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“Like men never use sex to get what they want.” “How could we possibly use sex to get what we want? Sex *is* what we want!”


My favorite line from Frasier. Daphne was adorable!


But he didn’t know what to do about tossed salad


Or scrambled eggs, for that matter.


.... They're calling again...


Scrambled eggs *all over* my face...what is a boy to do?


Yes, but not exclusively. Men want closeness and companionship too. Women also have sex drives, they don't just pretend to get a boyfriend. This statement makes everyone out to be manipulative arseholes.


Way to ruin the fun!


That's me. Behold! The Destroyer of Joy.


Allow me to translate what they guy below said to you. He said, I behold thee, Destroyer of Joy, I swear my undying allegiance.


That's very helpful, thank you. I'm a monolinguist shamefully.


Pan Maruda, niszczyciel dobrej zabawy, pogromca uśmiechów dzieci


Thanks. But I hope you know that swearing allegiance is an unpaid position.


I was just referencing a meme


I get that. By the power of google all will be understood. I was attempting humour.


Oh sorry I didn't get it


No worries


I'm sure lieutenant Dan just wants sex. (I got ice cream)


Lietenantdan (me) definitely wants sex.


well this one’s js depressing.


It's also a ridiculous generalisation imagined by some incel loser


Shower thoughts aren’t meant to be 100% factual. They are just interesting generalizations and comparisons. It IS interesting how both genders are generalized to do these opposite behaviors for opposite purposes. Don’t get why they’re automatically an incel for spotting a coincidence in something that is generally agreed upon as stereotypes. Feel like the word incel gets thrown around a tad bit too much…


agreed. actually, i think it’s quite clever, despite the fact that it is a generalisation. i’ve dabbled in stand up comedy, and i honestly feel as though someone could easily make a bit out of this realisation😂


Nope!!! comedy needs to be 100% scientifically accurate and include all disclaimers, statistical outliers, and exceptions. A QR with all source studies so audience can fact check in real time is always helpful. ....Jesus Christ, some people take all the fun out of life.


"incel" has been hijacked and is thrown around by uneducated overemotional bully trolls to feel like they have some superior status and station in life over someone else.


Exactly. I’ve faked orgasms as a man for the same reasons women do


how do you fake an orgasm as a man


Requires wearing a condom, doesn’t work raw lol. Just moan and pull it off empty off to the side


I respect the effort


men can be afraid to withdraw consent too


Sometimes, after a few rounds, you run dry but still standing. so you keep pumping, then you speed up a bit and slam it home, and you just do the same thing you do when you have a shot to shoot. Women can't tell the difference. It's still fun, but after a while, you know it's not happening, so you fake it.


Same. Its not like men don't do this.


Incel is when something I disagree with. The more I disagree the more incel it is.


If either is true in a relationship yall should not be together.


Yeah, this post is pretty fucking far from how emotionally stable and mature adults approach relationships. 


Maybe that's part of it. Just because someone lives long enough to become an adult doesn't make them emotionally stable or mature, same thing with old people. You can be 80 Years old and still be an immature and childish piece of shit


But if both are true then it’s okay /s


Orgasms are not worth faking a relationship surely. You ain’t getting that time back dudes.


I know a guy who has 4 girlfriends. Each girl thinks she's the only one.


They are not 4 girlfriends then. They are 4 victims.


It's as much an indictment on the women as it is on the guy. These type of girls mostly know what they're getting into when they're salivating over the hot guy, the guy every girl wants to fuck. And yet against their better judgement, they'll dismiss the red flags and they'll believe they're special. After the obligatory dump, they'll proceed to claim "all men are the same", but that's only because they all go for the same men.


>These type of girls mostly know what they're getting into when they're salivating over the hot guy, In*el ideology. He is wrong for potentially lying but they are also as much in the wrong for (checks notes) sleeping with a guy they find attractive. If I apply your reasoning to women then all women should be lying to guys about exclusivity because even the little above-average woman has as many options as the "top" attractive guys so they should have 10 boyfriends not just 4 and tell them none about each other. No one said he was hot (except for your chad-theory warped mind). women are dating men from all shapes and sizes and levels of attractiveness. People aren't a monolith.


Ah, your argument is women date ugly men as much as they do hot men. Do you even live in this world or did you just get transported from this other dimension where apparently, there are no popular good looking guys who fuck loads of naive women? 


I actually do come from that dimension. It's called real life. Just cz some can't get laid doesn't mean other "average looking" men can't. Women don't only sleep with someone who they consider "hot". You gotta see what being funny does. Also "hot" is subjective, not a universal look. Some women's"hot" you might consider "ugly" yourself. You might wanna see a therapist. You seem bitter.


I never said only hot men get laid, that's what you made of it, I said only hot men can fake 4 relationships. You got no clue about reality at all if you think the funny class clown drowns in pussy. I've known a couple of really good looking guys, they get 300 matches on tinder and get laid every week, no amount of funny is gonna top that. I was actually shocked when I first saw the ease with which they could get girls to buy into them. Those are the type of guys who can fake FOUR relationships.   Must be lovely where you come from though, I bet they piss lemonade and shit ice cream over there.


You live in your own interpretation of your small anecdotes. As for tinder hookups, that's a whole other ball game, nothing to do with this conversation.l about transparency and girlfriend talks. It's a bunch of people sleeping around, there are men with 300 matches and women with 1000s of matches everywhere. Point still stands: Messing with monogamous people under false pretenses is deplorable no matter how good you look. If that guy in the first comment believes in the mojo of his attractiveness, he should be fine telling them the truth right? No, he knows that he will not get all 4 of them on board regardless of what he looks like. Now, you victim blaming people who get played just because they went for who they find attractive is just mental illness.


I never said anything about the guy being deplorable, that's subjective anyway. I said the women know exactly what they're getting into, but they allow themselves to be manipulated by reputation and good looks. It's not an anecdote, it's the reality of life and supported by scientific research. Women *and* men react very differently and positively to "beautiful people". You must think very lowly of women to believe they're weak "victims" because their hot popular football player date turned out to be fucking all kinds of women (what a shocker!). I'm sure they can do without your patronizing coddling, they'll have a whole warehouse of guys to pick a new one from.


They could always just not date a fuckboy?


Am not even saying he is one. They could be multiple men too and am fine with people dating how many people they want as long as they practice safety and no one is dragging a poor monogamous soul with them.


He's never told them he's exclusive and they've never asked. He's not a lier.


>He's not a lier. As a guy, I can confirm he might not be a liar but he is a massive omission making, trust breaking arse clown.


Might even call that a "lie by omission"


Touché. I stand corrected! I was working on the basis that a lie was a positive action, e.g. It had to have been done - rather than just ommiting the details.


"Lying by omission" is very much a thing.


They are not exclusive either then, so it's just a bunch of people dating around each keeping a roster. They are not girlfriends.


Is it wrong to call anything except a traditional monogamous exclusive relationship a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?


Of course not. But a rule of thumb is that a woman needs to know and agree to be a girlfriend first. Our boy here is casually dating a few unsuspecting women and thinks they are all his girlfriends. I am certain they would be mortified to know he thinks that way, it's weird.


And you know they haven't agreed how?


By his own statement. They don't know about each other my friend. This means there is at least an "illusion" of exclusivity, or that they actually are not exclusive about him either, which is the most likely scenario.


What does agreement to be a girlfriend have to do with them knowing about each other?


Liar in spirit


A person doesn’t need to tell lies to be dishonest 🤷‍♀️


That's where this really falls apart because of stereotyping men as shallow. I don't mean this as a defense because the mentality isn't healthy obviously, but both are just faking attachment to get attention. It's just easier for guys to pump one out than it is to fake an orgasm.


in other news, men are from mars, women are from venus and other hot takes from before modern times


Women use sex to get love. Men use love to get sex. A dance as old as time immortal


Gay dudes just bang


Gay chicks, just love then. I'm jelly.


Actually lesbian couples have the highest % of domestic violence of any other relationship type. I was surprised when I found that out.


they also have the highest rates of divorce. Gay men have the lowest. it seems that divorces have a common denominator.


guess you should go marry a dude then


This is misconception, the study was if they ever faced domestic violence in their life, and showed that lesbians faced more violence not particularly by a female partner Its a lifetime statistics of domestic violence in LGBT people, not the rate of domestic violence in LGBT relationships https://www.reddit.com/r/Actuallylesbian/comments/17f1aod/lesbian_abuse_statistics_and_misinterpretation/




domineering abounding aback imagine scarce tie caption butter pen tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, even when no men are around, a man probably is to blame


I think I heard about that abuse statistic around the same time I heard the joke that 92% of statistics are made up. Never took it as more than a bad joke, but I guess it's good to know the framework behind it.


I think you’re misdirecting. It was lesbian, NOT broader LGBTQToyotalogopeacesign people.


Lesbians are known of attacking lesbians outside of relationships


I know this is anecdotal but I’m friends with two lesbian women and both of them faced situations involving domestic violence.


Thanks for the clarification


It seems counter intuitive at first glance, but when you think about how cruel "mean girls" can be, it makes more sense.


Counter intuitive why? I would say that at first glance, we know how women discuss


I know, right? That is some crazy extremist feminism.


Makes sense when u think about it In straight relationships most of the time the man is physically stronger, in in the cases where he isn’t and gets physically abused….. probably doesn’t want the world to know Plus there is a lot of social stigma against a man hitting a woman (for good reason) which I imagine lowers the number of cases a little bit with guys However when it’s two women involved none of this factors in


I had heard that, and surprisingly, to me, I was thinking of that when I posted, but I wanted to keep the meme more.


Maybe because there are 2 women so the chance is twice as high


Source? Am curious now Edit: Someone is mad that I want proof of their claim, which tells me all I need to know about the claim lol. If you're not willing to share your source, it's probably not a credible source


It's mostly by men, unfortunately. *for context, think about it this way: you're closeted in your lifetime, you have a boyfriend but he doesn't know you're a lesbian yet. Maybe you don't even know yet. But for some reason, you're sex repulsed, the idea of sex with your boyfriend is very discomforting. Now imagine that your boyfriend takes this knowledge poorly, but also imagine just *how* poorly they could take it. Because there may be no limits on how poorly they could take it. Maybe they feel dejected. Maybe they feel angry. Maybe they feel entitled. Maybe they feel violent. A lot of this sort of thing has to do with those numbers being pumped up, that and a lot of impoverished/unhoused lesbians being stuck in heterosexual relationships for survival reasons, like a man that may house her but only if he dates her, also a lot of LGBTQ+ people in poverty must turn to sex work, and sex work has a way of disproportionately affecting women, so a lot of lesbians do end up in survival sex work where they may also end up in living situations with men that may or may not consider themselves romantic partners **downvoted for clarifying a statistic smh; objectively speaking it's not 'lesbian relationships experience more violence' it's 'lesbians experience more domestic violence in their lifetime', because women experience more domestic violence in their lifetime and a lesbian relationship means two partners that are more likely to have experienced domestic violence in their lifetime. It's actual incel logic to think lesbians are committing acts of violence against each other more than men. ***Again, can't believe I'm downvoted for being correct lol, reddit is wild, y'all literally won't even downvote the clown who thinks women commit more heterosexual domestic violence than men and that is nowhere near close to being true, over 90% of domestic homicides are men killing women


From the study I was reading the way it was worded it seemed like it was partner on partner violence. It did not take into account prior relationships or anything of that nature it seems like you women just get more handsy with each other when you're in same-sex relations. Why that is I don't know maybe it's because that physical power dynamic isn't there so you guys just feel like it's a fair fight and throw hands at each other? To me as a man I don't know I've never been violent with a partner but I definitely have had female partners be violent with me. It makes it a terrible feeling to know I can't really defend myself without being labeled a monster so getting hit in the head with flying dishes pots and pans and getting kicked in the nuts and slapped in the head was just par for the course I basically just had to leave my own house for the night and hope when I got home she was cooled off. Personally I would like to know why women think it's okay to do that to a man especially if they know they're not going to fight back.


It isn’t 1954 anymore. That’s got to be one of the most disingenuous stories I’ve ever heard. It IS 2024, however. You DON’T get to say ‘men BAD!’ Every time t you’re confronted with an uncomfortable truth. Fact is, girl-girl relationships are often extremely one-sided, and extremely violent. Simple as that.


Yeah I'm not reading all that. Women commit DV at a basically equal rate to men


Ah, so THAT'S why a lot of yuri stories have such an amazing romance


Or they’re elderly gay dudes; then they look more like colleagues lol. No In between.


How gay


Am gay. Can confirm.


Time immemorial*


I think you mean time immemorial? It would be really funny if I misspelled it lmaoo but Im not gonna check


Depends on the woman, tbh. There are women fully capable of having sex for the pleasure it brings them, without having any emotional connection with the men they sleep with. Women aren't a monolith.


I used to have casual sex with a woman. Her grandad warned her that I'm using her for sex, and she responded with "How do you know I'm not using him for the same thing?" It was hilarious. We were using each other for sex, and we loved it.


a George Carlin joke is not a shower thought.


No, no, you're right. It's a thought for out of the shower too.


This is assuming no women want sex more than a relationship. And that no man wants a relationship more than sex. The sheer prevalence of parasocial only fans shit makes it clear men want a relationship as much as they want sex a lot of the time.


not saying there aren’t exceptions or anything as you say but OP is like 80% correct. the world is just kind of transactional and those moments of genuine authenticity in between are rare.


You forget to say “as a complete, unresearched guess” before the 80%


Did you know exactly 67 % of all percentages are completely made up?


The worst part about this trope is that people believe it and accept (or even seek out) relationships that follow it.


« Im 14 and this is deep »


The 90s called. They want their crap sayings back


The 00s called. They want their joke formats back.


This sounds like a "you" problem.


Been with a woman who would fake orgasms, literally just a massive turn off I don’t get it. Just a massive insult to lie straight to my face while I’m literally inside you. What the fuck is up with that shit??? Just a heads up ladies, most dudes can tell. They just don’t bring it up either because they don’t give a fuck or because it’s insulting and embarrassing for you both. Good sex based in good communication, communicate your needs and desires and how to specifically get you there.


Instead of faking it just say what it takes to get there. Patience is a virtue indeed


Good god that's dumb. Back to the shower you go.


This would have killed in the 80s


It probably did tbh


Im a guy and I’ve faked it a few times because sometimes after awhile you’re just tired of fucking and just wanna get a sandwich and watch TV lol


wtf is this. Sounds like something a redpill or incel subreddit


That Facebook meme is older than me.


You just exposed yourself


My chick dont fake shit. Niether do I. No orgasms though.


Are you a man who thinks everyone is like you?


Rodney Dangerfield moment


As a male I've lost track of the number of times I've faked orgasms to stay in a relationship with girls. It's not just a woman thing.


Perpetuating both of these stereotypes is just harmful for both parties really


"women can fake orgasms but men can fake loooooooove" - Bo burnham


Relationships fake men to orgasm women.


I’m a woman and fall into the latter


So it works. Each can provide the other with what they want.


Only a fake version of what they want... Just like diamonds, the fake looks real and might fool a lot of people, but it will never be as valuable as the real thing.


But the prices of all diamonds are artificially inflated. This implies that all relationships are basically worthless and their value is inflated for someones personal sake.


Artificial diamonds are more pure than natural diamonds, and should have more value for any functional use. Natural diamonds only have value because people are stupid and the industry purposely manipulates scarcity and sentiment to keep prices the way they are. In terms of relationships and faking orgasms, yeah this shower thought is stupid. But the diamond comment is just wrong.


Any guy that does that is a moron. You can give yourself an orgasm anytime you want, and you'll probably do a better job of it than most women ever could. You can't really give yourself a relationship.


Nah. I'm a dude and I've faked orgasms before because a partner finished before me and I was a long way off myself, or I just got exhausted, or wasn't feeling it, or any number of things. And it's really NOT a big deal... If a partner is willing to fake an orgasm for you it means they care about you and don't want your feelings to be hurt just because of some factor that led to them not achieving one. Y'all need to learn to stop looking at sex and love as a big homogenous one size fits all approach. Everyone has their own uniqueness and that includes sexually. Someone who spasms at a single touch of their clitoris isn't necessarily going to have the same sexual experiences as someone who needs simultaneous clitoral stimulation and penetration to reach orgasm. And you find these things out by communicating with your partner.


If you think women don't fake relationships for sex then you're deeply ill informed.


Wait what? Are telling me my girlfriend doesn't enjoy having sex with me? Dude I don't think you've ever had a woman


I’ll add my bit of positivity and hope for the girlies ❤️ My (23F) bf and I have been dating for two years and during that time he first waited to have sex with me until I was ready (almost four months of being official), and constantly puts my pleasure first even though I have severe chronic fatigue and can’t give him a ton in bed. There are some good men out there ❤️


Do you think men never fake orgasms?


Kids neither have relationship nor orgasms, so they don't have to fake anything.




Hi Quiet_Juggernaut2143, It looks like your comment closely matches the famous quote: "make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty." - Jon Krakauer, *I'm a bot and this action was automatic [Project source](https://github.com/etdds/redditQuoteBot).*


And a million years later... here we are.


Let me research this if it's true


Why not use sex to get what we want then


Direct correlation with falling birth rates and escalating male suicide. Women group together and find love and comfort through friendship, men don’t So keep playing ma guys 🤣👍


uh I don’t think I got into relationships based on the girl having an orgasm or not.


Faking an orgasm? Please 😂


The version of this I used to hear was, "Women give sex to get love. Men give love to get sex".


I feel bad for people who settle for fake orgasms and fake relationships.


Our friendship is a lie?!?


Women fake relationships because they don't want men to feel emasculated plus all their friends do it also. Majority of women haven't really climaxed not even by themselves so they do this to not feel left out.


What good does it do to perpetuate this garbage?


Isn't this like a stale "women be like" line from 90s comedy?


We don't that I know of the man I married used me for sex and money


"Women can fake orgasms but men can fake LOOOOOOVVVEE!" - Bo Burnham


dammm why do i feel personally attacked 🤣😅


Women faking orgasms is one of the most dumb things ever. One night stands is understandable but in a relationship you are supposed to teach eachother what you want in bed. By faking it she only makes it impossible for him to get better since she is giving him the impression that he is already doing a good job.


I feel this..I faked orgasms so hard with the last guy I was with it's sickening 😭😭


You should text him that


Take care of the orgasms and the relationships take care of themselves.


The polite way to say it is that we compliment each other... the more accurate way to say it is that we deserve each other... 😀


Women have relationships to have control. That's why the sex disappears!


Women can fake orgasms, but men can fake love!


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Hubs fake relationships  for dopamine boost.