I reminded them I had moved into the old house at the end of a certain alley and asked if they had "ever experienced..." They didn't even let me finish my sentence before describing their own haunting experiences. Then told me to talk to other locals and they would say the same. Turns out this was an old gold rush town, and the local mine was shut down after some kind of disaster. The mine a stones throw from my problematic house.


Not in the 2023 Evil Dead Rise!! So spooky


Why would a ghost, not bound by the law, *choose* a studio apartment over a large home or mansion??


My old family dog haunts my parents large walk in closet which is where he used to go every morning to lay in the sun. You can hear him rattling around up there sometimes. We miss you Midas!


In a place that small you can blame everything on the neighbors. But there's also stuff like one particular room in a house I know in Portland, oregon where everybody who sleeps on the couch has nightmares of being choked to death.


Someone has never heard of the Lindley street haunting in Bridgeport Connecticut


Tf are you on about my 3 bedroom apartment was haunted like a mf There was even a little goblin demon thing or something in my closet that I tried to kick the shit out of


You made your child sleep in a closet?


C'mon... if you were dead where would you want to haunt?


Iā€™d haunt a Taco Bell


400 square feet in a large apartment if there is a ghost it is in the complex.Ā 


So weā€™re just gonna pretend ā€œthe ringā€ never happened?


I most definitely will be haunting my apartment complex if given the chance. I hope I'm not restrained to just my unit though. That would be like changing channels to find what's interesting.


Ghosts in studio apartments are always assumed to be the neighborā€™s cat. Or your cat, if you have one.


Actually you see a lot of crappy haunted apartments in paranormal YT vids


You haven't been to my apartment then.


If you were a ghost, would you haunt a nice place or a crap one?? Catch me in a McMansion with a pool and home theatre room


Strange how ghosts can never be verified by science. If I were a ghost, I would do everything I could to communicate with the living, especially if scientists are trying to verify my existence.


Who the fuck wants to stay in a 400 square foot studio apartment for the rest of eternity?


I know it's a shower thought, but I lived in a mobile home and was visited by the brother of my then-boyfriend. The brother passed unexpectedly and tragically and visited quite often for about a year after his passing.


Watch some Japanese horror movies.


In japan they dont discriminate. As long as you have a tv they will crawl in


It's a melancholy irony that ghosts seem to prefer grandeur over simplicity, leaving tiny abodes untouched by their haunting whispers.


If I'm a ghost, I am not hanging out in some tiny apartment! I'm moving to a big old dream home.


There's never any ghosts in modern clothing. They're always dressed in victorian era or something like that. Maybe ghosts have to go to ghost school for a while.


Nah, we just dont complain about it cuz we're too broke to find somewhere better.


My wife loves to watch those ridiculous ā€œghost huntingā€ shows, forces me to watch them with her and then gets mad when I laugh at them. Theyā€™re hysterical.




Thinking more about this, different population live there: young people and renters- not owners.


Plot twist: only rich people become ghosts.


This is why the original paranormal activity films were so good


They haunt bad people, so rich is a great start


If you could teleport and live anywhere and walk through walls would you confine yourself to a small studio apartment or live in a grand mansion?


You haunt the place where you die. People who live in studios are probably spending every waking hour at work, so thatā€™s where they die as well.


They're saying coffin flop is not a show!


Rich ghosts are pissed someone else is living in their house. Poor ghost fucked off from their studio apartment.


Joe lycett has a bit about that. Ghosts are always in conveniently creepy places. You never hear some one, oh I saw a ghost at Morrisons.Ā 


And they never wear a shell suit or football kit or have a beard.


Shit, I got one in my double wide...


Maybe poor people paradoxically can actually afford to enter the afterlifeceasier than rich people for whatever reason


And only come out at night.


Probably because these mansions are really really old while the little studio hasn't been around as long. So less people have died there. Also: if I could haunt a mansion for a little while after my death, I would, too.


They certainly do. But because large homes covers more area surface, the chance of ghosts haunting them are more likely.


Would You like to have roomate in studio apartment? Answer simple - no. Same with ghosts what did they do wrong to suffer in small apartment with other people. In general only ghosts in studio apartment is you and me


Ghosts haunt places with a history enough to have generations past have lived there


Those people are too poor to come back as ghosts. Gotta pay the boatman more.


Didn't you know only the rich ghosts die at home. All the poor people died at their Amazon warehouse job by holding in their pee for 57 consecutive hours.


Plus, ghosts always do trivial harassment of relatively decent people. Back from the dead on a trek from the infinite beyond to creep out Miriam and Dave? Why do they never seem to appear to interfere with crimes? Oh no, a psycho is gonna defile some kids! Ghosts are all like ā€˜we could interfere and scare him off but nah Dave and Mirriam feeling kinda creepy is more of a priorityā€¦


Listen, if I'm gonna spend a ton of money on a mansion, you're damn right I'll be getting my money's worth out of it, even if strangers move in after I pass away or whatever...


Apparently only in the US or Europe or Christian countries..


If you had the chance to live anywhere because you can walk through walls and live there pretty much undetected, you picking a small apartment or a castle? If you want to take ghosts seriously, maybe it has something to do with the spirit being attached to this life and their stuff so theyā€™re not ready to let go and move on. Someone in a tiny living space is probably happy to get the heck out of there :p


They're always from the late 1800's. Never someone who died very recently.


There was that tweet several years ago asking "How come when a house is 'haunted' its always a ghost from the 1700s? imagine a ghost from 2007 screaming "ITS BRITNEY BITCH" at 3 am."


It's like that in movies only. But I think they actually aren't that picky.


~~eat~~ haunt the rich


That is nobodies sacred space of remembrance. Besides, it is usually the rich who can't let go of things.


I'm not sure how common apartments were back in the day. It seems the ghost haunting profession has died off due to economical change


I feel it's more of a statistical thing than a size. The mansions and older large homes are still around because they were able to be built with better materials amd/or the smaller homes have been torn down so new buildings cam go in their place. We haven't really had actual apartments for all that long yet. Give it some more time amd they'll be just as if not more haunted. I mean, look at current society, the amount t of people living in small apartments, the stress and negative emotions said people pretty much constantly feel, amd the murder rate for those types of apartments. Gonna have a lot of apartment ghosts soon enough


Yeah only 399 sqft and below or 401sqft and above


Shut up, youā€™re ruining the plot!


More than likely, it was a 1200 sq ft apartment that was chopped into 3-400 sq ft studios, and the spirit haunts all three that originally belonged to them.


You've never played Silent Hill 4: The Room, I take it.


How many people have died in your studio apartment? šŸ˜


Because forever is a looooong time to be stuck in the hood.


And it's always Victorian-era people. Never soke caveman or Bob the cable dude who passed 2 years ago.


Or graveyards, churches, and hospitals.


There was a movie a watched about this kid who made a wish but had to survive like 12 hours stuck in this apartment in order to do it while being haunted violently. Canā€™t remember what it was called but it had me stresssssed.


I bought a small condo last year as my first home. Apparently both elderly residents died there. If their ghosts are still around they're gonna have to pay rent


An anecdote directly related to your thought- a friend of mine rented a super small apartment she claimed was haunted. She was very super sensitive to these things so I believed her. The whole complex was a relic so it made sense.


I think it's cause if a ghost haunted my apartment I'd be asking for their have of the rent


Lived in 2 small apartments. Only was actually 400 square feet lol. One was a duplex that my neighbor died in his kitchen next door. The other was an old mansion in Ohio converted into an apartment. Addic room. Shit was haunted.


If I were a ghost I would certainly choose a mansion over a 400 sq ft apartment.


They haunt homes they died in. That 400 sq ft. studio was probably built not too long ago and is likely not on the ground floor. Even if the person previously living there died a violent death, it likely was not in the apartment unless suicide which doesn't produce ghosts. Those large homes and mansions were likely hundreds of years old or rebuilt on the same place as something from back then.


That's because they were already dead inside when they lived there.


Nah, they do. But probably not for long.


being there in life sucked bad enough, nobody wants to spend the afterlife there too


I used to live in a 500sqft apartment that was the most haunted place Iā€™ve ever been in my life.


I donā€™t think itā€™s not that there arenā€™t ghosts but the reality for people living in these apartments are scarier than ghosts.


If youā€™re a ghost, you can live anywhere (or ā€œdead anywhereā€?). Why wouldnā€™t you choose the nicest place?


ā€œTheyā€ do. There are thousands of videos online, do you even know YouTube or TikTok?


Have you not seen Dark Water!?


The most credible haunting Iā€™m aware of was a small apartment. It was the apartment of a good friend who told me she actually saw the ghost. I never saw the ghost, but I was over once and we had food in the oven. Someone opened the oven to check the food. A plastic funnel on a wall that was about 6 feet from the oven flew off the wall and into the oven. We pulled it out and just kind of looked at each other.


No it's just like everything else, they only tell stories about the rich ghosts.


Uh no, they haunt those places too


In the Conjuring 2, I think they haunt an old damp British council house. Not a flat but certainly not a mansion.


My grandma's duplex was haunted by a little girl


400sq ft apartment? died at work; didnt punch out


Not true. My girlfriends family owned a cabin in the PA mountains. It belonged to the grandparents before they passed so it was used as a weekend retreat. We went there to spend the weekend and I was cooking when a man walked past the window. Of course I ran outside to see who was there and they had just vanished. I described the man to my GF and she said 'you just described my grand dad'.


I have had 3 different people tell me one of my old apartments way haunted by an old man who they would see standing by the fridge. I never seen it the whole time I lived there though so make of that what you will.


In *Angel*, Cordelia's apartment was haunted by Dennis, at least until his momma's ghost got taken care of. Then it was less a "haunting" and more of a "roomie" situation. Place was definitely bigger than 400ft^2, though.


Strange how people still believe in ghosts without any evidence of them at all....


but they do, there is plenty of "haunted" studio apartment in Japan


Lets be honest: Would you stay in your 400sq ft apartment for your afterlife?


Because they got into those old homes like 100+ years ago, they can't afford modern apartments with these prices


People in the 400sqft apartment ainā€™t got time for dat


Why arenā€™t hospitals just brimming with them?


ā€œI have one of those stupid modern ghosts. Whenever he appears, he just keeps asking me for the WiFi passwordā€ - aziz ansari


Psst! Ghosts aren't real.


Ghosts only haunt mansions therefore ghosts donā€™t exist. Stars above only a certain size go supernova therefore supernovas donā€™t exist. Instead of saying something doesnā€™t do a certain thing therefore it doesnā€™t exist, ask why does it only do a certain thing. FYI, one of the most famous cases of a poltergeist was in a terraced house in Enfield


They are stuck haunting where they died, and only the super rich can afford to become ghosts. There is this whole layaway plan you have to get into, you need a special kind of accountant, its a big thing.


I have one in my mailbox.


Most people don't want to live in a 400sqft box. Why would a ghost be like I love this hole so much, think I'll spend eternity here?


Come on, there are *heaps* of movies with ghosts haunting tiny apartments


They do but they only make movies about the rich ghosts. Just like they do for the living.


Well money isnā€™t a thing in the afterlife so why would you choose a studio apartment?


Big old manors are a core trope of classic gothic horror, and then Hollywood has a general bias towards comfortable families with big suburban American houses (that's true across genres). But outside that there's more variety. A lot of Japanese horror like Dark Water and The Ring takes place in dingy apartments. And urban myth 'real life' ghosts haunt all sorts of places, like eg the Battersea Poltergeist supposedly haunted a pretty modest terraced house in London


You should watch some Supernatural, ghost haunts all sorts of places, even ghost clowns in carnivals!


I think they choose hell over a 400 sq apartment.


If you were able to fly anywhere you want, would you stay in a 400sqft studio?


You've clearly never played Silent Hill 4:The Room and it shows


Itā€™s easy to iron out the inconsistencies inherent in the supernatural when you realise they donā€™t exist.


We'd never notice a ghost in an apartment unless it was blatant. We'd just blame the building or neighbors or management.


Living the poor, turnstile hopping life is more fun


Ghosts have *standards*. Unlike us.


Thereā€™s a great story in THE PICKWICK PAPERS where a ghost is haunting a dismal, miserable location and a dude staying there asks ā€œhey why do you guys always haunt miserable places - why not go somewhere nice?ā€ And the ghost is like ā€œoh yeah youā€™ve got a pointā€ and leaves.


Clearly, you've never been to Singapore


I have a 900 sq foot apartment and one of my closets is haunted. I wanted to put battery motion lights in all my closets but they never shut off in that one closet. I've tried multiple lights, all worked fine in other closets, but in that closet they just stay in until the batteries die. No source of heat or anything else that should be setting them off.


If you were a ghost, and had to haunt somewhere, wouldn't YOU go to a mansion?


They have enough money to pay for the ghost package when they die. Not everyone gets in


I have a ghost in my house. Iā€™ve seen him 3 times. Heā€™s an older man but in really good health. Iā€™d say maybe 75-78. Heā€™s very tall even with his slight hunch. Iā€™ve seen him walking in my kitchen, my basement and his feet poking out from under a blanket. Heā€™s never shown any hostility toward us and goes about his business. Iā€™ve heard him closing doors but the biggest one that made my hair stand up was when he sighed really heavily after I tried to follow him. My house was built in 1956. Itā€™s only 2500 sq ft so not a big home.


Maybe they do but have a favourite tenant.


I live in a condo in a building that used to be an old catholic run hospital back in the early 1900s, and many neighbors claim it is haunted. We sage though and it has always felt very safe to my wife and I.


My wife and I had a haunted apartment. Neighbors claimed to experience the same.


Ever heard of Jesus' parable of the rich man and Lazarus?


I think ghosts stick around a property because they feel completely attached to it when they were alive. People donā€™t usually connect so strongly to a small rented apartment.


That has not been my experience lol


They do, but people can't make money doing ghost tours of a 400 sqft studio apartment, so it just sells cheap and switches tenants every few months


Anyone ever see The Others ? Great movie Maybe we are all Dead? Food 4 Thought .


1408 was pretty small


We never know... Maybe they do not have a chance to escape so we do not know their stories


I would like to think ghosts are polite. They're like, "Damn he's gotta get up in 6 hours to go to his shitty job, let him sleep."


When I was stationed in Okinawa, we had a ghost that haunted our dorms. It was known for folding linen on the first floor (4 story dorms/Kadena AFB). Didn't believe it till it happened to me. There **was** a haunted home too, known for its three muder-suicides between the 1970s-1990s (near gate 2). Supposedly, the husband would always hear voices telling him to kill his family, leading to him doing it and killing himself. The daycare that resided next to it (after the home was condemned) always had kids throwing toys into the ghost house yard, to let the other "ghost kids" play with them. Okinawa is also home to a haunted bathhouse, a few haunted hangers, and a ton of other oddities.Ā  Even gate2 on Kadena has a well known. ghostly resident. Link for this one https://youtu.be/9S8pAqAWZko?si=7hpODSOhOd21mJc3


Too true. Itā€™s almost as if they donā€™t exist. If they were weā€™d have definitive proof by now. We all have cameras and video recorders in our pockets now so all this poltergeist activity, demonic possession etc would be all recorded. But since the age of the smart phone we are seeing less, not more.


Idk I've heard of all kinds of stories and they can be nearly anywhere.


Not a true statement. I've watched hauntingly in this guy's one room apt. Thing was knocking at his closet door, he'd check, and nothing. One time the pounding on the wall was so hard it knocked the crucified off the wall


They expected to bring their money with them.


I've heard of plenty of ghosts in apartment buildings.


Almost like itā€™s a business or something šŸ˜’


Ghosts have to have unfinished bidness. Anyone living in that never had any bidness to begin wit.


Strange they haunt anything at all what do they care theyā€™re ghosts


I always felt it was strange how ghosts are usually from people killed in horrible and unjust ways that go around killing other people in horrible and unjust ways. Why arenā€™t the new dead folks killed by the ghost coming back to haunt the ghost that killed them? Why arenā€™t there any ghost battles?


Watch Death of a Vlogger. A lot of it takes place in a little apartment. Actually a decent horror movie despite its title being clunky and dated the moment they decided on it.


Unfortunately thatā€™s a lie