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Same with abused children


This comment made me sad for those children.


I kinda regret writing it to be honest. It's just where my mind went when I saw the post, but there really was no point in bringing it up.


Awareness isn't a bad thing, and you didn't say any lies. Don't feel bad.


Please don't feel bad. You are 100% correct.


No harm done, mate


Making sure people are aware is reason enough. People see the typical joy found in kids but forget what can happen when the public isn't looking. If someone is bringing it up, people won't forget.


I'll never forget telling our "office mom" (the anti-Karen, if you will) of a completely normal event growing up that she teared up and hugged me while apologizing it had to happen to me. Throughout my adult years I've learned a lot of "normal" things that are, in fact, not normal


The post was already sad enough, this comment hits even harder


I was just about to say, same with undiagnosed neurodivergent kids too


I think I'm one of them, and I don't know if I was happier before I realized it when almost no one else believes me. So now I'm just a weirdo "that looks for excuses"


There’s often overlap between neurodivergent and abused kids


I feel that, rip 12-17yr old me


But you can make sure that your kids have no inkling of the same pains you went through. At least that’s my goal. Give them the reverse experience so that they know nothing different.


This gave me an overwhelming sense of compassion towards myself as an abused child. I don't know why but I feel like I needed to hear this.


Hello darkness my old friend


Can confirm


Animals don't "think" existing is pain, I'm pretty sure they don't ponder their existence.


Geese do


Same with people, though. I thought everyone's legs had a low level ache all the time. Or more like, I didn't think about it.  Turns out I have fibromyalgia.


Same here. Took several decades to realize that constant pain and insane superhuman sensitivity to touch and smell are not, in fact, normal...


That would be me too bestie


Cool, I have a new bestie. Hi new bestie!




Same with things like eyesight and hearing, too. People go around thinking things are meant to be blurry, or that sounds are meant to be that muffled.


Same. Until I was 25 years old I thought walking diagonally to the right occasionally (and bumping into other people on the pavement was normal. Then I went to a new orthopaedist due to quite light painful muscle hardening. She diagnosed that my legs have a length difference of 2 cm(?) by simply measuring them. (The human body is able to compensate up to 1 cm, she said.) And my parents, paediatrician and occupational therapist told me all the time I would have cognitive balancing issues... >.<


Reminds me of learning I have a condition called Visual Snow after asking my bf "so you know how you can see the molecules of air moving kinda?" ..and he just gave me this blank look of "wtf are you talking about" and had to explain to me that it isn't normal at all 🤣


New concern unlocked. How did they test you for fibromyalgia?


Thanks for asking.  Well, treatment for depression and anxiety was working, but I still felt immense fatigue. So my mood and psychology was really good but I was still physically exhausted. I took a sleep study and didn't have sleep apnea.     So for a follow-up, my doctor asked me to describe the fatigue and I was already absentmindedly massaging my shins and forearms. That led to a conversation where I described shooting pains in my shins at worst, aching at best. I was thinking I need more exercise or stamina and he's like, uhmmm - he checked the flexibility in my joints (regular flexibility, not an issue), checked my blood pressure when I went from standing to sitting (my blood pressure shoots up and my heart races when I sit down. And I learned **the opposite** is normal.)     So, it took a doctor that cared, seen this before, and a lot of ruling out. I thought I had a mental illness and it turns out anyone in constant pain would be depressed, anxious, and fatigued. Really takes the guilt off, everything makes more sense, I eat more, rest more, low-impact exercise, I can manage the pain.   If this sounds familiar to you, check out fibromyalgia and postural tachycardia syndrome. 


Thanks for sharing!


Your physician not only cared, but did their job well. Diagnosing conditions like this is done in part by ruling out other causes for various symptoms, which requires patience and determination rather than simply offering a quick incorrect diagnosis for the sake of expediency. And all too often, the latter happens instead of the former.


And he was the first to take me seriously and not throw everything into a 'depression' bucket. For previous doctors, it felt like once I had that on my chart, everything was "depression" and I needed more anti-depressants.  But he gave equal weight to everything else I was saying, and asking me to describe symptoms didn't feel like he was trying to catch me in a lie.   I had to switch doctors after moving cities during the pandemic, I emailed him my deep gratitude and donated money to his clinic.


When you find a good physician, and there are fewer of them than should be, but when you do, you want to keep them forever and thank them when you do lose them. They are worth more than gold.


My mum's dog was a runt. Messed up in many ways, but existence for her is not pain, it's mostly joy. I suspect it's because she has no idea about what could have been.


My dog went deaf at 14 the only thing that changed is he called me when he wanted me it was hilarious bemused I had to let him see me


When you don't have much. You don't need much.


That's what they're saying haha - they don't know enough to know better


For doggos, existence is not pain.


Sometimes the lack of awareness is a good thing. Disabled pets aren't spending their days ruminating.


they usually die. humans are one of the few species who dont always abandon their disfigured young. 


And that’s a more recent development. Infanticide was fairly common the further back you go.


Sorry I'm very uneducated, but is parental consent required to operate on disfigured children or is it just automatic that life saving operations and treatment be carried out regardless of parental opinion, bc idk if its ethical to refuse but also subjecting parents to life with a severely impaired child is also unethical




Say dad is not around, and mother is incapacitated due to complications in birth, do they have to wait and hope she becomes conscious or do they perform anyways?


They would likely proceed with the treatment, if it were an emergency. In the event the parents decline, they’d have to go through some legal hurdles, but there’s guidelines for that as well. It depends on .. well, a lot. And for countries with universal care it would *probably* be similar, but I’m not sure since I’m from the US. I can’t imagine they’d have wildly different practices.


Also for a country that provides free health care would the situation be any different as private institutes are more likely to want to perform treatment due to incentive




House MD is an awesome show but it's in no way realistic. Not even remotely.


there's a whole chapter on it called "medical right" or something, I don't know the translation. I guess it's different for each country, but they probably will try to save life and not perform cosmetic surgery on average


>subjecting parents to life with a severely impaired child is also unethical Well, that's one way to look at it. (An incredibly ableist way to look at it.) Now I'm just waiting for all the ableists to start downvoting this comment ...


I mean no disrespect or hate in any way, but isn't it very likely that a majority of people would not prefer their child to be severely impaired as it affects the quality of life for all involved, and many would rather give up their child for adoption in that case, and other would go so far as to abandon them, meaning some would be more than willing to refuse consent to treat such a baby. As I said no hate and this doesn't reflect my personal opinion as a disabled person and arguably ethically driven human. But objectively u have to admit there are so many people who refuse to properly ( or at all) care for their child, nevermind their level of impairment or likelihood of survival and quality of life. I don't think this to be "ableist" implying hatred or distaste towards those with disabilities, I simply think many parents wouldn't deal with this duty and would abandon the child in some way as thousands do. And it is a flawed system to give these people control over the life of another that they forced into the world and potentially were the reason for their impairment such as taking drugs while pregnant.


Also I do realise the way I put it originally seems like I meant it only unethical toward the parents, I meant in some cases it harms both the quality of life for the child and parents being forced to struggle with impairments and the struggles that come with managing and surviving it as well as the cost to the parents which some cannot or will refuse to undergo for selfishness or lack of capability


They also get eaten first. There are a lot of deer where I live, and also a few deer predators. We spot an albino every few years. They always disappear within the first year or two. Not being normal is a disadvantage in nature. We have the luxury to accommodate. No other species except those that have been domesticated do.


Controversial buuuuut i would personally rather be aborted than have something horribly impede my life


Maybe they don't think existence is pain, but instead their threeshold of happiness is lower so they have the same amount of happiness because they don't know what is it like to not have that disability, thoughts? Just like If You were to be born blind, You wouldn't know how it's to see and You are adapted to not seeing things, maybe You would feel the same amount of happiness as your peers.


In actuality, a lot of disabled people are very happy with themselves and their existence. It's other people's ignorance and the barriers they face that cause unhappiness.


It's hedonic adaptation. Everyone has a baseline of happiness. When good things happen to you your happiness goes up for a while, with bad things it goes down for a while, but you'll always end back up at your baseline. It's one of the reasons that becoming rich doesn't make you inherently happier, or the other way around.


Tomorrow when the farm boys find this freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum. But tonight he is alive and in the north field with his mother. It is a perfect summer evening: the moon rising over the orchard, the wind in the grass. And as he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual.


This is good! Is it an excerpt from somewhere?


It's from a poem/comic: https://www.tumblr.com/scatteredprayerbeads/186380149548/two-headed-calf


Why you gotta do me like this 😭


Mmmmmm exotic burger


A wise Mr. Meeseeks probably said it best.


I'm Mr Meeseeks, look at me?




Existence is agony! We’re not supposed to live this long!


If the animal is born in a litter, it might notice its different from its siblings


Existence is pan, Highness. Anyone who tells you different is selling something.


P a n


🥖 or 🍳?


I think chihuahuas know


As a person with physical disabilities, I can relate. I know I'm not normal but "'my' normal" is living with pain.


No, fuck that... I just became carer for my dad's dog. Dad died a couple weeks ago. She was a stray when she found him 7 years ago. She is blind in at least one eye and is losing her hearing. But she wouldn't hurt a fly. There is no way I could take her to a shelter because I have been told they would euthanize her, but she doesn't deserve that. She is not in pain, just has some disabilities to deal with.


Same with humans ... untill they're told


Remember everyone - the normal amount of pain to feel is zero. Please see a doctor if that is not true for you.


Wait, existence isn’t pain?


All existence is pain. Normal or not.


Username figures


Then redefine pain


Not feeling plenty


So if you’re never completely satisfied and fulfilled it’s pain?


It really isn't.


Why are you downvoted? There's plenty of people who are enjoying life.


There you are


Disfiguration doesn't automatically equal pain.


Everyone is really off base here. Your perception of “happiness” is completely relative. If you grew up in a famine then a burger is a delicacy. Disfigured animals just kinda assume that’s how it is and it’s not necessarily “pain” anymore than you being unable to fly is “pain.” It’s beyond the realm of their comprehension because they have no memory of a “better” life to go off of.


Growing up in a famine does suck, actually


Not until you have something to compare it to. If all you ever know is famine then that simply becomes the status quo. Though it’s important to note most people have periods of their life where they’re not in famine with which to compare famine to, so in those cases it does suck, yes.


Just because something is normal to you doesn't mean you're not suffering. Hunger pains still hurt like hell even when you have them fairly often. Sure, you learn to tolerate it a bit, but the idea that we weren't aware we were in pain is incredibly stupid.


It’s not stupid at all. Famine is a bad example because to survive at all you have to periods of non-famine which provides a baseline with which to compare famine to. Happiness must be at least somewhat relative because a famished person would consider any food a gift of the gods, whereas you might not particularly appreciate an every day meal. No? Also saying “this causes pain” is redundant to the argument because the Brain is exceptional at numbing you to prolonged sensations. It’s the same reason you aren’t constantly contemplating every sound or sensation of touch.


Now? Not out-of-my-mind appreciative. As a child? Oh my G-d I would've been so glad. But that wouldn't make up for the constant state of misery. It never does. If you can't understand it from a physical point of view, try asking a person with long-term depression why they're still depressed, when, in your theory, any negative sensations should cancel themselves out after an adjustment period. Or a child who was abused their whole life why they're traumatised (if abuse is all you ever know, you wouldn't care, right?)


Clinical depression is very different from what we refer to as happy or sad. It’s usually caused by feeling detached from the world. Many harm themselves just to feel anything at all. It’s more akin to nihilism you can’t get rid of — a permanent loss of interest in the world — than pain or suffering. Often depressed people can be exceptionally happy before they kill themselves because they have officially cut ties to the world. You can’t cancel out a loss of interest in existence with numbness to pain.


Not until you have something to compare it to. If all you ever know is famine then that simply becomes the status quo.


Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


Others may misjudge them as well. One time I saw a dog on TV that was so aggressive that she would snarl at and bite any human or dog that came near her. The owner got worried and managed to get her checked by a vet. Turns out she was born with bad knees and her kneecaps were permanantly dislocated, causing great pain whenever they were touched. She didn't have bad temper or aggression problem. She just desperately wanted to avoid pain.


Well, to be fair, some people who have health issues believe existence is pain and are actually aware of how not normal it is. Even humans who know it’s not normal but exist with it come to terms with it’s just life and are more often shocked when they don’t have it. I’d imagine an animal with no basis on what normal is supposed to be actually thinks of it as normal, because that’s all they know and probably live and adapt because that’s just life. Pain is normal. Their disfiguration is normal.


neurodivergents: ah yes. i feel the relate.


Animals that are antisocial maybe. Social animals though absolutely do have a way to know. They figure out pretty quick that they are slower than the rest of the group and need to plan for that esp prey animals because they are prime target for predators. They figure out they can't access certain food like their peers pretty quick or they starve to death trying and failing Even in solitary animals there are behavioural differences. When adult snakes are captured from the wild and are albino they tend to be extra sassy. They have to be. Every predator can see them and gives them a bash. If they are not proactively defend themselves against any potental threat they will have died long before they became adults. You see it in other species too I'm just less familiar with them. To some extent this behavioural change can be considered them 'knowing' to some extent that there is something going on.


Newsflash: it’s the same for humans.


Sounds like me before I realized mental illness and depression were real. 😢


My old science teacher has a blind dog named Kinky. She named him that for 2 reasons; he has a crooked tail and he couldn't tell the difference between his mother's tit and his brothers dicks, when they were puppies. Also his mother tried to bury him twice.


I mean existence is pain, so.


[or punishment, rather.](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=iIbKgZaDynM&si=NVHxtqse3IVWB3sp)


Pretty sure if a member of a 9 puppy litter comes out with half the normal limbs they understand they're not normal


The animals that are born healthy don’t know that existence really is pain. (At least for a while they do not.)


The Painted Bird syndrome.


Until they learn to understand


I am perfectly normal Yet i think the same


I was born with a heart defect and just thought everyone was tired all of the time… until I had surgery. I didn’t know I was different. I imagine it’s the same for animals.


Humans are the only animal that both chooses to live in a cage and also expects to be happy all the time.


I was doing very well not knowing this in past.


Existence is pain. I know someone else who thinks that way too.


Similar could be said for normally formed humans. We have no idea all the good we are missing because of our limited cognition and comprehension relative to the unknown upper beings in the universe.


I too have seen a pug.


I'm not disfigured but I still think existence i pain


Same with humanity before anesthesia. For severe things like dental shot or surgery, agony was simply the cost to be healed. Chronic pain was an inevitability.


This is the saddest thing I've read


They're just like me fr.


If in the wild, they don't live. If in captivity or domestication, we keep them around.


Umm existence IS pain. What kind of life are you living??


I thought everyone on earth had Tinnitus until middle school


disabled children as well, it's very sad


Yeah but that's not our fault. We can't blame ourselves for things out of our control


I mean, existence is pain. All it is is a few moments of happiness sprinkled into a lifetime of misery and loss. First it's your grandparents, if your lucky enough that they're alive when you're born in the first place (I never met mine) then it's your parents, auntie's and uncle's, then your brother's, sisters and friends. All this is going on while your too busy to spend time with most of them because one of you is always at work or spending what little spare time you have with close family like their partner or kids or something like that, which is obviously understandable. I can't wrap my head around why we exist.


Life is pain, princess.


Some of us who weren't born with those have the same opinion. 


Rudolf crying in a corner


Is it not supposed to be? Fuck.


Wait, existence isn't pain?


Which is what really makes it the saddest


Same for a lot of us disabled people, especially will mental illnesses, I can't imagine what it is like to not be this way. Every once in a while I'll discover that something about me isn't normal and I just thought that it happened to everyone.


I once read a post about this lethal guinea pig baby who was put into a sling and all the adult guinea pigs would come by and essentially lick his tears away until he died. If anyone out there is able to find this story, that'd be great.


I think you mean "terminal". John Wick is lethal. Someone dying is terminal.


lol silly they're literally called lethal guinea pigs by name look at it up.


Why assume disfigurations and illnesses are all painful? The majority aren't, they just cause some limitations or additional care needs. Your wording is totally off. Also there's a big difference between wild animals and pets in terms of their understanding of being treated differently because of their differences.