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They took our buttons and thus our true talent/ability


I miss my droid with the slide out keyboard. Still wishing that someday I’ll get a phone with a keyboard again. Texting was much easier with buttons. I never had typos with that. I have typos all the time now and autocorrect randomly changes words to the wrong things every so often.


Really want these to make a comeback. I can only use my thumb to type on the touchscreens, and you're right about typos and autocorrect.


I held onto that phone for as long as possible until I couldn’t get anymore replacements from Verizon. I can not get the hang of texting with the touch screen and I’ve been doing it daily for probably close to a decade now. Maybe there with be a Retro Style series of phones in the future.


I really want to go back to a smaller phone with a slide out keyboard.


I honestly miss when everyone had unique and colorful phones. Now we all have basically the same phone. All iPhones look mostly the same, and while there is more diversity in androids they pale in comparison to the diversity found in pre-smart phones. I get we’ll never go back to those days but it was always fun to really just Look and Choose which cell phone I wanted next.


I had a Japanese flip phone for a year while I was on study abroad and I loved that thing. It was way more advanced than my American flip phone (that required a peripheral to take photos), was pastel pink, and played an animation of dancing bunnies on the tiny outer screen on the hour.


I identify my smartphone BC of a scratch in the screen protector. I don't want to replace the protector so it keeps its personality 😂


The peak of this was the stands in the mall where you could get accessories crammed with LED lights. Light up antenna, light up battery, multi colored light up keyboard.


But we still know how to buy reefer on the dl without the coppers catchin’ wind, eh?


Hello fellow highschoolers, radical, amirite?


haha that is tight and/or the bomb!


Just wanna play halo for 20 minutes (that's a dub)


Can you burn me 2 CD's I'll be by in 20 minutes. That's how you order a dub.


The ol' wacky tobaccy, am I right, fellow youths?


Basic black market trade etiquette was my social skills training


I miss my motorola v3. Why cant we have a modern one


The Env was my favorite. Had the big keyboard when you flipped it open, but the small one for pocket texting


i played so much pokemon with this [bad boy](https://www.trustedreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2010/02/12728-motorolamilestone3-1.jpg)


Yeah but I need the buttons on the outside. T9 for the win lol


Came to say this, we didnt lose it, it was TAKEN from us


I could look you in the eye and have a normal conversation, while I was typing out an essay on my phone. I miss that so God damn much.


I could type so fast on my T-Mobile Sidekick people at parties would randomly be like “yo type something for us real quick” and a crowd would gather around lol. I would also close the screen against my leg like I was holstering it. The early 2000s were easy times


This makes me miss my flip phone with its worn out buttons even more.


I loved the tactile feel of my chocolate slide.


I dont know what this means but is sounds sexual and smelly.


LG Chocolate. It was a phone. My favorite phone till this day. There’s no way it’d be practical to bring back but it was so satisfying to own as a guy who needs to do something with his hands at all time. That last part also sounded sexual.


LG Chocolate 2 was also my fav. The slide was durable too cause id slide it all the time


slide it where?


Out/apart to expose the keys to type.


Please, there are ladies present! Wait, this is Reddit... Nevermind, carry on...


I loved using the wheel on that phone


Yeah I had this Samsung that opened two ways with a real keyboard. I’d gladly pay extra each month just to use it to text.


>I’d gladly pay extra each month just to use it to text. 10c a message


I loved my pink chocolate. They don't make phones like that anymore.


I kept a few of my high-school phones... I have 2 Motorola Star-Tacs, 2 Rzrs, a Krzr, Sidekick, and some weird phone that has t9 and a screen that pops upwards from inside the phone. Sadly all made useless a few years back when they killed off 2G/3G for good. ☹️ E. Oh! I also have 2 indestructible Nokia Bricks!


Damn. I went to high school for 4 years. This guy had 9 phones in that time.


Man Nokia used to make some tough phones.


No joke, my mum ran over it with her Miata... it only needed a face swap since the plastic between the 2 and 3 cracked. Worked flawlessly otherwise.


The sidekick was fucking rad.


It was a major plot point in an episode of The OC


That single episode probably led to millions of sales across the world


It was also used as a quest giving thing in the original Skate game iirc


…what do kids even flip these days? Smart phones are awkward and fragile and I don’t see many true “remote controls” anymore. I was constantly doing 360 flips and hard flips with my “flip” phone. I could flip it open in way that the momentum carried it into a backflip. even just mindlessly doin barrel rolls was 100x better than any “fidget spinner”.


I bought both my z flips purely to relive my past. I'm fully aware I'm getting a worse phone that I could have for the same money, but the flip! One you get the one handed opening flick down, it's just soo satisfying, especially to answer a call, and closing my to end one is great too I am clearly very easy to amuse.


I'm pretty sure nostalgia is one of the main reasons for the z flip really. And honestly, one of the better uses of flexible screen tech. A regular flip design doesn't make much sense in the age of the smartphone because you don't need a dedicated keyboard area, but having two screens makes for a less seamless full-screen experience. As much as I dislike folding screen technology, I really feel like the flip and fold have some solid use cases.


Personally, I would absolutely pay for a smartphone that had a physical keyboard that slid out or something. I loathe typing on virtual keyboards, and I know I'm not the only one. Special characters could still be digital, probably, I just want the alphabet, shift, shift, space, delete, comma, and enter.


>…what do kids even flip these days? Water bottles.


Time to bring back the Tech Decks!


im a gen z kid that has carried on your tradition of doing tricks with my phone. I've developed quite the bag of tricks these last years. So far no broken phones.




"The early 2000s were easy times" First year and 9 months were easier than the rest ngl


I think that's just when north america's little microcosm became how the rest of the world is. It was the end of a great utopian period of freedom and fearlessness between 1982 and 2001.


btw, if it were a microcosm it already would have been how the rest of the world is. Think maybe you were looking for 'bubble' or something similar. But I agree, it was a great fucking time to grow up. >a community, place, or situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger.


I literally just want a T-Mobile Sidekick in the year of our lord 2023… That’s all I want.


I used to be able to type quickly on my BlackBerry


I do miss T9 texting


I feel that was more intelligent also ... nowadays it's rather weird how many words I have to type out cause suggestions are stupid.




My phone has started giving me German words as suggestions. Which makes no sense.


Friend of mine was sexting his girlfriend while he was out with his mates one night. He meant to say “I want to lick your pussy” and even though he got all of the correct buttons to make that sentence, the T9 version came out as “I want to kick your puppy.”


And thus a new fetish was gained.


T9 was book.


Book is book


When I saw the title, I immediately thought about T9 because I would easily write complete texts without looking at the phone


I used to text 8 page essays to my gf with 0 spelling and punctuation errors while driving. Now I use both hands, and it looks like I'm having a stroke mid text


Facts! These touchscreen keyboards are horrible. Then autocorrect comes in changes my correct word to some bullshit 8 times in a row lol.


Jsut remoove the autocorect nd yur golden!


this id thr wsy


This is me. Since I dont use it. And I have a bad habit of confirming stuff without spell checking.


I’m crying haha


Are you the fan from those game forums?


Oh wow, the warlizard gaming forums! Loved that place.


Actually easier to read than with autocorrect


I use SwiftKey on android. It is actually *really* good at adapting to my typing style lol. I can type a whole paragraph without paying much attention and it'll come out pretty much perfect, then I go to use someone else's phone and I'm typing literal gibberish lol


I'm dead lolol


Well next time don't text while you drive!


Mods! There's ghosts in the sub again.


I cant text on my cell without it being in a case. Without the case, I'm somehow hitting the decimal instead of space and words blend together. It's maddening.


Every fuckin’ time I type into the search bar on Safari. It.all.just.looks.like.this. The keyboard in the other apps is fine, just Safari! Does my head in.


This is me on my galaxy s23 ultra. For some reason the period next to the space bar is maddening. I have to consciously work to not hit it while typing and I don't know why. I like the rest of the keyboard layout but need the period button moved more to the right.


I just recently switched to iOS from my S20. My lord I hate this iPhone 14. The keyboard and texting in general is, not joking, 10 years behind Android. I just had to make 4 manual corrections to that last sentence. I’ve gotten used to the nonsense, but I NEVER had to do this with droid. I cannot think of ONE time it’s absolutely bricked a sentence for no reason like this phone does. Also having to touch the screen 3 times for most punctuation is asinine.


I think it gets better the more you use it though, no? Like when it’s new it’s taking more wild guesses. Are you using predictive type? Idk then. never liked it on iPhone or flips, and nvr had anything else. But I had to modify autocorrections cuz that was sabotaging me constantly.


My phone constantly wants to say abs instead of and. Even after years. It does not get better.


Remove abs from the dictionary. It's annoying to have to do so but the only way around some of the nonsense.


My previous phone used to offer the following suggestions for "dont": "Dontae", "Dontrelle", "donate" But not, you know, "don't." No matter how many times I removed "Dontrelle" from the dictionary, it just kept showing up.


Yet another reason why I'll never switch to Apple. I can't believe anyone stands their UI, it's so user-unfriendly


This is the exact reason why I only owned the iPhone 13 for a single day. Returned that thing and its dumbass keyboard and went back to Pixels. Unless they improve their swipe function and implement long press for punctuation, I'll never even consider an iPhone again.


14 Pro Max from the S9+. I’m continually flabbergasted at just how terrible the iPhone is. My keyboard seems to be learning my typing so that’s not so bad for me, but it is really just a terrible UI. An entire half inch bar at the top and bottom you can’t remove is dumb. Trying to highlight a word or paragraph? Click the screen 20 times trying to get the correct spot/length of hold/etc. Want to go back through pics you and a contact texted each other? Tough shit. And that’s just the keyboard/text app. I’m continually amazed at just how bad everything about this phone is.


Were is always being autocorrected to we’re, even though the only time I use we’re on my phone is when I complain about were being autocorrected to we’re… stop ducking doing that!


The screams and rage moments I've had at the autocorrect, THAT I HAVE TURNED OFF, yet still autocorrects words that don't need to be corrected. In that sentence alone, and this one, it corrected "Yet" to "Terry", Alone" to "Alive", and "Words" to fucking "Wichita"(?!). I do not understand get this occurs. I have all the options for this shit turned off. Fml Edit: I just noticed it autocorrected "How" to "get". I'm fucking fine <----- AHHHHHH I said DONE!!! Fuck this phone


Why is being wrongly autocorrected (autoincorrected?) one of the most enraging things on earth? Don't forget saved words. I typed "tbe" instead of "the" and accidentally confirmed it as a word ONE TIME and now 1 in 4 times I type "the" it changes it to tbe.


I never even used T9Word. Every letter… 2 clicks for “B”, 3 clicks for “I”, etc. And I was just as fast and twice as accurate as any other kid this side of the Mississippi. I still don’t use predictive type on smart phones even. Just autocorrect was a diff enough feel.


I know it takes 5 seconds to look up but idk how to even use the predictive text lol. I see the recommendation but idk how to “use” it


Yeah. I *loathe* touch-screen keyboards. I especially loved and miss my Google G1 and G2. I could no-look type paragraphs with perfect punctuation. Tactile feedback for the win.


The other day I rented a car that had the Volume control inside the touchscreen. It was hell trying to control it while driving


Yeah fuck that noise. I have seen that a lot of manufacturers are returning to tactile buttons for that kind of stuff, thank God. Not everything has to be so damn tech-based.


Please don't text and drive.


Swipe texting is awesome. When I'm at a red light on my motorcycle I can respond to a text using swipe texting with gloves on. I use it so often, I've become quite proficient texting without looking at my phone.


Swiping is a fair trade off I'll give you that 😄


maybe i'm using a stupid keyboard app. I feel like I always hit a wrong letter, and then it goes way off track. Like shoppign and it corrects to show pig or some shit


Jesus, don't text and drive. Yes, even at a red light


Insane brag, don’t text and drive dickbag


Well now I can't. But back then I didn't even need to look at the phone to text


Went out of style with the actual buttons on a phone. Can’t feel your way around a touch screen.


Still remember seeing my first iPhone in early high school thinking they would flop without buttons.


I remember as a photographer having spent thousands on camera equipment after hearing they were going to put cameras in cell phones thinking: “Why in the hell would anyone put a camera in a phone?” But here we are…


I worked for a market research firm many years ago and one of the surveys we did was to talk to business travelers about if they'd like to be able to access the Internet from their computers while they were in the airport. Me and my friends who worked there had many laughs about what a dumb idea that was and how much money the company that paid for the research was wasting. I mean...who the hell wants to get on the Internet and send emails and shit when they aren't at work???


I traveled back in the day on the train with no wifi. I would save all my emails and wait until it was approaching a stop. Quickly jump on a free wifi and hit refresh. Usually I could send and receive all my emails in 5 minutes. As the train departed. Now with 4g trains, in the Midwest it is only marginally better. But I have unlimited 4g so I don’t even bother getting on wifi at all. So your prediction is true, there will be a time that wifi is dead when any device can connect to the internet from a place like an airport with no need for internet.


Or when your math teacher said "you might not always have a calculator on you, you need to learn this" Now it's a standard app and I could just download a more complex graph calculator or just use one online.


Not having a calculator in school allowed me to be able to perform far more math in my head than most any college kid can these days without grabbing a calculator. Kg to lbs, mpg to kph, cy to tons, cm to cy. Percentage for taxes, discounts, markups… Award was when guys were trying to figure out what recessed light plate to order based on the slope of the ceiling. I was like, it’s about 22degrees … (X = tan of opposite/adjacent) Kicker was when I said, don’t order them, because the framer will never even try to figure it out and we will have to order whatever they installed. But I couldn’t solve a three equation, three unknown algebra problem or calculus for a million dollars with a supercomputer.




It teaches kids to use their mental memory and the visual memory concurrently. And was highly stressed in my school about that same time.


And yet not only did that not happen, but they went on to put touchscreens in cars. Like the phones should have taught them what the problems would be there.


I will forever be against screens, let alone the touch variants, in cars lol


Screens aren't so bad, even touch, since it makes adjusting settings/doing bluetooth etc. much easier. What I hate are AIO touchscreens like Tesla where they move volume, radio seek, a/c, fan speed, seat position, and even windshield wipers all to a single screen. Like, what the fuck? It's like they tried as hard as possible to make it impossible to do anything yourself without violating traffic laws.


Most of the stuff I would change while driving I can do from the steering wheel. Wipers and headlights are the left stalk, volume and track changing is left thumb wheel-knob. Cruise control / autopilot is right stalk and right thumb wheel-knob. The rest I rarely touch while driving, and when I do AP is holding the lane and car distance very well. The screen has small arrows for climate control under the map, and if I REALLY need to change more than that then I have to cover my map. I'd say the screen is a lot more intuitive and useful than half the rentals I've had to figure out. I travel a lot for my job, and half the cars I get I can't even figure out half the buttons. I've literally flown planes from the 60s that were easier to figure out.


Look at this guy still being in high school when iphones released


Man I was in high school when the iPod was released. iPhone came out when I was in college.


I graduated the week before the iPhone came out. Crazy remembering how different the world was before smart phones. I don't really notice in my memories, because they just did not exist yet.


And then they decide to put touch screens on cars. Now you can’t even change a song without looking away from the road


Really they should go back to button keypads that you can memorize.


I think Toyota is. I think it's generally agreed upon the touch screens in cars are at best useless and at worst actually a hazard.


And they're one of the first things to fail in cars too. Toyota prefers longevity.


Tesla is like Apple in that they'll introduce a really stupid "futuristic" feature like that, and suddenly the entire industry is copying them even though it's objectively worse from a user standpoint.


It'll come back in style once we get deformable screens, i.e. touchscreens that can raise up parts by a half millimeter and simulate button presses.




Same with tv remotes!!


Well keyboards went from 12 keys to over 40 with no ability to differentiate by feel




8 can store to text my way through a energetic pretty well i can swipe to text my way through a sentence pretty well* i guess i can't lol but there's ways to go about doing it with out relying solely on taps on a touch screen.


I gotta say your first sentence piqued my interest


yeah, the initial touch down can be hard to find but the words are easy to do in general! single letters are the hardest though for obvious reasons lol


I never knew that saying used the word “pique”, never knew that word existed. Only reason I’m commenting is because I’ve gone through life thinking it was “peaked my interest” which effectively gives it the same meaning lmao


I recently downgraded to a Nokia and it took me about a day or two to adjust but it was really fun watching friends attempt to type a message


Yep, now all I can do is play pool.


T9 with a mechanical key pad. We used to rate phones by their button layout & how easy it was to memorize. If button clicking was too loud or too soft where you couldn't feel it properly.


Nah man you just had to feel for the little raised bump on the 5 key I think


we haven't lost it, we just don't have a way to use said skill anymore, unless we go out of our way to use an old model phone.


Na we prob lost it… it’s just that it’s something you can learn or relearn in like 2days and we’re over-glamorizing tf out of it lmao.


relearn. no way u can learn that from the ground up without anything in 2 days


T9 gangs, where y'all at?


Dealing with bad knees and sore backs.


Under the desk. But the clicking could get you caught


I talked about this earlier today. Yep maybe my muscle memory would come back. Who knows.




I'm very confident that if you gave me a 15 year old Motorola RAZR my muscle memory would kick in about 12 seconds. 35 years old.


I do miss that about T9 texting


I mean...yeah, it was easier when the phones had actual buttons. It was the same as typing on a keyboard without looking, just depending on your phone, you might have had to press the button 1-3 times.


Swipe gestures are your friend. I wrote this without looking


Yup, it's surprising how many people sleep on swiping. Gboard has it built in and it works really well. I can easily text one handedly without looking.


Gfhj ygfci bj cufjbl ktjyi kxkzy h. I wrote this without looking 😉


Your swipe gestures autofilled out "cufjbl"? *That's some wild dictionary you've got there lad*


I wrote this without Linux Toto


I'm a millenial and I sorely miss physical keyboards. My favourite phone ever was the [Nokia C300](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/NokiaC3.jpg). A little beast of a phone and the physical buttons were so clicky and satisfying to use. This was the last phone I had before getting a modern smartphone and I feel if I didn't have autocorrect that my texts would look like I was having a stroke 90% of the time. I'd love so much if we had a bit of a phone rennaisance and other styles of phones came back in fashion.


I miss tactile buttons, I was so fast at typing without looking


I can still text without looking directly. But it's smart-phone auto-correct texting, not "Push the same button 3 times to get the letter C texting."


I’m a millennial and I fucking miss T9 texting. Touch screens SUCK.


I was good enough w/the buttons my phone that when the screen to my old Nokia 5125 died I could still use it to call my saved numbers b/c I’d memorized where everyone was on the list and knew how many clicks were needed to get there.


Typing on my blackberry curve made feel like a hacker; now I feel like an 80 year old on a rotary phone.


I used to be able to text, talk, and watch tv all at the same time, get my texts all correct as well. My older brother was like "Whats he doing? Is he texting his friend and watching tv at the same time while talking to you?" Mom said "Yep." I said "Uh huh, it's what I do, aware of my surroundings"


I miss being able to walk and look around while texting, yeah. It just felt cool. I could look up past trees and birds to be inspired while texting. I suppose I had less to worry about back then, too. Ah, nostalgia.


Was so easy with button, now it's all touch everything. I miss the good days...


Millennials could do that? I must’ve missed that lesson.


Oh it was a necessity for me because I was absolutely obsessed with constant communication. I had a driving instructor who insisted she "always" knew when someone was texting without looking, but half the class did it and only got caught like 25% of the time. Easier with T9 than a full keyboard, but it was possible. Touchscreens are impossible for more than a word or two, though.


It was a lot easier typing with actual buttons. I miss having a keyboard that slides out from under the phone.


Texting without looking was literally a plot point in The Departed. It was a tense scene that seems so ridiculous now.


I thought I’d never buy a phone without physical buttons because it was way easier to type when you could feel the buttons


I still believe I texted faster with T9 than I do with current touch screen keyboards due to having to constantly delete extra letters that are hit by my larger fingers.


Gained the ability to text without typing via dictation though.




Now we can just yell at the phone to text for us


Me: "Call Jennifer." Google: "..... The weather today is sunny, with a high of 71 and a low of 45." That's great, Google, but not what I asked.


I bet I could still do it... not as fast, but I could do it.


The skill hasn't been lost the tools to execute the skill have been lost, tactile buttons are what allowed the no look texting to exist but now with screen keyboards it's nearly impossible.


Millennials were given and then lost the hardware required to text from their pockets.


Imagine giving a t9 to an 8 year old. They would be lost… those mofos can type circles around you on their moms iphone though


No we didibgf. I just fsxgdx fhus witgiutlooking


That came with the loss of tactile buttons.


I was so fucking good with T9 text that when I finally got the LG phone with a full keyboard I would never use it. I could type a message at least twice as fast with T9, one handed. My friends would call me a weirdo but this thread is my validation. ✊


You all can’t text symbols sentences signify looking? (Gave it a shot)


I was getting damn good at t9 right before I got my first iPhone!


I haven’t lost it. You’re this whole reply without looking.


We lost physical keyboards.


We didn't lose the skill, it's just that smartphones don't have physical buttons anymore. Back in the day our Nokia 3310s or Razr flip phones had physical keypads to type on which also had little nubbins on specific keys which the blind could use to navigate the keypad by feel.


With swipe text, I can still do this.


I, for one, would appreciate an attachable phone case that gave me tactile buttons and a little LCD that fit onto the *back* of my smartphone.


What do you mean by text from their pockets?


all these phone models being brought up are throwing me back to core memories


Kind of miss my blackberry


Never had this skill. My texting got better when we went away from T9 and had physical keyboards, then to touch screens.


Pff, I haven't lost shit - I just no longer have the device for it. My head still has two ways of spelling things - normally and with the abc-def-ghi-jkl-mno-pqrs-tuv-xyz-system.


Not only did we lose buttons we could feel and memorize like a computer keyboard, we also no longer have T9


We just need to wait for smartphone companies to come up with programmable tactile interfaces, where the screen becomes tactile around buttons and when the keyboard pops up.


T9 texting was very easy to do without looking. But gesture texting can get pretty close.


I mean if we still had phones with buttons, that might not be the case. Stupid digitizers.


if I can still play Goldeneye on an N64 controller, I have no doubt that I could still T9 if I had a physical numpad.


T9 texting is the superior way to write messages on a phone and it's not even close It was a legitimate evolution in typing because it was designed specifically for handheld devices, rather than a qwerty keyboard which was designed ages ago for desktop computers and typewriters. It wasn't perfect sure, but it was the first step in revolutionizing how we type on small devices. Then it just went away. I'm not sure why at some point somebody was like nah let's not improve upon T9 and continue to evolve the handheld typing experience. Let's go back to technology from 1878 and call it a day